Media :: How To Get A Local Radio Stations App?
Nov 18, 2010Is there an App that can listen to local radio stations (FM mainly)?

Is there an App that can listen to local radio stations (FM mainly)?
I used flycast on my moto droid but its not supported on the incredible.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi am looking for a good live straming tv app. anyone know of one, pref with local channels (i am in NY)
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince the update I'm now able to stream radio stations that weren't able to stream before. I'm assuming its because of Flash. However, in order to keep streaming the browser screen has to remain open ie I can't open another browser tab or switch to another application. Any ideas how to make this run in the background so I can use other apps or open other tabs while streaming?
Also, on another web page there is an option to stream a show or click to download the show as an mp3. When I click the link to download it opens the streaming player and gives me an error that it can't stream that type of file. I didn't have this issue on my blackberry. Clicking the link started the mp3 download. Suggestions?
The FM Radio app on my Evo died for some reason and now turns on to station 00.0 and I can't do anything. Does anyone know how I can fix this app or know of another app that will allow me to tune in over the radio stations? All of the "radio" apps I keep seeing and hearing about are for webcasts of the radio programming, and I want to actually use the FM tuner.
View 5 Replies View Relatedthe App(s) and Device that you try and what works or doesn't.
1. Bloomberg Radio
Live Bloomberg Radio
2. Hot 97
1. DroidLive
2. MMSLite
3. AndroidOnlineRadio
4. StreamFurious
5. DroidCumulus
Folks, I am wondering if anyone here can recommend a way of listening to a couple of local/regional radio stations on my HTC Desire, running Froyo on o2 in the UK The stations are Northsound 1 in the Aberdeen area, and BBC Radio Scotland FM. I have tried A Online Radio and Myplayer, neither will recognise the stations even when entering the url I would use in the pc's browser to listen online at home. Only reason I want to stream these is the non-existent reception using the native FM radio app in the phone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that will let me listen to the radio?
View 9 Replies View RelatedThis url is for my local NPR station. No flash is required, but none off the links work on Droid X, even though no flash is required. WHY?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwell i really wanna listen to a radio station thats in my city through my phone. I no zune has a built in radio so i figured there must be a app or something?
View 12 Replies View Relatedis there a PC Server Client and Android app combo I could use?I have 90gigs of music on my home pc, and I'd love an app that could stream that music via my home wi-fi. Not going through any intermediary web services.Basically, Point to local music folders in the PC client, activate the server, browse media on my phone Just like TVersity, but for android devices.I know there is an app in dev called "FIVE" but that's not out yet,
View 4 Replies View RelatedTrying to set a file descriptor originating from a Local Socket on a Media Player fails in Android, both the SDK emulator and the actual devices. This problem was originally described in the link below, but the discussion got (unfortunately) sidetracked: The link gives example code to reproduce the problem - I am listing the necessary steps here as well for reference:
1) Create a thread with a Local Socket that receives raw audio data (e.g. an OGG file), for example from another Local Socket.
2) Connect the socket and a new Media Player using media Player.setDataSource( receiving Socket.getFileDescriptor()); The code will fail with UNKNOWN_ERROR on C side with the following exception on Java side:
I would like to get the mime type of my local media file (3gpp , mp4, ...etc) if it is of video then i want to allocate a SurfaceView for it additionally otherwise i just use MediaPlayer to play it i have found opencore has provided some interface for that and used by mediascanner.cpp but it seems in android media framework it isnt so can i achieve this by using android media framework?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I upload media to local storage of emulator device?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I heart is to iphone what is to droid?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did a search and I couldn't even find a single result for "" or "last fm" so hopefully I haven't overlooked anything. Anyway onto the point, I'm a Galaxy S owner living in Australia and I want to know if I can use's radio feature if I pay. I understand that in supported countries (of which there are 3) users can listen to the radio feature no problems over 3G, WiFi and even EDGE for free, what I want to know is whether signing up to's paid access will allow me to do the same thing in the land of Oz.
I'm really hoping & praying this is going to be the solution for me a I'd LOOOVE that feature to go with my new phone... especially as it'd be a huge advantage over my iPhone using buddies who can't get the app here
Is it possible to receive XM Radio (Satellite radio) on a Droid phone that can receive GPS signals?
View 1 Replies View Relatedany way of listening to this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedA friend of mine with a Samsung Omnia showed me a way on his phone last night to search for live audio. He quickly did a search on Chicago Bears and found 3 stations during the Monday Night Football game where we could listen to live audio. I wonder if the G1 could do some sort of streaming audio via a radio station.
View 14 Replies View RelatedNot sure,if this is the right topic, but i know the Galaxy S has a standard radio which the phone comes with, is there any apps which are UK based, radio station
View 2 Replies View RelatedI go on line using opera mini to listen to online radio stations. It says on the website it needs winamp or real player. Ive downloaded both using android market.
Thing is the music don't wanna play. Any ideas or its there another app that can do this.
When driving, I have my Droid X's audio output plugged into my car's radio, the radio's source is set to AUX, and my tunes play through the radio. So far, so good.
Then I bought the BlueAnt S4 Bluetooth phone device so I can make and receive calls while I'm driving. Also fine--except that now the phone is also sending my music to the BlueAnt device.
On the phone, under Settings, Wireless & Networking, Bluetooth Settings, I discovered that I can open up an options screen for the BlueAnt device. It lists two profiles, Phone and Media, both of which were originally checked. Happy to have found this, I unchecked the checkbox next to Media.
But my music is still coming through the BlueAnt device.
I powered the phone off and restarted it. No change, even though the Media profile has remained unchecked.
If I create a playlist from the music library on my phone, does it create a file for the playlist somewhere? I want to be able to play a playlist when I hook my Evo up to my car radio via USB. Scanning so many folders for one song, then doing it again for next song is getting kinda annoying.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHad the Desire for a week and it is driving me mad. I liked listening to BBC radio 2 walking to work - Chris Evans made me laugh and woke me up gently but since the Desire, the reception is intolerable and I don't bother (prev. Sony K800i was great). Have read and searched all I can on tinternet and although others have similar, I have yet to see a fix - I have today emailed HTC but wonder if anyone has found an answer? I have seen mention of thinner headset cables are better (HTC supply is thick) - anyone found a replacement headset that improves this please - you truly would make my week. I am still in the return period but doubt that would work, so would rather find a fix. Other bits 'n bobs I have found which may help you and balance my question are 1. don't use Advanced task killer to close the radio - it doesn't shut it down properly and you can't reuse the radio - if you get this, turn the phone off fully and then it shall work. 2. I like the 3G watchdog app to stop me going over my usage - give it a go 3. Shopsavvy is cool and works really well to scan a barcode and find better prices - Pkt Auctions Ebay app in contrast has never worked for me and seems useless in the wake of Shopsavvy 4. You may well need a new in car handsfree kit - A2DP requirement I think it is - my 2 old ones weren't up to it but a new Parrot kit for �50 does the job and can call from speech etc. 5. The best surprise was the navigation tool - basically satnav which works better than my dedicated satnav - the lady's voice is a little annoying but she gives far better detailed descriptions of the next turn and finds satellites quicker then my old and now redundant machine - give it a go! Anyway, I'll shut up as no doubt you are dying to tell me which headset does make my Desire FM work.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been able to stream XM Radio directly from their PC to their phone using XM Tuner or SiriusXMStreamer? I have gotten it to work with Orb, but would prefer to take Orb out of the equation and stream directly from the XM program or use TVersity. Orb streams in a format that uses the camera player, which I do not like. I would prefer an mp3 stream from TVersity, but have not seen where anyone has gotten it to work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooking for an Android radio app similar to Pocket Tunes for the Iphone/Ipod Touch that will enable me to listen to local/regional BBC stations on my Verizon Droid. Unable to launch BBC's iPlayer as a Flash Player for Android 2.x has not been released yet. Pocket Tunes' rebroadcast does not require a flash player. None of the apps I've tried in Market Place has been able to capture local BBC stations.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to listen to Talksport on my hero in the UK, but it won't stream live from their internet page (does on my pc). Any app that will allow me to do this on my phone?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do you do that or is it possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat apps are you all using to watch TV shows online. I got from the market but it's only certain broadcasting stations such as CBS. Are there any other out there for the HTC Droid Eris for NBC and ABC stations?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI published an application that stores data in a local database.
Now I have to publish an update to this application to fix some little bugs, but I am afraid that downloading and installing the update will delate the local database associated with the previous version.
I would like to know how the update system works. Will installing an update completely delete all the apk, files, databases associeted with the previous version?
If so, how can I avoid this in my code?