Motorola Droid :: What Are Best Apps To Come Out In Past 2 Months ?

Jan 18, 2010

haven't been on here in a while . For those that are going to put "Search is your friend" , just help me out and stop being as counterproductive as you think I am

Motorola Droid :: What are best apps to come out in past 2 months ?

Motorola Droid :: Can't Get Past Bootloader

Sep 3, 2010

I have ran into a issue while trying to root my Droid. I was following the sticky and the first time I used RSD and loaded SPRecovery 2.1 SBF it failed. I got a Critical Error DEA1. I then booted the phone and ran the file again and it completed this time.I have powered down and held X each time and never get past this screen. I then went into the section on putting the stock OS back and I get the same issue. Is there anything I can do? I have been searching the forms, but I cannot find anything.

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Motorola Droid :: Won't Charge Past 40%

May 8, 2010

I started charging my phone (with the wall charger) around 12 last night and when I checked it at 10 this morning it was only charged to 40%. After texting a few people, etc. it went down to 30% while still on the charger but after I left it alone it went back to 40%. I turned the phone off and back on and unplugged it from the wall and plugged it back in and nothing's changing. This has never happened to me before.

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Motorola Droid X :: Cannot Get Past 1.15Ghz On Jrummy Overclock

Nov 21, 2010

I'm having a bit of trouble with overclocking. I'm running Fission 2.1, no theme at the moment. I tried using the built-in overclocking zip files but they made my phone extremely slow and very unstable. After that I downloaded Jrummy's Overclocking app. I can only get up to 1.15Ghz on all four voltage settings before my phone craps out on me. I've tried going higher on different voltage settings but to no avail. What am I doing wrong?

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Motorola Droid :: Cannot Delete Past Occurrences From Phone

Jul 22, 2010

I have a Droid and I want past occurrences not to delete from my phone. The calendar events seem to stay on my Google Calendar but are deleted from the phone. Anyone know how to get this not to happen?

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HTC Hero :: Not Getting Past First Settings - No Apps?

Jan 9, 2010

I just got a new, unbranded, unlocked Hero (my first, so I have no idea how things are supposed to work), and can't seem to get anywhere:After start I get language settings, then select "next", then a request for a SIM card. I don't have that card yet, but I can't skip this window. According to HTC-support, a SIMcard is not necessary for setting up the phone, using many of the functions, and using WiFi. But they didn't tell me how to solve the problem.After a lot of fiddling around, I managed to find the WiFi settings and got connected there. But there simply is no Home Page (or whatever its called, the main page that you see in all the adverts), I can't get to settings, there are no applications.I did a hard/factory restart, but no joy - the problem stays the same.

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Motorola Droid :: Flashed Updated ROM - Won't Go Past Moto Symbol

Feb 17, 2010

SO the first time I rooted and the first update I did gave me some problems. When the phone rebooted after the flash the Moto symbol would come up and not go any further. Either that or the symbol would show up and then the phone would reset after five seconds. So I did a few battery pulls and finally got it to work after a while. Ever since the 2.0.4 update I cannot get the phone past the Moto screen. I've tried about 12 times between that and 2.0.5 and I have to keep restoring back to my original settings before I flashed any of the ROMs. Anyone know why this is happening? I loved my phone so much more when I had the Smoked Glass 2.1 ROM and OC.

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Motorola Droid X :: Not Rooted - Wont Boot Past Logo

Nov 25, 2010

I picked up a brand new Droid X, turned it on, got it all setup, and it downloaded my apps that I used to have on my old Droid. Then I rebooted it after all the apps were installed and updated, and now it will not move past the Motorola logo screen.

Searching around the internet I have found others that ran into this issue, but they were always rooting their phones. I also am not able to boot into recovery mode.

I have not rooted it, attempted to root it, or done anything other than as described above.

Is there anything I can do? Or do I have to just head back to Best Buy and demand a replacement unit?

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Motorola Droid :: How To Get Past Market Bug / Won't Allow Credit Card To Purchase App

Jan 26, 2010

Has anybody figured out how to get past the Market bug that won't allow a US Credit Card to purchase an App listed with foreign currency?If I try to buy anything listed in Euros, I get an "Invalid Card" message.

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Motorola Droid :: Droid Wont Boot Past Logo

Jun 10, 2010

I was attempting to get get 2.2 working on my phone and when i rebooted its now stuck on the motorola logo, any help would be appreciated, i need my phone functional for work in the am.

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General :: UCCW - How To Align Months Vertically As Shown In Picture

Mar 12, 2014

I have tried everything and I can't seem to be able to get Month or Day of Month to align vertically as shown in the picture below.

Is this even possible? I know it is using the Week Bar, but I'm not so sure about the others. I can't figure out where the option is to make anything else besides the Week Bar go vertical like someone did in the picture below. Is this picture just a fake or what?

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Motorola Droid X :: Won't Boot Past Motorola Logo Nor Boot In To Recovery

Sep 16, 2010

I tried installing Tranquility and must have screwed something up because now my phone won't boot past the Motorola Logo. It's been sitting here like this for about 15min and I can't even boot into recovery by holding the power and home buttons. I don't know what else to do now. Idk if my phone is bricked but even if it is don't I need the SBF file to unbrick it and I can't find that file any where. I did a nand backup or whatever before doing any of this so hopefully that can help me. What should I do now?

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Motorola Droid :: Won't Boot Past Cyanogen Boot Screen

Oct 30, 2010

I went to reboot my Droid because it was lagging a little and when it came back on it go stuck at the Cyanogen boot screen. I pulled the battery, put it back in and held the X to boot in recovery and my recovery won't come up either. It just skips right to the Motorola M and if it doesn't get stuck there it goes back to the Cyanogen screen.

I haven't made any changes to the phone at all so I am completely puzzled on why this is happening. I obviously can't take it back to Verizon since its rooted so if there is a way to fix this I really want to because I love my phone and my wife will kill me if it is screwed up.

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General :: Motoluxe Won't Boot Past Motorola Logo

Nov 24, 2012

I have rooted my device and then downloaded CWM and tried to install Cyanogen Mod, I have tried this before and it just rebooted with nothing happening. This time the device would not boot past the motorola logo. I took out the battery and attempted to boot but again the device got stuck at the moto logo.

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Android :: Want To Detect If App Have Run In Past On Given Droid Device

Oct 18, 2010

I would like to know if and how it is possible to detect if my application have run in the past on a given android device. I would like every time the phone reboots to be able to check if my application has run on the past and retrieve some private data. If not just create those data.

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HTC Droid Eris : Way To Get History Of What I've Downloaded In Past?

Feb 5, 2010

Is there any way to get a history of what I've downloaded in the past? When I had a Droid, I had downloaded a few apps, but now with my Eris (configured to the same gmail account), I'd like to see what I had previously downloaded on the Droid.

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HTC Eris : Droid Won't Power On All Way - Go Past Verizon Wireless Screen

Nov 14, 2010

My HTC Eris' battery went dead last night. I plugged it into the charger and tried to restart it, but it won't go past the Verizon Wireless screen. I've tried removing the battery numerous times, but it still won't go past that screen. Any suggestions?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Unable To Get Past Lock Screen To Display Sometimes

Feb 12, 2010

Well, I've been noticing a few more problems with my eris as of late (if you want to know the others look at my post history)I've been unable to get past the lock screen to display sometimes. I just got off the phone with a friend, it was a long call as the phone/battery had heated up a bit. Now, everything with the phone seemed to be okay, I went and pulled up the HTC battery widget and was around 34C. I've seen it get this high before and had no problems. Now, I locked the phone and a few minutes later I tried to unlock it. The unlock screen would display but the touch screen wouldn't not receive any of my input. The Menu button did not work either. I could push the end button time and again and the display wound turn on and off, but no touch input ever worked. I just had to do a battery pull to get into my phone.

I've also been noticing inside TaskPanel that the amount of available memory steadily declines even if no programs are running. I have mostly sense programs ignored and I've included timerriffic and beautiful widgets as they are always running and need to be so they will function. (beautiful widgets I just purchased yesterday and I've had this problem for a week or two) If I do successfully get past the lock screen the phone will be extremely slow and TaskPanel will report something like 20 megs of available memory, with no applications running. If I restart the phone I'm usually fine. I think it is happening around the 13-14 hour mark of my phone being turned on.

I'm assuming something is hogging up my phone and I just can't tell what it is. I don't have very many 3rd party applications installed. They are closed immediately after I'm done with them except for beautiful widgets and timerriffic. I've had timerrific since the 2nd day I've owned my Eris and it's never been a problem (not to say an update didn't hose it)Anyone have similar problems? Anyone think of anything that could be causing this? [side note: I did notice a few weeks back my exchange calendar was freaking out and draining my battery, but deleting and resetting up my exchange email fixed that and it doesn't seem to be a problem now]

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Motorola Droid :: Advantage Of Pushing Apps To System / Apps?

Apr 20, 2010

Is there any real benefit for pushing apps to the system/apps in terms of speed/stability?

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Motorola Droid X :: Why Do Some Apps Not Show Up In Manage Apps Area?

Jul 31, 2010

I do not recall one of my apps (Places) ever being there before and its not in the manage app area so i can delete it. Does anyone else have this app?

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Motorola Droid :: Installed Apps Vs Downloaded Apps

Aug 1, 2010

Has anyone noticed that when you install an application manually vs a downloaded one from the market it doesn't update when a newer version comes out?

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Motorola Droid : Android Apps Vs IPhone Apps

Nov 16, 2009

I know the "cool kid in school" thing to do is make fun of the iPhone market for having 1,000's of 'Fart apps'

But let's be honest at the end of the day it's really not true, and now coming from being a previous iPhone owner and now a Droid owner i can honestly say, the iPhone app market wins by a TON.

This is just a general QUALITY of apps comparison as well.

NO i'm not switching back... but man do i miss the iPhone apps...

Especially facebook.. and others..

You can REALLY tell the difference between the quality of iPhone apps vs Android,

So why am i starting this thread?.. Well i'm hoping maybe a developer could chime in and enlighten us on why this is...

Things i'm curious about-

Is programming in android worse then in the iPhone OS? is that why apps are WAY less in quality?

And you can't give the excuse that it's because things are new, when the iPhone market came out the apps were quality at day 1, many of them were.

So what's the difference? i guess software...

Well i'm sticking with android even though this exists.. in hopes that maybe future Android OS updates and SDK's will improve this very obvious difference.. right now i'm not impressed at all... the apps are all Slow, and they look horrible.

And for twitter? holy crap... iPhone owners back me up here, but the iPhone twitter apps are lightyears ahead of android twitter apps.

Just take a look at Tweetdeck for iPhone, and compare to to what i guess is the best android twitter app, twidroid?

Compare those and you'll see what i'm talking about.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Want To Get Past 30fps

Sep 12, 2010

I know that it is possible to get past 30fps, but I am not in any way shape or form a techie so I dont know how to root or what a ROM is. Do I have to root to get a ROM? And also what exactly is a ROM and how will it affect my device? Just looking for a newb walkthrough. I know this may have been asked before but I really appreciate your patience in helping me.

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HTC Eris :: Kernals - OC Past 800

Aug 23, 2010

I'm still new to this Rooting so I have a question. I've tried about 14 different ROMs over the past month or so. My Eris always freezes up when I set the OC past 787mhz. I have read where some people are using Kernals that let them OC past 800. Is this something I can flash to my Eris or is my Eris just limited to 787?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Unable To Overclock Past 1.19

Sep 2, 2010

on Fresh what gives? every time i try through setcpu the evo reboots, then gets in a boot loop. any suggestions on how to fix this?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Have 3G Antennas Improved In Past 2 Years?

May 10, 2010

This may seem like an odd question, but, right now I'm using a late 2008 model Samsung Rant(I cannot wait to ditch it),I seem to have good 3G signal on it, but it seems to be sluggish at the start of using data.Basically what I'm asking is, have the 3G antennas used in phones improved in the last few years? Can I expect an upgrade in that manner or has it pretty much been the same technology for several years?

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Android :: Scroll Past Top Functionality?

Jul 2, 2010

how to achieve the "scroll past top" functionality that you see in some apps (like the HTC Sense email app for example) where when you scroll up to the top of the list and try to scroll up past that, it appears to pull down, and when you release it springs back up?

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HTC Desire :: Cannot Get Past Start Up Screen

Jul 30, 2010

I had DJ Droid installed on my desire and I was trying to unroot it and put a stock 2.1 rom on so I could put Froyo OTA once it was released but I didn't get very far!I formatted my spare card sd card and wanted to make a new gold card as out of the two I used I wasn't sure which was the gold card.Whenever I turn on my phone it hangs on the HTC start up screen.I can hold power and volume down and get into HBOOT, go to recovery, volume up and get to Android system recovery <2e> Apply and it says No Such File even though I put it on but I may of wiped the partition during all this which has removed this file.When I try to mount the micro sd using an adapter and look at the files on it it says 'You need to format the disk in drive G:before you can use it.This happens for both cards. I try to format them but they both fail Anybody ideas apart from leave things how they are in future!

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HTC Incredible :: Why Cannot I See Past Events In My Calendar?

Apr 29, 2010

Why don't my past calendar (google calendar) events show up on my Incredible? My future events show up but nothing in the past. I can see them on my laptop but not on the phone. On my Blackberry I could go back a year and a half to see past events. I hope Android allows this as I really need it for work.Otherwise this phone is unbelievable!

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HTC EVO 4G :: Just Unrooted And Cannot Get Past Boot Screen

Nov 23, 2010

I just used the from the how to guide on rooting. It apparently worked this time but now I'm stuck at the boot screen. I suppose I have no ROM now? Where can I get one and what do I do with it. if that is indeed the problem?

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