Motorola Droid X :: Broadcast 300 - 400 MHz Radio Signal?
Nov 4, 2010Just wondering if it can broadcast a 300-400 MHz radio signal?

Just wondering if it can broadcast a 300-400 MHz radio signal?
how can we automatically turn on airplane mode when radio signal is very low in android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy droid x signal pretty much always between -92dBm and -87dBm with 1-3 3g bars. My former droid eris would get -92dBm with 1 bar and also drain incredibly fast.
On the droid x, if I go into google maps, the circle of the cell tower appears and the place I live at is half way within the edge of the circle and the other half is outside of the circle. I always seem to be connected to this tower. Bad luck I guess that I'm on the outskirts of the circle.
Does anyone know how cell towers are distributed? Do they overlap sometimes?
I run pandora with the screen off for a half hour with the screen off and my battery is down to 70%. I have about 15% screen brightness and battery saving mode on.
yesterday, I was on meebo for an hour and 45 minutes and it was down to 60% from a full charge.
Well I'm a newbie dinc user and I love this phone! But I hav some issues tht I hav to solve or I'll hav to get the Droid x or Droid 2 when it comes out next week.
I'm getting terrible signal. Everybody around me is getting like full bars and I barely have 1 maybe 2. Is there anything i can do to help this?
2nd is how do I uninstall the stock apps like cityid and fm radio? So maybe tht will help the pathetic battery life. And also which is the best extended battery to get both the same size and the larger, like what brands?
Is it possible check signal from my home camera on radio-frequency 2,4ghz on my galaxy ace via bluetooth, wifi or some app?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've ported a Hero ROM to a HTC Magic.Here's my problem:
Problem: There's a great battery drain when you're connected to the network (no data but just mobile network for calls/SMS)
Ported ROM: Sandwich Deluxe 4.0 .
Original ROM: Hero ROM
Kernel: carz- (fast and stable)
The mobile network drains battery.I'm not in a low signal-area. Everybody who uses the ROM has a drain.I'm using a 2.x.x instead of a 3.0 kernel for an ICS ROM, can it be that this mismatch creates the drain?The phone displays a singal strength of 0dBm 97 asu. (Not normal?)
What doesn't cause the problem? In airplane mode there is no drain at all. So it is unlikely that some apps causes the drain.Wifi, GPS, sync, ... are all disabled.
What do you expect from xdamembers?
- Confirmation if the kernel is the issue of the drain. If not, I would like to know which files (in ROM) are responsible for network signal.
I am at work and I got the urge to download final fantasy 7 to my psp. Working at a bank there Are no open connections for wifi. Wait I got a droid. One prob. My psp is unable to fins the droids broadcast. I tried to scan and also tried to manually set up the connection. Any ideas?
PSP 3000
Version 6.2
I want to reach out to others here before I take my Moment back to Best Buy to exchange it for another Moment.
My signal strength fluctuates wildly just sitting in the same spot. With the Hero I got a constant 5 of 6 bars, but the Moment will vary between 0 and 5 of 6 bars. But it's more complicated than that.
It seems that whenever the EVDO data kicks in, it causes the signal strength to drop to 0 or 1 bar. Once the data is idle, the EVDO indicator turns grey and then changes from EV(^v) to EV(D). At that point the single strength will return to 3 or 4 bars.
At times, though not as consistently or often, the EVDO connection will fall back to 1xRTT and will switch between them every few minutes. This will occur even when the signal strength bars are in the 3 to 4 range.
So, the my questions are...
Does the signal strength apply to the data signal or just the voice signal?
Is there any legitimate reason for the signal strength to vary wildly like I've described, even when sitting in the same recliner where the Hero had a constant 5 bar connection and data service that never wavered?
Is anyone else having signal strength and/or data service issues?
Should I exchange the Moment for another Moment or will I likely experience the same issue?
I'm trying to figure out if a system event broadcast is broadcasted using ordered broadcast or normal.The event is EVENT_REMINDER and in the source for the calendarprovider i noticed it sets up a alarmmanager to sent the broadcast. I can't find how the alarmmanager sends it. My guess would be as a normal broadcast , But while i was trying some things i noticed i could delay the system's notification (tried up to 10 sec) by building a sleep in my broadcastreceiver. This would indicate that they are handled ordered , and the systems receiver is only called when mine has finished. But can i be sure of this behavour?? (in all 1.5> sdk versions) the docs state that in some cases normal broadcasts are also handled ordered..due to spare of resources.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble with my fascinate's signal. I know that bars are not indicative of the signal you are receiving, but my phone is usually at 0-1 bars most of the time it does jump to 2 bars on occasion. I am usually around -101dbm for my signal. I do not get any dropped calls, but I do get garbled and static phone calls on occasion. The big issue is the 3g. It takes forever for WebPages to load, and sometimes they half load, then take forever to load the rest of the way. If I restart the phone, it works but only for a few hours. I am coming from the droid incredible that had awesome radio and 3g signals. I never had an issue, so I know its not my area. I bought the phone from my friend, brand new, as it was his upgrade that he sold me. However, Verizon will not let me exchange it, even though it is a new activation.My question I guess is there any way that I can boost my signal, or is this just a flaw in the hardware that I am stuck with until I decide to buy another phone? I have tried *228, 1 and 2, as well as talking to verizon teir 2 techs. they were not much help.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI finally upgraged from my LG Dare to the Motorola Droid X. On the first day I loved it! No issues at all. Today is the second day and I CANNOT get 3g signal. I have power cycled, pulled battery straight out and left out for a minute, turned all options on and off(wifi,bluetooth,airplane mode, gps) NOTHING IS WORKING AND I AM OVER IT! I am in the same spot I was yesturday. In a big city, full bars but cannot get 1x or 3g to come up. No navi, no internet, no picture messages!
View 9 Replies View RelatedJust wondering if I'm setting myself up for excessive battery drain on a DROID given my signal at the house. I'm testing this by looking at the status screen of my VZW blackberry My neighbor next door has a 3g ATT blackberry - he's getting -70 (solid) in my home.
View 6 Replies View Relatedsince i had a big problem just now with messing around with things to try to get signal strength better. i was wonder. whats considered the best or great signal strength i dont mean in bars i mean in the numbers like in the settings area.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone have an issue with there 3G and overall signal being very poor after the OTA update? Now not getting 3G or even 1x at times in my cube where before I had 3G all the time. Did a *228, reboot, battery pull and nothing seems to help.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've noticed on my phone sometimes my dbm would be -83 and I would only have 1 bar and other times it would have 3-4 bars at -83dbm. Sometimes I would only be getting -96 yet the bars would be full (all instances I was in 3G mode) do the bars take into account anything else besides dbm?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSince there are apps to make Droid a remote control, I was wondering if there is an app that would allow you to use Droid as a garage door opener? It would just have to send out a signal.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI must have the worst luck with phones. My Droid X was working flawlessly since I bought it last week and then suddenly won't get signal! I called VZW and was on the phone with them for over an hour. Tried everything and come to find out, my Droid Eris (previous phone) connects just fine. Some problem came up with the Droid X! Suffice it to say, they are sending a replacement in an week or two and I'm back to the Eris in the mean time. Anyone know how the heck this could've happened? I tried airplane mode on and off, turned the phone off and on, took out the battery while the phone was on, did a full system reset and went through all of the system stuff through VZW.
View 20 Replies View RelatedHad my Droid for about 24 hours now and am impressed with the functionality and features, but the lack of phone signal is disappointing so far. I am averaging only about -96 dBm in my home. This is significantly lower than my EVO on Sprint. On the other hand, 3G for data is good - 3-4 bars. What is everyone else averaging for dBM on the phone/voice, is it possible I have a bad unit?
View 23 Replies View RelatedI just got a replacement refurbished droid a couple of days ago. I am wondering why I am getting one bar on 3G signal a lot of times. It seems like the reception/signal is a little flaky. My buddy just bought a brand new droid yesterday and he has the same thing a lot of times with just one 3G bar where I' ve seen other google phones with 3 or 4 bars.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs it built into the OS or do I need to download an app from the market?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI use the GPS functions and My Tracks quite frequently on my DX. I was wondering if there was a way to check to see which satellites the DX locks on to and their strength - much like a GPS unit (Garmin, etc)?
I would like to use this information to check some settings while on trails as well as getting the Lat/Long of my position.
If I have to use an APP to do this can you recommend a good one?
I'm on my third 'X'.Both returns have been for the identical reason.3G drops seemingly at random and then hangs on 1x for 'x' amount of time before it reverts back.Yes I can manually kick start the thing by going into airplane mode but this is ridiculous.I've tried all the other band-aid approaches; hard reset, *228/1, *228/2, etc.Nothing fixes the problem.This happens way to often to be considered a fluke.I can not afford to have this happen while in navigation mode as it renders that function useless.I really need to know from someone this in fact is A) identified and B) being addressed by Moto and/or VZW. If I can't I'm afraid I will have to return this and leave VZW.It's too bad as the phone is perfect except for this very annoying bug. Does anyone have solid information on this?
View 40 Replies View Relateddo you guys ever get these random times where you lose 3g signal? and then turning on then off airplane mode will get you right back on 3g, even when youre in the same spot? im running bb .8 w/ stock adam 600 kernel. any sugg or comments appreciated,
View 3 Replies View RelatedAre you guys experiencing any issues with the WIFI signal on the droid? I am not getting any signal in areas of my house where my iPhone and Droid Eris (exchanged Eris for Droid) had no problems.
View 8 Replies View Relatedfirst of all the people that say it will only work 50 feet away. That's not true. if you read the instructions you have to be 50 feet away the first time you sync and then after that it goes up to 5000 feet. i got one for $99 and I am very happy. The only thing I have to ask if it is normal is.... My signal will be 1 bar until I am on a phone call and then will go up to full bars. Is this normal for the extender?
View 41 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use the navigation function of the Droid X, but when I go to navigate to a location, it just sits at searching for GPS and never gets a signal. Now if I open Maps it shows my location almost instantly.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a Moto Droid 1 rooted from spf recovery via .zip. I then used Rom Manager to install Clockworkmod Recovery and flash Cyanogenmod 6.0 (Froyo). It worked absolutely fine for about a month. Then last night, I found my phone upstairs on AC, and it was on the bootloader menu. I restarted it and found it would only boot into the bootloader. I booted into recovery and tried to reboot from there. This worked but when my phone booted into Cyanogenmod, it had no signal at all. After resetting it a few times, I tried doing a factory reset. The problem persisted. I tried wiping the cache partition. Still won't connect. I rerooted. Still won't connect. I did what I thought was flashing my ROM again, but it didn't seem to work (I'm not sure how I could tell). When I try to restore Nanroid, it says "no files found"
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt says 4 bars, but when i dial someone it goes down to 1 or 2 bars. Then when i hang up it goes back to 4. Then i go into about phone and it says -102 dBm, which does not equal 4 bars. SO why is it accurate only when i'm on a call?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way i can change it so it shows 5 bars instead of 4 for the signal strength?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI cant figure out why my girlfriends x has the wifi and the 3g signal on the status bar at the same time. When my wifi is on, my 3g Indicator disappears. What is supposed to happen?
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