Motorola Droid : Why Won't A Video Upload To YouTube Via 3g?
Nov 15, 2009Why won't a video upload to YouTube via 3g? It tells me it will only work by wifi. Is there a setting that needs to be changed?

Why won't a video upload to YouTube via 3g? It tells me it will only work by wifi. Is there a setting that needs to be changed?
Can anyone possibly help me out with this? Tech support from verizon couldn't figure out why its not working. I'm logged in my youtube account and m connected to my wifi at my house. But the problem that m having is that everytime i go to upload the video, It continues to say Waiting to Retry.. It keeps saying that for like 15 minutes until eventually it says Failed Network Error.. The wifi is working fine when trying to browse Internet. I deleted the cache and data in youtube as well.. I just cant understand what would be causing this, but its really annoying.. I really wish someone could help me please.. I don't know what else to do. I even created a new youtube account to sync with my gmail, and that didn't work either
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan anyone possibly help me out with this? Tech support from verizon couldnt figure out why its not working. Im logged in my youtube account and im connected to my wifi at my house. But the problem that im having is that everytime i go to upload the video, It continues to say Waiting to Retry.. It keeps saying that for like 15 minutes until eventually it says Failed Network Error.. The wifi is working fine when trying to browse internet. I deleted the cache and data in youtube as well.. I just cant understand what would be causing this, but its really annoying.. I really wish someone could help me please.. I dont know what else to do. I even created a new youtube account to sync with my gmail, and that didnt work either
View 2 Replies View Related1.When I try to upload a video from my phone to Youtube it says that I can't upload files bigger than 1gig. The file I am trying to upload is only 124 mb. So what is the problem? (it was recorded in 720) I had to download some crappy 3pg to avi converter so that I could upload it.
2. My second question, is why is it so choppy? Here is video of my 14 month old son eating a lime for the first time. Sadly, the video cuts in and out. Played like this right after the recording on the phone.
I'm writing an Android app where users can upload video to Youtube. I'd like the Youtube tag field to be pre-filled with a tag that I set. I'd also like the UI to work like this: user clicks on an Upload button, user goes straight to Youtube upload intent (rather than picking from a Chooser), tag field is pre-filled for them.
Is this possible using ACTION_SENDTO?
Currently I have this code, which just launches a Chooser, which really isn't what I want:
btnUpload.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, videoURI);
try {
"Upload video via:"));
} catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
Toast.makeText(Recorder.this, "No way to share!",
Family gathering yesterday. I took a 3 minute video on the full settings and tried to upload it to YouTube from the phone and every time I try and upload it, even after reboots, I get a message popping up telling me that the file must be under 1GB. It is only 130MB.
View 22 Replies View RelatedAnyone had issues trying to upload large files to YouTube over 200MB? (and yes, this was tested over home wifi)
It tells me that it attempts to upload, fails right away and then attempts again in 1 min, etc and so the cycle goes.
If you make a video and then click on it there is an option called share... but how do i set it to upload to a different account?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEvery time that I try to upload a video it gets to 100 percent and then says failed authentication... What am I doing wrong? I made sure that I was logged in and it doesn't work.
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan anyone else upload video/pictures from the gallery to youtube/picasa successfully? mine keeps saying "failed to retrieve account information" no matter what service I try to upload to.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwiped my Hero, and loaded it with a custom ROM, and I badly want the video that is preloaded in it...
Can someone please upload it to Megaupload or Rapidshare or Youtube please?
It's this video :
YouTube - HTC Hero - Video Preview
I have a 2 minute 720P video taken with the droidx that i am trying to upload to my youtube account. The video is 140mb in size. i get the following message when I try to upload the video to youtube via the share option in Gallery "You can not upload a video larger than 1GB".
I get this message if I'm connected to wifi or not. The video is only 140mb in size!
Any one else getting this message?
I was getting this message prior to upgrading to 2.2 and was hoping that the 2.2 would fix it, but it didn't.
Does anyone know the aximum upload file size for Droid you tube videos on 3G? I'm going to be in an area with most likely no wifi but I'm pretty sure I should have solid EVDO and I need to upload videos, just wanted to know the maximum file size/length for youtube videos and if there's a way to bypass the limit (I really don't care if I ring up 1.5 gigs of data).
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason I can't send to an email or youtube. The second I hit the email button it says file is too large when its not even two mins. Any suggestions?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to upload video or pics to facebook. On the INC you would just click share and it would have the facebook option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHas anyone figured out how to upload a video from the Droid to Facebook? I downloaded the Ustream Broadcast app. It says it can upload directly to Facebook, but when I went on their site to configure my settings, the Facebook link had a javascript error in IE, so I tried Firefox, but that didn't work either. Capturing the video with Ustream worked nice and had the option to upload to Facebook, but I just couldn't get it to work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just uploaded a test video, I don't see a setting and it didn't push up the 720p that the video was recorded in.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat the hell is up with this? If it's available on their regular site why not in my droid? Anyone know the reasoning?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI though Google was about integration, but today I failed to load a video using both the Droid or my PC (usb) to my picasa web page...
I think it is a bit silly that Picasa isn't compatible with Android videos... 3gp files (Is this phone specific?)...
But I can upload to youtube!
Anybody knows of a good converter for these files?
Anyway, sad... Even worst after seeing the Windows Phone 7 preview. Maybe that's going to kick the development a bit.
Is there a way to get a Youtube video to fit the size of the Droid screen?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt seems that if I'm in the middle of watching a youtube video and then I get a notification or something, when I come back to the youtube video I have to reload the video. It doesn't just pause it for some reason. Is anyone else getting this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedQuick question alot of streaming video, (most older youtube clips) are only utilizing a very small portion of screen real estate, is there any way to stretch the video to fit screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI never watch YouTube videos in anything other than high quality. But the only way I can see to change the quality is via the menu on a per-video basis. It defaults to the lesser quality, which is REALLY crappy!
Is there some way to change the default to play videos in the best quality?
And also, what's to gain by playing them in the lesser quality? Bandwidth? Battery conservation? Load time? For a phone with such a magnificant display size & resolution, I can't imagine why anyone would want to view videos in anything but the best quality possible.
So, I'm having a small issue trying to share videos on Youtube. Essentially, I'm forced to log in every single time I want to upload a video. Here's how it happens: I take a video with the stock camera app. Go to the gallery, and click share. Choose Youtube. It asks me to login. I do, and it uploads fine over wifi. Take another video, same steps, and I'm asked to login again. The problem is, I have a long username, so this is really annoying. I'd think it would cache my username for at least as long as the youtube app is still open in the background, or gallery, or something. I've tried going into the youtube app directly, logging in, and then doing all this. No matter what I do, I have to login to youtube every single time. There are other Droid threads about login errors to youtube via the app, but I'm not experiencing that - I'm able to login fine, I'm just annoyed I have to do it every single time I want to use youtube, be it via the app or sharing through gallery. I'm learning to Cut All when I login the first time, then pasting each subsequent time, so at least I'm only retyping my password each time. Which makes it not a huge deal, but still an annoyance Especially since I tend to upload in batches. Anyone else experiencing this? Is this a security thing or did they just forget the "remember me" checkbox?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have youtube connected to facebook and twitter via a google account. if a video is uploaded using the Android youtube application, shouldn't it automatically post to facebook and twitter, too? (or is that just for youtube in a browser?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe upload and the search buttons don't seem to be doing anything on the YouTube widget when it's on the home screen. When I actually open the program list and open the YouTube app, the buttons work from there, just not from the home screen widget.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble uploading pictures I've taken on my DX to facebook through the "Quick Upload" option.I got a few uploaded, so I know it works, but now everytime I try, the status bad fills up all the way to "Uploading 100%" then it stalls before giving me the error "Can't send response now.Try again later."I've tried turning Wi-Fi on or off, but on both Wi-Fi and 3G it's not working.Thoughts?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to make android facebook app play youtube video with youtube app?
When i press the browser he opens a link from m.facebook to and i dont want will be better if facebook app let me choose between orig.browser,opera,skyfire and most important for me "youtube" app....
I have try another app named 3d flower facebook (is just like old facebook app but there are so much things missing) that do excactly that....
Galaxy s jw1 semaphon 2.0.5sc
I'm trying to test my cam corder by uploading to my youtube account. after i login and try to upload it says "failed to retrieve account information" really fast and disappears. Its only a 10 second clip.I linked my gmail and old yahoo account and its still not letting me do it. I also have a hard time getting youtube videos to play. it sometimes will through the native app but not always. maybe its bad 3g reception. i have around 2 bars
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo uploading worked fine before Froyo, but now that I have Froyo I can't upload anything to youtube. When I try it just says "waiting for retry - 1 minute" It seems to go a couple %'s at a time if I manually select retry, but I did that all the way to 100% and it didn't post.
View 4 Replies View Related