Motorola Droid :: Green Circle - An Orange Clock-like Icon Near Name In Her Contacts / What This Is?
Mar 8, 2010On my wife's droid there is either a green circle or an orange clock-like icon near my name in her contacts. Any idea what this is?

On my wife's droid there is either a green circle or an orange clock-like icon near my name in her contacts. Any idea what this is?
the "messages" icon on the home screen is a sort of envelope speech bubble looking yoke when there are new sms text messages you get a small green circle over this icon with the number of unread messages in it. how do you clear this?
I hit the icon and get a screen of my text messages none are highlighted in bold to say what's unread AND even after opening them all and going back to the home screen the damn green circle is still there. after a while it goes again?any ideas?
Does anyone know why I am getting a green circle with a 1 in it for some of my favorites on the favorites widget? I thought maybe it meant new facebook post, but one person has had no facebook activity in over two weeks and it just started yesterday.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince this afternoon, the sync icon (Arrows that point to each other and form a circle) won't go away.
I'm not sure if it's doing anything. I even tried turning sync off altogether but it won't go away.
Tried shutting down twice.
I like the native icons on the Droid but want the phone icon to be green. Does anybody know where I can download one or how I can change it from stock blue to green? or maybe a little android icon with a cell phone in its hand?
View 30 Replies View RelatedWhere can I get or find the green dialer icon that is in the app drawer? I want to use it with Launcherpro but have not been able to locate it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the green icon man on my phone for example to be the contact picture if I have no pic assigned to contacts or just an icon.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have finally gotten my notif. bar just right. i used the 24k theme and changed the battery icon to green and slowly changes to yellow then red. Like this
Then reverse order while charging i manually changed the Hue and Saturation of every icon in gimp and can upload them if anyone would like them.
I liked the battery icon but not the color and i didn't know if anyone out there would like to have them!
I have uploaded the pics of them let me know what you think!
Instead of sliding across to unlock the phone. You can use one finger to hold the green icon, then you'll notice a little green icon on the other side of the screen (where the sound off icon usually is, it disappears when you hold the unlock icon). Then just tap that one too and it unlocks.
View 19 Replies View RelatedYour phone blinks Orange and green back and forth when its plugged in? Battery going bad? I have seidio 1750.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I get a voicemail, it till pop up at the bottom of the screen when I go to unlock it, but I'm used to seeing text down there anyways (the slide to unlock bit) so sometimes I don't think twice and just flick it. My voice mail app and my messages app, never show that I have a voice mail. I just noticed one today and I went to listened and I had another unlistened to voice mail from a couple weeks ago.If I get a text message, my messages app shows a little number in a green circle. Why doesn't it show a number if I have a voice mail waiting for me?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to catch the mouse click location so I wrote an onClick in the body tag, but every time I click on the page the whole page turn orange for a little while. Is there any setting can disable this effet?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make the alarm clock icon go away in the notification bar? I'm big on minimalism, so I try and have as few icons up there as possible. I have alarms set every day, and I see no need to have an icon up there to remind me. Trust me, being woken up that early every day is reminder enough.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know of a way to get the clear widgets addon to work on Aloysius? I just stumbled upon this for another rom, and I am extremely impressed. Also, is there a way to get the circle battery icon in the notification to work for aloysius? I feel with these 2 features added, this rom would be even better!
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn my end, I'm HOT AS HELL. Today has become official the hottest day in Los Angeles on record, breaking 112 degrees in downtown LA. I had an errand to run on my lunch break, so I ventured out into the heat and, while in line at the drive thru to get lunch before heading back, I noticed the LED on my EVO slowly blinking orange, then yellow. I looked, and the phone was no longer charging, even though it was plugged in.
Looking at SystemPanel, my battery was at 118.5 degrees, and it felt a bit hot, but not too much so. Upon returning to my office, the phone is now plugged in and the LED is a solid orange. Was the alternating blinking LED telling me my phone was overheated? If so, have I damaged my phone? It seems to run fine, thankfully.
When I plug the phone in, it begins to start flashing back and forth between green and orange. The phone also will not take a charge. USB is fine, as I can still communicate with the phone.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI bought a Nexus One second hand off eBay but it seems to be broken. I plug it into the wall with a battery, orange/green led. In wall without battery, orange/green led. Off wall with battery, orange/green led. How can I fix it? I have tried entering recovery mode but just isn't working. Battery has been charging all day. I have never had an android or nexus so don't really understand whether this is an abnormal behavior,
View 2 Replies View RelatedI see I can access contacts by clicking on phone icon on the main screen and also clicking on contacts in the programs list. The latter has more contacts than the one in the phone dialer program.
View 3 Replies View RelatedRooted and unbranded my phone when I first got it in August using the guide here [ROM] [2.10.405.2] Rooted Official HTC Android 2.2 (FroYo) ROM - xda-developers.Was to a stock FroYo ROM etc.Problem I have and am sure I read it was related is I now get green photos when using the flash.Just looking to see if there's a different/updated ROM which is still standard like I have, but doesn't suffer this problem?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was using satnav at the weekend; the battery level indicator on my Desire went from green to orange (20%) and the existent data connection dropped off straightaway. I was unable to re-establish a data connection even after switching the phone off and on again. I was in an area of reasonable/good network signal strength. The GPS continued to function however so I could still see my progress on the map but a data connection message appeared.
When I got home the phone continued to function on WiFi (with GPS on too) for nearly another two hours before it turned itself off, so there was plenty of "juice" left. My question is as to whether there is anything I can adjust to ensure that the battery continues to function fully (ie maintain a data connection) until it runs out? Or whether at 20% the phone is somehow set up to end a data connection? I have now got myself an HTC car charger to make sure the battery will not drop that low again when I am using satnav.
How do I do this per selected list item.I tried adding this to android:background
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:state_focused="true"
android:drawable="@color/android_green" />
<item android:state_focused="true"
android:drawable="@color/black_alpha" />
<item android:state_focused="false"
android:drawable="@color/black_alpha" />
<item android:drawable="@color/white_alpha" />
</selector> but it does not work, it changes the entire list.
I had to remove my sim card, which means that I had to remove my battery. After doing so, I put my sim card back in, followed by the battery, and after pushing the power button, the battery indicator started flashing green and orange.
The screen isn't turning on, and absolutely nothing is happening.
I've been pouring over google trying to find a solution, but haven't found any that worked.
One suggestion suggested that I hold the power button for 10-15 seconds, then plug it into power, then add battery. This did not work.
Another suggested the opposite- hold power for 10-15 seconds, add battery, then add power cord, still no luck.
I freaking love this phone. I really, really, really want to fix it. If there are any, ANY suggestions as to what I could do to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated. I tried to call HTC for support, but, wouldn't you know it, couldn't get to a phone before EXACTLY one minute before they closed.
Anyone know of a way to get the clear widgets addon to work on Aloysius? I just stumbled upon this for another rom, and I am extremely impressed. Also, is there a way to get the circle battery icon in the notification to work for aloysius? I feel with these 2 features added, this rom would be even better!
View 16 Replies View Relatedmy boyfriend and i have identical droids...on the text messaging screen, where it shows the names of the people you have sent texts to, there is a green dot or a red clock beside the person's name on his but not on seems to be some sort of tracking because when i my phone is in use his phone shows a green dot beside my name, and when my phone is idle his phone shows a red clock beside my name...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have just noticed that since a few days back my wifi icon in my CM7 nookcolor is not turning green anymore. Apparently the only related problem is gmail is not refreshing automatically. Google Play is working fine and I'm able to browse the internet.
The problem must be related to my wifi, because whenever I connect to my neighbors or my office wifi, it goes green without doing anything special.I read google play requires an specific port open in the firewall, which is not open in mine although Gplay is working without it.
Is there any specific port or another setting that should be enabled in my wifi in order to my nook to connect to Google servers?
Have just got my HTC Desire. I switched the phone on for the first time and it's stuck on a screen with a green icon on. The icon is a down arrow with two arrows going around in a circle. What am I supposed to do here? I've pressed on the screen and held for a few seconds, pressed and held each of the buttons and no response. Not even the power button works.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have the market icon, but only in red?
I like the stock one, but I want to replace the green with red to go with the rest of my phone.
Anyone have it or capable of making it?
I got one from the Dark Gray Status bar theme from over at XDA but would really just like the circle on top of the Nex Theme since its so awesome . Anyone know where I can get one at. Ive searched a lot of other forums and found some for other droids but didn't know if it would work with the X and most of them had to be installed through metamorph.
View 49 Replies View RelatedOkay so I was looking at the cases for the DX and I noticed a big gaping hole on the back bottom of the case.I know there is the speaker hole and mic there, but there is another bigger black circle right above the google logo.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSorry this sounds ridiculous, but when I'm typing a message and i mess up and try to place my curser somewhere close to the mistake to correct it, what does the red circles mean/do? Is there an auto correct thing i'm not understanding?
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