General :: Sending A Single Message To Multiple Recipients?
Dec 18, 2011
Is there a way for sending a single message to multiple recipients for the message to be placed inside the conversation for each individual instead of creating a new thread for that one message?
I downloaded the Handcent App and even it does the same thing as the stock app. It appears there's an option to split the message up as described when sent to a group. But it still creates the new thread whenever sending to individual names.
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Nov 12, 2010
I can just read the first recipient of a send SMS with multiple recipients by the following code snippet:
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Jan 3, 2010
I spent a while searching for the answer but had no luck...
When I take a pic that I want to share, I'll tap "Share".
There, I will access the field to enter an email address that I want to send the photo to. If I have multiple people to send it to, do I have to type in each individual address, or is there a way to access my contact list somewhere so I can simply go through and select/click recipients?
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Jul 22, 2010
Is there anyway of doing this easily? Iprevious phones that i have had you could 'mark' several recipients when going through your phone book.
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Aug 12, 2010
If I send a text message to multiple recipients it sends as an MMS. I understand that this happens by design on some networks if you're sending a text to more than 10 people at once, but I was only sending the same text to 2 people. I'm with T-Mobile and I have unlimited texts as part of my contract, but MMS messages cost 20p each, so obviously I don't want this to happen. Can this be changed so the messages send as regular texts?
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm a new X10 mini owner and also just registered to be a member of this forum. It's great to have this forum to share ideas and help on our favorite phone. Can anyone tell me how I could send the same text message to more than one recipient as soon as I create it, without having to forward the message several times?
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Dec 30, 2012
I have noticed in the text message app if I create a new message and click the icon button next to enter recipient to choose a contact from my contacts there are contacts from just about everyone who has emailed me on my gmail account! This is not ideal at all.. I Would like just the contacts in my phone to be available. How do I remove all of those gmail contacts.
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Jul 17, 2013
how to see the *other* recipients of a group text message I receive in Handcent? Example: I receive a text in Handcent to my Note 2 phone. I can see the text message, and above that (in the message's header) it shows the first two recipients, then ",....." indicating there are MORE people who have received the message. Is there any way I can see a complete list of the recipients?
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Mar 30, 2010
I went through the manual and searched the forum but I can't find the answer! So, how can I add more recipients to one text message? Thanks! Edit: Well the problem actually was that I needed to enter a number, not a name, but a solution is the comma. I thought it would be similar to the way I was used to on my SE K750i. And with that, can a text message be forwarded? For instance I receive it from A and want to forward it to B.
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May 5, 2010
I sent a text message to a bunch of my wife and a few friends, and my wife said she saw all of the recipients of the text message i sent in her msg. She has the BB Curve.
I'm thinking that the DINC is responsible for that, and not her BB. Is there anyway to change that?
It really doesn't impact me much, but it's a bit impersonal at times. For someone like Tiger Woods, I can see that sorta being an issue.
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Nov 23, 2010
Anyone any answers, handset has stop letting me pick recipients or sending txt messages but it will let me reply to txt.have tried reinstalling but still only works once. Tried rebooting but still nothing. I like this app but its starting to jack me off now and now either need a fix or a suitable replacement
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Feb 5, 2013
I want to install 2 copies of fb messenger, 1 for each of my 2 can I make this possible......I tried decompiling the app, changing app name in manifest.xml and again recompiling. the app installs but when I try to open this, it force closes with an unexpected error......
I know many would suggest to use different messengers for different accounts....others will refer use of multiple profiles of titanium backup.....
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May 11, 2012
Any cable is available where you can plug multiple devices into one end of the cable, the other into the computer, and when you install an application from say, Eclipse, it installs it to all the connected devices in one go?
I have about 4 devices running various versions of Android I use for testing, and when I have them all set up together, it gets tedious manually pushing the code from Eclipse to all the devices.
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Nov 11, 2010
I came from a blackberry, and had GROUPS of people i could text by selecting one. Then one click sent the same text to everyone on that list. Any way to do this on my epic? I'm tired of forwarding things ten times.
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May 8, 2010
Gmail itself receives email perfectly. The problem is when I compose an email, there is no option to add multiple recipients. The HTC mail app has an icon of a "person" next to the recipient (or "to" block). There is no such icon on the gmail app. There is a "to" block but no way to add multiple recipients. I have to manual type in a name (though it does recognize and try and auto finish the name). Am I missing something? Typing each name in for a mass email is a huge pain.
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Oct 4, 2010
I just got this phone and, thus, a new phone number. I'd like to text a group of contacts (~60 people) and tell them. Can I do it? I put my cursor in the "To:" textbox and then press the icon that lets me add people from my contact list, but after I select them and press "done," it says "The message must contain valid recipients and content."
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May 18, 2010
Is there a way to select multiple people from the contacts list to send a text message to? I know I can type there names in the to field but I would rather be able to check off multiple names on the contacts. Is this a possibility, i need to send out a text blasts and need the easiest way to do it.
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May 27, 2010
How do you send a text to multiple recipients in handcent? I thought it might be batch mode but I dont think thats it.
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Feb 8, 2012
I just got a Samsung Skyrocket on AT&T. It's running 2.3.5. I love the phone but have one question:
When sending an email, NOT Gmail, and I select the recipient from my contacts, it automatically picks up the default email address that was selected for that contact within the contact manager. Several of my contacts have more than one email address and I need to be able to choose which address to send to. The thing is, I see no option to do so when selecting the contact in the email message. The only way around this that I can see is to have separate contact entries for each email address. That would mean I could have four or more contact entries for each person. Totally not acceptable.
So, am I missing something here? Is there a way to select which email address you want to send to when creating a message? Or do I have to go in and change the default email address within the contact before I compose my emails?
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Dec 1, 2010
I have sprint, my phone is an Epic and i love it! however when sending even a simple text i select "new message" the "to" box comes up. i have to start typing in a name to get contacts with similar names to start coming up, which i then select. then i have to repeat for the next contact...i have had cheaper phones that have allowed me to select recipients from my contact list. i have a friend who has Verizon, but has the same andrion platform (i think its a fascinate) and when she clicks on the "to" box, she gets a drop down menu that includes the word "contacts", as well as "recent calls". she clicks on that and goes right down the list selecting recipients...this is standard on her phone, as she did not dwld an app to allow this...MY epic wont do this...can i change a setting or something.
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Nov 22, 2009
I have a few people that send me texts, when I go to reply via Handcent it give me an error "Your Message has no valid recipients". When i switch and try to reply via Messaging the text simply fails to be delivered.
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May 23, 2012
I'm using Go SMS as my default message app on my Droid 2. When I send a picture to more than one contact, everyone I sent it to gets any response any one does to the message. This is obviously not cool.
I can't find an option to turn that off, I'd never even heard of such a feature before. Not sure if that is an Android thing or just my app. I want to continue using this app but I'm not going to send a picture to umpteen different people 1 at a time.
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Jun 24, 2010
I have a friend who is added to my Desire's contact list.
1. He is on my Facebook contact. (His facebook pic appears in my Desire contact list)
2. He is my Gmail contact as well.
3. He is added as a 'Phone Contact' as well.
I sent him a text few days ago but don't remember if it was using facebook or my phone (network provider sms) but now when I go in to 'Messages' and send him a message, I just can't figure out if I am sending him a message via Facebook or to his mobile number.
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Jan 11, 2010
Whenever I try to send a text message with three or more recipients, the messaging app does a force close. Anyone else get this or have a solution to the problem?
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Jul 3, 2013
What I need is i have pre-defined list of 10 people and I need to send text message (sms only not mms) to them from time to time. There is no Chat needed, no MMS, no threading. Only sending sms to a list. I tried GoSMS, Handcet.. but couldnt achieved.
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Jul 2, 2010
Just to prove that I used the search, the only related thread I found was where they asked the same question, and I guess the OP started using handcent as a solution, but I don't want to do that. When I go to send a picture, or receieve a picture, it shows up as a slideshow. How can I stop doing this and it just be a picture like any other phone would do?
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Jun 8, 2010
When I send text messages to individual it sends them as plain SMS, this works with my free allocation of texts.When I send text messages to a group (a list of 7 individuals) it sends them as 7 "Picture Messages" - this costs me money!. The message has no pictures and is short?How can I force the phone to not send picture messages?
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May 4, 2010
I am using Handcent text application for my texts.It is far superior in my opinion to the default application. Problem is, I am getting two notifications every time I receive a text.I referenced this thread:Multiple notifications when receiving text..Saw the guy had reverted back to the default message program.That is not what I'm looking to do.Want to keep the third party program, I just don't know how to get the dual notifications to stop.
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Nov 19, 2010
Were looking into Android for writing a tablet based system. Part of the design is for the system to be as modular as possible. One aspect of this is to display any "STATUS" activities in a side view on the screen. It looks like I can use PackageManager queryIntentActivities() to find the activities that show status information. But, can I display these in a single view all at the same time (via a linear layout)? The activities would be installed in separate apk's (features). Can this be accomplished using ActivityGroup? Is this even allowed in Android? Everything I've read implies that Activities take the whole screen or float on top. This implies only one activity can be active at a time where as the design I'm thinking of uses the activities more like widgets.
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Jan 14, 2010
I have to write an application which starts a service. There will be other applications which have to use the service. Is it possible to write an application that only starts service and finishes with the service running?? How can i communicate from the different applications to the service? Is it possible to expose an interface from the service so that application can pass data to the service?
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