Motorola Droid :: Way To Store More Apps On Pages Of Phone Home Screen?
Nov 23, 2009I need a new them or way to store more apps on the pages of the Home screen on the Droid instead of just having 3 screens.

I need a new them or way to store more apps on the pages of the Home screen on the Droid instead of just having 3 screens.
How do you add more pages to android 2.0s home screen the droid only has 3 the eris has 7 how can this be achieved?
View 22 Replies View RelatedThis is hard to explain, but all the videos i show for the droid x shows that when you finger scroll through screen left to right and you get that little thing that pops up on the bottom where you can tap the dots to take you to certain home that same video i see that the phone arrow for apps and contacts icons move out of site while the dots pop up. until you let go then the navigation dots dissapear and the phone arrow for all apps and contacts icons slide back up.The same thing for deleting an app, when i see someone in the droid x video tap and hold and drag down to bottom to delete the phone, contacts and all apps moves out of the way.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anyone who got the update to 2.1 confirm if there's any more home pages, or is it still 3?
View 20 Replies View RelatedI don't use blockbuster and some others, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to remove the apps. They won't delete...
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery now and again I will be on the Internet or some random app and all of a sudden the phone goes back to the home screen. Does anyone else have this issue is this a major problem how can I fix this or would you return the phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy phone would be in my pocket, but if I were to take it out and check my mail, the screen would be blank. I would see the wallpaper and the 3 icons on the bottom of the screen (phone, application drawer, and contacts). It'd lag for a bit before things show up. When I say lag, I mean a pretty significant lag.
View 7 Replies View RelatedRunning 2.2 from OTA when I take the phone out of a dock (Multimedia or car), the home screen has to rebuild it self. Meaning all the icons are slow to come back. think of it as on a windows machine Explorer dies and you have to do a start/run/explorer to get it back. Only difference i that this is automatic, just slow to get responsive again. Even swipping through the screen is slow at first. Is froyo, google's VISTA?
View 12 Replies View RelatedThis home screen randomly shows up on my wife's droid. anyone see this?
it looks functional, but it isn't. her's is a vanilla 2.0.1 droid with no 3rd party UI.
I've had my Moto Droid since it basically came out last Nov and I have never ever run into a problem with the phone until last night. I had a phone call and after I got off the phone, I noticed my droid reseted itself and it wasn't going back to the home screen. Meaning it would just display the word "Droid" then go right into the droid red eye screen, then right back to the word Droid and just kept repeating itself.
I took the battery out and put it back in, but it kept doing the same thing. I am really not sure what would cause my phone to do this, but the only new change I can think of was that I installed the "TMZ" application to my droid about 3 hours prior to this happening. But the application worked fine and I really hope it wasn't because of that. Is there anything I can do before going to Verizon? I would really hate giving up my phone with all my stuff in it, but I know theres probably not much I can do if I cant even get to the home screen.
This is my first time here and I picked up a Droid last Friday and have already learned a lot about this phone. One problem I would like to know is how do you exit web pages without turning the phone off? When I hit the browser icon, it takes me back to the last page which is still open and I don't know how to close them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've heard about the 256 mb internal storage, and it sounds like it may limit... how many apps do you all have, and what are the sizes? has anybody gone over the limit yet? What are they doing to fix this problem, or is it not meant to be fixed? These are very important questions, so I can decide whether to invest in the Droid or something else (probably still android os but not sure if it's an android problem)
View 5 Replies View RelatedInstalled flash 10.1 today and since then...won't boot up at times, screen orientation won't switch, lock-ups, pages hang, multiple reboots etc. How do I uninstall this? I've looked on the phone and tried to research online without any luck so I have turned to to the real experts. Help!
Thanks in advance.
I am patiently waiting for my new droidx. I dont know if this is self explanatory when i receive the x and play around with it for a while but how do you store apps on the SD card? I read that you can only use the memory that comes with the phone but not sure if that was wrong.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just installed lock 2.0 and i was just adjusting the settings and now every time I'm in my phone and i touch the "Home" button it locks my phone instead of taking me back to my home screen! Is this normal? Did I accidental do it in the settings? HELP its driving me crazy
I'm on the new 2.1 leak if that matters
I own HTC Desire (Bravo). I rooted my phone year ago or so, tried different ROMs etc. I dont remember when exactly, but my Google play store is loading pages really slow. I am not in US, I doubt its carrier based issue..
Currently I'm using CM..I think its 8 or 9, not sure of the version because recently my ROM manager app stopped working. (Will try to reinstall it when I get calm enough to open Google Play Store again )
On the startup it says CM 7 (mod) but I think it does so for all versions. I flashed CM using clockwork mod.
To solve issue I've tried clearing cash/data but it didn't work . Btw I use wi-fi mostly, but issue is the same whether I use mine or some other wi-fi.
Today I updated to the latest cyanogenmod and like I always do I restore all of my apps with Titanium. However, when I restored helix, none of my apps were restored to their appropriate home screen like it normally is. It's a pain to drag them all one by one again to where I want them. Am I missing something, or is there an app out there that will remember them next time?
View 4 Replies View Relatedok so to make a educated decision, i downloaded from the market, home++ and GDE. so technically with default home app, i now have three to choose from. noticed that when press my home button it wants me to decide what home app to use and all three come up. does this mean that all 3 are running? is this sucking the life out of my phone? i have heard the whole android moves memory to running apps thing so i am wondering should i remove one of them since i cant remove the default one?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI love Helix Launcher 2 with its 3d app scrolling and 4 shortcuts, but is their a home like that with less lag? Because my phone lags nonstop now. Also on a side note. Is their a Ultimatedroid theme for Cyanogen? I <3 Ultimatedroid's theme and thats the only reason I use it over Cyanogen.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have seen there are a few home screen replacement apps out there, Pandahome, GDE and Open Home....
Which one do people like the best? I am looking for one that will pretty much just give me the extra home screens, but will maintain the look and feel of the basic home screen. Any thoughts?
Has anyone been successful in getting a replacement done in store? With the inventory of Droid X being very limited, would stores be unwilling to use their available units as replacement units? I'm sure they would much rather sell it along with a new contract/upgrade.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've been adding and changing things constantly on my Droid X since I got it, as I know most of you have. I thought I'd make this thread to show some newcomers a decent app list, and home screen setup. If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask.I'll start with my current apps, and then post some pics of my home screens.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've been playing around with Home++ lately and have really been liking the feel of this home replacement. Currently I'm using DxTop and while I am really impressed with it as well, I feel like changing it up a bit.
I'm just wondering if having both of them installed on my phone is going to kill the battery faster, make it lag, or generally cause any issues with normal phone operation. Also, if I select to use one of them as my default home screen, does it automatically stop the other one or will I have two home replacements running at once?
I need more than 3 screens (in fact, I use all 7 with Home++).I don't have 2.1 yet and one of my friends who does says Home++ doesn't support live wallpapers.Is this true?If it is, which home app supports live wallpapers (and isn't ugly)?
View 19 Replies View RelatedWe all know the buttons are missing.. but are there any apps that could add widgets to the home screens? Or a home replacement?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI bought the dock for the droid the other day and i really like the home screen that comes up when you plug the phone into it, but i was wondering is there was anyway to access that screen with out the dock. the screen that im talking about is the one with the music player, photo viewer, dimming the alarm clock, etc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this is like a default option but i've found thet my X's entire OS goes into landscape mode, including app tray, browser, apps, everything. I haven't downloaded any apps that do this and while its in this mode it wont rotate back to portrait. The only way I could change it back is by rebooting. I haven't found a way to voluntarily recreate this, it just happens, maybe by a certain combination of keys,but I'd like to know how to recreate this. I'm sure its probably really obvious so forgive me for my obliviousness
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan somebody tell me in easy instruction on how to get the clock with the weather and everything together on the droid x please. Don't know what app to get or how to set it up.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUnless I have the keyboard slid open, the home screen doesn't rotate.Apps do, but the homes screen doesn't. I have the auto-rotate open selected in settings.Also, when in my car dock, everything shows in landscape except when I am in a call.The call still shows up in the portrait.It is kind of annoying and lame
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe other day I took a trip, put my X in the car dock, and set Nav to my destination. About an hour into my trip, Nav would intermittently close, and would return to the home screen. However, the app wasn't always completely FC'd, but running in the background, and could be returned to by dragging down the Notification bar and reselecting it. This continued for the last 2 hours of my trip and was extremely annoying. Has anyone else experienced this?
View 9 Replies View Related