Motorola Droid :: Unlimited Bandwidth - Limited
Nov 9, 2009i've read that with the 30$ "unlimited bandwidth" price that there is a 5GB cap and any GB that you go over is 50$. is there anyway to track usage of bandwidth?

i've read that with the 30$ "unlimited bandwidth" price that there is a 5GB cap and any GB that you go over is 50$. is there anyway to track usage of bandwidth?
When you use tether or hotspot via 3rd party or rooting are you still bound by the 2gb or 5gb limitation?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just recently started using pdanet when my high speed internet connection at home was having issues. Oddly i found it to be very fast and work pretty flawlessly from my droid. My question is during the summer i have a 2nd home which has no option for high speed connections, but does get 3g Verizon. I mostly would use my laptop for reading emails and teaching online classes through my college. Has anyone on Verizon ever had issues using bandwidth through a tethered device as i described? I know there is this on going battle of whether our unlimited plans are truly unlimited or not. I would not use massive loads of data but i do not want to incur problems with my service either. Love to hear your opinions.
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs anyone aware if Verizon sticking with the Unlimited plan or will they do the tiered data plan alike AT&T? Will the X upgraders be burdered with this? How much data do you use? What is average data usage?I averaged: 6/01 - 6/07: 602,627 KB. (Got my Incredible on June 1st this is funny to me)5/08 - 5/31: 411, 534 KB. (Storm 2 I guess doesn't have any love)I'm interested to see how my past month panned out when I see the statement.
View 27 Replies View RelatedI can't believe I am using that much bandwidth So, what happens when I go over the 5GB? What is the overage cost?I should turn off notifications
View 49 Replies View RelatedI searched other WiFi tethering posts and couldn't find the answer. If I get a droid 2 rooted, will the WiFi tethering be free? And will it be unlimited? Or does Verizon stop me or add charges for going over a certain number of gigs?
View 7 Replies View RelatedThere's been a lot of talk about this lately, so when I was on the line with a Verizon rep I thought I'd ask. Granted Verizon reps aren't always the most knowledgeable so take this for what it's worth.I asked about the data plan and she confirmed that it's the Air cards that are limited to 5GB. Currently there's no limit for phones. I then asked about tethering. She told me that since the Droid doesn't do tethering there are no limits. I inquired about third party apps that provide tethering and she responded saying that because those apps are not provided by Verizon they are not considered tethering, rather falling under the data category and are therefore unlimited.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWas just comparing the two data plans. The T&C is here:About Us Facts-at-a-Glance Acceptable use policy: Acceptable Use Policy They are listing it as "Unlimited Data Usage" plan and with my discount it's $35 a month.3) VOIP is mentioned as an acceptable protocol! This really surprised me.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAlright, so I recently purchased the droid and I am looking to put in on Boost CDMA for their unlimited plan.I can pull the PRL off of a boost phone that I am using right now (I think) and have an esn of an old boost phone can I can use for a switch so it is recognized in the database. I own both phones so I don't see any issue with this. My question is; is rooting the phone necessary for this to work. I would think so, but I am not sure. I have seen people flash the droid over to cricket, virgin, page plus, metro pcs, so why not boost mobile? I am just looking for some feedback from people more knowledgeable than me. This is my first android phone, so I am quite ignorant in all things android. I flashed an HTC TP2 over to boost, so I am hoping I can do the same with the droid.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf I change my plans minutes, will I lose my unlimited data package I have on my Droid?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHere in Canada we don't have unlimited data plans ($25 for 500MB on Telus), so obviously of big importance is how much bandwidth a GPS system like Google Maps actually uses, when it streams it's content.
Right now my option is to stick with Motonav, but I won't be buying it - it's 99EU, PER AREA, *EVERY 2 YEARS!* The funny part about Motonav is their site says the 99Euro is for the 'lifetime of the product' and then further down they define 'lifetime' to be 2 yrs. Haha.
Anyway... has anyone done a test with Google Maps from start to finish on say a 1hr trip and recorded how much data it uses? (maybe use an app like NetSentry which records used 3G and WiFi bandwidth) I'm not sure if Google Maps uses like megs per minute, or just a few kb per minute. I only get 500MB/month on my plan so if anyone knows if this is feasible, for a few trips per month using it...
I have a Droid X, and I got a nasty surprise after using it for a couple of weeks: I had gone through over 10 GB (not a typo) of bandwidth already, and earned a friendly call from Verizon telling me to shape up or they'd terminate my contract. Since then I've been running with background data turned off (settings -> data manager -> data delivery -> unchecked background data.) This works nicely and keeps my bandwidth down to usually a megabyte or so per day, preserves the battery, etc, but it seems like overkill. What I really want to find out is what was using so much bandwidth to begin with, and find a way to let my well-behaved apps run and update themselves, etc while preventing these bad ones from running. Anyone know of a way to track bandwidth usage on an app by app basis? Is that even possible? Or, has anyone else run into a similar problem and found a way to solve it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have tried doing some speedtests on my eris but have not gotten any speeds over 2mbps down and 1mbps up. This is over a WiFi connection on the DS3 line at work. Does anyone know if this is just a fluke with my phone or is there some bandwidth limitations on the eris?
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust found out what "unlimited" data means according to Verizon. If you don't know what I mean, have a look here: Verizon Droid Tethering Will Cost You - Business Center - PC World. Anyway, with a wifi connection established, is it safe to say that my Droid will not transfer data over the 3G connection so I don't have to worry about this, or do I have to turn the 3G off and loose the ability to send and receive calls to know for sure that I'm not risking racking up more fees?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've looked all over this forum and others and haven't found anyone with this issue. Got my Droid Eris last week and love it so far. When I use Wi-Fi it finds my router and connects with no problems. I open browser and can go to, do searches from there, etc. and everything works fine and pages load quickly as long as I stay on But when I try any other site they either never load ("web page not available") or they take several minutes to load.
Browser works fine on all sites when on 3G. I tried Wi-Fi with 3G turned-on and turned-off, but same results. Tried clearing browser cache, deleted cookies, etc.
I'm stumped...I can't think of anything that would prevent non-Google sites from working only when I'm using Wi-Fi.
Are Android phones limited to 160 characters on sms? If so why?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have published an app on Android Market which is limited to Norway. I'm able to find and install it myself from Market, as can several other Norwegian users. A colleague (Android 2.1) and a friend (Android 1.6), on the other hand, cannot find it. They both have phones bought in Norway, with SIM cards from Norwegian providers.
Why are some Norwegian users able to find it, and others not? How does Google determine the location of Market users?
The app works on Android phones with v1.5+.
As many news sources have indicated Verizon is set to eliminate the unlimited data plan in the next month or so.Will this change allow current Verizon customers to get out of their contract without a penalty?Source: Verizon (Customer Agreement)Can Verizon Wireless Change This Agreement or My Service? We may change prices or any other term of your Service or this agreement at any time,but we'll provide notice first, including written notice if you have Postpay Service. If you use your Service after the change takes effect, that means you're accepting the change. If you're a Postpay customer and a change to your Plan or this agreement has a material adverse effect on you, you can cancel the line of Service that has been affected within 60 days of receiving the notice with no early termination fee.
View 21 Replies View RelatedMy friend just got an iPhone and he is using an app called TextFree which enables him to send and recieve unlimited texts with the same app (you are given a different number similar to google voice). And I was wondering if there was something similar for Android.
View 13 Replies View RelatedJust got my first android phone, the eris! I'm really excited, if anyone could help me out with some tips please do! are there ways i can watch my data usage, since i have a limited amount?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI know there is an app for an iphone.. Is there something like that for the droid?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOk so IMO wasting bandwidth is a terrible act in this day and age. Yes I'm talking to you sitting at home browsing the forums on your phone but not on WiFi but 3G. Am I the only one paranoid about this? I think you should use WiFi whenever available because if 50 guys hog all the bandwidth watching youtube over 3G while they are at home with WiFi and 1 guy riding the bus can't check his email is that fair? Let me know what you guys think on the matter.
View 15 Replies View RelatedThis is a question asked in various incarnations across smartphone forums, and I'm sure here as well. But I'll ask again with a slightly different spin. Is it "wrong" to consume much bandwidth from your cell phone? The implication of high bandwidth usage being the stress of the network and unfairly impinging against other users. It is an argument I've seem most from iPhone and other users contracted with AT&T.
My take is to view the availability and use of bandwidth like a market. The supply and demand for data establishes an "equilibrium" bitrate. With this view in mind, I think it seems a little more pointless to begrudge high bandwidth users just for consuming what is available. Maybe there ought to be a cost associated with high usage, which could be funneled into making a more robust network. But the responsibility ultimately is with the carriers to see that demand can be satisfied.
I'm looking for something to set a Kb/s or Mb/s bandwidth limit on my HTC Desire... Similar to how NetLimiter works for Windows. There are tons of apps out there that track and/or limit the total amount of data transferred, but I haven't found any that can restrict the actual data transfer speed.
It doesn't have to be too fancy or complicated; all it needs is an option to set a system-wide bandwidth limit (like 20Kb/s for example) and it would be nice to have a way to toggle it on/off (preferably by widget or ongoing notification).
If nothing like this exists currently and somebody manages to make an app to fill to void, I'd say a donation is definitely in order.
I was looking for an app that shows the realtime internet bandwidth Upload/Download in the status bar. If there are any apps out there?
Unfortunately, I have seen this only in iphone, I have attached a screenshot that shows what I'm looking for.
I finally tethered my moment the other day, works great, the speed of the internet leaves much to be desired. Is there an app, piece of hardware or tweak ect. that can increase the speed/bandwidth of this phone.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to track down a rogue application that seems to be receiving massive amounts of data. On the iPhone, I would use about 200mb/month due to WiFi at work and at home. However, on the Samsung Captivate, I can go from 100MB/month to 2+GB/month! I noticed huge amounts of data being used on my commutes to and from work.
On occasion, my home WiFi/DSL would get so lagged due to my Captivate being on the network that my son would complain and I would then put the phone in air plane mode. I reasoned that if it was happening on my WiFi network, as well as 3G, then perhaps I could using my router to log the activity to see what sites my phone was trying to connect to, then perhaps I could pinpoint the offending application.
My phone was connecting to a website that was part of a posting that was on facebook, which was only showing on the Samsung "Feeds and Updates" widget. I wasn't running the native facebook application at the time. I had the "Feeds and Updates" widget set to never update, unless I manually did it. Why was it trying to connect when it shouldn't have been? Don't know. Am I certain that this widget was the offending application? Not sure. Since removing the widget, I haven't had any bandwidth spikes.
PS. I tried Droid Wall, but it fails to work.
Been searching around the web and there seems to be a Consensus about Unlimited data lately... Android is reporting that they have confirmed that the $10xtra will offer unlimited 3G and 4G.... no just 4G as some may previously reported Those Extra 10 Bucks/Month For HTC EVO 4G Don�t Just Get You All-You-Can-Eat 4G But 3G Too | Android News, Reviews, Applications, Games, Phones, Devices, Tips, Hacks, Videos, Podcasts - Android Police. they pinged a sprint rep and got this response on twitter Twitter / svinge: @AndroidPolice You are cor .. Also PhoneScoop is reporting the same Sprint's WiMax Plans Have No Data Cap (Phone Scoop)I wonder what the implications would be for the HotSpot feature?... If I can get Unlimited tethering and not have to worry about that 5GB LIKE I DO NOW WITH AT&T! . . . then the $30 wouldn't be bad at all
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Was there any discussion from verizon about getting rid of unlimited data? july 29th was the date that they were apparently going to do a press release or something, but idk i didn't hear anything. am i missing anything?
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