Motorola Droid X : Stop A Pdf File To Download?
Nov 22, 2010How can I stop a pdf file that keeps trying to download? I've re-booted and pulled the battery, but the file keeps trying to (unsuccessfully) to download..

How can I stop a pdf file that keeps trying to download? I've re-booted and pulled the battery, but the file keeps trying to (unsuccessfully) to download..
My apps are all backed up to my sdcard. I don't need to *download* all of them after each wipe. It takes forever. How do I block this? It just starts automatically now (2.2 thing?).
View 1 Replies View RelatedEmailed myself an excel file. I have already installed Shead Spreet Pro (excel editor). After I opened up the email in gmail, I previewed the excel file (wouldn't/couldn't use Shead Spreet) but could not download it to the phone.
The more I use this phone the more I feel helpless using gmail.
You can't search all gmail accounts at once...etc...etc.
You have to so many gmail limitation, I can't believe how much better my Blackberry took care of gmail.
My Gmail acct got important excel doc. Can't download/only preview.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you install a apk file after you download it to your phone?
I read to use adb on the android sdk but I don't know how to go about that.
On my droid x I tried to download nexus one weather genie apk file It says "can not download the content not support on this device " And I have unknown content checked off.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor some reason when I try to download a file I get this message. I don't think it should matter if it is supported or not if I want to save for use later? Using smoked glass 6.0.1 if that matters with stock browser.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCouldn't find this info...where are OTA files stored on the phone/SD card when they are downloaded? I have D2 and we may be expecting an update, and I'd like to be able to grab the file after the download. I know I'm in the D1 forum but I expect the storage location is the same, and all the smart people are still over here.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wondering, is there a leaked 2.1 app drawer file that i can download ? I already have the the new 2.1 gallery and I love it!! I really don't want to root my phone, I just want a few 2.1 goodies before the official release.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to download an xml file from url connection in android?
View 13 Replies View RelatedIn my app, I have to present a few numbers from a .csv file that's accessible from the web. Now, this .csv is quite big. I don't want to download and process the whole thing, there's no point. My numbers are always in the beginning of the file, in well specified positions - lets say position 5 to 10.
Could you give me some tips on how to implement this? I know how to download the whole thing, but don't know how to download only a part of it.
I am trying to download mp3 files from my file server onto my Droid. Everytime I try to download a song I get the error message Download Unsuccessful. I thought it was a problem with my server but all of my computers can download from it, and I just went and got my mom's Droid ERIS to test. It could successfully download mp3 files from the server. This is ridiculous, why wouldn't my Droid be able to download these files but the ERIS can? Is this a case of Droid DOESN'T?
View 10 Replies View RelatedCurrently I'm developing a web based android application. I tried many codes and non of them were succeed. Can any one post me a code for download file to android phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn Reference to this android file download problem
Can anyone explain what does this line mean in the code FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(new File(root,"Video.mp4")); And what does it mean by the parameter root within the File(). Do I need to specify the root path to save the file? if it is the case then how do we specify the root path in android. Code...
Does the X use a FAT32 file system? Is there any way to change this? I'm asking because I have a 4+GB mkv file I want to put on it, but I'm getting a message telling me its too large for the file system. If no way to change, then can anyone suggest a way to make this file small enough to fit?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've an App which performs a potentially large download in background thread. When the orientation changes or the keyboard is opened the App lifecycle system invokes the start/stop/pause/resume etc calls - is there any strategy available to resume the download rather than just set a flag so the new onCreate() knows it was interrupted and has to start it again?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got jelly bean 4.3 update on my galaxy s3 sprint phone. since then, my phone shows download notifications of my email attachment. when i try to open those attachment it shows that the file not found and the notification disappears for one minute. then again it appears on notification.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I have everything set up to automatically use my Google Voice number now, and started getting SMS texts in both my messaging inbox and in GV. I figured out I needed to turn off the SMS forwarding in GV, but it turns out I like using the default messaging app more than the one in GV.
Is there a way to make the GV app stop checking for SMS messages but still download my voicemail? I don't want to make it stop checking all together but I'd like to use the other app for SMS's.
Just wondering if anyone has a simply solution to stop the additional drive that pops up on the PC when connected, that asks if you want to install the phone's drivers?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to stop the motorla phone tools from installing automatically when you connect the phone for the first time? Also how to avoid browser pop up of verizon media manager when you connect?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Bugles Beast V.04 with the Bugles evolution theme on my Droid and just about every day or every other day I get the OTA updates to get 2.2/Adobe. I downloaded the patch that Pete Alfonso posted on his website and have flashed it 2 times now and I am still getting the OTA update notifications, anyone have any suggestions on how to make this stop?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDx just started rebooting out of nowhere and won't stop..
View 4 Replies View RelatedI ran Pete's file and still just woke up to a system update notification! Now what? The LAST thing I want to do is run stock.
View 41 Replies View RelatedBeen getting sms from an unknown source in a different language. Can't get them to stop texting. How to block, other than signing up on Verizon? Have Droid X.
View 4 Replies View Relatedyesterday i updated to the leaked 2.3.15 to see how it worked. I started getting duplicate sms messages in both handcent and the stock text messaging app. So i wiped data/cache and tried it again and got the same thing. So today i downgraded to 2.3.13 to see if it would fix it...same issue. Can anybody tell me why im getting duplicate sms message all of a sudden?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI got the Droid about a month ago and love it. I do have a problem though: My house is in the same town as a non-verizon CDMA tower (US Cellular) and very far away from the nearest Verizon tower. With my other Verizon phones (older handsets), they just connect to the close tower and have full signal all the time without any issues. My Droid, on the other hand, will always try to stay connected to the distant Verizon tower - it can be very difficult and frustrating to make calls with the Droid because there is often no signal and the phone is unable to place a call. I don't need the 3G at home, as the Droid can use my wireless for browsing, etc. How can I get the Droid to stop trying to connect to the distant Verizon tower and connect to the nearby partner tower instead (so that I have high-quality phone signal at home)? I have called Verizon and Motorola and nothing seems to help.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I first got my X it allowed me to manually choose to connect to wifi but lately it just auto connects and I cant turn it off if im in a wifi area. This puts a huge drain on my battery. I'd prefer to have the OPTION to connect to wifi if/when i want to and to use the 3G network otherwise. Any idea how I can address this issue? (I did recently install Launcher Pro. Not sure if that has anything to do w/ it but figured id mention it)
View 3 Replies View RelatedInteresting article, wonder if it gives the "owner" of the smart phone ownership at all? It is written for the i phone, but may open doors across the board. I would love to see someone take Motorola to town. New U.S. rules allow for unapproved i Phone apps - USA
View 15 Replies View RelatedIs there any way in Locale to turn off the notification LED? I can't stand the blinking pink notification LED telling me I have email at 3 in the morning. I just don't see an option in Locale to turn this off.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo out of the blue today my hand cent starts getting 2 messages each time i get a text message. Even displays both of them in the bubbles. I've made sure hand cent is the default and of course I've disabled the stock message apps. But after I installed the new froyo update I have 2 txt msg stock apps. Messaging and Text Message. Anyone know what .apk to remove to get remove them and where those apks are... and the big thing... how to get the dang double messages to stop. It stinks because it makes me always have an icon on the notification bar saying I've got unanswered messages.
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