General :: Unlock Samsung Captivate?
Feb 14, 2012Any current way to unlock the captivate? All the links are to old and don't work. I am a beginner and need it spelled out for me.

Any current way to unlock the captivate? All the links are to old and don't work. I am a beginner and need it spelled out for me.
I saw this app in the market. Samsung Galaxy S Unlock Tool - Android app on AppBrain. a lot of people said is very good. but my question is what is the good to have a unlock phone?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIma new to the android world, I had a iphone and hated it. Now I have a samsung captivate and I love it. I herd of the side app loader wonder machine but I cant find the driver for my phone when I hook it up to my computer. Where can I download the driver for my phone and get the sideloader to work on my phone.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to get the traditional unlock screen on the Captivate?
View 7 Replies View RelatedNoticed today that when the phone is unlocked with the power/unlock button, that the screen starts off at a significantly lower brightness, but the light sensor seems to then kick in and the correct brightness is then displayed after. This happens for only a fraction of a second, but is quite jerky and immediate.Is this normal, or should the screen brightness remain one constant level from unlock? Of course, changing when it should based on lighting conditions.The same also happens when the screen is about to sleep. Once the lock button is pushed, the screen brightness almost notches down in 2 steps. First at half the brightness, or so, and then off completely. Again, not necessarily smooth, but quite jarring.Again, is this normal of other Captivates?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAnyone try this. Says you don't need root. Search for Galaxy S unlock. Works for Vibrant and Captivate.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to set a numeric password so that when you wake the captivate up it asks for the password. Currently, I can only find that you can set a pattern to unlock the screen. But no option for a numeric password. Is this possible?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy wife now has a Captivate, but I'm noticing that she has a hard time with the timing of waking up the phone & the slide to unlock time out. Is their a setting to give the user more time to "unlock" the phone before it goes back to sleep?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used to have a Samsung Omnia HD and to unlock the phone, you would just hold down the unlock button. Is there any app that would enable this for the Captivate?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried searching everywhere for this but all that would come up was lockscreen "wallpapers". I was wondering if theres anyway to change the Slide to unlock to something similar to a droids or nexus ones slide to unlock. If it matters any, I am rooted.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAlright, so its day 3 of my time with the captivate... so far so good. coming from my iPhone 2g, I will say the device is amazingly fast by comparison... Also, I have been able to make and receive calls from my office and my in-laws house. two places that had been frustrating dead-zones before. So I am happy. Now, I'm switching over to Google Voice for my SMS, since its free, usable on desktop, etc.I am also using LauncherPro as my Launcher.I am not rooted and don't really plan on rooting.A couple Questions:
- I LOVE the puzzle-piece unlock when there is a Text waiting, is there any way to have this become the standard unlock screen?
- Or, alternatively, can I at least get it to work for texts waiting on google voice? Any way to expand the puzzle functions to include email?
- Is there a good Google Talk widget?
- Is there something I can change to improve facebook notifications? It seems I don't get any, unless I open the app. I tried the widget, but that seems to be just a news feed. Am I missing some setting for push notifications?
AT&T Captivate . First day errors .
Well it keeps likes turning off. Well directing it self to the main screen "locked" once i unlock it. It says on the top internal mass and something else. Randmly does it. As well i can connect it to a pc..
I've entered a wrong pattern too many times. The phone now asks for my gmail username and password. I tried to enter them, but it doesn't accept the credentials. They are certainly valid, I know because I logged in via web browser with the same name/pass and it works.
View 6 Replies View Relatedi just having a problem with my samsung galaxy s5570 i;m using cm 7.2 but when i disable the lock slider and then i lock my phone now i cannot unlock it there are no slider i also try using the adb shell but it did not work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just got my new Samsung galaxy ACE model GT-S5839i , the problem is that i have been reading a lot of tutorials, about how to root, or unlock the samsung galaxy ACE, but its seem they have done something with the new version and its not working.
There are a lot of stuff out there about the GT-S5830 but anything about the GT-S5839i wich is the one i have got.
So, how to root this phone, or how to enter the recovery mode.
I've a huge problem on my Samsung Galaxy S GT-i9070P, My IMEI number disappeared while trying to unlock.
View 2 Replies View RelatedA friend of mine set a password on his Galaxy Note and then he forgot it.Now, I know the solution is to access recovery and wipe data/factory reset.
BUT unfortunately he has lot of pictures and videos stored in the phone memory, not on SD, and he'd like not to lose all of it.
Is there a workaround for that? The Note is stock, but I can work on it, if there's a way to unlock the phone without losing data.
SK17i using Tapatalk 2
Alright, so I have rooted my Captivate, and brought it up to 2.2. My issues are the following. Before I started messing with the operating system at all, I did a full Nandroid backup. My special situation is that I had contacts not associated with my Gmail account, and not synched to my SIM card, because it was full. These contacts should be backed up with the nandroid backup, but is there a way to simply extract them and put them on my computer, or have them back on my phone, without overwriting all of the data on my phone again?
I would like to be able to take the data.img file, and extract the contacts from it to my computer. Also, is it possible in Nandroid to restore just the contacts to the phone?
I rooted my captivate thinking that i could install apps that are blocked on my phone, like Sirius XM, WiFI tethering.....even after rooting the programs are still being blocked and i cant install them. am i missing something? im new to android and had an iphone that i jail broke. im confused on what rooting actually.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm kind of new to Android. Only have had this phone for a few weeks,switched over from the iPhone. Anyway, I'm having trouble with Game boy emulators. I loved playing Pokemon on my jailbroken iPhone and would really love to enjoy it on my Captivate.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere have been a lot of threads both touting the quality of this phone and whining and bitching about its drawbacks. Let's make it official. Do you like the Captivate? Feel free to elaborate, or just take the poll.
View 49 Replies View RelatedSo I painfully watched my Cappy's battery door crushed under my friend's car as one of their "harmless" joke. Now there's not a single site on the internet selling these doors, and I'm desperate. I found dummy/display Captivates though, so I was just wondering if anyone knows if the dummy battery door can replace the REAL door by any chance?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow Do I Sync Captivate "Memo" to MS Outlook 2007 "Notes"? Is there an app? Can I just do it through Google (have already sync'd mail and calendar; contacts are sync'd via export/import)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got AT&T Samsung Captivate i897 (2.1 Eclair). I unlocked and rooted my phone. I was using simple free phone earlier which doesn't require data plan but after two weeks I bought samsung captivate, AT&T added $25 data plan. I got my phone from AT&T store where my friend works so he took my data plan out of the plan for now but he said they will find out and add into your plan again. Also, He said that they recognize by your IMEI number. My question is: Is there anyway I can change my IMEI number? I was thinking to use my simple free Nokia phone's IMEI number and use it for Samsung Captivate so AT&T thinks that I am using Nokia phone.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter running three updates this morning. I started getting a weird light effect when I unlock my phone. It happens at the top of the screen just to the right below the battery. It's a quick yellow glow then it disappears until my phone is locked then unlocked again. One of the updates had to do with my weather widget [Weather & toggle]. Anyone seen or heard of this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an unlocked captivate. I have a German T-D1 pay-as-you-go sim that I've used many times in unlocked GPS phones. Now I have an AT&T captivate and wonder whether GPS or other apps will work. Does GPS require a data plan to work? If so I'll have to figure out whetted I can add this to my T-D1 plan. This will also answer my question about whether using the Captivate for navigation in the US needs a data plan to work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI rooted my Captivate tonight and I know how the superuser icon with android skull and crossbones. However neither Super Manager or ASTRO will allow me to uninstall the crap ware on my phone. Is there something I'm missing? I followed all the steps at XDA. So far I've tried to remove YPMobile, ATT Navigator, and ATT Maps. Any suggestions? I tried searching this on google and this forum but didn't come up with anything.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAre there any external lights on the Captivate that let you know you have email or a message or battery charge is complete, etc?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow to make camera up & down instead of sideways?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust wanted to start a hard case review. Anyone got a hard case yet? Will seidio make one for this phone? How about screen protectors? I'm assuming the steinheil crystal for the regular galaxy s they have on the website won't fit?
View 2 Replies View Related