Motorola Droid : Phone Sound Change To Higher Pitched Goofy / Want Original?
Mar 31, 2010Anyone else's "Droid" sound change to a higher pitched goofy sound? I like the original "Droid" sound. Any ideas as to what's going on with the sound change?

Anyone else's "Droid" sound change to a higher pitched goofy sound? I like the original "Droid" sound. Any ideas as to what's going on with the sound change?
Not a huge deal but just really a concern, hoping nothing is wrong with phone. So, when my wife turns phone off and turn on the phone no longer has that "droid" sound like when it was first bought, just another ringtone that isn't used for any kind of notification or anything and I don't see a setting for that anywhere.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else here a faint, high-pitched tone/hum during phonecalls? Its quite annoying, now that I've noticed it. Sometimes it slowly and steadily increases in pitch. Is this a defect?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get me Droid to play the Droid sound at startup again. I have tried to set my notification so i get the droid sound at start up, but no luck. It is a droid 1 rooted with easy root and I am also using super manager.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got my phone today, but I'm having an issue with the earpiece speaker rattling. It makes a high pitched buzzing sound basically. Does anyone else have this problem? If I press on the grill covering the speaker it seems to go away. I'm planning on taking it to a Sprint store to compare.
Let me know if you have any thoughts.
Is the framerate locked on the droid even after root? Can it go higher than 30 fps? May be a dumb question im just curious if anybody knows.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I make a call there is a short, odd ring-tone that occurs just after I press Dial and before the normal ringing sound begins to indicate the call is going through.
It's about 1/2 second long, can be quite loud sometimes, and is kind of high-pitched....sorry, it's hard to describe. The tone modulates up and down quite fast - da-dum-da-dum-dum (if you can imagine).
I tried re-programming the phone, and also updating roaming, and it's still there every time I make a call. I haven't made any changes to call settings to speak of...never had this on my D1.
Is there any way I can change the startup sound for the droid separately from all the other notifications?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI just got done playing with the Droid X.Awesome phone but I'm stuck with the Droid until my contract is up anyways the really cool thing I liked about the Droid X was the car app screen it has with the huge buttons and music player and contact favorites all built in.Is there any possible way of getting it on the original Droid or an app like it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am very confused.I have seen post where people with the original Droid have received the over the air android 2.2 software.Has Verizon started to release this OTA or are people just fooling around?
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy notification is a sound on my SDCard. When the SD Card is mounted or not available, it does a ringing sound, is there any way to change which of the built in ones it uses?
View 10 Replies View Relatedi am looking for an app that will allow me to change the sound profile to be able to go phone only mode. and have it shut all other sounds off. i have tried locale but that one didnt work for me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm finding that when I switch to "Sound Off" on my lock screen, it's turning off vibrate too. Does anyone know if its possible to change the default behavior of "Sound Off" to be "Vibrate On", or at least not to affect things that are already on vibrate?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to set the sound slider on the lock screen of my Droid to make my phone set to vibrate instead of fully silent. Is there a way to do this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedis the current available update for Froyo the same update that Verizon is releasing today at 12:00 pm eastern? why should people wait till noon if its the same? also, if i want to set phone back to original settings and redownload all my apps from the market, do i need to manually set up all my email account settings again? and are all of my pictures that i have taken saved to the my SD card? so i should remove that card when resetting phone and put back into phone when done or can i leave it in phone and they should be fine during reflashing ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI should "root" my Droid X phone, something ive not heard of before -
1) does this void the manufacturer warranty, or the $6/month im paying for verizon accidental damage warranty
2) is there a way to restore the original settings on the phone, ie make it like the root never happened if i need to? so i dont lose warranty?
I have followed everything stated on the stickies about rooting and such to get my self rooted. I'm running ultimated droid right now with SetCPU and my question to you all is, how do you get it even higher. In the video I followed (the 1 in the sticky), he installs everything and when installing the ROM, has an option to install a 1.25 ghz ROM. Given, he wasn't installing ultimate droid but when I "crank it up," my max is 1 GHz. Is this because of the ROM or am I missing something?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm currently running kernel 2.6.29 bekit and ese81 and a 1 ghz overclock. can someone suggest a kernel that would allow for a higher overclock. also what are your favorite rooted apps.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI did not see any other open threads on this; there is a very simple system edit you can perform to record video @ 8 mbps, up from the default 3 mbps. This is from a reliable source. Works very well. Root access is required and, of course, be sure to backup everything before you try anything.
The Droid compresses recorded videos (which results in blurriness and some blocking), so today I started poking around the system files and found this line in build.prop:
Which basically means video is compressed at a fixed rate of 3Mbps. I didn't think it would work, but I went ahead and changed the value to 8Mbps:
Rebooted and shot a test video. Lo and behold, the video is now recorded at 8mbps, resulting in a MUCH crisper image!
To apply the fix, you need root access. Simply edit that line in your /system/build.prop file. You can pull the file from adb, edit it, and push it back, or mount the /system partition as read-write and edit the file with Astro.
Edit: For the more adventurous users, here's another tip: I've been tinkering with the rest of the video settings in build.prop and comparing the resulting videos. So far, the best setting I have found is actually using MPEG-4 SP instead of H.264, 8 Mbps bitrate, and 30 frames per second. The phone chokes at 30 fps in H.264 mode, but does a pretty good job with MPEG-4 SP, and at that bitrate, the image quality is still very good regardless of the codec. The pertinent settings are "" for the codec ("h264" for H.264 and "m4v" for MPEG-4 SP) and "" (you can choose anything from 1 to 30)
This phone keeps showing normal quality videos and I have to keep switching back to high quality. Also the keyboard is lagging bad when I type this is the Second one I had and best buy will not let me return it again
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have only had it happen twice. When I answer by Droid, the caller can barely be heard. At first I thought there was no sound, but I could hear the caller, but just barely.
Anyone else have this problem?
I lost my charger and my usb cable. I've been looking for the same charger but I can't find it anywhere. I've found some generic ones but I want the same than the one that came with the phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor those of you who have the DX how is the sound on it through headphones when using it as a MP3 player?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to play sound file on phone line..Is it possible.If yes then how to do that..which class should i need to refer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIve searched through the forums, and no one seems to have this exact question. When everyone other than my girlfriend texts me, my phone vibrates and plays the notification sound. Now, when my girlfriend texts me, I get no vibration, AND no sound. The only thing I could think of is that I gave my girlfriend a custom ringtone I made with ringdroid, but that wouldn't make any sense since its for a call, not a text. Please help me, shes getting mad at me when I respond 2 hours later.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am at work and i cant figure out how to turn off the ringer sound while keeping the sms sound everytime i turn the ringer off it for a to silent mode.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRight now my phone makes the same sound whether I get a email or a text message. Can I make one have a different sound than the other? If so please tell me in detail how. I only see one notification sound area.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo, today as I was rushing to get on the train after school I needed to make a phone call that would determine what train I would take. Of course, since it was time sensitive my droid decided not to make our receive calls. I would dial the number and hear nothing but silence even tho the call had connected. The party on the other end was getting the call but we could not hear each other.only silence. I had to reboot twice at which point I had a number of voice mails from the person i was calling trying to see what was happening. My phone is not rooted and I just have some basic popular apps. Is this just an occasional smart phone glitch or have others had this happen?
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen I had my Voyager, I could use my bluetooth earpiece to talk on the phone, and also get the audio from the Navigation to come through the earpiece. I was surprised tonight that when I was using my GPS on the Droid it didn't come through my earpiece which resulted in me turning my radio down significantly so I could hear the phone.
I also have a stereo bluetooth headphones that I already paired and see the icon on the screen, but when I play a video or some music, it doesn't come through the headphones. Its still coming out of the Droid's phone speakers. Its showing that it is connected in my notifications bar too.
If I wanted to install Fabolous' ROM or Tranquility, do I need to upgrade to something else first? Or is being on the original 2.2 LEAK ok?
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