Android :: Internet Bandwidth Usage / Paranoid About This
Dec 2, 2009
Ok so IMO wasting bandwidth is a terrible act in this day and age. Yes I'm talking to you sitting at home browsing the forums on your phone but not on WiFi but 3G. Am I the only one paranoid about this? I think you should use WiFi whenever available because if 50 guys hog all the bandwidth watching youtube over 3G while they are at home with WiFi and 1 guy riding the bus can't check his email is that fair? Let me know what you guys think on the matter.
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May 18, 2010
This is a question asked in various incarnations across smartphone forums, and I'm sure here as well. But I'll ask again with a slightly different spin. Is it "wrong" to consume much bandwidth from your cell phone? The implication of high bandwidth usage being the stress of the network and unfairly impinging against other users. It is an argument I've seem most from iPhone and other users contracted with AT&T.
My take is to view the availability and use of bandwidth like a market. The supply and demand for data establishes an "equilibrium" bitrate. With this view in mind, I think it seems a little more pointless to begrudge high bandwidth users just for consuming what is available. Maybe there ought to be a cost associated with high usage, which could be funneled into making a more robust network. But the responsibility ultimately is with the carriers to see that demand can be satisfied.
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Sep 28, 2010
I am trying to track down a rogue application that seems to be receiving massive amounts of data. On the iPhone, I would use about 200mb/month due to WiFi at work and at home. However, on the Samsung Captivate, I can go from 100MB/month to 2+GB/month! I noticed huge amounts of data being used on my commutes to and from work.
On occasion, my home WiFi/DSL would get so lagged due to my Captivate being on the network that my son would complain and I would then put the phone in air plane mode. I reasoned that if it was happening on my WiFi network, as well as 3G, then perhaps I could using my router to log the activity to see what sites my phone was trying to connect to, then perhaps I could pinpoint the offending application.
My phone was connecting to a website that was part of a posting that was on facebook, which was only showing on the Samsung "Feeds and Updates" widget. I wasn't running the native facebook application at the time. I had the "Feeds and Updates" widget set to never update, unless I manually did it. Why was it trying to connect when it shouldn't have been? Don't know. Am I certain that this widget was the offending application? Not sure. Since removing the widget, I haven't had any bandwidth spikes.
PS. I tried Droid Wall, but it fails to work.
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Nov 3, 2010
I can track the overall bandwidth usage of Android device. I wanted to know if there is any method or way, maybe any API or class that can help me track my bandwidth usage per application or process? Reason for this question? I want to stop all those processes or applications that are using way too much bandwidth usage and draining the battery.
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Apr 15, 2010
How To Track Bandwidth Usage On My Android Phone? Most existing applications shows the total used (in/out). I'd like to show the use by each application. I want to find the application that consumes more bandwidth from my internet.
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Jan 4, 2010
Are there any inbuilt classes ya methods that help to count the number of bytes sent/received. I'm trying to develop a light weight browser and am doing this as an option. As mobile users are charged based on the bytes they browse. I think this is a mandatory requirement but the more I google it The less I find?
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Oct 5, 2010
On my contract I think I've got 500mb Internet. Is there a app that will tell me how much mb I have left? I don't mind paying but free will be even better.
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May 19, 2010
Is there any Internet traffic tracking app that would show the amount of data that was downloaded/uploaded by specific application?
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Jun 17, 2010
How much battery percentage do they both use? Like in a minute of Internet browsing I'll get 1% down.
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Jul 23, 2010
I recently rooted my phone and updated the rom to froyo and eversince i have been having very high internet usage so i have 2 questions!
1. Is there a way i can block certain apps from using the 3G internet?
2. Is there an app that will tell me what apps are using what amount of 3G internet usage?
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Jun 8, 2010
Got Orange panther 40 unlimited and tonight have had them confirm its 1gb fair usage policy. Although as good as they are it does keep changing. Anyway did a small experimentation with 3g watchdog and tonight I've scooted around a few forums and its used 7 mb seems a lot.
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Jun 19, 2010
On the HTC Desire how do I tell if my phone is using the Internet? I have 500mb of internet and I dont know if my phone is on the internet after I close the browser. e.g. If I just return to the homepage after using facebook, does the browser automatically close and does not count as Internet usage anymore?
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Nov 2, 2010
I was just wondering how, if possible, to check Internet usage? I'm with Orange on a monthly contract, think my allowance is 500GB a month? Is there a way to check usage as going along, don't fancy getting a bill at the end of the month which is huge! Say I use the Internet (Google, Facebook etc etc) one hour a day, is that a reasonable amount to be within the 500GB limit? I don't want to get a huge surprise when the monthly bill comes through.
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Dec 2, 2009
B4 I buy PdaNet for tethering my new DROID, I really need to know how Internet usage is measured, so I don't get hit with a huge data overage bill. Specifically, how much is being used by Skype w/video. Also, what about using the legal poker sites, e.g. Pokerstars, U.B., Fulltilt, etc. As far as bandwidth/downloading, is safe to tether to all these sites, or is there cause for concern re: going over 5GB per month. On MyVerizon, they tell you what your up to date cell minutes for your monthly cycle are, but I don't see that for the Internet; how do you know where you stand?
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Nov 25, 2010
So I've had my DHD for 3 days, done a little 3G browsing the usual stuff Facebook, emails etc., but nothing more as I used my home WiFi for the widget and app downloads. But today I got a text from Vodafone saying I was near my internet usage limit for the Month! Within 3 days!? I have a 750MB limit, which the chap in the shop assured me was enough to keep me happy as 'no one ever goes over that.'
I was happy with that even though my previous contract was unlimited internet as he said it would be ok. All I can think of is the email syncing, so turned that off. But what else could be causing me to go over the 750MB limit within 3 days? Surely thats a huge amount to be used?
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Dec 10, 2009
just wondering how much the droid will overload Verizon data network, I used 700MB of data last month.
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Oct 26, 2010
O2 have changed the bolt on I had from unlimited usage of internet to 500mb per month. The row I had with them was of no benefit. Anyway, in the space of 3 days I have used 100mb already & haven't really been using browser or downloading (I did obtain album artwork for transferred music files on Mediascape though). Is it possible that Timescape updates of Twitter & Facebook are draining my monthly allowance? I would check emails on the phone too. Haven't been watching YouTube or anything like that.
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Apr 14, 2010
When using Timescape, getting updates does that count as Internet Usage? Do I turn off the Sync Service to turn off Timescape from updating? I just don't want to go over my limit and realise I have to pay tons for the data usage!?
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Jul 23, 2010
I am trying to find where is the call log information: call duration and how many MB I used on mobile internet 3G or GPRS? For me it is important coz mobile internet in our country extremely expensive, so need to have control over how much did I used MB per month.
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Oct 4, 2010
I've tried to see if others have had data problems like mine, but apparently no one has posted on something of my magnitude.
I have 1 Gb of data a month...thats one of the biggest plans in Canada, and I cannot increase (student plan maximum). A few weeks ago, my 3G watchdog alerted me that I was over my 1Gb, and this was in a week span of a new billing cycle. I called Telus and they said it was a mistake, but later on my data usage on their site said I had used 500 Mb on that day!
Since then I had a few more instances where 400 or 500 Mb has been used on a day (almost all outgoing or transmitting data). This has to be a syncing problem or a bug. Not only do I not stream radio or youtube, but I usually only use facebook, twitter, read yahoo email, and weather updates.
I had to get a datablock for the rest of the billing month (since I had used up 2.2 Gb in 10 days) and now I'm monitoring my data wifi usage through data counter widget.
It would be wonderful if I could figure out what app is sucking all of my data...I have about 500 friends on facebook...I also went though and deleted almost all of my emails in my inbox (which was the problem with motorola data usage).
Yesterday, I was on the net on postsecret, and then on facebook (maybe 15 minutes total). Upon returning I saw I had used 510 Mb of transmitting data....
The only advice I got from Telus is to format my phone and start over...No other problems with the HTC desire have been reported to my provider.
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Jan 6, 2010
I know there is an app for an iphone.. Is there something like that for the droid?
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Oct 4, 2010
I know very little about Android. I do have a background in developing apps for the Palm VII; it was my job, in part. But that is as far as it goes. I have a Zio and it suits me fine. I do not care about the next Android release, I just want to do what I need to do. That said, when I download from the market, I am presented with a list of things the software has access to. Location, SD Card, Passwords, email address, and the list goes on and on. I am not telling most of you anything you do not allready know.
My question is this: how are we protected from apps that are designed to take this info and use it in a nefarious manner? Again, I am not an expert. I am not paranoid, just curious. We all have PCs. We all know about virus issues, pishing scams, bots, trojans, scams, etc. Seems to me, the last thing we would accept is software that gathers copious quantities of sensitive data; we do, so it seems, accept it from developers of applications that we freely DL from the market.
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Jun 25, 2012
I got problem after installed Paranoid Android Rom. I dont have all the basic apps like maps or Youtube and I can't Dl them from Google Play, it says tat my devices doesnt support them.....
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Jun 25, 2013
I just installed the Paranoid Android 3.60 ROM that I downloaded via this link [URL] ..... I am using a Sprint Galaxy Nexus.
The problem I am running into is with the "hybrid properties" in the settings. Everything else with the ROM has worked wonderfully, but I believe the Hybrid is the main reason to run this ROM and I cannot access it. Any time i click the Hybrid Properties in settings, I get "Unfortunately, settings has stopped responding." I have reinstalled and wiped factory and dalvik/ caches.
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Sep 30, 2010
I have a Droid X, and I got a nasty surprise after using it for a couple of weeks: I had gone through over 10 GB (not a typo) of bandwidth already, and earned a friendly call from Verizon telling me to shape up or they'd terminate my contract. Since then I've been running with background data turned off (settings -> data manager -> data delivery -> unchecked background data.) This works nicely and keeps my bandwidth down to usually a megabyte or so per day, preserves the battery, etc, but it seems like overkill. What I really want to find out is what was using so much bandwidth to begin with, and find a way to let my well-behaved apps run and update themselves, etc while preventing these bad ones from running. Anyone know of a way to track bandwidth usage on an app by app basis? Is that even possible? Or, has anyone else run into a similar problem and found a way to solve it?
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Jul 20, 2013
how do i install paranoid android rom on my karbonn titanium s5 ?
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Jul 3, 2012
I'm about to flash Paranoid Android on my GB Note, installing PA is good, but when it comes to gApps, it loads and then stop and says cannot open in sd, aborted.
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Jun 29, 2012
I have an HD2 with Paranoid Android (1.4a CM9 NAND), along with Supercharger V6 and Mounts2sd 4.5.0.
I'm experiencing some phone audio issues that pop up and then mysteriously go away again. Specifically I cannot hear the audio from the other caller and the only way to have the conversation is by turning on speakerphone (which always works but is quite inconvenient). The other party can always hear me alright.
Here's some debug log info:
2012-06-28 15:58:46.045 W 722/AudioPolicyManager: getDeviceForStrategy() unknown strategy: 4
2012-06-28 15:58:46.175 E 1191/PrivacyPersistenceAdapter: getSettings - failed to get settings for package: com.csipsimple
[Code] .......
and so I need to enable speakerphone to hear the audio
2012-06-28 16:01:15.755 I 722/AudioHardwareQSD: Routing audio to Speakerphone
2012-06-28 16:01:15.755 D 722/AudioHardwareQSD: Switching audio device to
2012-06-28 16:01:15.755 D 722/AudioHardwareQSD: Speakerphone
[Code] .....
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Jun 5, 2012
i left iPhone to enter the android world via the Galaxy note....well, what to say, great change, great device, nice system....
so i decided: i switch to the best, meaning i go to install Paranoid Android....yes, i know there are a LOT of guides and infos everywhere about that, but, what i want to do is just simply applying step by step procedures and give a feed back to you all...what i will do is getting here all the infos related to the Galaxy Note Paranoid android rom and installation, making clear and easy how to do the switch, so any new android user like me could know exactly what to do....
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Aug 5, 2013
I am running pa_skyrocket-3.57-10JUN20130131650 and pa_gapps-full-4.2-20130719-signed on my ATT Samsung Galaxy SII Skyrocket.
I like the PIE features, but the status notifications don't show up if PIE gravity is set to anything besides the bottom. I get the "back", "home" and "multitask" buttons. When it is set on the bottom, I also get the time, battery info, date and any notifications. How to enable the missing status notifications when PIE gravity is set to anything besides the bottom?
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