Motorola Droid :: Way To Get A Local Radio App?
Apr 9, 2010Is there an app that will let me listen to the radio?

Is there an app that will let me listen to the radio?
This url is for my local NPR station. No flash is required, but none off the links work on Droid X, even though no flash is required. WHY?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFolks, I am wondering if anyone here can recommend a way of listening to a couple of local/regional radio stations on my HTC Desire, running Froyo on o2 in the UK The stations are Northsound 1 in the Aberdeen area, and BBC Radio Scotland FM. I have tried A Online Radio and Myplayer, neither will recognise the stations even when entering the url I would use in the pc's browser to listen online at home. Only reason I want to stream these is the non-existent reception using the native FM radio app in the phone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there an App that can listen to local radio stations (FM mainly)?
View 5 Replies View Relatedwell i really wanna listen to a radio station thats in my city through my phone. I no zune has a built in radio so i figured there must be a app or something?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI used flycast on my moto droid but its not supported on the incredible.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI travel a lot and I'm always trying to listen to my local channels, iheartradio is the only streaming app that has the specific channel I want to hear. I have the Eris and it seems the streaming quality is not to good, constantly cutting out.
Question is would the Droid X pick up this station or this app better than the Eris?
I also have At bat MLB 2010, no problems what so ever it seems it plays no matter where I'm at, tried the NFL app to listen to the Bengals game last week it was almost as bad as iheartradio.
Is it more the app or the phone? I know my call reception with the Eris is not great. but like I said MLB comes in great.
Is it possible to keep the 3G radio off? I bought SwitchPro and turned off the radio last night but it's back on this morning. If I can't keep it off, I'll have to return SwitchPro (since I bought it specifically for that purpose).
View 3 Replies View RelatedIde like to stream a particular local radio station and listen to it on my phone, the radio stations streaming music is done via flash player which is obvioulsy not supported on the moto droid yet. My question, is if i had a web host, is there a way to stream that flash player into another maybe mp3 application that I could host on my website and then goto the website on my phone and be able to listen to it? the website is if anyone wants to give it a looksy..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used to love on my old palm treo, but 'droid doesn't' play any of the stations. They had everything! I want to listen to over the air FM Radio on my droid. Suggestions on good streaming radio app?
View 40 Replies View RelatedI think right around the OTA 2.2 update my phone stopped working with my car in-dash unit. I have tried to pair my dads pos flip phone and it worked but my $500 smartphone won't (anymore). Any ideas how to fix this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would love to be able to use the FM radio tuner with the speaker, instead of having to be plug in headphones. Doable?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI'm new to the whole "android" experience; coming over from Sprint using a Palm Pre. Question: I have XM on my vehicle and I have unlimited internet usage on my Droid. If I download the XM radio app to my droid, is there a fee for usage for that app? I noticed it was not in the market.
Also, I've never purchased an app before in the market. Does that get billed to your phone account or can you have it directed to a credit card?
I was looking at verizon promo vid for droid 2 and it says that droid 2 has fm radio app but i cant find it on my phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm streaming my radio show of choice (lex & terry app)...about 10 min goes by and it stops. I go to the phone which is hooked up to my radio and a wall charger and the 3g symbol has no activity and the program that streams my show says connection lost. Any reason why it is shutting off. I never had this problem with the eris. Just got my droid yesterday.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been using to stream talk radio to my pc. You can pick a show and it will list all stations carrying it live at any particular time. Unfortunately most of the stream links are Flash. So I've searched for the station call letters in android apps and they're not there. The links from mobile stream center won't play either. Is there anything for Android that will search for call letters and play the stream?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to stream UC Berkeley radio and it's not working. .
I'm currently running RubiX Focused 1.0 on top of the leaked 2.3.15. I was thinking of SBF'ing to the 2.2 OTA to get the updated Radio and Baseband. My question is this, once I SBF, root and install Bootstrap, can I then Nandroid back to my RubiX?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a radio app for the Droid, which will allow me to play FM radio station internet streams. Not looking for a music-focused app like Pandora, I'm an NPR junkie and want to be able to pick up my local NPR as well as stations from other cities. Also want a podcast player.Any have any suggestions of ones they've used and like?
View 25 Replies View RelatedJust wondering if it can broadcast a 300-400 MHz radio signal?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWell, that is about the only negative I can think of...... Oh yeah, it does not have a keyboard, either
May be a tad big, but very nice device
One thing that our EVO friends touted, but could not back up (hidef video) IS possible with the X. The 45nm chipset makes a huge difference in regards to heat output. How practical it is would be another story, but still- nice device.
Is the microsd blocked by the battery on the X? I hate that.
Perhaps a better way to word it for the hidef is QUALITY hidef. EVO, like all other devices that use the snapdragon, sux for hidef output, due to the 65nm chipset not handling the heat well.
For some reason, not sure if it was due to the rooting w/ kangerade latest version. But now when I am streaming pandora and the phone rings I can barely hear the people on the other end. Really scratchy, but its fine once I pull the aux cable out. I also added the new baseband that pete put out that was said to be for Froyo? Not sure if it is the new baseband, even though I get more bars in more places....(tired ass ATT slogan, even though I work there)
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am a huge football (European football) fan and I live in the states.Is there an app that allows me to listen to euro sports radio i.e. the matches on my droid?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am just curious but my car radio is broken and it only plays in mono. I have a tape cassette to a 3.5mm adapter. bought it off ebay. And before i try a droid x in the car. Any way i can get the Droid x to play in mono and not stereo through the 3.5mm port? Cause i want both L+R audio playing through one side.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust did the radio update.Reactivated, *228, reset phone a couple times, but still cant sign into google. I'm on UD 9.0 is that the issue?
View 9 Replies View RelatedJust fired up SHOUTcast via TuneWiki and the music is no good. Sounds like a bad mp3 rip when it gets all garbled, if you pirates know what I mean
Tried a bunch of different stations and same thing, with major lag and disconnects. I guess I found the answer, Froyo support TuneWiki does not work on FroYo (partly)
Anyone else having issues with another internet radio program?
Game 3 of the NBA finals just began and I can't listen to it because A Online Radio doesn't show up in Froyo's market ;_;
Can anyone send me the apk? or is there a fix for the market?
On my Inc, when I played the FM radio or Pandora, my ear buds have a button which pauses or mutes the player. With the DX, when I use this same button, it automatically brings up voice commands and is asking for a command while the music still plays in the background? Anyway to disable this so it just mutes or pauses? It appears that the settings for the voice commands are taking over and I don't know where to change them. I can not delete or uninstall the voice command settings since I use the voice to text.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI published an application that stores data in a local database.
Now I have to publish an update to this application to fix some little bugs, but I am afraid that downloading and installing the update will delate the local database associated with the previous version.
I would like to know how the update system works. Will installing an update completely delete all the apk, files, databases associeted with the previous version?
If so, how can I avoid this in my code?
Has any1 else had any problems using an auxiliary audio cable to connect their droid to their radio in their car? I have been trying it out the last few days and have noticed "crackling" in the left speakers. If i fiddle with the Aux cable that plugs into the phone it clears up. But as soon as I let go its back. Has any1 else had this problem? Is the only fix to return the phone? I have a 39/09 btw.
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