Motorola Droid :: Disable Messaging App From Vibrating And Stuff When I Get An Sms?
Nov 17, 2009I want to only use handcent sms, how do i disable the messaging app from vibrating and stuff when I get an sms?

I want to only use handcent sms, how do i disable the messaging app from vibrating and stuff when I get an sms?
I'm really in favor of the SMS texting format. I've recently installed an app that I really like, but wanted to know if and how to disable the really text messaging mode. As it stands now i receive two incoming text all the time now.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the Messaging app in 2.2 when I'm in a thread it shows a pic of me and a pic of the other person next to every text sent and received. In the 2.1 app it simply showed my name and the other persons name; no pic of us next to every text. Is there anyway to disable showing the pics in the 2.2 app? Really don't see the need to have a pic next to each text.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you disable the accompanying vibration feature of the soft keyboard? It's kinda loud especially in an office environment or mtg
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've recently turned off the vibrating function for my stock keyboard, haptic feedback is still on though. I found it's easier to type when it's off for me, especially when typing long messages. Not that I don't like it, because I do. But when I'm typing something long, it's just really annoying IMO. So I became curious as to what everyone prefers regarding vibrating keys.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I set my phone to vibrate, it will only vibrate when I get a phone call, not when I get a text or email. I saw some solutions for the Droid, but not the Droid X. I am not sure if the solutions are the same. Also, when it is on ring, it rings and vibrates, not just rings. Any suggestions? My main concern it getting it to vibrate when I get messages, I am not too concerned about the ring/vibrate thing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make the phone vibrate when typing on the Virtual Keyboard? Kinda like the Eris'.... I have my phone set to vibrate when you press the capacitive quick keys, and other functions the phone deems necessary to vibrate, but cant find anything for the keyboard. It would be very helpful with typing, reassuring that you actually hit the key when typing fast.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I've noticed that everytime I get a text or email or anything to make my phone vibrate, while laying flat, it rotates the screen to landscape automatically. I never had this problem before the update, now I have this issue. Anyone else experiencing this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo since I installed the FROYO update, when my phone is on vibrate, and I get a call. the phone won't vibrate. I'm missing a lot of calls. Anyone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy phone isn't vibrating for texts. And also my 3g is screwed up I can't go to any website within the browser and the 3g isn't working for apps that need it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I put my phone into vibrate mode (either by using the rocker, or going through settings) my phone vibrates when receiving calls, but not when receiving emails or texts, they just stay silent, so I am completely unaware that I have received anything. Is this actually how Motorolla designed it's phone, or am I making a mistake? I receive texts/emails much more than phone calls, but am not always in an environment where I can have my ringer going off. Is there a way to set my text and email alerts (and any other alerts [voicemail, etc.]) to vibrate when in vibrate mode.
View 21 Replies View RelatedThose of you using Hand cent SMS, can you disable the regular htc messaging? When I get a text now I get two tones that I have received a text message one from the htc built in messaging and one from hand cent.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have BB 0.4 installed on my droid, back when pete released it there was a patch avail so the market would work better, my guess is it cheated the market to thinking the 2.2 ROM was 2.1 but I honestly don't know. now that 2.2 is out granted a different build is there a way to set-up BB 0.4 to see the 2.2 content (like flash) in the market until Pete releases 0.5? Otherwise I might try CM RC3 but concerned on battery life with it
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded Handcent and loved it, but the issue I had was that I was now getting notifications from both the stock HTC Messaging app and Handcent.
Since I use Google Voice for Visual Voicemail, and want to use Handcent for messaging, there is really no use for the stock HTC Messaging app.
Is there a way to disable it completely?
Seems i've come across a new problem that's just started with my phone. I can't seem to save images from the net to my phone. It used to work but now it doesn't seem to be allowing me to be able to. I'd hate to have to do a factor reset on my phone to fix this. Anyone know of anything that could be causing this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI started using Handcent's SMS to manage my phone's messages and I really like it. But now I want to disable the standard messaging app that was included with my Evo because I get two notifications, I'd like to just get handcent's SMS. So how do I disable HTC's messaging app so that I can use Handcent's SMS only?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a new Samsung Captivate, I switched over from a Samsung Vibrant, not a drastic switch.
I have installed Handcent SMS installed. I have the Handcent Popup and Notifications set. I have disabled the default messaging app's Notifications and Auto-retrieve. I no longer get notifications from the default but still get a pop up from both Handcent and the default. I still receive both the default app pop up and the Handcent pop up. I never had this problem with my Vibrant. I can't find anyway to stop this and am at a standstill.
Is there anyway to disable this in the messaging app because i like portrait for messaging since i have no lag there, but i do like to type in landscape on the browser. Am rooted running darchdroid 2.7 if it matters.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat theme is this? Also anyone have some information on theming? Even Metamorphing? I'd like to create some of my own stuff.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have the same thing miltiple times on main page... how do i delete them?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if the internal 8gb storage on the Droid X can be used for anything other than apps? I want to be able to use that extra storage for more MP3's, pictures, and videos.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new here. I want to get the Droid but im on AT&T and I wont switch anytime soon. I was thinking about getting the Milestone. Can I use all these root hacks/themes/other stuff with the Milestone? I know the software is a little different cause it doesnt come with Google Nav or the Amazon Store. Any help would be nice
Also, can i flash the Droid Nandroid or whatever to the Milestone and give it the Droid software? Then it would basically be like the Droid but a GSM version.
i noticed that the majority of ROMs (if not all of them) require you to wipe system/data/cache before you install. my understanding is that doing this will basically reset your phone back to what it was when you first got it. i want to install a ROM, but really don't want to have to go and install all my apps again and fix all the settings for each etc. i noticed in Titanium Backup that you can backup apps, system or both. if i were to back up both and then install the ROM, when the phone rebooted, could i just install Titanium Backup and restore apps and system? would return my phone to how it was before i wiped? if this is false, are there any other ways to facilitate the restoring of stuff after wipe?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk coming from the droid and I always wondered how do I get all the stuff that is pre installed deleted. I have numerous things I want gone. I have noticed on this x that it seems there is so much running. I have stopped it and somehow it seems to want to run again. Those are the things I want gone. I will never get any battery life with all this running all the time. There is a news thingy that runs any way to disable this stuff.
View 11 Replies View RelatedAs the topic states. Is it really worth it for the donation functionality? I've seen conflicting reports on whether restoring stuff from TiBu causes issues or not.
At the moment, the only feature I find would be highly useful is the App freezing since I want to compare ADW and LP without having to have both running at the same time.
I'm not so worried about contacts since vzw does it for me BUT what about apps and my pictures/videos?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhats your battery and cpu temps when actually doing stuff like browsing the web..going in the market downloading,,whatever it may be just actual usage and to go with the temps what is your rom,kernel and overclock speed?
View 11 Replies View RelatedSo I want to upgrade my Droid from the older 2.0.1 build of Pete's Bugless Beast ROM (1.2) to the newer ESE53 based 0.8 version. What I want to know is how to keep all of my data and apps and stuff when I make the upgrade, because according to his instructions you have to use his nandroid backup to go from the older 1.2 BB to the new 0.8 BB. I tried following his instructions once before, and while I was able to successfully upgrade to the newer ROM, I lost all of my apps and data and ended up just restoring from one of my own nandroid backups back to 1.2.
View 7 Replies View Related I'm on a Samsung G3 and just updated to 4.3. Enjoying it for the most part but the new lock screen is giving me some trouble. I preferred the one from 4.1 but I'm trying to adapt. Downloaded DashClock and added weather, email, and SMS extensions but I keep getting the stock Messaging widget popping up when I get a message (see image). I do want my phone to vibrate and the screen to turn on when I get a message, I just don't want to deal with the extra widgets.
DashClock is my default widget (got rid of the standard one and dragged DashClock to the right). Is there a way to disable all these extra widgets?
By the way, I did try disabling multiple widgets in the settings after setting DashClock to be my default and it kicked DashClock out and reverted back to the stock lock screen.
I want to put my phone back to stock an clear all the stuff off my SD card cause I'm gonna sell it, what's the easiest way to do this. I'm running bugless beast 1.1
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