Motorola Droid :: Way To Do Ctrl-key Combo With Physical Keyboard On Phone
Dec 10, 2009Is there a way to do a Ctrl-key combo w/ the physical keyboard on the Driod? (ie: Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D, etc. in a terminal window)

Is there a way to do a Ctrl-key combo w/ the physical keyboard on the Driod? (ie: Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D, etc. in a terminal window)
Aside from simply preferring a physical keyboard over a virtual keyboard, is there a reason now or possibly in the future to have one? My wife is trying to decide between getting a Droid herself or a Nexus. I know there are good reasons for and against, but this feature seems to be the fork in the road for her right now.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI have a motorola droid but would like to trade for htc droid eris, minus the memory card. I live in wisconsin and would prefer a local trade. I understand some might say motorola's offering is the better of the two but personally, I can't get used to the physical keyboard.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if it would be possible to re-map the physical keyboard of an android phone. For example i would like to re-map the arrow buttons on the keyboard to special characters like �, � or �. Is this possible to do on an android cellphone?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've admitted to myself that I'll never use my Galaxy for GTD'ing because it's just too gorram irritating to type on. Is it true that the only phones with a physical keyboard are the HTC G1 and the Motorola Droid? Further, the G1 is apparently already hopelessly antique, and even the Droid is very slow compared to the new phones such as the Nexus.
View 37 Replies View RelatedYou want predictive text wth physical keyboard here is how you do it.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI think theres an app floating around to measure text speed somewhere. IF not tell me how fast you text with it. My friend hates it so he uses swype (which i can't use worth crap) I text really slow on it, so i got an n1. Verizon plans are just too expensive for me anyway.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that allows for the built-in auto-correction feature of the soft KB to be used on the physical keyboard?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that will enable an audible keyclick for keys pressed on the droid's physical keyboard similar to the "sound on keypress" feature of the onscreen virtual keyboard?
View 2 Replies View Relatedon my physical keyboard my G key is sort of loose you can see the gap in between and if i move it around its loose and i think might eventually fall out..anyone else have issues like this anything i can do in case it does fall out?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI run my app in the AVD emulator using eclipse but I'm unable to change the screen orientation in the AVD (Android 2.0 platform on the emulator).When I press CONTROL+F11 or CONTROL+F12 on the keyboard, nothing happens. No messages are generated in the adb debuglog/logcat either when I press either hotkey.
According to these are the correct hotkeys to switch the emulator's screen orientation. I tried it with my app, and with the messaging app. The hotkey has no affect in any case. I'm running Fedora 12, Gnome. I checked my Keyboard Shortcuts in the System -> Preferences menu, nothing's attached to either hotkey.
I cant get the browser to automatically change orientation as I change my phone's orientation. The only time it goes into landscape mode is if I pull out the physical keyboard. Note that I don't want to select The option to always force landscape mode.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI may be blind, but I can't find a way to type a "?" or a "|" I may be able to forgive the latter but what the heck on the "?" I figures at least it would be in the ALT-SYM menu, but it's not there either.
View 4 Replies View RelatedReally bothers me when I'm playing Snesoid and the keys keep going dark if I'm going through text or reading menus or something. Any way to get the keyboard illumination to stay on?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn order to view my home screen(s) in landscape I have to open the keyboard. Is there a setting to change this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI had my physical keyboard open and I started to get word prediction at the bottom of the screen again. But I cant figure out how to get it every time the physical keyboard is open. Most of the time I get nothing but this is the second time I have seen this at the bottom. Anyone know what going on with this. There isn't a setting for it for built in keyboard settings page. I wish it would work all the time because it is a nice feature.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAfter successfully rooting my phone, after my reboot i noticed that the bottom row of touch sensitive keys and the physical keyboard do not light up when touch or slid open. to fix this i have to go to the brightness setting and uncheck and check automatic brightness again?
is this common? did i make an oopsie?
I have searched google and this forum and have not seen the same problem. When texting using my physical keyboard the phone inserts spaces or @ signs after letters that I type that are not the word I meant to spell. Sometimes what results is not even a word. I tried disabling the auto completion feature but it still happens. Has anyone else seen this and is there a fix?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSpecifically in the connect bot app. I'm trying to SSH into a machine and use nano to do some simple editing. The key to save a file in nano is Ctrl+O, but I cannot figure out how to send this. I searched and found that some apps use the search or menu buttons for ctrl but this didn't work for me. How can I send Ctrl in connect bot?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSorry if there are is an answer for this already. Searching for "keyboard" and "tab" is a pretty big waste of time to sift through.
Is there a soft keyboard out that has alt, ctrl, tab, shift, and a pipe?
It would also need multitouch and/or some sticky keys option to be able to utilize them. (like being able to press ctrl+k)
I don't care about swype or any "super awesome" keyboard with gigantic keys. I'll deal with typos if it means I can keep my evo and still get around in shells remotely without having to carry around a bluetooth keyboard (whenever cyanogen or somebody gets BT HID working).
I don't care about auto correction. I don't care about text prediction. I don't care if you can put a Hello Kitty theme on it. I don't even care if you're forced to use a Hello Kitty them to use it. I just want a keyboard that works as a full keyboard.
So i was wondering with the incredible not having a physical keyboard how will games and apps that use it hold up? Like Sinusoid or something along those lines. I mean. how will games and apps that need key's hold up? only virtual? I'm pretty much set on the incredible other than this.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have a Cliq with handler 1.5.. and last couple weeks my physical keyboard has been tweaking! randomly, not all the time it will input a whole bunch of characters and symbols and even send the message or back out of it randomly.. sometimes it seems like it helps if i type slowly.. but it doesn't fix it all the time.. when it inputs letters and numbers a lot of times they are the same groups of letters. anyone have this problem of an idea of whats causing it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am new to Android, so please bear with me. It so happens that whenever I open the physical keyboard I can only type Arabic characters. I have tried unselecting the arabic language and changing between "motorola keyboard" and "Mobidiv keyboard" to no avail. It does not happen with the on-screen keyboard, that one is working fine. Its ridiculous, I am writing just fine on-screen, I open the keyboard and the Arabic characters start appearing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedNow I want to add some key actions from physical keyboard to android such as page down, page key, printscreen, pause and so on. May you provide some ideas to me?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have ICS on the DROID 4. Everything I use is stock, not rooted, all that jazz.
In the physical keyboard settings you can turn on these three options: Auto-replace, auto-capitalization, and insert a period after double-spacing with the space bar key.
If all three are turned on, they all work, as you would expect. However, if ONLY the double-space/period one is turned on -- which is what I desire -- then it does NOT work.
What is causing this glitch and how can I fix it?
So far so great with the new Droid X!! I have not had any of the lag problems or battery life issues that I have seen posted. My X is fast and smooth, I love it so far. Having said that, I can see a potential problem with the physical buttons on the device. When I first started using the X, the buttons were tight and had a crisp feel when pressed.
Now after 1 day of use, the" back" button is getting loose and is not nearly as crisp as it was. I don't think it will last much longer. I wish there was a way to back out of a screen or app via a screen button as opposed to the physical one. If anyone knows a way to avoid using the physical button to go back a web screen, please let me know. Other than that, this thing rules.
How to detect if the phone has a physical keyboard, and not an on screen software keyboard? The reason I need to do this is because my app needs multiple keys pressed simultaneously, and this isn't possible with an on screen keyboard.
View 5 Replies View Relatedis there a keyboard app that use text prediction while using a physical keyboard such as in Droid pro or HTC Status ?
View 2 Replies View Relatedway the shell/holster combo fits? Top right hand corner of the shell won't snap on
View 49 Replies View RelatedI stopped at VZW last night and the salesman was surprised to learn that the cases make the docks unusable, and he didn't have a solution. I see that VZW is now selling the snap on silicon case, which is the only one I haven't tried yet.
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