HTC Incredible :: Exchange ActiveSync Stop Syncing Emails Entirely?

Aug 5, 2010

What would cause the Exchange ActiveSync to just stop syncing emails entirely?

HTC Incredible :: Exchange ActiveSync stop syncing emails entirely?

General :: Exchange 2007 / Activesync / Disappearing Emails?

Jul 5, 2012

Interesting problem that I seem to have had out of the box (and which has started when I traded my old treo in for this android device): emails regularly disappear both from my Note, the exchange server and thus everywhere else as well, without any intervention on my part. My Note notifies me of new email, I glance at the overview, and sometimes no more than a few minutes later, that new email is completely gone.

Another interesting feature that popped up during testing is that emails sent from the device to this very account do appear in the sent items list both on the device and on the exchange server, but *only* at the inbox on the android device. And as with some of the regular incoming emails, these too disappear. As external emails (i.e. sent from for example gmail) thus far seem to stick, I am suspecting an issue with either activesync itself or exchange and activesync, but I can't be sure.

Noticed a few other threads both here and elsewhere about disappearing emails, but most (if not all) of these seem to be about POP3 where part of the default routine is of course deleting from the server. apps at issue:

- Android 2.3.6 and 4.0 (problem stayed after the upgrade)
- Default mail client on both versions (this particular exchange account has thus far proven a bit troublesome to configure with for example k-9 and touchdown)
- Exchange Server 2007 server / activesync

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General :: Second Exchange Activesync Account Not Syncing

Aug 11, 2013

I am having an issue with my HTC Evo 3D where I am unable to have more than one active Exchange Activesync (EAS) account syncing. I'm trying to have my work e-mail and my hotmail account with push using EAS. What I have tried:

- Setting up my work e-mail, then my hotmail. Can receive work e-mails instantly, but not with hotmail.
- Setting up my hotmail, then my work e-mail. Can receive hotmail e-mails instantly, but not with my work e-mail.
- Setting up my work e-mail in one mail client, and my hotmail in a separate client. Same issues as above, one receiving push e-mail and the other not.

If I set up one and then the other in the default HTC mail client, the first one will work with push the but second one won't. BUT, if I then do a manual sync to make the second one "catch up", that second one will start receiving with push but the first one no longer does. I can keep doing this, and it seems like only one can be "active" at a time.

I've tried different clients with the same results, and tried Touchdown which many people recommend, but Touchdown is built to allow only one active profile at a time (so only one EAS account pushing or polling).

I'm beginning to think it's a device limitation on the Evo 3D but it would be great to get around that - I've seen bits and pieces around saying that, due to licencing, iPhones can have up to 5 EAS accounts at a time, and different Android phones can have varying numbers, but haven't seen anything particularly clear or definitive.

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HTC Droid Eris :: How To Get Eris To Save Deleted And Saved Emails Under Exchange ActiveSync?

May 3, 2010

I can't figure out how to get my Eris to save deleted and saved emails under Exchange ActiveSync. Can anyone help with that?

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Android :: App That Will Stop My Emails From Syncing?

Dec 22, 2009

I am a new Droid owner as of yesterday. Great experience so far. I have learned a lot from this site, but have 1 question. Is there an app that will stop my emails from syncing at night? I want to keep the text notification and ringer up, I also want my emails to sync throughout the day. Thought this might be the easiest way but could not find one.

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HTC Incredible :: Exchange Activesync $30

May 7, 2010

I cannot attest to pin lock or remote wipe, but basic syncing of exchange e-mail calendar and contacts continues to work after I downgraded my $45 plan to the $30 plan yesterday. Haven't had a call from the Exchange police yet. Just an FYI in hopes to save a few people some money.

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HTC Incredible :: Exchange Activesync

Aug 27, 2010

When using various 2.2 leaked builds or cooked ROMs, I had problems with activesync behaving properly. I even loaded and rooted the leaked 'official' Rom that came out yesterday and it didn't sync right. Constant sync, sync errors, etc. I reverted back to 2.1. I downgraded to 1xx radio and original hboot today in hopes that the actual ota will not have the same 2.2 ActiveSync issues I had with cooked builds. I am now thinking that if the official I had yesterday wasn't right the ota won't be any different. Is there a known problem with 2.2 having activesync issues? Do I want to not upgrade to 2.2 until this issue is revolved?

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Motorola Droid :: Get Phone To Stop Syncing My Emails Through Their Own Method?

Feb 22, 2010

I just purchased Touchdown by Nitrodesk (incredible app) and was curious how to get the Droid to stop syncing my emails, etc. through their own method? Please be specific with step-by-step instructions of how to disable my corporate account. I only want to have emails going into the "email" folder that are from my personal email moving forward.

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HTC Incredible :: Exchange Activesync And Touchdown

Apr 30, 2010

I just received my Incredible yesterday to replace my Blackberry Storm. I cannot complete the Exchange Activesync setup because it says it cannot contact the Exchange server. I've tried numerous times: placing https:// in-front of the server name, putting <<domain>><<username>> in the username field while keeping the domain field blank, checking and unchecking the SSL box. Nothing is working.

So I downloaded Touchdown. I entered the same exact settings that I believe should have worked for the Mail app and Touchdown connects just fine. It gives you the option to connect via Activesync only, Exchange 2007 or Exchange 2003. I selected Activesync and I'm seeing all my emails, contacts and appointments.

Is there something on the server side that could be preventing me from setting up the HTC Mail app. This is a major deal breaker for me. I guess, I could use Touchdown but I'd prefer not to.

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HTC Incredible :: No Exchange Or Activesync Listed

Sep 22, 2010

I'm using Frankenrom, and used Titanium to restore my email account settings.

Exchange from my PC is being pushed to my phone, but I can't add anything new from my phone. From the calendar program, if I select Menu-->More-->Calendars, my Exchange calendar isn't listed.

Also, if I go to the main Menu-->Account & Sync, there is no Exchange or Activesync listed. If I go to Add Account, I can select Exchange ActiveSync and it has my account info in it. Clicking Save, it just thinks for a bit then closes. Clicking Discard does pretty much the same thing.

Where could I look to manually delete my ActiveSync account?. Basically I'm looking for a config file somewhere to delete. I'm guessing it is like this since I used Titanium to restore account settings rather than setting it up manually.

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HTC Incredible :: Gmail Activesync - Continuous Syncing

May 8, 2010

Is anyone else having problems with a gmail account and activesync? It had been working fine. A few hours ago, I kept getting errors. Finally deleted the account and recreated it, but then when it tries to sync, it just syncs forever and never finishes. I am only trying to sync the email, not the calendar and contacts.

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HTC Incredible :: Exchange Activesync Slow After Going To Sleep

May 28, 2010

Has anyone had the problem of the exchange/activesync not pushing email like it should after the phone goes to sleep?

If the phone is awake than I don't have any problems. Email comes immediately and quickly. If it falls asleep for more than 10 minutes or so it'll push email a good 10-15 minutes late.

I read a couple people had similar issues and the only advice people gave was to ensure that the mobile network box was checked on. People also said to ensure "enable always-on mobile data" is checked as well. Both are but I'm still having these issues. It happens with both the regular exchange interface and I also tried touchdown but it does the same thing.

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HTC Incredible :: Exchange 2003 Activesync Support

Nov 4, 2010

I know a lot of people have been having tons of issues involving the htc mail connecting to exchange activesync to get their email, contacts and calendar. It is hit or miss whether it worked for lots of folks.I couldn't get it working for the life of me, so took the easy way out and un-checked "use ssl 128 bit" on the exchange server, and it started working... However, this creates a huge security issue, leaving your exchange outlook web access unencrypted. I accepted this fact for a couple weeks, as I needed the email support really bad for a project I was working on. Now that I'm done with that project, I returned to this issue, definitely wanting to plug the security hole I so reluctantly opened up. Telling myself i will NOT drop a $20 for touchdown exchange client, after being told that my incredible has "exchange support".After about 6 hours of scrubbing through microsoft kb's I discovered the answer.Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile Access errors occur when SSL or forms-based authentication is required for Exchange Server 2003 (ms kb 817379)Use Resolution method #2. Which creates a virtual directory (with no ssl access) that is only accessible by the same server computer. You still set up the inc email client the same, including checkmarking the "this server requires a ssl connection" What happens is your inc can now authenticate by SSL to the exchange web access, and it then redirects access locally on the server to the newly created virtual directory.

in a nutshell, it just ends up working!Caveat, you either need to be the exchange server admin to do the tasks in the method #2, or know the exchange server admin at your company (and bring him nice techie toys) I've only tested this on our exchange 2003 standard server. I have no idea what to do with a 2007 server I understand the exchange 2010 server also has no official support either, but is currently being worked on.I just thought i'd throw this out there for those who still may be having this issue.If it helps even one other company besides ours, it was worth the effort!

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HTC Incredible :: Exchange Activesync - Doesn't Sync

Sep 14, 2010

anyone else having issues in getting their corp email? My activesync started acting buggy yesterday. I've restarted the phn several times already and also deleted the account and added it again 4 times already. It doesn't want to sync.

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HTC Incredible : Activesync Emails Don't Always Push Until Device Sleeps For 10 Min Or So When Wifi Shuts Off

May 3, 2010

When I have wifi on I have full bars and fast browsing etc on my device but I notice Activesync emails don't always push until the device sleeps for 10 min or so when the wifi shuts off.

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HTC Incredible : Get Work Emails To Your D-Inc Without Using Exchange?

Jul 1, 2010

I am porting over from a blackberry and i used to use something called Blackberry email redirector. Which would actually forward the emails to me, as long as redirector was running on the desktop.

Since I dont have access to outlook exchange via wireless phone (i'm in tech support, but dont have exchange access from anything other than my desk).

Is there an app, or program, that will forward emails from my outlook inbox at work and forward to my D-Inc? Something like a blackberry redirector but for the D-Inc without having to use exchange?

I tried to do a forward rule in outlook at work to forward any email sent to me to my yahoo account, but for some reason the rule is not working and not forwarding to me.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get work email, without using exchange, any app or something like that ? that can send duplicates to my phone, and will allow me to respond with my work address?

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HTC : Incredible Stopped Pushing Exchange Emails

Jun 7, 2010

Title says it all. I do not pay the extra corporate email fee but I have never had problems with emails pushing to my phone. I've checked all the settings, rebooted the phone, pulled the battery.

Before going through the circus of asking someone in IT at my office if there is a problem I figured I would ask for suggestions here.

Settings are:

Download Frequency: As they arrive
Include File Attachment: Never
Mail Size Limit: Entire email
Not the default Account

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HTC Incredible :: Delete Exchange Emails Without Deleting From Server?

May 4, 2010

Is there any way I can delete exchange emails from my Incredible without deleting them from the server? Still would like to be able to access messages from my laptop at a later time like I could with the pos Storm.

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HTC Incredible :: EMail Stopped Syncing With Exchange

Nov 20, 2010

Earlier today my phone stopped automatically syncing with my work Microsoft Exchange. Yesterday was perfect ( I have had the phone for 3 months all ways synced before). I did a soft reset, nothing. Hard reset, nothing. All the setting are the same. It just continuously tries to sync, but never connects. Will I have to set up the account again or what ?

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HTC Incredible :: Gmail Through Exchange Stopped Syncing

Jun 21, 2010

My Gmail through exchange stopped syncing today. I decided to delete the account and set it up over again. Problem is, I keep getting errors connecting and it won't let me set up anymore.

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HTC Incredible : Exchange Not Receiving Emails Unless Manually Updated The Email

May 18, 2010

I wanted to see if anyone else was having this problem. I have my work e-mail setup to work as an exchange activesync. Everything was great up until about 3 days ago. I noticed that i was not receiving emails unless i manually updated the email. So i looked in settings/Send & Receive and under the Set download frequency it was set to "manual". I think to myself that weird since it was set up to "as items arrive" before. I then switch it back and after an hour still no emails but i am getting them on my computer. They use to actually get to my phone before my computer. Anyways i go back and try again but it seems it keeps defaulting back to "manual". I really want to avoid calling verizon since the last tech support called i made took 45mins to resolve the problem.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Exchange ActiveSync

Jul 28, 2010

I bought the Evo for my personal use. However, I was looking at an FAQ this morning on my company's IT site on supporting Android devices thinking it might be a possibility. Currently personally funded Blackberry, iPhone and Windows mobile devices are supported for connection to our Microsoft Exchange email services.

I noticed the following in an FAQ in regards to Android support, is this true? I thought the Evo supports ActiveSync?

Question: How can I access my corporate email on my Android device?

Answer: At the moment, XYZ does not support Android due to its lack of ActiveSync support (access to Microsoft Exchange email). When/If this option becomes available, updates will be posted through the Mobile Device website.

Question: When will Android be an option for users?

Answer: XYZ has decided that we will not support the Android for corporate email at this time. If/When Android supports ActiveSync we will re-evaluate.

Question: How about if I have a personally funded Android phone?

Answer: Presently, corporate email access is not available for any Android devices due to its lack of ActiveSync support (access to Microsoft Exchange email).

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Android :: How To Exchange ActiveSync ?

Jan 27, 2010

ActiveSync has been working just fine with our Exchange Server 2007 for the past 6 months. However, today we updated from 2007 to 2010 server and the server address changed from to and I cannot figure out how to change this on the settings. The only thing that it will allow me to edit is the password. I press on the server address and it will not do anything. I have deleted the account on my phone and re-entered it hoping that it will let me edit manually. I get the error message, "Your microsoft exchange server account does not have permission to synchronize with your current settings. Contact your exchange server admin". I made sure the spelling is correct and our Admin is well, not up to the challenge.

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HTC Desire :: Way To Exchange ActiveSync?

Jun 23, 2010

I got my HTC Desire last week and Synced it with our Kerio Mail Server 6.7.0 patch 1. Had to add the line to allow unsupported devices as it was giving some connection issues and then worked fine after that. The problem has been with the syncing of the contacts. It syncs fine for about the first few syncs and then it gives an error on the phone "failed to connect to the server" But it syncs mail and the calendar perfectly. The issue is that the syncing of the contacts is second on the list of 3 items to sync as per the phone. So it syncs mail first - fine, contacts second - error and then calendar - fine. I removed my contacts from my mail on the server and it still didn't update on the phone. So wasn't communicating with the server as per the error. If I delete my contacts on the phone, it then connects fine to the server and I get my contacts back. Works fine for about a few syncs and then without adding or deleting any contacts I get the error message back.

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HTC Legend :: Exchange ActiveSync

May 27, 2010

I use Exchange as my email client & I have used Exchange ActiveSync to connect. Everything is working well apart from when the phone has been in-active & is locked I am required to enter my Exchange password to unlock. This is required to use the non Exchange functions also, as you might imagine this is very tedious.

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Android :: Exchange Activesync

Jun 25, 2010

I just got my first Android phone, a Motorola Milestone with Telus. I use Exchange 2007 and setup activesync with the builtin email client and it works great, however, the view is one folder at a time. I have many rules setup to move emails from specific sources to specific folders since I receive a lot of email in a day from many different clients and vendors. The problem I see is that I have to manually switch from one folder to another and hit refresh to see new emails in the subfolders.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Exchange ActiveSync Pin Removal For 2.2

Nov 19, 2010

Is there an email.apk or alternate method of removing the security pin/pattern lock that's forced when you configure Exchange ActiveSync in Froyo? I found something on XDA, but it was earlier in the year and i believe it was only for 2.1. LockPicker is only for 2.1 also. I'm rooted running Myn's RLS3 ROM if that information is needed...

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Motorola Droid :: Incredible Disappearing Exchange Account / Stop It To Do So?

Sep 1, 2010

When Froyo came in, I noticed the Exchange calendar became `combined' with the Google calendar. This was a bit alarming, as I don't use the Google calendar and the Exchange account completely disappeared.

I re-setup the Exchange account and spent some time coaxing it to sync the calendar.
Every few days I get a notice that the email service requires a FC and the Exchange account disappears. Start again from Go.

I have Sync turned off, as well as auto app sync. I do not pull mail unless I need it. Calendar and Contacts are set to sync when I turn on Sync. Not sure if this impacts anything but this only started after Froyo. Getting tired of replacing the Exchange acct.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Exchange Activesync - Calendar Reminders

Jun 5, 2010

I've set up Exchange Activesync on my Evo, and the calendar seems to sync fine. However, I'm not getting any reminders in my status bar even though they are enabled on the calendar settings.

Further, if I go into an appointment that has a reminder set on it, I get the following message:

Are you sure you want to delete this reminder?

If I hit cancel and then back out of the event, it seems to re-save the calendar event, but I still don't get any reminders.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Exchange ActiveSync

May 11, 2010

Had a question with scheduling my activesync. If I don't get a lot of work emails is it better for battery life to set it to sync every 10 minutes or as items arrive?

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