Motorola Droid X :: Streaming Local Radio
Jul 16, 2010This url is for my local NPR station. No flash is required, but none off the links work on Droid X, even though no flash is required. WHY?

This url is for my local NPR station. No flash is required, but none off the links work on Droid X, even though no flash is required. WHY?
Is there an app that will let me listen to the radio?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI travel a lot and I'm always trying to listen to my local channels, iheartradio is the only streaming app that has the specific channel I want to hear. I have the Eris and it seems the streaming quality is not to good, constantly cutting out.
Question is would the Droid X pick up this station or this app better than the Eris?
I also have At bat MLB 2010, no problems what so ever it seems it plays no matter where I'm at, tried the NFL app to listen to the Bengals game last week it was almost as bad as iheartradio.
Is it more the app or the phone? I know my call reception with the Eris is not great. but like I said MLB comes in great.
Ide like to stream a particular local radio station and listen to it on my phone, the radio stations streaming music is done via flash player which is obvioulsy not supported on the moto droid yet. My question, is if i had a web host, is there a way to stream that flash player into another maybe mp3 application that I could host on my website and then goto the website on my phone and be able to listen to it? the website is if anyone wants to give it a looksy..
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm streaming my radio show of choice (lex & terry app)...about 10 min goes by and it stops. I go to the phone which is hooked up to my radio and a wall charger and the 3g symbol has no activity and the program that streams my show says connection lost. Any reason why it is shutting off. I never had this problem with the eris. Just got my droid yesterday.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been using to stream talk radio to my pc. You can pick a show and it will list all stations carrying it live at any particular time. Unfortunately most of the stream links are Flash. So I've searched for the station call letters in android apps and they're not there. The links from mobile stream center won't play either. Is there anything for Android that will search for call letters and play the stream?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to stream a particular fm station (wbgo) on my eris. It's an NPR station that streams on the internet, but requires either realplayer, winamp or windows media player (it's also on itunes). All of the radio players I've seen or seen discussed here carry commercial stations (for example, iheartradio has Clear Channel stations).
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to try out RTSP locally so that I can play about with it etc. I've got RTSP working from and would now like to try and get it so it streams from my LAN. Obviously the Emulator is no good, because like I've read it either requires a lot of computing power OR it has an internal firewall that prevents playback. Which ever the reason, the Emulator is not working. So I attached my HTC Hero to my LAN via WiFi (connected it to my WiFi router). I also have another computer (lets call it Computer A) attached to my WiFi via Ethernet cable, and then another computer (lets call that Computer B) attached to that one, again via Ethernet.
Now I've run Wowza server on Computer A and tried to browse via my HTC but it seems it is trying to connect out to the internet every single time. I've also run an Apache web server on Computer A, but Hero still can not see this, so I know it's not a configuration fault on the servers. How can I test RTSP when I can't even get my Hero to connect to my local network ? I've searched around to see what the problem but can't find it, so either no one knows, or more likely I am not putting in the right search parameters. Can someone perhaps guide me on this on how to attach phone into Local network? Once I have it connected I can play about with RTSP to my heart's content then.
Folks, I am wondering if anyone here can recommend a way of listening to a couple of local/regional radio stations on my HTC Desire, running Froyo on o2 in the UK The stations are Northsound 1 in the Aberdeen area, and BBC Radio Scotland FM. I have tried A Online Radio and Myplayer, neither will recognise the stations even when entering the url I would use in the pc's browser to listen online at home. Only reason I want to stream these is the non-existent reception using the native FM radio app in the phone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there an App that can listen to local radio stations (FM mainly)?
View 5 Replies View Relatedwell i really wanna listen to a radio station thats in my city through my phone. I no zune has a built in radio so i figured there must be a app or something?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI used flycast on my moto droid but its not supported on the incredible.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've been reading around quite a bit and got my Droid today. I am looking for an app that streams FM stations online. I used something like Wunder radio on the WinMo platform. I am not interested in Pandora or Slacker as I want to stream real talk/music stations around the US. Anyone have luck finding one that works good?
View 47 Replies View RelatedBit of general this but as its the Desire that I'm looking to get (on either O2 or Voda) I'd thought this would be a good place to ask these questions.
1. I am looking to use the phone to listen to radio (radio 5 and maybe radio 1 and 2 as well) and send the sound wirelessly to suitable bluetooth headphones - I assume this is perfectly possible?
2. Assuming the above is ok what sort of data bandwidth would I use up per hour. I was looking at maybe 100 hrs a month - is that realistic on a 1GB cap?
3. How reliable is 3G is walking around generally - is it consistent generally or does it drop out alot?
I need a reliable app for streaming BBC radio on my Hero, UKRadio keeps Force Closing, Beebplayer just doesn't stream.
View 13 Replies View RelatedThere is a radio station I like, it is on itunes, but also available for stream at their own website. The stream looks for compatibility with Windows media player, or itunes, Winamp, or their own platform which loads on my phone but does not work correctly with no volume.
How I can listen to this station, and what I need to download?
The website is if that helps. There is a link to listing by choosing your format. On the desktop works fine, just wish i could get it on the phone.
How can I listen to a radio station that is has a MP3 live streaming link on the internet? Currently when I try now is only downloads a strange file that is not recongnized by the music player.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCompletely new android owner. Question, try to listen to webradio, but it doesn't work, why, what do I need to let the music stream.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to steam online radio stations using Radio Time and iHeartRadio at work on my Incredible and it seems to cut out a lot or just lose the connection and then i have to reconnect and it works fine for a short while. Is this a common problem with online streaming and phones?? I'm wondering if it's a 3G issue or just the streaming.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of an app that will stream The Jim Rome show off a local station? He is not on the air anymore in my area
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use my streaming radio apps a particular RadioTime and iheartradio so that I can listen to some local programming while I work out. I just downloaded the ESPN Radio app for the same purposes.
These programs seemed to work pretty well at first. I seemed to have a steady signal, the buffering was smooth, etc. Lately not so much. Often times they are so choppy it's not even worth listening....and I don't think it's a signal issue as I have also experienced this when I'm outside riding my bike. And I live in a very populated suburb with extremely strong coverage.
Also I have noticed particularly with RadioTime and the ESPN app that they seem to "time out" after 10-15 minutes. The program will be running along streaming just fine, and all of a sudden it just stops and I have to wake up the phone, turn the stream off and then turn the stream on again to get it rolling. Very irritating.
I figure this must be something in the settings for the phone, since the programs themselves have very few settings.
Since the update I'm now able to stream radio stations that weren't able to stream before. I'm assuming its because of Flash. However, in order to keep streaming the browser screen has to remain open ie I can't open another browser tab or switch to another application. Any ideas how to make this run in the background so I can use other apps or open other tabs while streaming?
Also, on another web page there is an option to stream a show or click to download the show as an mp3. When I click the link to download it opens the streaming player and gives me an error that it can't stream that type of file. I didn't have this issue on my blackberry. Clicking the link started the mp3 download. Suggestions?
Has anyone found a way to stream sirius radio from their evo using the online sirius flash player? Using orb and usirius (or any other similar program) seemed to do the trick on the iPhone. Can't get that to work on the evo though. Launching the online app itself does everything but play the stream. I have the sirius app, i'm looking to stream the channels that aren't supported by it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow I can stream/listen to this on-line radio: mms:// ?
I also found out that the station has this link as well:
So anybody know an app that can play either of these 2 links?
How do I get BBC Radio 1 streaming live? I know that you can listen on TuneIn but there is a delay. While I can live with it, it would be great if I could listen live without the delay.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to listen to FM radio bringing some mobiles (eg S3) using bluetooth headset? I know it takes physical headphone cable antenna to do. I have no problem to plug some wire if that is necessary.But I want to listen to the radio (not streaming with apps like tunein) via bluetooth.
With the application of native MP3 music player on my S3 I have a choice if I want to output to the external speaker or Bluetooth. How hard is it to do something similar to the radio? Is there no cooked ROM to do it?
just got froyo and i am trying to stream some radio stations that use flash but it takes so long to load up its bothersome and the player that loads is so small you cant even see the controls. whats the best way to use adobe flash to stream radio.
View 8 Replies View RelatedLooking for a decent music radio streaming player for the HTC Desire, that works over 3G. (UK)
Currently use Last FM which is good, just looking for alternatives. Gaydarradio plays great tunes but only works over wifi!
I've got a Moto S9 headset connected to my Incredible. While in a local music app (htc media player, tunewiki, mixzing, etc) the bluetooth headset controls work just fine. If I'm in a streaming radio app (pandora,, slacker) and press the bluetooth controls it will start playing the last accessed local music player. Does anybody else see similar behavior? this seems like a pretty big bug/problem to me.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone notice that the streaming radio apps, such as slacker or iradio keep dropping their network connections?
View 8 Replies View Related