Samsung Moment :: Replacement Phones With Different Models

Sep 13, 2010

I am on my 4th moment in 3 months. At what point do I push them to replace it with a different model? Do I have any basis for asking for a different phone? On the plus side, I might get one that has properly functioning WIFI.

Samsung Moment :: Replacement phones with different models

Samsung Moment :: Home Replacement Apps

Feb 7, 2010

The Android Applications forum keeps misleading me because people talk about apps and features that aren't available in Android 1.5, so I thought I'd ask the other Moment owners about home replacement apps. I think I'd like something, but I'm really hesitant to pay for one that I may not like, and I also worry that I'd not really understand all I could do with one and therefore not truly appreciate it.

I've also seen very mixed reviews on nearly every home replacement app.

So I'm curious about the opinions of other Moment owners on these home replacement apps and also if there are any good places for thorough information on them.

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Samsung Moment :: Best Homescreen Replacement/ Launcher App For 2.1

May 15, 2010

I just wanted to know what launcher everyone is using on 2.1. I myself am using HelixLauncher and have been impressed, but would like to find out if there is anything else out there that i might be missing out on.

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Samsung Moment :: Any New Replacement For Nuance Voice Command?

Jun 11, 2010

With the 2.1 update, are there any apps that can replace the sucky Nuance Voice control?I like the new Google voice search that came with 2.1.why cant Nuance work that well?Google never gets it wrong. I have trained the Nuance app, tried every setting it has and it still SUCKS.If I hear, "Did you say?" one more time I am going to scream!

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Samsung Moment :: Theme Android Without Home Replacement

Feb 10, 2010

Just relaying my usual FYI (might want to know) development... The group that was working on theming android has pretty much been a complete success... We now can change the animation along with the colors of the bar and other cool stuff...This requires a rooted moment tho so can not be applied to totally stock

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Samsung Moment : Homescreen Replacement / Find CNN - ESPN - FaceBook Icons

Nov 16, 2009

This was originally going to be a post about missing icons. I'll return to that.

I recently installed a (paid) homescreen app called GDE from a guy at XDA developers. It's wonderful, and gives me a choice of the number of homescreens, transition type, and whether the sequence of screens loops or not (appears endless) It works well and is very smooth. I use the box transitions and it's very impressive.

Back to the icons, which will be of interest to anyone who replaces their homescreen app. When I installed GDE, I was basically given 5 blank homescreens. All my shortcuts were gone and had to be re-installed.

Not so bad, because it gave me a chance to re-organize my device. But, I couldn't find my CNN, ESPN, Facebook icons. That's when I started this post, because I thought they were apps, they are not, they are browser favorite shortcuts on the homescreen.

So, if any of you replace your home app and want to restore these, just open your browser, go to favorites, and long hold on the shortcuts you want to install on home.

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Samsung Moment :: Security App For Phones

Jan 13, 2010

so anyone find a security app for our phones? I found mobile defense, but i'm curious what others use? I'm looking for something to:

- find my phone if I lose it
- lock it remotely if it gets lost
- etc.

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Samsung Moment :: Refurb Phones Would Not Connect To GPS

Aug 3, 2010

I just got a replacement yesterday for my phone since my old one would not connect to GPS. All was fine, I rooted and installed Radioactive FroYo 1.8.9 (or what ever the newest is) plug my phone in at 11pm, wake up at 8am and my phone wasn't fully charged. I unplugged it and checked my email which only took a minute and it dropped to about 50%. WTF I thought, so I plug it into my laptop and it detected it, then I unplugged it, then I plugged it in again and nothing happened, wiggled the cord around and it would go in and out of being connected to the computer. So this phone has a bad USB or something, which would explain why a couple times last night I heard the single chime coming from my phone. So now I have to reflash my phone and have Sprint order me another phone.

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Samsung Moment :: New Firmware From Bricking Phones

Dec 22, 2009

Just a heads up to anyone who uses Samsungs PC Studio (I don't)

The folks at Samsungmomentforum are reporting that there's a new firmware update for the Moment and installing it bricks the phone.

Just a heads up to anyone in case you thought of upgrading.

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Samsung Moment :: HTC Legend Or New Rumored Phones?

Mar 5, 2010

Just curious why we haven't heard of anything new down the pipeline with new android phones? supersonic seem to that we are getting the HTC legend which looks pretty nice! But not to happy with 600mhz processor...So I was wondering was up! Not that I care cause I'm not due till next January...but looking forward to the future in Android with Sprint!

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Samsung Moment :: What Is Android 2.0 Release Date For First Generation Phones?

Dec 7, 2009

Good article thought you guys might want to see. They say absolutely nothing about the moment, but possibly the behold 2. What is the Android 2.0 release date for first generation phones?

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Samsung Moment : Android Market Blocking Items For Certian Phones

Dec 9, 2009

I hope its not just me. But there has to be an update for google maps by now.We are at 3.1.2 i think.When i search for google maps in the market, i get everything but google maps.I was trying to get infinity web browser as well, and this never shows up for me. But it is in the market.Just as Google's website says that google maps is on the market, and they dont offer a download.So, is sprint/Samsung blocking stuff in the market? do we have our own special market or something? I'm not seeing to many apps that say "must have root access" either.

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HTC Droid Eris : Way Of Getting Replacement Phones - Still Having Bugs?

May 29, 2010

I'm curious about what your experience has been if you've had to get a replacement phone. Have the bugs on your old phone been resolved, or are you still having glitches - either the same old ones or new one? Your evening quiz: Did you have to install OTA or was 2.1 already installed? If you had the problems with poor battery life, or poor signal, before, do you have them on your replacement?Anyone have any *new* bugs arise on the replacement that you didn't have before?Was the replacement (presumably a refurb) in like-new condition? Did you just pull the SD and swap it before sending the old phone back? Does it make a difference if you return it to a Verizon store, or directly back to Verizon?

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Samsung I7500 :: Battery Used In Any Other Models?

Sep 26, 2010

Anyone know if that battery used in the i7500 is the same/interchangeable with batteries used in any other Samsung phone?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Too Much Differentiation With Galaxy Models At Consumers Expense

Jun 30, 2010

Looks like all of the models have something good, but all have something missing. I appreciate differentiation, but this seems silly. Tmo gets 16gb built in, but no flash or FFC (not that I would us a FFC).Sprint gets a keyboard, but not the 16gb built in.Verizon's seems the weakest features of the litter in regards to built in memory (2 wimpy gigs)Best option to me would be the Sprint verison, but with 16gb built in. BTW, where is the flash for camera on the Tmo? Crazy.Samsung should change name to Silly sung.These differences would only be good for the consumer if on the same carrier and still options are too spread out. None of the devices have the complete feature set of the models. Makes zero sense to anyone but Samsung.

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Android :: Which Phones Support Droid / Task Of Sending An Sms At Moment?

Jul 21, 2010

Just want to know which cell phones are good for android. Have a task of sending an sms at the moment, so can anyone help?

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Motorola Droid X :: Getting Dx Replacement Can Verizon Transfer Everything To Replacement?

Jul 31, 2010

Looks like I have a dead pixel issue on my camera.. when I get a replacement, can that transfer all my settings and everything over, or do I need to downbload and install and setup everything all over again? I'm using launcher pro, and setting up all 7 home pages again takes a LOT of time.

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Samsung Moment :: Swap Gently Used HTC SPRINT HERO For SAMSUNG MOMENT

Feb 9, 2010

Here I am with 2 HTC Hero phones, with only one on an active account. I would love to try out the Samsung Moment, but don't have the $$ to just go out and buy one.My hero comes with all it had when new, plus I have an extra battery for it I will add to the deal. This hero has only been used for about a week, and while using it, it "lived" in my Blackberry Tour holster to give it maximum protection. There are no scratches or rub marks on it, never been dropped and I have reset it to Factory Specs via the SECURITY MENU and the ESN is clear and ready to be activated on your SPRINT account.Please email me at if you are interested. Maybe we can work out a swap.Now for the additional 1 to 2 feet of snow that is forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow, on top of the 2.5 feet still on the ground.

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Android :: 3d Models And Open GL

May 9, 2009

I've managed to get some basic 3d stuff working quite nicely on my Android device. My question is how do you define/create more complicated 3d models? Obivously using int[] arrays of vertices hand written is quite time consuming and error prone. Are there any modelling tools that can be used?

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Samsung Moment :: Calling Samsung Moment Data Lockup

Aug 27, 2010

Recently on Sprint's Moment forum a member by the name Mkeng5 has been posting pretty vocal complaints about the Samsung Moment. Not only does he claim the Moment is defective, but he goes a step further and even cites Samsung's own Warranty Policy.

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Samsung Moment :: Is Samsung Moment Capable Of Multi - Touch?

Oct 21, 2009

I currently own a Palm Pre and I'm ready to ditch it for an Android device. Don't get me wrong, webOS is clean and has a lot of potential, but for now...lacking would be a good (albeit understated) word to describe it. I want to jump the Pre ship for the Samsung Moment, but one thing I keep reading about the Moment is bothering me - everyone says it doesn't have multi-touch. However, I recently read that multi-touch is something Android doesn't yet support. This knowledge was previously unbeknownst to me since I haven't used an Android device since the G1 first launched. Since the Moment uses a standard Android build, the OS wouldn't allow multi-touch even if the phone were capable of it. So my question is: Does anyone know whether or not the Moment is capable of multi-touch? If it's simple a shortcoming of Android, I can deal with it since I know Android 2.0 should finally support it.

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Android :: Predefined Licensing Models

Oct 25, 2010

As I understand, currently there exist two of them, to relieve devs from implementing their own ones, which are -strict -servermanagedpolicy However, I'm missing a predefined policy that actually is the counterpart to the soon deprecated "copy protection mode", ie one that will check once, and then keeps silent for weeks or even months, instead of harassing users to make an online connection. So, I'd like to request to please add a third predefined policy to cater to our laziness. A policy that is the counterpart to the actual old 'copy protection' thingy. Apart from this I don't really see why an app that has been correctly installed by the market with device-based signature checks and all really needs to be checked every 5 days? Wouldn't that only make sense if the app is sort of subscription-based?

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Android :: Database And Web Service Models

Aug 20, 2010

I'm watching the 2010 Google I/O video on this topic and I have a few questions to make sure I understand properly. Google I/O 2010 - Android REST client applications Please note I also have a very limited understanding of CursorAdapters Right now my application just has a UI layer. I've created an object called DbAdapter using some Google tutorials to create a small database and a table in that database. I've created a class I'm calling DataBroker (extending ContentProvider) to manage retrieving data from the database and calling web services to update data. Scenarios:

1) Suppose I want to display a list of items in my ListActivity. Am I correct in assuming I will write a function in my DataBroker that creates a Cursor to the table in my database that holds those items, fire up a service which launches a thread which calls a web service to get additional items, then return the Cursor to my UI thread? Doing this would likely return the Cursor to my UI thread before the web service finished, but, I'm assuming, once the CursorAdapter has a Cursor, it will automatically show any changes made to that database table, yes?

2) Now I have a list of items in my ListView. Suppose I give the user some functionality to delete an item. The user executes this functionality. It should call a function in my DataBroker which updates the row in my database corresponding to that item, setting the status column to STATE_DELETING (which will remove the row from the ListView because the Cursor has a clause excluding this state), then fire off a service that fires a thread that hits my web service, then deletes the row in the database when finished? Also, suppose I have multiple Activities, am I looking at having a static Cursor for each Activity with a list, grabbing that Cursor in the Activity's onCreate, and if that Cursor is null, hitting my DataBroker?

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Android :: Portrait QWERTY Models Coming Down

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any portrait QWERTY models coming down the stretch besides the already announced...?

I know Motorola have several models (CHARM, DROID PRO, SPICE) but I want an open phone (custom ROMs).

The other current/announced models are basically non-existent.

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Android :: Where To Get AVD Files To Match Various Models Of Phone?

Sep 3, 2010

Is there any place where I can get AVD files to match various models of phone?

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Android : What Is Context For / Save Models In Database?

May 17, 2009

I have just started on a new application that will use SQLite for persistance and Im a bit confused over the usage of a context when utilizing the SQLiteOpenHelper.

I have a base class called Storable, which my models extend if they need to be persisted. i had intended to use a synchronized singleton database adapter, but I can't for the life of me understand how to utilize the SQLiteOpenHelper as it requires a context, which my models don't appear to possess.

I'm aware that I can get around this by not using the SQLOpenHelper - but if this restriction is in place, I would assume its to prevent people creating apps "the wrong way" for android.

What is the best practice way for saving models in the database?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: What The Best Home Replacement?

Jun 7, 2010

Ok so to everybody out there whats the best home replacement. I wanna get every ones opinion and go from there.

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Samsung Captivate :: How To Get A Replacement Phone?

Nov 19, 2010

I am getting the random shutoffs constantly now. Also recently my phone will no longer connect up with my computer, it tells me in the notifications that the USB is connected even when it isn't(idk if this one is a common problem or not). But my question is whether or not I can get a replacement. I bought my phone in late August and these problems have been on and off since beginning of October. I do not have insurence because I came from an iphone4 and didn't realize insurance was available on the Captivate(I called literally one day after the 30 window expired and the lady wouldn't give it to me, thanks ATT).

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Samsung Captivate : Bad Battery / Need Replacement

Oct 5, 2010

My battery life has been getting worse over the last few weeks.This morning in 5 hours since my last charge it is at 11%.This is with only 15 minutes of talk time and 40 minutes of display. My question is how bad is bad enough to get a replacement? Is there anyway I can get a new phone out of them and not just a new battery?

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Android :: Loading 3D Models - OBJ File Into My Own Model Class

Mar 11, 2009

How are people here loading in their models? I'm just manually parsing a OBJ file into my own model class and drawing that.

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