Samsung Moment :: Security App For Phones

Jan 13, 2010

so anyone find a security app for our phones? I found mobile defense, but i'm curious what others use? I'm looking for something to:

- find my phone if I lose it
- lock it remotely if it gets lost
- etc.

Samsung Moment :: Security app for Phones

Samsung Moment :: Refurb Phones Would Not Connect To GPS

Aug 3, 2010

I just got a replacement yesterday for my phone since my old one would not connect to GPS. All was fine, I rooted and installed Radioactive FroYo 1.8.9 (or what ever the newest is) plug my phone in at 11pm, wake up at 8am and my phone wasn't fully charged. I unplugged it and checked my email which only took a minute and it dropped to about 50%. WTF I thought, so I plug it into my laptop and it detected it, then I unplugged it, then I plugged it in again and nothing happened, wiggled the cord around and it would go in and out of being connected to the computer. So this phone has a bad USB or something, which would explain why a couple times last night I heard the single chime coming from my phone. So now I have to reflash my phone and have Sprint order me another phone.

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Samsung Moment :: New Firmware From Bricking Phones

Dec 22, 2009

Just a heads up to anyone who uses Samsungs PC Studio (I don't)

The folks at Samsungmomentforum are reporting that there's a new firmware update for the Moment and installing it bricks the phone.

Just a heads up to anyone in case you thought of upgrading.

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Samsung Moment :: HTC Legend Or New Rumored Phones?

Mar 5, 2010

Just curious why we haven't heard of anything new down the pipeline with new android phones? supersonic seem to that we are getting the HTC legend which looks pretty nice! But not to happy with 600mhz processor...So I was wondering was up! Not that I care cause I'm not due till next January...but looking forward to the future in Android with Sprint!

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Samsung Moment :: Replacement Phones With Different Models

Sep 13, 2010

I am on my 4th moment in 3 months. At what point do I push them to replace it with a different model? Do I have any basis for asking for a different phone? On the plus side, I might get one that has properly functioning WIFI.

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Motorola Droid :: Security On Rooted Phones?

Jun 5, 2010

I remember all the ruckus about security concerns for jailbroken iPhones, and after talking to a friend with one of these devices, I began to wonder if there were any similar concerns I should have with a rooted Droid?

1) Is it more important now to have a "pattern-protected" lock screen?
2) Do I need to create a unique password for SU access?
3) Do I need to be more concerned malware or data swiping from market apps?

I love my recently rooted Droid but assume that "with great power, comes great responsibility." Is my assumption correct, or do I need not be concerned?

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Samsung Moment :: What Is Android 2.0 Release Date For First Generation Phones?

Dec 7, 2009

Good article thought you guys might want to see. They say absolutely nothing about the moment, but possibly the behold 2. What is the Android 2.0 release date for first generation phones?

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Android :: How Are Security Credentials / Passwords Stored On Phones?

Sep 1, 2010

How are security credentials/passwords stored on android phones? Are they encrypted or in other way secured in case of i.e. theft, or do I need third-party applications to secure my phone?For example, if my telephone gets stolen, would it be possible to easily get access to stored browser passwords, my google password, app passwords (e.g. login to cloud services).Are these in some way encrypted and tied to PIN, unlock code or other are they completely "in the open"?

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Samsung Moment : Android Market Blocking Items For Certian Phones

Dec 9, 2009

I hope its not just me. But there has to be an update for google maps by now.We are at 3.1.2 i think.When i search for google maps in the market, i get everything but google maps.I was trying to get infinity web browser as well, and this never shows up for me. But it is in the market.Just as Google's website says that google maps is on the market, and they dont offer a download.So, is sprint/Samsung blocking stuff in the market? do we have our own special market or something? I'm not seeing to many apps that say "must have root access" either.

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Android :: Which Phones Support Droid / Task Of Sending An Sms At Moment?

Jul 21, 2010

Just want to know which cell phones are good for android. Have a task of sending an sms at the moment, so can anyone help?

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Samsung Moment :: Swap Gently Used HTC SPRINT HERO For SAMSUNG MOMENT

Feb 9, 2010

Here I am with 2 HTC Hero phones, with only one on an active account. I would love to try out the Samsung Moment, but don't have the $$ to just go out and buy one.My hero comes with all it had when new, plus I have an extra battery for it I will add to the deal. This hero has only been used for about a week, and while using it, it "lived" in my Blackberry Tour holster to give it maximum protection. There are no scratches or rub marks on it, never been dropped and I have reset it to Factory Specs via the SECURITY MENU and the ESN is clear and ready to be activated on your SPRINT account.Please email me at if you are interested. Maybe we can work out a swap.Now for the additional 1 to 2 feet of snow that is forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow, on top of the 2.5 feet still on the ground.

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Samsung I7500 :: Adding A Security Certificates

Jan 14, 2010

I tried very hard but could not find an answer anywhere. I am attempting to install a security certificates (a pfx file) to get wifi access in my office but in the Samsung Galaxy (at least the one selling in Israel) I dont have an add a certificate option in the advanced wifi settings menu.

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Samsung I7500 :: Internet - Download Security App

Sep 3, 2010

I use EDGE on samsung galaxy I7500 and also connect it to PC through USB to use it as modem. I have heard that using internet on phones is bad for them. Is it true ? and does it apply to my phone also ? and moreover i sometimes download app from market, do i need to download some security app also ?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Flashing Kernel And Security ?

Feb 15, 2010

I decided to split this off to a new thread, and hope some coders will join in and start compiling a kernel. We could then merge this with the galaxy asop effort.

Here's a bit more technical information.


The galaxy flash files are just yaffs images and a zimage (and of course AMSS) all tarred up. The tar format needs to be oldgnu for odin to accept it.
There's no protection at all. Thats because the glaxy is released completly security unlocked (simlocks are different, not the same thing). You can flash any image you like.

AMSS - arm ELF binary for baseband
kernel - zimage
system - standard yaffs image
recovery - standard recovery format
tar - oldgnu style standard tar file

The Galaxy also has a mtd device driver which means you can read/write its partitions with dd.


Behold 2

The behold has the same image format, yaffs, zimage and AMSS. See below for specific differences per image:

AMSS - arm ELF binary for baseband

The behold 2 also contains a partitions file. This is most likely for the AMSS, and allows the layout of the baseband to change. I'm not sure if the galaxy supports the same, but probably does.

Its safe to say you should NOT try to flash an AMSS from galaxy to the behold or vice versa.

Since the radios have the same functionality, and we don't know how to recompile and AMSS, you should never flash any new AMSS with a custom rom. Only flash AMSS with official updates.

> kernel - zimage

Just like the Galaxy this is a standard zimage. There's nothing special about it and you can modify it however you want. BUT in order for it to flash the tar file needs a special header (see tar below)

Since we can change the kernel, upgrades to newer OS versions is now possible.

> System - standard yaffs image

It appears the system image format on the behold2 is DIFFERENT to that on the galaxy. If you flash a galaxy system file onto the behold 2 you will most likely end up with a brick.

I suspect the behold 2 file has the flash address embedded inside it. Flashing the galaxy system file writes to a bad address killing the bootloader. When i say BRICK i really mean BRICK. No life in the phone at all, it wont even charge. so DONT DO IT!

In order to write a custom system to the behold 2, we will need to untar or unyaffs the modified system from the sdcard on first boot. This can easily be accomodated in the init.rc of you're modified zimage.

> Recovery - standard recovery format (protected?)

The recovery image format seems to be the same - standard android format with a ramdisk, kernel etc. However flashing it using odin doesnt work. There is some sort of protection which is preventing the image being flashed. I havnt looked thoroughly at this and someone really should. I suspect either it is signed (unlikely since the other images dont seem to be protected), or there is a write address embedded in the file, like the system file.

It would be nice to be able to flash a custom recovery, or even boot from a ramdisk, but I think this wont be simple.

> tar - oldgnu style standard tar file (with header)

Both the galaxy and behold2 have a header at the top of tar. The galaxy will flash regardless of if this header is intact or not. The behold 2 however MUST have this header intact for it to flash anything.

It seems this header contains the size, and write address of the zimage. Its possible the addresses of other images like the recovery are embedded in this too. We should look more closely at this header, especially between firmware versions to see what changes. In the mean time to replace the zimage, just hexedit your new image over the existing 'kernel' file in the tar. Remember you need to keep the size the same, so pad with zero's or just leave the remainder of the old kernel in the extra space.


The sources that samsung provided are missing patches. This means you can't compile the behold kernel simply.

Also because the partitions are different, and the memory layout is different (compare msm/board-init files) a standard galaxy kernel will not boot.

Making the changes to get it to boot are not that dificult. It would be nice if someone who actually has a behold 2 and linux knowledge could have a look at this. It takes far to long for me to do this remotly, and frankly I just dont have that much time.

All you need to do is:

- compile the galaxy kernel (test your environment)
- replace board-init in the galaxy source with that from behold2 sources
- turn on linux console

Now boot and check if the galaxy kernel is able to see device's for each partition on the behold. If not you'll need to copy the disk/flash driver from the behold 2 sources.

Once you are able to get that far, you can merge the changes into the i7500 asop project and add a kernel switch for the behold 2. Now all galaxy 2.x progress will be directly transferable to the behold2.

You will need to make a change to the init.rc to mount the drives and unyaffs the modified system.img the first time it boots. Again a simple change.

Forgot to mention HOW to flash a kernel.

1) Take the stock behold 2 PDA tar file.
2) Use jzip (must be jzip on windows, winzip etc wont work) to remove ALL files except the kernel.
3) Extract the kernel file for reference (leave it in the tar too)
3) Download HexWorkshop or similar Hex utility.
4) Use Hex Workshop compare function to compare 'kernel' and the tar. It will highlight the kernel in the tar file
5) Open new kernel in Hexworkshop. Select all and Copy
6) Highlight the same number of bytes in the tar file and paste over the original kernel
7) Flash with Odin (JUST this tar) as PDA, and of course selecting the behold ops file.

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Samsung Moment :: Calling Samsung Moment Data Lockup

Aug 27, 2010

Recently on Sprint's Moment forum a member by the name Mkeng5 has been posting pretty vocal complaints about the Samsung Moment. Not only does he claim the Moment is defective, but he goes a step further and even cites Samsung's own Warranty Policy.

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Samsung Moment :: Is Samsung Moment Capable Of Multi - Touch?

Oct 21, 2009

I currently own a Palm Pre and I'm ready to ditch it for an Android device. Don't get me wrong, webOS is clean and has a lot of potential, but for now...lacking would be a good (albeit understated) word to describe it. I want to jump the Pre ship for the Samsung Moment, but one thing I keep reading about the Moment is bothering me - everyone says it doesn't have multi-touch. However, I recently read that multi-touch is something Android doesn't yet support. This knowledge was previously unbeknownst to me since I haven't used an Android device since the G1 first launched. Since the Moment uses a standard Android build, the OS wouldn't allow multi-touch even if the phone were capable of it. So my question is: Does anyone know whether or not the Moment is capable of multi-touch? If it's simple a shortcoming of Android, I can deal with it since I know Android 2.0 should finally support it.

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Samsung Captivate :: Security -setting To Not Allow Different Sim To Work In Device

Oct 23, 2010

where is the setting to not allow a different sim to work in the device?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Security App - Firewalls And Virus Protection

Oct 26, 2010

After reading about the android not needing a task killer, since its linux based and it could make it worse, I got rid of it. Would this be true for security apps, such as firewalls and virus protection, are the really needed I could understand the one that helps find your phone. I have lookout installed and it says it does a virus check after an app is installed.

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Samsung Captivate :: Security Lock Application / Protector Settings

Aug 8, 2010

I am looking for an application that will allow me to lock out certain applications and features. For example, its common that someone wants to tinker with my phone because they have never seen it. I don't want the messing around in my messaging center, gmail, etc. But the general phone lock is not enough. I want to specify certain apps and functions that will require password or gesture. I found "ES Security manager - application protector" in the market. It worked okay for a day, now its buggy. When I go to a locked app and put in my password. Now it goes to the protector settings instead of the application. Also, it can easily be killed from a task manager app. I need a good solid app that will do this for me.

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General :: Samsung Galaxy S3 Switches To Security And Lock Screen?

Nov 16, 2012

why my Brand New Samsung Galaxy S3 is switching screens from whatever screen I am currently on to the Security and Lock Screen?

It seems it may be APP related because when I KILL my apps with the Advanced Task Killer it doesn't happen as often.

ALL the Apps are the same Apps that were on my previous phone (Samsung Captivate) which never did this. There are no NEW Apps on this phone.

Software is current and up to date as it was downloaded within 5min after un-packaging the phone.

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Samsung Moment :: Browser For The Moment Which Can Open Https Secure Websites

Jan 13, 2010

I am trying to open a secure website (https) and the Moment stock browser balks. Will another browser work or is this a limitation on the phone?

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Samsung Moment :: Moment Intermittently Won't Respond / Wake Up When Receiving A Call

Jan 26, 2010

I've already done the update but both pre and post update, my Moment intermittently won't respond when getting a call. The call comes in, I hear the ringtone but no matter what buttons I press, the phone won't respond. I have to wait until voicemail kicks in or the call has ended.

I called Sprint technical support and they're going to send a new (I hope it's new) phone. I hate to set up the phone for the third time. Is there a fix or should I just bite the bullet and get the new? phone? Has anyone had this problem?

What experiences have you had with replacement phones from Sprint?

Should I be worried about getting a lemon phone?

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Samsung Moment : Does Setcpu Speed Up Moment / Use For Downclocking To Save Battery

Aug 7, 2010

Does setcpu speed up the Moment at all or is its only real use for downclocking to save battery?

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Samsung Moment : Black Friday Deal On Moment $79.99 For New, $99.99 For Current Customers ??

Nov 24, 2009

Gizmodo has a Black Friday list and just added the Moment at a big discount. About the 12th deal listed under Cell phones. It's supposedly offered from Wirefly. Come on and join us the more the merrier. I got mine from BB @ $99.

Black Friday Deals: The Only List You Need - Black Friday - Gizmodo

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Samsung Moment :: Way To Use Upgrade To Acquire Moment Without Commiting To Data Plan?

Dec 13, 2009

I currently have a voice plan, with sprint, for my dying LG Musik and my father's Palm Centro and am seeking to replace my Musik with a Samsung Moment. I have an upgrade available on my account, however I don't want to get locked into a data plan, since I rarely spend any time away from Wifi.

Does anyone know if there is a way for me to use my upgrade to aquire the Moment without commiting to the data plan?

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General :: Samsung Galaxy S2 - Synching With Two Exchange Servers With Security Policy Conflict

Jun 8, 2012

I have an SGS2 with the latest ICS release (rooted). I work with two companies supporting sync with the exchange server (2010) on a smartphone.

I can set up both exchange servers at the same time. The first day the both work, but on the second day one of the two (so far always the same) start giving me connection errors, and will no longer sync emails.

I am almost sure that the problem is that for security reasons, both want to have their security policy (admin privileges etc) enforced over my phone, and when they re-check daily they find that the policy is not as they want it. to overcome this?

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Samsung Moment :: Set Up New Moment Any Way To Mark All As Read Or Fix Count On Gmail?

Dec 6, 2009

set up the wifes new moment her gmail still says 109 unread I went intp gmail on the pc and marked all as read then refreshed on the phone, no luck, tried going to manage apps and clearing all gmail and refreshing, still no luck short of one by one deleting all 109 any way to fix the count?

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Samsung Moment :: How To Make Moment A Wireless Tether For Internee?

Dec 8, 2009

So i had a hard decision to make when buying a new phone. It was between the HTC Hero and the Samsung Moment. After about 2 weeks I finally made the jump. A lot of the apps are on the I phone and I touch which is pretty cool. But can anyone tell me if it is possible to maybe change the phone kinda like jail breaking? Is there anyway of making the Moment a wireless tether for internee?

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Samsung Moment :: Number One Complaint / Voice Capabilities Of Moment

Nov 9, 2009

Most every other "issue" to this phone has been a non-issue for me to this point.However, the one feature Samsung really screwed us on is the voice capabilities of the phone.I think they are tied to the Nuance system and therefore unusable by other apps like google voice search and where.I hope samsung or sprint writes a live search app for this phone.I bought the phone with the expectations of this phone being capable of voice commands without being limited by nuance.

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Samsung Moment :: When Hero Gets Rooted / Moment Follow Quickly?

Nov 6, 2009

I know nothing about rooting phones, so i thought Id ask here. Im in the process of choosing between the moment and the hero, and I cant decide. The biggest concern I have is how fast will the Moment be rooted. Its sounding like they are close with the Hero, and once that is done will that make it easier for someone to figure out how to root the moment? Or is it like starting from scratch from phone to phone? Im also a bit concerned that no one at XDA will be helping with the process since the moment is not an HTC phone. I had a Treo800 when it first cameout, and it seemed like it took FOREVER for roms to make it way to that device. Any thoughts?

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