Motorola Droid X :: Can Not Upload Files To Websites
Aug 27, 2010I noticed that i can not upload files to websites. For example job sites where you can click on a button to upload a resume. The button just states uploads disabled. Is this normal?

I noticed that i can not upload files to websites. For example job sites where you can click on a button to upload a resume. The button just states uploads disabled. Is this normal?
I though Google was about integration, but today I failed to load a video using both the Droid or my PC (usb) to my picasa web page...
I think it is a bit silly that Picasa isn't compatible with Android videos... 3gp files (Is this phone specific?)...
But I can upload to youtube!
Anybody knows of a good converter for these files?
Anyway, sad... Even worst after seeing the Windows Phone 7 preview. Maybe that's going to kick the development a bit.
I'm having trouble uploading pictures I've taken on my DX to facebook through the "Quick Upload" option.I got a few uploaded, so I know it works, but now everytime I try, the status bad fills up all the way to "Uploading 100%" then it stalls before giving me the error "Can't send response now.Try again later."I've tried turning Wi-Fi on or off, but on both Wi-Fi and 3G it's not working.Thoughts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am on a standard website that has a normal upload button, I need to upload a PDF file, But when I click on the upload button on the web site a popup window from my Android phone appears and says "Choose action" and gives me access to the gallery, camcorder, voice recorder , choose music track, gallery (again), select music track and voice recorder (again).
I need to some how get access to my SD card and my download folder to be able to pick the the pdf file that I need to upload. I have tried this both on the default internet browser and Google Chrome, but both give the same options.
I am on a rooted HTC ONE on ATT
I Have some long videos (2-5 minutes). I have tried sending them through email, and tried uploading them directly to facebook. When I try this it says the file size is too large. How can I get them to facebook?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI already misplaced my manual, because apparently I am a very careless person - could anybody direct me to where I can set the phone so it does not default me to mobile websites ( or but always takes me to the URL I actually request?
View 6 Replies View Relatedok so now that flash is on our phones. how bout some websites to show it off? what are you guys using it for?
View 6 Replies View Relateddoes anyone think the phone would force us to use mobile websites like facebook, myspace, and forums? my voyager did that all the time.
View 4 Replies View RelatedYou are all likely going to laugh at this, and I admit, you have every right too. For the first time today I am trying to enable the wifi on my droid when I am at home and have been unable to get it to work.
I turned it on, connected it to my home Wifi, used the correct password, and it says it is connected, and has been assigned an IP addressed. However, it isn't connecting to any websites or anything else in any of the browsers.
I have tried both the native and dolphin.
I hate being forced by some websites to view their functionally challenged "mobile" version. The standard versions look amazing on the Droid! I assume the sites are reading the useragent string from the browser and forcing the redirect. Any way to change what the useragent is reporting? I've searched quite a bit and haven't found a resolution.
View 17 Replies View RelatedWhat are the best free movie apps or websites for MD. I can not seem to find one. Hula does not seem to work even with 2.2.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy is it that certain apps or websites don't work in landscape mode and your forced to type whatever with one finger in the portrait mode? Point in case the Google quick search will not switch to landscape mode when you turn the phone sideways.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe new update has give me some scrolling lag on certain large websites such as. and Someone please check And confirm this. How can we fix this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that will allow me to attach files and upload, for example on this site in a post so I could attach a picture or zip file straight from my phone. Or something I could use on a file hosting site, etc. If I could do this I will have no need for a computer at all once I get flash. I have a rooted Droid X.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy app needs to upload several files to a web site. How can I do this in the background similar to what the YouTube application does? Also what is the best way to upload files? POST to a web page?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to upload files on a web server in my android app.Currently i am able to upload files around 5mb from the device but more than this gives a outofmemory exception and also makes app very unstable.i am looking for a method using which we can upload the data in the app background plus of bigger size.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm doing some research to build an iOS and Android app using titanium appcelerator. The only requirement I have not being able to confirm is the possibility to upload a photo directly to Amazon S3 in a way that is compatible with iOS and Android devices.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBelow is my codes for my camera application. how to insert the multimedia files into the blob storage of azure mobile services.
import android.content.Intent;
Is there any information on extending the GMail application? Or better yet, I for one am relatively irritated that I can't email or upload non-picture/video files that I might have on my SD card, so I'd like to create a provider of some sort to enable the ability to upload or email any arbitrary file. Any ideas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI uploaded about 50 pictures from iPhoto (using a Mac) just to see what they looked like and then later formatted the Droid's SD card, so the pictures were no longer there.
Now, if I mount the Droid via USB and view the file structure there is a folder named /albumthumbs which contains 50 files, presumably for the 50 pictures a had on the SD card.
To me, these file, unless linking to actual photos stored on the SD card, take up extra space in the phone's memory (not worried about the SD card). I wonder if I can safely delete them (just the files...not the folder)?
This may seem like a dumb question, but I wondered if there was Flickr integration with the Droid X gallery, or whether you need a separate app to upload your photos to Flickr? There are already a bunch of these in the Market. I ask because I remember reading/seeing somewhere that Flicker wasn't included as an option for syncing or uploading, just things like Photobucket, Picasa, etc.The HTC Incredible I have now does upload to Flickr happily (even though it doesn't offer much flexibility), and it'd be no big deal if the Droid X doesn't do it without an extra app, but I thought I'd ask those who already have the phone just in case.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt just tells me that it can't.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor some reason I can't send to an email or youtube. The second I hit the email button it says file is too large when its not even two mins. Any suggestions?
View 1 Replies View Relatedsomeone upload droid multitouch browser?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI came from an incredible and could hit Share and facebook would be there and it would be a 1 touch process to quick upload pics I just took to F how can I do this on my X? it doesn't even list facebook under share..just Picassa really.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI assumed this would be a rather simple process, but i plugged my phone into the computer and the SD card (in the phone) didnt show up. i took the SD card out and put it into the computer but i couldn't copy anything. i don't want to rebuy all my mp3s (DRM free btw), how do i do this?
View 30 Replies View RelatedWhy won't a video upload to YouTube via 3g? It tells me it will only work by wifi. Is there a setting that needs to be changed?
View 11 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to upload video or pics to facebook. On the INC you would just click share and it would have the facebook option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHas anyone figured out how to upload a video from the Droid to Facebook? I downloaded the Ustream Broadcast app. It says it can upload directly to Facebook, but when I went on their site to configure my settings, the Facebook link had a javascript error in IE, so I tried Firefox, but that didn't work either. Capturing the video with Ustream worked nice and had the option to upload to Facebook, but I just couldn't get it to work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to get EA games' NFS, but the file is 100MB. I've moved every non-system app I have to my SD card via Titanium, and I still only have 54MB free on the phone.
Could I back up my current ROM, install a new ROM, download the app, move it to SD using Titanium, copy the files on to my laptop, revert back to my current ROM, and copy the files back onto the SD? (I wouldn't know where to look for all of the files.)