Motorola Droid :: Way To Know How App Memory Do Have Left?
May 9, 2010Just wondering, really. I have 157MB left, but I like to have minimal apps! I only get the ones I know I'm going to use alot.

Just wondering, really. I have 157MB left, but I like to have minimal apps! I only get the ones I know I'm going to use alot.
Just curious, but my phone is saying I have 9-13% of RAM left. Yet I have only downloaded maybe 12 apps. Any ideas or suggestions, anyone else have similar issues. I have cleared as many caches as I can find. Thanks in advance for any input.
View 3 Replies View RelatedBattery Left was the first thing I installed on my phone when I got it. My battery life has been terrible so I've been trying to track down the problem. I woke up today, unplugged my phone and didn't touch it for an hour. Battery Left says I have 70 percent left but the battery meter in the status bar showed full. I uninstalled battery left and installed Battstatt and it shows 90 percent (2 hours later). Anyone else have problems with battery left? I hope this fixes my battery problem.
View 6 Replies View RelatedCurious how space people have used. I have 380mb free in phone memory on the Inc.
View 27 Replies View RelatedI flashed velocity .3 on my wifes ally, and she only has about 30mb free memory left after only about 20 or so apps.She keeps getting notifications about not having enough memory.Is this rom that heavy?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've just decided to tell my Exchange active sync to pull ALL my mail down (not just the last 3 days or whatever).
Now I don't know what my available memory looked like before I did this, but i've now got 115MB left on the phone.
Is that going to cause me problems?
Is there any way of undoing the exchange full sync, short of deleting the account and starting again?
Today I went to install google earth to m phone. It would complete the download and kept telling me I dont have sufficient storage.I'm thinking there is no way I could have used 8 gigs of internal memory already, so I go to phone storage and see that I have 6.38 GB of internal storage left. So how is it that a 22mb download wont download?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThere any way to do a full Nandroid Backup on my Galaxy S3 with low memory left on SD card as well as internal? Roughly only 1gb available on each of them.
when i go to the home page the ball always pulls to the left and wont let me move any other way besides left. its giveing me alot of problems txting and just moveing around my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I see what percentage is left on my battery? I don't see any options under settings. Thanks.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow can i have ran out of space?. i went to go update my apps and theres no space left it says? to begin with i dont even have that many apps and i have also moved some to my sd card. so what else can be taking up space on the actual phone itself?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEvery once in awhile I'll pull my phone out of sleep and the 3G icon won't be there. I know that the 3G isn't active because I won't receive any emails during that time. It does this seemingly randomly and I can't find a pattern.
View 16 Replies View RelatedSo despite my gut feeling I took off the film behind the screen as the other thread indicated.Now my phone slides smoother but when it is closed and using it in portrait view, the bottom and top left of the phone makes a tapping noise everytime I press there. It's really annoying specially when I'm typing something or going back and I keep hearing tap tap silent silent silent tap tap tap.As I took a closer look, it seems like the legs on the left side on the back of the screen don't quite reach the keyboard base, therefore creating a gap and tapping the keyboard base whenever i press there.Has this happened to yours too? If so, do you have the film in the back or have you taken it off?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere is a spec of dust along the left side of the screen about 1" up. Its definatly under the glass and annoying as shit. Also the metal on the frame is so dense that it has 3 small and i mean SMALL pits in the metal.... How is this even possible? I use my iPhone as a coaster for the Droid and it sits in my pocket glass out... They are definatly pitted indentions in the metal as you can run your fingernail across them and feel it. Any ideas if I can go into verizon store to get a replacement for the spec under the glass? I bought it online launch day and have only had it since monday.
View 12 Replies View RelatedMy droid haas a slight gap one left side when closed. when I tap on the screen the gap closes a little then opens, giving an annoying "springyness" to my tapping. It's very annoying.
After owning a first gen iphone and a pre, the droid is my favorite. But if this problem only occurs on a fraction of droids i'd like to consider an exchange.
Have a D1 running stock. Was working fine, then the strange happened. The left side of the phone stopped working. None of the icons on the screen or the back arrow. Everything else seems to be working. If I set it to the phone log the phone will begin to make calls on its own. So do I go for a new one or is there a fix for this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got this second messaging icon that appears in the top left when I get a text. Its relentless and can only be cleared by dropping down the notification window and clicking on 'clear'. It looks like a small envelope but not very good graphically. I originally thought it was default app notification but its not. I'm rooted and have a custom rom installed. Someone please tell me how to stop it, I can't take it anymore.
View 13 Replies View RelatedFirst post here. First Android phone as well. Picked up the X yesterday and am enjoying it. One quick question though, can I not turn the phone to the right (bottom keys to the left) to change the orientation? Things only turn when I turn the phone left or straight up, not right or upside down.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI love the phone, but the other day the unlock slider suddenly changed from left-right to right-left, and I'm right handed. How do I change it back ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a ViewFlipper which contains a few linear layouts.I need to allow the user to flip through them.I've seen other apps which have arrow/triangle indicators on either side of the screen, which, when pressed, flips to the next view in the set.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI found a video on youtube where u can have the dpad in the bottom left corner when your holding your evo horizontal. Can I move the dpad from the top left to the bottom left? if so how?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm finding that I'm using the back button A LOT whether browsing the web or just navigating the OS. It kind of sucks because the buttons on the droid x are well, really small, and sometimes hard to press because they are so narrow and flimsy feeling. And depending on how you are holding the phone, it could be a good bit of distance for your thumb to travel or I'm finding myself having to reposition the phone in my hands just to reach the back button, which you seem to need very frequently.
Anyone know of any kind of back 'swipe' implementation ? Like some software you can install that makes it if you swipe left to right on maybe the top bar it goes back?
I'm upgrading from my Droid 1 to the Droid X tomorrow and would like to start my use of the DX with it's new 32gb card in place of my old 16gb card from my Droid 1 but need to know if there's anything required to copy from my droid 1 16gb card to my new DX 32 gb card that would be required or helpful in the DX use.I will obviously transfer music/vids/pics but are there any essential files, apps, etc. that are needed.Or is it a good idea to use my paid MyBackupPro to copy the old Droid 1 apps/data for use in the DX larger memory card or is this not copatible to perform between the 2 devices?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got a replacement phone and already it says im low on memory.. and i even had to delete texts...whats the deal? is it my apps?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy phone is low on memory, when I open my app manager it shows my mail app is using 59mb of memory. I have erased all mail and cleared the cache with no change. I am running android 2.1
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've had my phone (Droid1) for about 8 or 9 months and I love it. I just recently updated the phone to the 2.2 myself. I wasn't sent it like the rest of the phones. One problem I've ran into is memory. Everyday it says that I'm sort on memory, but I don't have a lot of applications. I have maybe... 8. I've deleted most of them because it says I need room. My question is.. what can I do to get memory back? does rooting help with memory? Should I restart my whole phone, if so, how do i do that?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI know this belongs in the "How To" section, I do, and I'm all for trying to keep things organized around here, but there's no denying that a lot more people will see (and therefore respond to) it here.I have 23MB of memory left on my phone. I can free up memory on my SD card easy enough just by pitching stuff like downloaded installs, vids, pics & music, but what can I pitch to free up PHONE memory?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've had unaccountable SD card memory loss since the update. Is it the upgrade or one of the apps I've downloaded since then. It seems to happen when I use picsaypro and an online animator even if I don't save anything.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan you randomly look at your SD card from the phone? Can you put regular files(like excel files) on the SD and access them with the phone? I've tried with no success. I was able to put the file on the card but had no way to get to ou it..
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm occasionally getting an alert from the app Blink that tells me i'm running low on memory. What exactly does this mean? Are too many apps running, or is too much simply installed?
How do I go about reviewing the memory being used, and then how to free some up? What amount or % of memory should be free?