HTC Incredible :: Can't Connect To Wifi At Home - Using Dinc
Jul 18, 2010I am having issues connecting to my WiFi at home using the dinc. I had it set up fine but temporarily disabled.WiFi to test something and can't get it working again.

I am having issues connecting to my WiFi at home using the dinc. I had it set up fine but temporarily disabled.WiFi to test something and can't get it working again.
I have a stock inc and for some reason it won't connect to my home WiFi network. It will connect to other wifi networks. I turned off WEP just to take that variable out of it. No idea what the problem is. I have also hard reset it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've experienced quite a lot of problems with the WiFi after updating the Andriod. Everytime I try to connect to my home-network i get that it failed to connect.
The phone didn't have any problems with this before the update.
Anyone had the same kind of problem, or anyone that has a smart fix for it?
My Hero takes a long time to connect to my home wifi. I usually go in to the settings and hit "Scan" repeatedly before it connects. Sometimes it fails connect, and I have to go into Settings to try again. Is there a way/app to scan automatically or re-attempt to connect again? Maybe there's something I'm not thinking of?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get my verizon yahoo mail account connected with my dinc, but I can't figure out how. I tried typing in my email and password when prompted by the mail icon on the home screen and it says it fails. I also had an issue with certiain links on the web not responding when clicked anyone have any ideas why?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI re-flashed evil eris 4 today, & before I did I wiped data/factory then wiped dalvic. When I rebooted & got to the set up screen(set up google account ect.) the wifi worked! so I hit the toggle,& turned it off to make sure the 3G worked. Ever since then I cannot connect to my home wifi.
View 7 Replies View Relatediv just got a replacement hero and i cant get it to connet to my bt home hub, my last one did no problems but when i try with my new one it just comes back as unsuccessful, it does seem to connect to bt openzone tho if that helps.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy legend cant connect to the router at our home. It keeps asking for the password. When I type it en press connect it only gives a notion that it can't connect to the network. I have tried standing next to it or a couple of feet away but it doesn't work.
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View 8 Replies View RelatedI cannot connect to my home WiFi, it even not trying to connect, other Wifi connections works fine, but my private home wifi connection not working, i have notebook that using this connection with no problem but N1 unable to connect.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the Samsung captivate and it usually has no problems connecting to WiFi networks but it can't connect to my home network. It recognizes the network but I can't use send/receive any data. My two laptops have no problem connecting to my network but I can't get my phone to. Additionally, my Wii has the same problem. It recognizes the network but can't do anything. Its probably a router problem but their support was useless, so I thought I would try here.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIf I connect to my home WiFi, it works well. I'll go out of the house and come back a few hours later and the phone does not automatically connect to my home WiFi. If I go to settings, I can see it detects my home WiFi, but says "Connection unsuccessful, select to try again." When I select it, it connects and works fine. My problem is, I don't think I should have to physically select my WiFi network everytime I come home. Shouldn't it see it and connect automatically? What am I dong wrong? Do I have a setting turned on/off that should be different?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to connect to my home wifi, its WEP security on a linksys router, but every time i try to connect it says unable to connect, also idk if there is supposed to be a wifi icon on the top bar but it does not show one at all, appreciate any feedback
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know wi-fi has been mentioned but no one seems to really know. Is there anyone out there who knows why I cannot connect to my wi-fi at home? I have a mac address filter on my router and I put in the correct mac address of my Eris more than once as well and the security settings. I was able to connect my Nintendo DSi with no problem. So when I set up my wi-fi connection, it says it's not in range but remembered. At my job I was able to connect to the wi-fi with no problem. Could it be something with my router? Just wondering if anyone has any ideas or clues.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedSo my Dinc which I bought on launch day blew the front speaker yesterday. I called Verizon and they are shipping me a brand new Dinc out today. My question is, I have already rooted my phone and installed like 50 apps on it with tons of other crap, settings, data, etc. I have made multiple nandroid backups and titanium backups. Can I just save the backups on my SD card then get my hands on the new Dinc, root that one as well then use my backups on the SD card to just load everything on to the new phone so I don't have to go through the process of re-setting up my entire phone again?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI cannot connect to the wifi network in my house. I can easily connect to the wifi at my work when I type in the password, but when I try the WEP key at my house it still says disconnected. It shows my network and says "Remembered, secured with WEP" if I hit connect nothing happens. I tried "forget" and then connecting again, making sure my wep key is correct, and still no luck.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor some reason the other day when i came home from class my phone wouldnt connect to the wifi i have set up in mt apartment. it just says it obtaining the ip address and scanning for wifi but when i enter my passowrd for the network it still doesnt work.
View 2 Replies View Relatedcant not connect to my home wifi, has wpa/wpa2 psk (it says). put in my wep and it is remembered but says "unsuccessful" every time. cant connect to neighbors who has barely one bar(its open).
View 12 Replies View RelatedI love my aria, i got it 9/29/10, for free from best buy because my contract expired... but ive already used 20MB and i only bought a 200MB plan... i might go to 2 gigs, but for an alternate, since my billing cycle ends the 28th of every month... if i disable application syncing, and mobile network from the hold menu... can i connect to my home wifi network, and go on the internet from there without that using any of my data plan?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have two wifi locations set up on my inc as preferred. It used to automatically connect to which ever of those two it saw as soon as I turned on WiFI with my widget. Now i have to physically go into "settings -> wireless and networks" and then it sees the network and connects. Is there a setting somewhere I changed or something to get it to auto-connect again?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have had this problem ever since I received my preordered Dinc. I can successfully connect to the internet via wifi anywhere but at my place of employment (very frustrating). The Dinc sees and connects to the wifi but when I open the browser the following pop up window appears: Security warning
There are problems with the security certificate for this site. This certificate is not from a trusted authority? I then have a choice to continue, view certificate, or cancel. When I view the certificate it states the organization, The Go Daddy Group Inc, unit, Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority and validity:.................
just moved my computer into a different room.However there is no internet in this room so i have to connect by PDANET.The PDANET is connecting to my WIFI which im hoping to share to my xbox to be able to play online in here, as this is the only monitor/screen i have.I have connected using my macbook / PDANET / 3G (It's being repaired).. and that worked fine but for the life of me i can't get it to connect with my desktop
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to use wifi while I am at home, but 3g away from home. Will wifi automatically turn off when I am out of range of my router or will it remain on "searching" for networks?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I activate wifi via the power widget, wifi does turn on, but doesn't connect to my router. If I go to Wireless & Networks in the settings and click Wi-Fi settings, I see it shows my router there and says "not in range, remembered" initially, but as soon as that page comes up, it connects. Why is it only connecting after I go to the settings?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe issue that I am having is that if I turn off SSID broadcast on my router, the phone can not connect to the wifi. If SSID broadcast is turned on there is no problem.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan the X be set-up like the Dinc on its home and other screens. like beautiful widgets, clock, weather and so forth? as i watch all the reviews they all seem to be set up the same.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am just not impressed with paying $90+ for service. I loved my old lifedrive (Palm). I don't mind having separate devices. I have plenty of wifi.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'd like to use my DINC as a BT input device for my PS3. Is there any kind of app that allows me to pair my DINC with my PS3 to make this happen?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've had three people so far tell me that the Dinc will be able to use a 4g connection when VZW upgrades the network (including one iPhone user who said that was one reason he was jealous of me), but I can't find much info one way or the other. Anyone on here know for sure?
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