Samsung Captivate :: Traditional Unlock Screen?
Jul 19, 2010Is there any way to get the traditional unlock screen on the Captivate?

Is there any way to get the traditional unlock screen on the Captivate?
Noticed today that when the phone is unlocked with the power/unlock button, that the screen starts off at a significantly lower brightness, but the light sensor seems to then kick in and the correct brightness is then displayed after. This happens for only a fraction of a second, but is quite jerky and immediate.Is this normal, or should the screen brightness remain one constant level from unlock? Of course, changing when it should based on lighting conditions.The same also happens when the screen is about to sleep. Once the lock button is pushed, the screen brightness almost notches down in 2 steps. First at half the brightness, or so, and then off completely. Again, not necessarily smooth, but quite jarring.Again, is this normal of other Captivates?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to set a numeric password so that when you wake the captivate up it asks for the password. Currently, I can only find that you can set a pattern to unlock the screen. But no option for a numeric password. Is this possible?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAT&T Captivate . First day errors .
Well it keeps likes turning off. Well directing it self to the main screen "locked" once i unlock it. It says on the top internal mass and something else. Randmly does it. As well i can connect it to a pc..
I saw this app in the market. Samsung Galaxy S Unlock Tool - Android app on AppBrain. a lot of people said is very good. but my question is what is the good to have a unlock phone?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIma new to the android world, I had a iphone and hated it. Now I have a samsung captivate and I love it. I herd of the side app loader wonder machine but I cant find the driver for my phone when I hook it up to my computer. Where can I download the driver for my phone and get the sideloader to work on my phone.
View 14 Replies View RelatedAny current way to unlock the captivate? All the links are to old and don't work. I am a beginner and need it spelled out for me.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone try this. Says you don't need root. Search for Galaxy S unlock. Works for Vibrant and Captivate.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy wife now has a Captivate, but I'm noticing that she has a hard time with the timing of waking up the phone & the slide to unlock time out. Is their a setting to give the user more time to "unlock" the phone before it goes back to sleep?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used to have a Samsung Omnia HD and to unlock the phone, you would just hold down the unlock button. Is there any app that would enable this for the Captivate?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried searching everywhere for this but all that would come up was lockscreen "wallpapers". I was wondering if theres anyway to change the Slide to unlock to something similar to a droids or nexus ones slide to unlock. If it matters any, I am rooted.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAlright, so its day 3 of my time with the captivate... so far so good. coming from my iPhone 2g, I will say the device is amazingly fast by comparison... Also, I have been able to make and receive calls from my office and my in-laws house. two places that had been frustrating dead-zones before. So I am happy. Now, I'm switching over to Google Voice for my SMS, since its free, usable on desktop, etc.I am also using LauncherPro as my Launcher.I am not rooted and don't really plan on rooting.A couple Questions:
- I LOVE the puzzle-piece unlock when there is a Text waiting, is there any way to have this become the standard unlock screen?
- Or, alternatively, can I at least get it to work for texts waiting on google voice? Any way to expand the puzzle functions to include email?
- Is there a good Google Talk widget?
- Is there something I can change to improve facebook notifications? It seems I don't get any, unless I open the app. I tried the widget, but that seems to be just a news feed. Am I missing some setting for push notifications?
I have a Captivate that I just brought today.....and everything works just fine except the Contacts App. When I launch the Contacts App the screen is blank and nothing to click on to add a contact.
Is something wrong with just the app or phone? Has anyone experienced this?
Does anyone know if it's possible to unlock the screen by simply sliding the keyboard open? My Moment does that and it's annoying as I end up pocket dialing people or opening up programs because the keyboard slide on it gets jarred and unlocks the screen.This will be a deal breaker for me between the Epic 4G and EVO.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHas anyone downloaded an app to unlock the home screen than the stock dots that come with phone? If so could you please give a good feedback? Did a search and found nothing on the moment?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a samsung galaxy s user, and have been for a few months, obviously at first i had it as android 2.1, it was brilliant i had nothing to complain about. The other night i updated to 2.2, i think it was that i cant be sure, but, ever since this my phone has just been constant lag, and to be fair i havent noticed any real change except for that, for instance if i recieve a message, my phones unlock screen becomes a lot of puzzle pieces and i have to drag one puzzle piece to a gap, this has become near impossible to do it smoothly, its ridiculous. closing any apps is a nightmare and typing anything is the worse, have i done something wrong? or am i not the only one this is happening to, because my dad has the same phone he updated it just before me and its working fine.
View 7 Replies View RelatedCan someone please tell me how to set my phone up so I can use the jigsaw style screen unlock for my samsung galaxy S? At the moment I can either have a pattern unlock, where I swipe a pattern of 4 circles to unlock my phone. If I turn this option off it just tells me to swipe the screen to unlock.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi just having a problem with my samsung galaxy s5570 i;m using cm 7.2 but when i disable the lock slider and then i lock my phone now i cannot unlock it there are no slider i also try using the adb shell but it did not work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cannot get the recovery screen to come on for the life of me. I hold the volume buttons and the power button and once the AT&T screen pops up, I release the power button. It sits there for a second and the screen goes black. I have tried releasing the power buttons then and I have tried holding them as well.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo today in glass design I was checking messages when a small ( when i say small i mean you almost can't even see it) piece of glass landed on my captivate. My captivate has the body glove, screen protector and screen protector.When this little piece of glass got on the screen I tried to just rub it off but it cut through the screen protector and put a deep scratch on the actual captivate screen.The screen protector I was using was gadget guard so I definitely don't recommend using that if you plan on it because of how weak it is. I'm also disappointed with the captivates screen. If a small piece of glass barely rubbing on it can leave a deep scratch, I can't imagine what keys could do.You can't really see the scratch, but I'm just super ocd about it and can feel it on my finger every time it's in that area.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am setting up a co workers phone and I notice that his keyboard is unresponsive.Here are points I notice this.In the Market, when I click on the search button. I also notice when I have the keyboard up and on the tight side of the keyboard it will just do nothing.Is this a known issue?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a confession to make.One of the first things I did when I got my Captivate was tried to De-TouchWiz it.I immediately got a new launcher and used lockbot to change the lockscreen.Well, what I'm finding out is that there are some things about TouchWiz that I really like.For example I love being able to change wifi settings etc. on the drop down notification drawer.I also love being able to change the brightness by swiping the notification bar.The one thing that I decided to come back to as a UI element is the Lock Screen.I didn't even give it a shot when I first bought the phone and today I've been using it and I love it.The puzzle message system is just a great tweak and I love how you can just move the puzzle piece into the puzzle hole to go straight to that application instead of swiping the whole screen to unlock and go to the home page.I also really like that you can kind of swipe any which way to unlock the screen, as well as the fact that it's transparent to your wallpaper/live wallpaper.All around, bravo to Samsung on the lock screen.I hope others are enjoying it as much as I am.
View 13 Replies View Relatedmy brand new samsung fascinate just went white. I went to push the button on the side to unlock it, and just lit up white. I went to do a hard reset and it did not solve the problem. When i restart phone, i can hear the phone start up music, and the soft buttons on the front work, but all i see is bright white. I had someone call me, and my phone rang, yet all i saw was a bright screen. When it goes idol to black, it wont turn back on at all.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI think we all have this, at least the one guy awake at this hour on IRC did confirm.If you have jt's clean rom see if you can unlock the lock screen by merely pushing the menu soft key?I'd prefer not to have this ability quite frankly
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know, how I can remove the sweep glass screen unlock on the Samsung Galaxy S.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt seems like almost every time that I unlock my phone, one of the icons on the home screen is selected (long press, like I was intending to move it or trash it). Using Launcher Pro, if that might be causing it. I don't think it was doing this before the last Sprint update, but don't know if that's the cause either.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've only had it for a week, so how do I exchange it?, or what do I do?
In case you wonder how I know, the screen goes to blackness after the galaxy S screen
What are the advantages/disadvantages of each method. Or does it even matter now that Unrevoked is a true root?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've entered a wrong pattern too many times. The phone now asks for my gmail username and password. I tried to enter them, but it doesn't accept the credentials. They are certainly valid, I know because I logged in via web browser with the same name/pass and it works.
View 6 Replies View RelatedConsidering moving from the Droid 2 to the Droid X. I cant really make up my mind, but I dont really like the D2, but I cant really explain why. I think its the form factor itself. Portrait keyboarding isnt good with my big thumbs, the screen is narrowish.
Anyhow, played with one at the Verizon Store last night. Wish they had one without the damn teather cord on it LOL. I noted on the landscape-keyboard, the spacebar is all the way on the right. Is it possible to install a new soft-keyboard thats more traditional?
Still struggling,