HTC EVO 4G :: Sending Multiple Images Throught Text

Sep 9, 2010

I am basically trying to send more then one image at once through text message is that possible? I know of slideshows but how do i go about creating one and sending it through text message.

I also tried using the search engine on this forum and not a great one in my opinion compare to other search engines i have used in car forums. So if there is already a thread just like the one i have create please redirect me and close my thread Mods.

HTC EVO 4G :: sending Multiple images throught text

Motorola Droid :: Sending SMS Text Messages To Multiple Contacts

Nov 28, 2009

I've been sending SMS messages just fine, however recently I tried sending a text message to two contacts, and one of them never received anything. However when trying to send a message to that same person only, it worked fine.

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HTC Desire :: Handcent Not Sending Text Messages To Multiple Contacts

Jul 9, 2010

I've been using Handcent since I've had my Desire, but since the last few updates it seems to have developed a fault when sending the same sms message to multiple contacts. If I send a message to say 3 people, it either force closes, or comes up with the error message not sent. If it comes up with the latter, the messages are queued & sent 1 after the other. I was able to do this no problem before, so has anyone else experienced this in Handcent?

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General :: Sending Text Messages To Multiple Pre-Defined People

Jul 3, 2013

What I need is i have pre-defined list of 10 people and I need to send text message (sms only not mms) to them from time to time. There is no Chat needed, no MMS, no threading. Only sending sms to a list. I tried GoSMS, Handcet.. but couldnt achieved.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Selecting Multiple Recipients - When Sending A Text

Jul 22, 2010

Is there anyway of doing this easily? Iprevious phones that i have had you could 'mark' several recipients when going through your phone book.

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HTC Desire :: Sending Text - Can't Figure Out If Sending A Message Via Facebook Or To Mobile Number

Jun 24, 2010

I have a friend who is added to my Desire's contact list.

1. He is on my Facebook contact. (His facebook pic appears in my Desire contact list)
2. He is my Gmail contact as well.
3. He is added as a 'Phone Contact' as well.

I sent him a text few days ago but don't remember if it was using facebook or my phone (network provider sms) but now when I go in to 'Messages' and send him a message, I just can't figure out if I am sending him a message via Facebook or to his mobile number.

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General :: WhatsApp Not Sending Images?

Oct 9, 2013

I noticed that my whatsapp has stopped sending images now. I don't share material that would infringe any copyrights.

Any image I send won't even get delivered to the server (the first tick).

PS.Already tried a restart and a reinstall.

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Android :: Send Files Throught WIFI - No Router Required

Jan 11, 2010

I have been using this workaround and sharing files through WIFI without connecting to a router. I hope this is helpful to all. I have tested this on Tmobile G1 and a Dev phone.

What you need?
- An Android Phone
- WIFI Tether for Root Users - link android-wifi-tether - Project Hosting on Google Code
- SDCard WIFI Access - Available on market

What others need?
A Phone with WIFI
Computer with WIFI

This is how you do it.
- Start WIFI Tether and ask the other person to connect to the Adhoc connection.

- This person should show connected to your phone now.

- Open the app SD Card WIFI Access, this will show you two IP addresses. One would be an IP for the Mobile Network and another for your phone. Provide the phone IP address (should be example

- Ask the person to type the IP address in the browser and ensure they put the port number 8180

- If you followed the steps correctly the person will now see your SD card contents on their phone or the computer browser.

A click on any file will send the file to their phone at >1MBPS

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Zooming With Multiple Images?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm creating an app that allows the user to zoom in and out and pan around the screen.

My question is this, how would I allow this to be done with multiple images? Lets say I have a background grid image and 3 market bag images. Is there away of doing this neatly and efficiently in Java?

Here's the code I've got so far:

import android.os.Bundle;


For those interested in pinch zoom, visit this link.

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Android :: Multiple Images Using ACTION_VIEW

Nov 13, 2009

I have a folder on sd-card in which I keep photos edited in my application. Im trying to force deafult android image viewer to see all pictured in that folder. Unfortunately I am able to see only one picture. The "next" and "previous" arrows are disabled.

The code i use to see only one picture:


How to activate the browsing option? how to call the intent so that every picture in that folder would be visible?

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Android :: Attach Multiple Images?

Jul 28, 2009

I build an email application using intents. I can send a email with one image attachment. I tried to attach multiple images using "putExtra ()" method.But it still send only a single image.

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Android :: ViewFlipper & Multiple Images?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to include multiple images in my Android app. It's like an image viewer/slideshow. Currently I switch between pictures from /drawable-mdpi dir simply with ImageView and adapter, using gestures to left/right. Works but nothing impresive :/

Basically I could use something like Android (2.1) gallery with some image show animation.

1st question: what's the best way to include many (50-100) fullscreen images in App?

2nd: is it possible to use ViewFlipper animations directly to images? or do i have to somehow populate Views?

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Android : Way To Maintain Multiple Images?

Aug 22, 2010

During my game loop I am constantly loading images using BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.objectx); Most of the time I'm calling images that have already been decoded earlier. Am I slowing down execution by decoding the resource every time? Is it better to store every image into a Map (or Dictionary) at the beginning of the program? If so, how do you get the resource IDs for all images in the drawable folder?

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General :: Sending MMS To Multiple Friends?

May 23, 2012

I'm using Go SMS as my default message app on my Droid 2. When I send a picture to more than one contact, everyone I sent it to gets any response any one does to the message. This is obviously not cool.

I can't find an option to turn that off, I'd never even heard of such a feature before. Not sure if that is an Android thing or just my app. I want to continue using this app but I'm not going to send a picture to umpteen different people 1 at a time.

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Android :: Try Sending Text To Email Via Handcent / Doesn't Show To Text

Sep 16, 2010

When I try sending a text to an email via handcent, it doesn't show to text.My mom sends me texts via email when shes at work and I'm not able to respond unless I use the native android text app.Does anyone know how to fix this problem, or is this just not possible with handcent?

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Android :: Way To Select Multiple Images Using GalleryView?

Jun 17, 2010

I was just wondering if Android had built in code so that I could select multiple images in a gallery-view and then have those images exported as filenames in a string array(ex /sdcard/~f1.jpg, /sdcard/~f2.jpg,...).

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HTC Hero :: Sending Emails From Multiple Addresses

Mar 18, 2010

I was wondering, has anyone figured out how you can send emails via different addresses from the gmail app? I can send from 5 different ones from gmail's web interface, but can only get the app to use the default.

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Motorola Droid :: Sending SMS / MMS To Multiple People

Feb 16, 2010

I have a question if you type multiple people from your contacts list will each person see that it is going to multiple people or do they just think they are the only one getting it?My old phone, Env2, everyone could see who I was sending it to like the actual phone numbers, and I hated that.I use ChompSMS also but my questions is really about the stock app.

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Android :: Sending Multiple Pics By Bluetooth

Aug 20, 2010

is there an easy way to send a batch of photos to my PC by bluetooth? I've just done some through the album app, but I had to do them one at a time which was painful. Ideally I'm looking for an interface where you can select the pics by thumbnail and then tell the phone to transfer all the selected ones.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Sending Multiple Pictures In One MMS

Mar 2, 2010

I did a search on the forum and a search on google and failed. I want to send two pictures to a friend of mine via texting. I can only select one picture through handcent. Is there an app out there that can help? I thought I read about one, but I can't seem to find it again. Or am I just failing at finding the right commands to do it?

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Android :: Inserting Images In Text Field Along With The Text

Aug 7, 2009

I want to add Image to Text field, at the same time i want to write text

under that image( want to describe about the image ) in the same text field. And the image

should be provided with ZOOOM_IN and ZOOM_OUT options, for the user to view.

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Android :: Want To Create Multiple Images In Single Image

Oct 12, 2010

i want to create a bitmap / image which has many images like "Collage" which has more then one images in a single picture. I have stored all my images in a grid view but now i want to create a single image from all those images. And even i want to make few images click able so what can be the road map to do this ? any sort of help / example will be helpful. search for a for collage image image in google . one can see what it is exactly.

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Motorola Droid :: Sending Pics To Multiple Recipients

Jan 3, 2010

I spent a while searching for the answer but had no luck...

When I take a pic that I want to share, I'll tap "Share".

There, I will access the field to enter an email address that I want to send the photo to. If I have multiple people to send it to, do I have to type in each individual address, or is there a way to access my contact list somewhere so I can simply go through and select/click recipients?

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Android :: Sending Multiple Http Requests To Django

May 19, 2010

I am developing a microblogging platform in which I need to populate the page with Post (user defined class with fields) obtained from the Django server using HttpGet.In the client side(Android) I am using GSON to parse the responses from server to the type Post. So I require that server should send Post's one by one so as to add each of them to a list of Posts after parsing and then finally notifying the list adapter of changes in the data set after all Post's have been added.But the problem coming when intially loading the application, the page has to be populated with 10 latest Post's from the server. So I thought of a rather dirty way of sending 10 httpget requests to the server one after the other to the server. The code looks like this.I was thinking of executing it 10 times in a loop to get the 10 Post's I require. But in Django as far I know (correct me if I am wrong) there's no way to keep an index of the last sent Post to the client and so no way to send the 'next' Post on the next HttpGet request. So I am out of ideas.I feel there's a better way to do this efficiently.

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General :: Sending A Single Message To Multiple Recipients?

Dec 18, 2011

Is there a way for sending a single message to multiple recipients for the message to be placed inside the conversation for each individual instead of creating a new thread for that one message?

I downloaded the Handcent App and even it does the same thing as the stock app. It appears there's an option to split the message up as described when sent to a group. But it still creates the new thread whenever sending to individual names.

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General :: Jelly Bean / MMS - Receiving 1 Or Multiple Images As A Slideshow?

Jul 19, 2012

Does the built in sms app fix the receiving 1 or multiple images as a slideshow? I know it isn't really a bug and is just how the app works, but I was wondering if there were any changes to the sms app in Jelly Bean for those who may not want that feature.

I am currently using Handcent but sometimes I still get images as a slideshow. I'm also having to click on the message to download it before I can view the slideshow.

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Android :: Rotate Particular Image Among Multiple Images Drawn To Canvas In Droid

Jun 16, 2010

I need a small help on rotating one image around its center of axis among multiple images which are drawn to canvas in android.

I am loading images to canvas like below.

canvas.drawBitmap(mMachineBackground, 0, 0, null);
canvas.drawBitmap(mMachineRotator, 0, 0, null);

I want to rotate only the second bitmap around its center of axis instead of rotating the entire canvas(which includes first bitmap also).

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Android : Application And Have Multiple Images - Need To Switch When User Touches The Screen

Feb 4, 2009

Here is the problem, I am building an application and have multiple images that need to switch when the user touches the screen, doesn't matter where the users touches. The press the screen and the images switch randomly. I purchased the ebook "Professional Android Application Development" and have torn though it. I am stumped. I'm thoroughly confused at this point. Any ideas on where I can go or how I can accomplish this?

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Android :: Display Multiple Images From Remote Source In Gallery - Zoomable - Pannable

Jun 1, 2010

I want do display some images that I load from a remote source in a gallery. The gallery should let the user do the following things:

-zoom the image (preferably also by pinch-zoom) -pan the image -switch between the different images

Of course most built-in gallery applications can do all of that. So my first idea was to use an ACTION_VIEW intent in order to delegate the task to some gallery application. This however won't work for me since you can only pass the URI of the image you want to display but not the actual bitmap data itself. I can't just pass the URL of the remote image because I need to manage the loading and caching of the data myself. A way around this would be to write the data to a local file and then pass the URI of that file (and deleting the file again afterward). Besides this being less than elegant it won't even do the trick because with an intent like this you can only pass one image at a time.

The built-in Facebook application on the Nexus One actually does exactly what I have in mind for displaying photo albums. It looks like a custom gallery activity they built into their application. Does anyone know whether there are templates available for something like this somewhere that one could reuse? Building something like this from scratch by myself seems too time consuming.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Sending Text To Email

Jun 7, 2010

I am trying to send a text to my email address to get my phone's exact address so I can send stuff from my email to my phone but no matter what email account I send it to, it never gets there at all. Is there something I need to set up so I can do this? Or does anyone know what the address would be for a Sprint user? I seen some on the web and tried it using my info but it did not work. Always came back saying invalid address.

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