Motorola Droid :: Button Combo To Take Screenshots?
Nov 6, 2009Anyone find a button combo to take screenshots yet?

Anyone find a button combo to take screenshots yet?
Android 4.1.2
Screen shot function is not working on my mobile. Vol down and Power button combo is not working.
When I installed another application for this, the following error message was received.
"Internal screenshot function is not working"
way the shell/holster combo fits? Top right hand corner of the shell won't snap on
View 49 Replies View RelatedI stopped at VZW last night and the salesman was surprised to learn that the cases make the docks unusable, and he didn't have a solution. I see that VZW is now selling the snap on silicon case, which is the only one I haven't tried yet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI purchased my Droid not too long ago, and decided to go with the hard case/hoslter combo; the stupid thing SQUEAKS when I remove my Droid, however. Anybody figure out a simple fix to this issue, or even where it's squeaking? I'd rather not oil the case and I've tried bending it out a little to fix rubbing issues, but to no avail. That notwithstanding, does anyone have a really awesome holster that works well? Either vertical or horizontal works for me, though it needs to hook to a belt (obviously).
View 13 Replies View RelatedFor those who have this case please vote! After you have put on your case for awhile and taken off the top part of the case, has it loosened the left side of the screen? I feel like this case might be responsible for slightly spreading out the space between the screen and keyboard on the left hand side! This has caused a clicking issue whenever pressing anywhere on the left hand side of the case!
View 10 Replies View RelatedLooking for anyone who has the shell/holster combo on their Motorola Droid. I would love to hear your reviews and would especially appreciate photos of it from all angles, both in the holster and apart from it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedVideo Review of Shell / Holster Combo. YouTube - Motorola Droid Shell Holster Combo
View 49 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if a DroidX with shell/holster combo will fit in a car or home dock without removing the shell?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to do a Ctrl-key combo w/ the physical keyboard on the Driod? (ie: Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D, etc. in a terminal window)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to take some screen shots of my droid so I can post, does anyone have an idea of how I do so with a Mac computer?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan i take screenshots with my Moto Droid 2.2? if so, how?
View 7 Replies View RelatedFirst Photos of Motorola Droid Running Android 2.2 | Droid Life: A Motorola Droid Blog.
View 49 Replies View RelatedModerate use a few hours of wifi and a bit of navigation as well.This is at 30%
View 49 Replies View RelatedCan we take screenshots? if so, how? And why the hell would they take the vibrate only feature out? it goes from sound mode to silent mode.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe android platform is dumb enough to make it do you cant take screenshots with a stock phone. DUMB and now my SDK. won't work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn some screenshots it shows me someone is calling me from my google voice number (not just my google number showing on the caller ID). Any one know if this needs to be set up a certain way?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI like being able to wake the phone to view the lock screen using the home button at the bottom of the phone, but is there any way to make it so that a second click of that button, or a click of one of the others down there, will make it sleep again? Having to press the power button up top is just an inconvenience.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI tried searching for this but couldn't find a thread that discussed it. My power button appears as though its been jammed. I dropped my phone on its corner where the power button is but I don't think thats what the problem is. Anyhow, recently my power button responds but I have to really press it hard and it as though the button is jammed cause it doesn't depress as far.
My question is that is there a way to designate the camera button to become the power button? I know on some phones you can make different buttons do different things and I was curious if this was possible on the Droid.
I use the app ShootMe (unfortunately doesn't work for the ones that have no root).
View 10 Replies View RelatedI don't even know if this is possible yet for the droidx but I would love to see how everyone customized their droidx screens. I love looking how everyone does theirs to get some ideas for mine. So lets get started
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've searched and can't find my answer to the question does the HTC Droid do screen shots?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to install SDK for screenshots and development. I installed Eclipse and SDK and everything seems fine but the USB Drivers are not working correctly. I heard there was a revision of the USB drivers but not sure. If anyone has the lateset drivers please let know.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIt all started with a awesome home page and wanting to screenshoot it and finding out my Droid2 did not have software or shortcut keys like my GT7 to do this. So I read for some time until I felt confident in a safe rooting procedure which turned out to be the "Z4Root App". It's ridicously easy with the Droid2, download it, install it, open it, click "root permantley" and bang you've been granted root_access. After rooting I went with Screenshot Ultimate which claims screenshots can be done w/o Root which turned out to be untrue but w/root it works without a hitch. Unfortunately, it saves your screenshots in a very stupid place but you can access them through a file manager not the gallery but none the less it has accomplished the goal. Im curious to see how far root_access can take me
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am getting some serious battery drain with Fresh 3.2 and netarchy-toastmod cfs ( i have also used the stable 4.1.8) and I am getting serious drain. Here is a screen shot from today. Unplugged phone around 7:30 and by the time I took the screen cap at 8:30 i was down 25%!! I used the phone to RDP to my house for maybe 3 mins (using pocket cloud app).I also played 1 youtube clip ( katy perry on sesame street XD~~ 1.:30 mins long) Thats all I have done so far. Do you guys think I should try a different combination? I pretty much have everything turned off on the phone. No GPS, sync i think every 4 hours. Using launcher pro, and beautiful widgets.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI read the various rooting guides and noticed that there's a key combo that you can press to get into the 'Recovery screen' which is both the "home" and "power" keys. I can do this with my Telus Android 1.5 so I'm guessing I can just download another rom and install it from there, right? I'm not sure why I would need to use the so called goldcard method. If someone could provide insight to this, I'd appreciate it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI may just be losing it, but is there a way to reboot the Epic via key combo? i.e. to reboot the i Phone you just continue to hold power, to reboot a blackberry you do crtl + right caps + delete...but there doesn't seem to be any way to reboot the epic and it is really, really annoying. Been having this bug that Tasker is causing and I need to reboot the phone every morning, and I need to do it once I get away from my home wifi, so when I walk out of the building I have to keep fiddling with the on and off buttons while walking...long story short I would really like an easier way of doing a quick and easy reboot that doesn't require extra steps to turn the phone back on once I've turned it off.
View 4 Replies View RelatedBasically my phone is running "old" 1.5 firmware and it's UK orange, unlocked. I know I can update the phone with the Oranges firmware update, but what will happen when I do it, will the phone lock itself again to Orange, or?I tried searching for the answer on these forums but didn't really find the correct answer so here I am.And if it locks, what choices are there for me when it boils down to updating the phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working and when I try to run my project it is saying that I have errors that need correcting. In my project list I see a red x by the project but when I open it up I have no errors at all in my code. I remember reading about a key press to use if this happens but I cant remember.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor battery life and speed?
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