Motorola Droid : Can Not Upload Video / Way To Fix?
Jun 28, 2010For some reason I can't send to an email or youtube. The second I hit the email button it says file is too large when its not even two mins. Any suggestions?

For some reason I can't send to an email or youtube. The second I hit the email button it says file is too large when its not even two mins. Any suggestions?
Why won't a video upload to YouTube via 3g? It tells me it will only work by wifi. Is there a setting that needs to be changed?
View 11 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to upload video or pics to facebook. On the INC you would just click share and it would have the facebook option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHas anyone figured out how to upload a video from the Droid to Facebook? I downloaded the Ustream Broadcast app. It says it can upload directly to Facebook, but when I went on their site to configure my settings, the Facebook link had a javascript error in IE, so I tried Firefox, but that didn't work either. Capturing the video with Ustream worked nice and had the option to upload to Facebook, but I just couldn't get it to work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just uploaded a test video, I don't see a setting and it didn't push up the 720p that the video was recorded in.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone possibly help me out with this? Tech support from verizon couldn't figure out why its not working. I'm logged in my youtube account and m connected to my wifi at my house. But the problem that m having is that everytime i go to upload the video, It continues to say Waiting to Retry.. It keeps saying that for like 15 minutes until eventually it says Failed Network Error.. The wifi is working fine when trying to browse Internet. I deleted the cache and data in youtube as well.. I just cant understand what would be causing this, but its really annoying.. I really wish someone could help me please.. I don't know what else to do. I even created a new youtube account to sync with my gmail, and that didn't work either
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan anyone possibly help me out with this? Tech support from verizon couldnt figure out why its not working. Im logged in my youtube account and im connected to my wifi at my house. But the problem that im having is that everytime i go to upload the video, It continues to say Waiting to Retry.. It keeps saying that for like 15 minutes until eventually it says Failed Network Error.. The wifi is working fine when trying to browse internet. I deleted the cache and data in youtube as well.. I just cant understand what would be causing this, but its really annoying.. I really wish someone could help me please.. I dont know what else to do. I even created a new youtube account to sync with my gmail, and that didnt work either
View 2 Replies View RelatedI though Google was about integration, but today I failed to load a video using both the Droid or my PC (usb) to my picasa web page...
I think it is a bit silly that Picasa isn't compatible with Android videos... 3gp files (Is this phone specific?)...
But I can upload to youtube!
Anybody knows of a good converter for these files?
Anyway, sad... Even worst after seeing the Windows Phone 7 preview. Maybe that's going to kick the development a bit.
I'm having trouble uploading pictures I've taken on my DX to facebook through the "Quick Upload" option.I got a few uploaded, so I know it works, but now everytime I try, the status bad fills up all the way to "Uploading 100%" then it stalls before giving me the error "Can't send response now.Try again later."I've tried turning Wi-Fi on or off, but on both Wi-Fi and 3G it's not working.Thoughts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI Have some long videos (2-5 minutes). I have tried sending them through email, and tried uploading them directly to facebook. When I try this it says the file size is too large. How can I get them to facebook?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI shot a 10sec video, I don't see an option to upload it to FB, only photos.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI took a video today while I was out mountain biking, I thought 720p and all sweet, now I cant find a way to upload to Facebook anyone have any ideas?
View 15 Replies View Related1.When I try to upload a video from my phone to Youtube it says that I can't upload files bigger than 1gig. The file I am trying to upload is only 124 mb. So what is the problem? (it was recorded in 720) I had to download some crappy 3pg to avi converter so that I could upload it.
2. My second question, is why is it so choppy? Here is video of my 14 month old son eating a lime for the first time. Sadly, the video cuts in and out. Played like this right after the recording on the phone.
I'm writing an Android app where users can upload video to Youtube. I'd like the Youtube tag field to be pre-filled with a tag that I set. I'd also like the UI to work like this: user clicks on an Upload button, user goes straight to Youtube upload intent (rather than picking from a Chooser), tag field is pre-filled for them.
Is this possible using ACTION_SENDTO?
Currently I have this code, which just launches a Chooser, which really isn't what I want:
btnUpload.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, videoURI);
try {
"Upload video via:"));
} catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
Toast.makeText(Recorder.this, "No way to share!",
I don't know if this is TouchWiz/OEM software getting in the way, or a limitation of Android 2.1, or what. But when I try to upload a video I've taken, it's forcing me to upload using WiFi. My 3G connection is not too bad (approx. 75 kilobytes/sec), so I wouldn't mind waiting a couple minutes for a video to upload, versus buying a WiFi AP for home, setting it up, taking up space and electricity, etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there something special I need to do in order to upload video to facebook? I keep trying and it won't do it. On my moment I had an app, but I can't remember the name! Please help! I have looked through the threads and I am sure there is no thread cause everyone else knows how to do this and I'm an idiot.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I upload a video from the video gallery, it only lets me upload using wifi. Is there a different app or setting that will allow me to upload using the Sprint Network?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAfter the 2.2 update I was having the normal syncing issues with Gmail. I did not need several accounts to sync, just my secondary account. I did a factory reset, made my old 2nd account the primary one and now all is well.
I can't upload video. When I try to use the Youtube app, right after I hit upload I get a message that quickly flashes then I get "Failed to retrieve Account Information." I have logged out and in, restarted etc. I can see my account, my videos etc.
When I try to upload using the Facebook site, as soon as I hit start uploading the video the browser closes. I have tried this with more than one video, both short and long.
Has anyone heard of not being able to upload video after doing a factory reset?
I shot a video today and i cant upload it.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do I upload a video onto my Facebook page from my HTC incredible? I keep getting a upload disabled message
View 1 Replies View RelatedStock DINC w/Froyo. I can easily upload pictures via WiFi/3G from Gallery because both Facebook and Facebook for HTC Sense are shown on the Share menu. But when I try to upload videos, the Share menu doesn't have either Facebook option. What gives? The only way I have been able to upload videos to FB is to connect the DINC to my computer and use the video upload feature in FB in my computer browser. Any suggestions?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFamily gathering yesterday. I took a 3 minute video on the full settings and tried to upload it to YouTube from the phone and every time I try and upload it, even after reboots, I get a message popping up telling me that the file must be under 1GB. It is only 130MB.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with a video that I am trying to upload or share.I can share via facebook or gmail, but am stuck right now because it says that the file is too large.It's about 2 min of video, so I don't know how big that is since I cant find the actual size anywhere.Any idea how I can get it off the phone if I don't have an sd card reader?I guess I could mount the phone to my laptop and copy to my regular comp, but I was hoping there was an easier way to do it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there away to upload video from the handset to fb? I tried but couldn't find an option to do it. don't want to have to use pc everytime.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have included my code below. I have the code working for image uploads, but was wondering how to get it to work with audio and video files?
Anyone had issues trying to upload large files to YouTube over 200MB? (and yes, this was tested over home wifi)
It tells me that it attempts to upload, fails right away and then attempts again in 1 min, etc and so the cycle goes.
how to upload android phone video to imac?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm researching the development of an Android (2.2) app/service that will enable users to record short (I do emphasize short, < 30seconds) video on their phones and then upload that video (HTTP) to a server that will then transcode the video to other formats. That same user can download videos from other Android users and play them.
Now, I get a bit lost with everyones recommended approaches to all the issues in doing something like this because I haven't seen any ask this in a cohesive context. Ideally I would like a non commercial solution to this (as in no vendor/service being needed for the the video hosting/transcoding), but, feel free to include those as a recommendation (I've marked this as a wiki) as I know many like to use youtube and vimeo for the middle layer in all this.
The questions are
What server technologies do yo recommend for hosting and transcoding? What technology do you recommend for streaming the video (it would be nice to offer a high and low quality encoding depending on the users network connection) What video format and software do you recommend for converting the uploaded video on the server to be viewable later by other Android owners. Im assuming it's bad to do any transcoding on the phone prior to upload (battery/proc issues), but, if I'm wrong with that assumption what do you recommend?
The video will only need to render on an Android device, and in the future in a webkit html5 browser.
Bandwidth isnt cheap (even with numerous 30 second videos), so a good mix of video quality and video file size is important (streaming if needed to ensure quality vs. download). This is for android 2.2 devices with a video camera of course and medium to high density screen of 800x400 min. Open source solutions (server to receive the uploads, code to do the transcoding, server to do the streaming) are preferred, but not required. CDN's are an option, but I don't think that really figures in to the picture right now.
If you make a video and then click on it there is an option called share... but how do i set it to upload to a different account?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEvery time that I try to upload a video it gets to 100 percent and then says failed authentication... What am I doing wrong? I made sure that I was logged in and it doesn't work.
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