Motorola Droid X :: Macbook Won't Recognize Phone / How To Fix?
Jul 15, 2010My Macbook just won't recognize my Droid. it just doesn't. what do i need to do?

My Macbook just won't recognize my Droid. it just doesn't. what do i need to do?
I am trying to root but rsd won't see my phone. After i select the file and push start nothing happens. Device box is empty and clicking find device does nothing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhy does my computer only sometimes recognize and charge the droid? I put it in today and the droid lights up but it doesn't charge or say usb connected on it like it sometimes does. This has happened before and im on a desktop pc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI plugged my Droid X into my computer to try and transfer a video I took today. It came up with a Motorola "CD ROM" drive. I clicked the setup file, installed it, then switched my phone to USB Storage. Windows tried installing the drivers and said there was an error. Now when I connect my phone to the computer nothing happens besides windows saying theres an unknown device.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have my Droid connected to my computer via the USB that came in the box. The phone recognizes the cable, chimes, and has the USB icon on the screen. But the computer doesn't recognize the phone at all. It could be a problem with my computer, but I'm checking here in case I just can't find the option on the phone to "allow USB connection" or something.
View 8 Replies View Relatedi tried mounting my Droid as a USB storage and it's not even registering on my macbook. And also this mediashare program pops up and says that my memory card is missing. What is going on? I'm trying to put some music on my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOk. First things first, I am simply in love with my Droid. I learn new things everyday. For example, yesterday i took a picture on a trip, and on the ride home, went to look at the picture in my gallery, and under the picture it read Dayton, Ohio. It knew where I took the picture!
Anyways enough of my droid love, i've got some questions for you droid gurus.
1. I want to root my phone so badly. Im afraid of it bricking though. But the thing is, ive done a lot of research, and it seems bricking hardly ever happens. I want to overclock and i really want some kick ass ROMS! Should i do on pc or my pro?
2. My screen, when closed, when you tap on the screen near the lower left corner, the screen taps. Like the screen is loose. I wanna take it to verizon. But i wanna root. But i want my warranty still usable.
I have installed the Motorola USB driver on two computers now and it will not come up when i plug the phone in. I installed the leaked jelly bean and i want to flash back to ICS. Could that be a factor?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am running into a weird issue with Ubuntu 10.0.4 and my Droid X. For some reason, I cannot get ADB to recognize the X. Can anyone tell me if there is a config file I need to edit? I have tried everything imaginable. And yes, I do have Win 7, but I want to be able to use Linux, it's personal preference. I have a laptop running Ubuntu that recognizes the X, is there a config file I need to copy?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone else have this issue? Was trying to use Double twist and the Mac wont even recognize it in any modes Mass storage or any other
View 10 Replies View RelatedDoesn't work in this version. when saying " send text to.." does not recognize your voice at all, or can not find contact.
View 10 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden my phone doesn't recognize some of my contacts when I receive a call. Is it possible that I changed a setting of some sort?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have free space on the internal memory of my phone that is not recognized for things like installing an app.
This is my phone:
Model: Motorola XT919
Android version: jelly bean 4.1.2
Internal memory: 4gb (really 2,2 gb free since the rest is used by the OS)
Rooted: Yes
I found out about this problem because I was running out of internal space so I inmediately checked the storage settings and I found this:
In the installed apps settings it shows 766 mb free of internal space But in the storage settings the things are different: As you can see, this time I only have 127 mb free of internal storage....
Just to be sure, I downloaded the app Storage Analyser and once again checked the internal storage free space: And this time shows 1,52 gb free...
Well the thing is that my phone considers as free space just the 127mb shown on storage settings, and I want the phone also uses the free space shown on the app settings or the one shown by storage analyser.
I keep getting error: device not found when I try to use adb with my phone.
~Windows XP SP2, 32bit
~The SDK is installed and working.
~The USB drivers have been downloaded through the SDK.
~The phone is in USB Debug mode.
~The USB drivers have been installed in windows.
~Windows device manager shows that everything is working fine.
~Windows recognizes the phone when it is plugged in.
The ONLY thing that does not work is that the phone won't show up in the list of devices adb sees. Everything else appears to be setup and working just fine!
If i rename a android backup folder will it still recognize it in recovery mode?
View 9 Replies View RelatedJust got my Droid today, all the software is setup, the emulator works fine. But, Windows 7 will not recognize my Droid in 'Debug Mode', it did once the first time I clicked on the option but now nothing. Is there something else I should be installing for it to be recognized?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo... will it work with a non atom.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo anyone have know how of an app for using the hero on a mac?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm currently running Bugless Beast V.04 on my Droid1. I just noticed that since I started running the Froyo 2.2 build on my phone that I've lost the ability to play any of my Mp4 movies that I have on my SD card. The movies are formatted for the Droid and worked fine on the stock 2.1 video/ media player. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm wondering if its the ROM or is just a different video player all together with the 2.2 builds so they can use the flash player. Flash works flawlessly and YouTube still works ( at least it loads quicker ) but when I try to play a movie it gives some kind of error code . When I switch to the movie player it says " video cannot be played" ( just like when you tried to play a flash video on 2.1 stock) . Does anyone know if its just because the build of Froyo is not complete and will be fixed when the official OTA is released? If its an oversight by Motorola /Verizon we better keep it quite or they might push the date up again!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got a HTC Magic, wondering how to sync it with my MacBook ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just set up Ical to sync with Google calendar so I can sync that with my Desire but when I plug in my phone, it starts looking for HTC sync and obviously can't find it as it's windows only. I've set debugging to come on as I read somewhere that would enable the phone to connect to my mac but it's not working. The computer can see the phone when I plug it in as a disk drive though.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am on the verge of upgrading my phone, at the moment I've ditched the idea of a BB Storm because of the terrible feedback and reviews on bad signal and battery life. So I am left with the Magic or the new HTC Touch Pro " out in the next couple of weeks. I'm on Vodafone UK, i will be staying with them as they offer the best of what I need in my area. I use my phone for my business, it needs to sync with my microsoft office to take my contacts and diary with me, it needs to be able to be tethered (either usb or bluetooth) to my macbook so I can use it as a modem as I edit photographs on location and ftp or email them to clients. I do not send enough through my laptop to justify a 3G usb dongle on a separate tariff and Vodafone don't do a pay as you go dongle that will work with a mac (only the contract one works I've had a play with a Magic and it seems nice, I currently have a HTC Tytn 2(tilt) so i would have to get used to using a virtual keyboard with the Magic. The Touch Pro 2 looks sweet BUT it's big. So if the Magic could achieve what I need then it may be the phone for me. question is, can I use the magic as a modem for my macbook?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just bought motorola milestone and I was trying to connect to my macbook pro, but I can't.
View 35 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been able to do this ? Any words of wisdom ? Since ATT doesn't seem to have an unlimited data plan,I am a little skeered of the 2g limit.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt seems that since the last update I cannot connect my captivate as mass storage to my macbook. Even with the Debugging on. I mount the usb.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to upload photos from the phone to my macbook. After uploading several pics to "my T-mobile album" and after emailing them to myself, I notice the pictures are pretty small, 480x360.. no where near what I expected from 5 megapixels (and yes, I have the option set at 5mp). What can I do to take larger sized pictures?
Possibly unrelated, I use the stock USB cable to plug in the phone. The phone will charge, but my Macbook does not recognize anything as being plugged in, so I cannot manually browse around to upload my photos. What gives?
Is there a way that I can use my cell phone 3G to get internet for my MacBook when I'm in a location without wireless?
View 10 Replies View RelatedShould I use 32-bit Eclipse or 64-bit Eclipse for Android development? I'm on a MacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo). Does it matter which version for Android coding?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used the recovery mode first time - it worked, second time playing with NoBloat - it gets stuck in boot screen.I can go to the recovery mode menu, both chinese and english, can do a full clear cache, data, format, but phone still won't boot.
I can use ADB shell, but Smart phone flash tool does not recognize phone, MTK droid tool recognizes it, but I can't backup it.
I found but I cannot respond to that thread anymore (perhaps they expire?). I've tried with both the 1.5 SDK and the 1.6 SDK. I have tried all the suggestions in the aforementioned thread. I can mount the device just fine, but adb does not work whether it is mounted or not. I've tried it both as root and as myself and with it in $PATH as well as using. In the dir. Adb appears to "work" as it tells me "List of devices attached". At some point right after I installed 1.5, I remember setting something up to make the USB connection easier, but I don't remember what that was. My hypothesis at this point is that is somehow interfering, but any help you can give either way would be much appreciated.
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