Sprint HTC Hero :: Disable Rotation In Messaging App?
Jul 20, 2010
Is there anyway to disable this in the messaging app because i like portrait for messaging since i have no lag there, but i do like to type in landscape on the browser. Am rooted running darchdroid 2.7 if it matters.
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Feb 22, 2010
Whats the scoop behind which one is really better? The stock messaging app or aftermarket apps (handcent and chomp). I use Handcent, and lately I have been finding it to be quite laggy and slow, even with cache cleared and all threads deleted. Is the only difference between stock and aftermarket, the fact that you can customize? I would much rather have a plain looking stock app that performs well, then a customizable aftermarket app that is slow. I am just looking for some opinions.
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Feb 28, 2010
Just curious about Android OS Auto-Rotation system, and how it matches up to competitors. Before anything I am NOT complaining, just a thought.
So everyone has seen how the Auto-Rotation is on iPhone, Palm Pre' and Android handsets, and I was curious... shouldnt Android phones be able to do this task just as smooth as iPhone and Palm Pre'? Bringing this to my thought was the app "Floating Image". The Auto-Rotation on the app is amazing, and that just shows me, and makes me wonder, why cant all the other apps have the AR as smooth as this? (Even the keyboard). The slow delaying fade away is kind of a drawback (to an extent) know that Im 100% Android is capable of doing over and beyond that.
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Feb 22, 2012
it is possible to code an app so that it does not rotate if/when the user rotates their device. I have built an app that is designed for portrait view only. When it is flips to landscape, it gets distorted. I have apps on my android that do not rotate when I try to rotate my device.
I am using Eclipse to make my app. I'm hoping it is something that I need to add to the manifest.
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Nov 21, 2009
Does anyone else's stock messaging app lag a lot? It seems like it takes longer to send text than through handcent or chomp. I can't compare it to before the update because I used Handcent but I do like the stock better, just wish it wasnt so sluggish.
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Sep 21, 2010
for some reason a lot of mms message i get come with a download button. wouldn't be a big deal if the messages would actually download. is sprint having trouble today or is it cm6? this is using the stock messaging app in cm6 stable.
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Aug 20, 2009
I have a apk file, where i dont have the source for it.
When i run the apk, it automatically rotates the screen,
/WindowManager( 879): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=0 I/WindowManager( 879): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 locale=en_US touch=1 key=2/1/2 nav=3 orien=1 }
then after closing the application or coming out from the application,
I/WindowManager( 879): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=0 I/WindowManager( 879): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 locale=en_US touch=1 key=2/1/2 nav=3 orien=2 }
how to disable the rotation.
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Jan 11, 2010
I love my sprint hero, but am on the fence about sprint itself tons of people have told me how they hated sprints service, customer service, etc..my wife and I thought the ability to send pics via messaging is a cool feature however it doesn't appear to work all that well.have tried the built in and also handcent messaging. am connected currently via my wifi at home and that doesn't help either. i realize there are probably size restrictions ( size anyone) but it should work sometimes.also the voice record feature on handsentend feature doesn't work either.
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Nov 22, 2010
How can i get the rotation of the device in the four main orientations? and is there a corresponding event that i can capture?
also, is it possible to disable this rotation for my app?
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Dec 4, 2009
Curious about people's thoughts about these different messaging options. Removing / barring the pre-update issues with the native messaging app on the phone, which one of these do you prefer? I am currently using the native app, seems fine to me, I like that I can link contacts to FB etc. Not necessarily looking for something that plagiarize's the iPhone messenger (cartoon bubbles), but I am always open to something new if it is better than the app preloaded on the phone. If you don't use the native app, is there a widget for Handcent or Chomp (like the native) to make viewing and responding easy?
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Feb 20, 2010
I can't delete any of my messages from Handcent or the default messaging app. What should I do to get rid of them? It is really bothering me.
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Nov 30, 2009
When I send or receive a text message and there are attachments, I find it a bit frustrating that at times if its over one mb I can't get it. Is there an app or workaround that can fix that?
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Oct 22, 2009
I installed Handcent because of the battery drain issue, and like it a lot, but now I cannot turn off the OEM Messages program. I tried going into the Settings>Applications>Manage Applications to turn it off, and it doesn't work. I also did the "Use Handcent as default SMS" when that box first pops up. I get two different ringtone notifications too. Although I switched the ringer to the same one both through the phone's settings and through Handcent's settings.
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Jul 6, 2010
I kill all apps and make a call and when I end the call i open the advanced task killer program and it shows the messaging program opened. Anyone know why this is or how I could prevent it? I know its not a huge deal but if i can prevent it I'd like to.
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Dec 25, 2009
I woke up this morning and had texts from multiple people wishing me a merry Christmas. When I finally came around I decided to send a mass text message out to all my friends and family. I started trying to link people by using COMPOSE >MENU>PEOPLE and thought to myself "wow I thought I had more friends than this...i'm a loser." Then I went and checked my phonebook and realized that the messaging service is not linking to all my contacts in my phone book.
Anyone else have this issue. Or any ideas on how to fix it? It sucks cause I had to go through and type the first few letters of each for it to pop up, instead of just clicking the contact name like usual. I started using the stock messaging app last week when I had a lot of issues with Handcent. Once i switched I saved alot of battery for some reason.
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Jul 7, 2013
Ok... So, is there anyway to force rotation-lock to turn off on a Nexus 7 with Android 4.2.2?
Reason: I cracked my screen from the bottom left of the screen to just shy of the top right corner. The lower section, below the crack, is not responsive to touch... and the dots I need (I use the pattern pass) are on this side because I can't flip the tablet.
How This Happened: I turned on rotation lock with the tablet upside down to keep it there... But then my Nexus 7 decided to restart randomly and keep rotation-lock on but coming back in the default orientation, aka the wrong way that I need it to be.
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Dec 22, 2009
I am getting a forced close error everytime I try to remove the HTC Messaging widget from one of my screens. I tap and hold down on the widget to select it so I can move it to the "remove" button at the bottom of the screen. Well when I tap and hold I get a forced error close message. Any ideas what I need to do to correct this issue. I'm using the original messaging app, and only have 3 other non related apps downloaded.
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Jan 2, 2010
I would typically receive pictures via a slide show and could look at them right there In the message. Now Its saying download and when I do I don't know where to view the file. Any suggestions?
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Jun 1, 2010
I just updated my Hero today and now I am trying add back all that I had prior to update. My question is how do I use the handscent message without the stock message popping up. I only want to use the handscent message not the messaging system that comes with the phone.
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Oct 6, 2010
I'm having trouble downloading messages on handset and stock messaging. somone sends me an attachment and i can't download it.
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Dec 14, 2009
When im texting someone, it stays in threading mode, which is fine. When i hit home or whatever to get out of messaging, whenever i get another text, lets say its from another person. I can pull down my notification bar, click the new text, and it just opens up the text i was last in. I think its weird how it wont open the next text message, possibly because the app was running in the background the whole time?
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Jul 15, 2010
I am trying to delete large text messaging threads in the stock messaging app on my Sprint HTC Hero. It is taking an inordinate amount of time to accomplish this task. I deleted one thread that had a mere fifteen texts in and that took over ten seconds. Now, I just tried deleting a thread that has one hundred texts in and it has been minutes and it still has not deleted the thread. Has this happened to anyone else? Would deleting the data in the "Manage Applications" section delete these texts faster or would that be inadvisable? In my opinion this deletion lag is ridiculous.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have recently noticed that my Sprint HTC Hero (Stock and unrooted) has been receiving texts in a weird way. I doesnt notify me when the screen is off. If I turn on the screen I will receive notification as soon as I turn the screen on, but when I look at the time stamp it is usually old. Like 5 minutes or so. It doesnt do this all the time, just today I left my phone in my car (so I could charge it) while I was at work when I went out to my car the light was blinking and when i turned on the screen it said I had 2 texts, however, just as I get off work I responed back to my friends and when I got home when I looked at the phone nothing was going on. I turn the screen on and then my phone vibrates and notifies me but the time stamp on the text is 10 minutes old.
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Feb 16, 2010
I rooted my phone and flashed with Fresh 1.1 yesterday, and so far so good, I'm loving it. However, I noticed that my texting applications, Handcent SMS (as well as the stock messaging app), they no longer showing my contact's photos. It just shows a blank profile image of a head, with a question mark in the upper righthand corner (the stock messaging app is the same, just a dark silhouette instead of contact photo now). My contact's photos are all still in my phone, they work fine and are viewable in the "people" application (both FB photos and my own photos that I've assigned to contacts), or when I'm making a phone call, but in both messaging applications they don't have images anymore. I've verified in the Handcent SMS that "Display contact picture" is enabled (I've tried disabling it, then redisplaying it at both sizes... still no luck). I've also tried uninstalling Handcent SMS, then reinstalling the application from Market, still no luck. Any suggestions on how to get those back? I'm thinking that since it's not working in either messaging application, that it has something to do with the contact photos database (which I don't even know if something like that exists).
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Mar 22, 2010
Well I was trying to get sprint to understand my frustration over a lack of MMS messaging for my Hero, and the call got disconnected. While I spoke with another rep, I got a voice mail. With some info I desperatly hope is true.
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Jun 12, 2010
I have just updated my phone to 2.1. Also I have two email accounts. One Gmail and one dslextreme account. It used to be that when I got email from one or both accounts I would get a little envelope in my notification bar. Dragging that down it would show me the email in the Gmail account and the dslextreme account. But now I have a third notification with the google M in it. If I click it it opens a "conversation" window with the email. I can respond to it and it works just fine. But if I click on the Gmail email I get the usual looking email format. Now the interesting thing is if I ignore the google M and go straight to the google email and deal with the email from there the google M conversation disappears. Thank you for bearing with me through that lengthly explanation but here is my question. How do I turn off this google M conversation? I don't want that third notification nor do I want that style of email delivered. I want to go back to the standard type of email delivery. It's coming to my phone alright but I don't want dual notifications. I remember when I was setting up this new OS that a box came up and I checked this google M not understanding what it was but I have looked through all my settings and can't figure out how to shut it off.
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May 22, 2010
Does anybody else besides me also like the way the iPhone and Palm Pre both place the photo (or text "balloon") of peopl on alternate sides of the screen during text messengering and IM chat conversations? It really gives a nice sense the "back and forth" of real life conversation...and to also help distinguish one's own comments from those of the person one is conversing with...particularly if there's no actual photo in the phone book to show the person (you can still see the back and forth pattern Seems like such a great idea and so simple to implement! Why the heck can't they do that on our Android phone?
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Jan 25, 2010
is there any way to disable the lockscreen i looked at other post and couldnt find any info thanks
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Nov 27, 2009
Does anybody know how to disable some programs that i know i won't be using?
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Feb 21, 2010
I was using PhoneFusion for voicemail but now I want to go back to Sprint Visual Voicemail. I cancelled my Phone Fusion accoint and I got a message telling me to disable call forwarding in order to get my messages in visual voicemail. How do I disable call forwarding?
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