Motorola Droid :: About To Go Over 5GB Unlimited Data Plan?
Feb 12, 2010I can't believe I am using that much bandwidth So, what happens when I go over the 5GB? What is the overage cost?I should turn off notifications
View 49 RepliesI can't believe I am using that much bandwidth So, what happens when I go over the 5GB? What is the overage cost?I should turn off notifications
View 49 RepliesIs anyone aware if Verizon sticking with the Unlimited plan or will they do the tiered data plan alike AT&T? Will the X upgraders be burdered with this? How much data do you use? What is average data usage?I averaged: 6/01 - 6/07: 602,627 KB. (Got my Incredible on June 1st this is funny to me)5/08 - 5/31: 411, 534 KB. (Storm 2 I guess doesn't have any love)I'm interested to see how my past month panned out when I see the statement.
View 27 Replies View RelatedThere's been a lot of talk about this lately, so when I was on the line with a Verizon rep I thought I'd ask. Granted Verizon reps aren't always the most knowledgeable so take this for what it's worth.I asked about the data plan and she confirmed that it's the Air cards that are limited to 5GB. Currently there's no limit for phones. I then asked about tethering. She told me that since the Droid doesn't do tethering there are no limits. I inquired about third party apps that provide tethering and she responded saying that because those apps are not provided by Verizon they are not considered tethering, rather falling under the data category and are therefore unlimited.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWas just comparing the two data plans. The T&C is here:About Us Facts-at-a-Glance Acceptable use policy: Acceptable Use Policy They are listing it as "Unlimited Data Usage" plan and with my discount it's $35 a month.3) VOIP is mentioned as an acceptable protocol! This really surprised me.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAs many news sources have indicated Verizon is set to eliminate the unlimited data plan in the next month or so.Will this change allow current Verizon customers to get out of their contract without a penalty?Source: Verizon (Customer Agreement)Can Verizon Wireless Change This Agreement or My Service? We may change prices or any other term of your Service or this agreement at any time,but we'll provide notice first, including written notice if you have Postpay Service. If you use your Service after the change takes effect, that means you're accepting the change. If you're a Postpay customer and a change to your Plan or this agreement has a material adverse effect on you, you can cancel the line of Service that has been affected within 60 days of receiving the notice with no early termination fee.
View 21 Replies View Relatedi need to get some info from you guys. to all who had the unlimited data plan w/ ATT before purchasing this phone, were you all able be grandfathered in to the unlimited data plan or were you forced to take on the new data plan which is limited? ive spoken to several ATT reps and was given mixed information regarding this matter. unfortunately i had to take on the new limited data plan with 2GBs. please give me your comments and insights.
View 40 Replies View RelatedI'm new to AF, but I've been lurking here for about 2 months. Did my homework and ended up buying the Samsung Moment and Samsung Exclaim for my girlfriend and I with a new Sprint contract. We're both thoroughly pleased with our phones and our plan.But I do have a question that I haven't seen addressed here. I jumped through all the hoops and was finally able to install PdaNet 2.17 on both my computer and phone. I tested it a little after getting it connected and was pretty well pleased with the performance of both the phone and the software. However, I will not be tethering my phone again until I can find out whether or not Sprint will bill me for it.As far as what I can tell from online sources the data plan truly is unlimited and Sprint cannot tell for a fact if my phone is tethered or not, although the bandwidth usage will be significantly higher during tethering sessions. BUT, a friend of mine informed me that Sprint knows when you're tethering and will charge you as if it is a separate line or however they can. All I heard was that it would cost me.I'm sorry for the long post, but I included the details for clarity's sake and as an insight into the kind of posts the AF community can expect from it's friendly neighborhood HampMan. Any input to the subject matter will be greatly appreciated and I thank you all in advance.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI went to private AT&T dealer to upgrade my phone, contract has been renewed for 2 years, and that guy changed my unlimited data plan (it was $15/mo too) to the 200MB one. He said my previous unlimited data plan was not for smartphones (actually I did not use AT&T branded phone before Captivate, I bought SonyEricsson X1 for my self), if I chose to upgrade the unknown AT&T phone to captivate, they have to change my data plan to the 200MB limit one. Is his explanation true? I want my unlimited data plan.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFrom what AT&T tells me I can't swap SIM (with an adapter) back and forth or I will lose my unlimited data plan. Is this true? I find that incredibly annoying if so. I want to be able to use whichever phone I want at any given time.
View 10 Replies View RelatedAlright, so I recently purchased the droid and I am looking to put in on Boost CDMA for their unlimited plan.I can pull the PRL off of a boost phone that I am using right now (I think) and have an esn of an old boost phone can I can use for a switch so it is recognized in the database. I own both phones so I don't see any issue with this. My question is; is rooting the phone necessary for this to work. I would think so, but I am not sure. I have seen people flash the droid over to cricket, virgin, page plus, metro pcs, so why not boost mobile? I am just looking for some feedback from people more knowledgeable than me. This is my first android phone, so I am quite ignorant in all things android. I flashed an HTC TP2 over to boost, so I am hoping I can do the same with the droid.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI saw a commercial today for the Xperia X10 on Rogers, which said it included "Unlimited Social Networking". Just wondering if anyone, like me bought the phone in April, and knows if this is included in their Voice + Data plan? I'm currently on the $50 Voice and Data, and shows that its pre-bundled in the 3 plans.
Or if this is something we have to contact them to add, or worse, something we missed out on because we bought the phone too early for their liking.
I wanna buy a Samsung Galaxy S, but I need to know if it's economically feasible to run an Android phone without unlimited 3G plan.The reason is I live in a country where unlimited 3G is ridiculously expensive, so I'm still limping along on EDGE. I don't use the Web on my phone too much so that's suits me OK. PC sync is far, far more important to me.What I usually do on my smartphone is:
- talk
- contacts
- calendar
- video
- music
- FM radio
- SOME very basic internet surfing and email
- GPS/Google maps
My last smartphone was a WinMo-powered Samsung Omnia, which was stolen. I figured since I'm getting a new phone, I might as well get one with a new OS. Can I make the switch to Android without burning a hole in my pocket? Will I lose too much functionality and might be better off on WinMo or Symbian or iOS4?
If I change my plans minutes, will I lose my unlimited data package I have on my Droid?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just got the Motorola Droid from Verizon with their data plan. Both at home and work, I can access the internet with wifi. Is there any advantage to using one over the other (obviously I use the data plan when wifi isn't available)? The data plan is one monthly fee that I had to pay anyway, but I didn't know if there was something I was missing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got the DROID X from Verizon and have the small 150Mb plan. I am looking to stop all unnecessary data usage unless I specifically want to use it. I have removed the news and weather widgets from my home screen and turned off "data enabled" and "background data" in settings/data delivery. I am around wifi all day so I can enable that if I want to download an app.Is there anything else anyone can recommend or will that stop the majority of back and forth data transfer from the phone?
View 8 Replies View Related1. I am currently using unlimited data plan, and I am wondering if Using mobile Hotspot and GPS charges me any extra cost.
2. [Since Its not me who pay for my phonebill, so I dont know exactly what plan I am using, but as I checked it on "My Verizon App", It comes out 28897kb/ULMT. It is saying that I am using unlimited data plan. right?]
How is verizon able to get away with tacking on $30 extra on top of the data plan for unlimited email & web browsing?If I cancel this will they block http & smtp from my phone when on the network? I assume I'd be good with wi-fi.Would they block widgets and other apps that use http protocol?
Can the web browser be set up to use a proxy?
If I have wi-fi enabled and unlimited data plan... and I bring up the browser... am I using the browser over the data plan or the wi-fi? How do I know?
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust found out what "unlimited" data means according to Verizon. If you don't know what I mean, have a look here: Verizon Droid Tethering Will Cost You - Business Center - PC World. Anyway, with a wifi connection established, is it safe to say that my Droid will not transfer data over the 3G connection so I don't have to worry about this, or do I have to turn the 3G off and loose the ability to send and receive calls to know for sure that I'm not risking racking up more fees?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been a long time T-mobile customer but now thinking about switching to Verzion and need help.In signing up with Verzion on the website, selecting the Moto Droid, i'm presented with two data plan options:Unlimited Corporate Email & Web for Smartphones (business & personal email) $44.99/month Unlimited Email & Web for Smartphones (personal email)$29.99/month
View 2 Replies View RelatedWell i just bought a cliq retail price and will be arriving next week and i am not getting th data plan because everywhere i go theres wifi and dont see the need to get a data plan has someone have the cliq without the data plan? if so how is it? do mms work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to run android without a data plan? I'm on Orange UK and really like the HTC Hero but I hear Android has something called Always On Internet.
Is it possible to run it without an Internet connection and just use WiFi when available (home, college etc).
I was wondering if i can use a droid without a data plan. I have the driod and i want a switch phones. Is it possible?
View 6 Replies View RelatedBeen searching around the web and there seems to be a Consensus about Unlimited data lately... Android is reporting that they have confirmed that the $10xtra will offer unlimited 3G and 4G.... no just 4G as some may previously reported Those Extra 10 Bucks/Month For HTC EVO 4G Don�t Just Get You All-You-Can-Eat 4G But 3G Too | Android News, Reviews, Applications, Games, Phones, Devices, Tips, Hacks, Videos, Podcasts - Android Police. they pinged a sprint rep and got this response on twitter Twitter / svinge: @AndroidPolice You are cor .. Also PhoneScoop is reporting the same Sprint's WiMax Plans Have No Data Cap (Phone Scoop)I wonder what the implications would be for the HotSpot feature?... If I can get Unlimited tethering and not have to worry about that 5GB LIKE I DO NOW WITH AT&T! . . . then the $30 wouldn't be bad at all
View 6 Replies View RelatedWas there any discussion from verizon about getting rid of unlimited data? july 29th was the date that they were apparently going to do a press release or something, but idk i didn't hear anything. am i missing anything?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am looking to move over to Vodaphone to get an HTC Magic, but I have reservations about their "Unlimited Data" package of 500mb per month. I have never had a mobile internet phone before, but I am looking to use it to its full extent with my next phone. With all the google maps,, Spotify (in the future), Apps and internet, am I going to get anywhere near the 500mb limit? On another point, I think I like the Magic more than the upcoming Samsung I7500.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI thought that we were allowed 300 MB of data roaming without running into overages. I checked my bill today online and it said I use 981 KB out of 0 KB of data available while roaming, but it said I was charged $0.00 for this.
View 18 Replies View Relatedi've read that with the 30$ "unlimited bandwidth" price that there is a 5GB cap and any GB that you go over is 50$. is there anyway to track usage of bandwidth?
View 41 Replies View RelatedWe had a shock at work yesterday when our Orange bill arrived charging me �826.00 for the 1032mb of data I used over my 500mb allowance in the first month of owning a Desire. At the moment we're negotiating with Orange about that, and they're even sending me something approaching an itemised data bill to look at, but in the future I want to get onto a truly unlimited data account to prevent this happening again. Early indications from Orange are that they only do 500mb bolt ons and no more (and it's very hard to actually confirm this on their not too informative website), meaning this issue could easily rear it's ugly head again. If this is the case then I have to consider going elsewhere. Even though we're only in the first month of the contract I'm prepared to completely downgrade my Orange account and keep it running for my wife or something, and to take out a new account with O2 on an unlimited data package (plus I'll have 2 Desires to play with). The only trouble is that in the past (but not in the last 2 or 3 years) I've heard some horror stories about O2's coverage in the West Midlands (I live near to Wolverhampton) and wondered if anybody has local knowledge and can advise whether this has changed in recently.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHey guys I am a former Alltel customer who was transferred to Verizon. My current plan is awesome and includes the Connect Pack 1 (unlimited data) for $9.99. I am currently using an Alltel HTC Touch Pro and cannot wait for the Incredible. Does anyone know if there is a way to keep my Alltel Connect Pack 1 when I get the Incredible? I would REALLY hate to start paying an extra $20 a month for Verizons data plan and would love your ideas to avoid it.
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