HTC EVO 4G :: Stop Screen From Timing Out During A Phone Call
Jul 6, 2010
New EVO user here as of last Friday. I've done a ton of searching, watching and reading and I have a couple questions to the experts out there.
Please let me know if there is a way to stop the screen from timing out (going dark) during a phone call. I find it annoying to have to hit the power button to get the screen back..
I'm using earbuds so the phone isn't near my face and it recognizes the phones as I can see the headset icon. I keep the phone on my desk and the screen times out almost immediately after I make a call and accept an incoming call. It's extremely annoying since I make a ton of work calls and I need to either navigate through an auto attendant and / or leave a message. All of which I have to hit the power button every single time I want the screen to turn back on. I have noticed that the volume buttons turn the screen back on as well.
The screen timeout is set at 2 minutes under the "Sound & Display" category but that doesn't effect the screen time out during a call. Anyone out there have a solution?
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Jun 8, 2010
Is anyone else having issues with connections to the hotspot timing out when trying to connect or when already connected? I have tried to search around before posting but even most of my friends haven't come across this issue yet.
Trying to connect with a winxp laptop and a mac laptop. Tried open, WPA and WPA2.
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Nov 12, 2009
My Droid goes to sleep in the middle of my Youtube videos. Is there a way to stop it from shutting down/timing out without setting the Droids timeout to a longer time setting? I have it set for 1 min.
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Nov 25, 2009
I know this has probably been asked before but I've tried searching and can't find the answer.
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a bit of an issue where the screen fades to black (almost immediately) whilst I'm on a call - either handheld or using bluetooth, and its a wee bit annoying!?!?
Oftentimes I need to access either the keypad (ie. for deleting answerphone messages etc) or calendar etc whilst on a call and its basically locks and I have to slide down and do my unlock code to get access?
Is there any way to stop this and force the phone to just show the call screen throughout any call?
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Sep 15, 2009
Whenever I make a call where there is a long recorded message before telling me the options, I find the phone has gone into standby - when I bring it out of standby the call gets disconnected. Is there any way to stop the phone going to sleep during a call?
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Jul 26, 2010
If I'm using like Google Listen's Podcast app, or a music app, is there some option to get those to pause or turn off when a phone call comes in?
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Jan 22, 2010
How do I stop phone from adding contact after I call them? I call a lot of numbers that I dont ever need to call again. How do I stop it from adding a contact??
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Jan 17, 2010
Is there a way to extend the time that the backlight stays on whilst making a phone call?
Sure, I know that you can press the 'end call' button to end a call, but about three or four rings into the call, the backlight goes out, meaning that the on-screen 'end call' option is disabled, presumably also meaning that turning on the speakerphone during a call is going to need some tactile finger acrobatics.
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Feb 8, 2010
Ok, sSand it wont do anything but light up green. Even if I go through and push call contact still nothing. Not even with the green button.? I did get a force close of android phone (I think that is what it said)
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Apr 8, 2012
i'm on absolution 3.7. how can i stop my phone from entering the lockscreen when a call is busy? when a call is busy, the phone goes to the lockscreen. how do i make it enter the dialpad instead?
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Nov 14, 2009
Oftentimes when I attempt to end a phone call the screen goes dark and I am not able to end a call. I have read other websites in which users have had similar issues. Will this issue be addressed and fixed soon in a firmware update?
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Oct 24, 2012
Any way to stop my phone from opening the recent calls list after I receive a call? I call be listening to music take an incoming call then after the other party hangs up my phone opens the recent call list. I would like it to just got back to what ever I had open at the time of the call, like the music app.
I has a Galaxy Nexus(toro) running CM10 nighties.
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Dec 3, 2010
I am very happy with my X10 Mini Pro. I am a fan of Sony Ericsson Phones for years I had a W995 IO still have it and like it very much. But people this X10 Mini Pro is a wonderful device. I had to get used too it. But now after two weeks fine tuning the phone I am very happy with it. I am still in doubt if it needs a hardware button for starting and stopping a phonecall. I wonder what other user4s think about this?
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Jan 18, 2010
I am going crazy here... I've had this thing since it launched and everything is great except I keep hitting buttons with my face during calls! I mute, sometimes end calls, start 3 way calls etc and I have no idea how to prevent it. Is there any way I can make the screen lock during phone calls or change the call screen altogether?
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Aug 24, 2010
I have an android application that I want to always be running in landscape mode.
I have the following code implemented to keep the app in landscape mode all the time:
inside my activity in the Application Manifest
This seems to launch and keep the application in landscape view for the whole duration of the application. Perfect!
However, if I have the app running on my HTC Aria (Android 2.1) and the phone locks, if I unlock the phone, I see the application for probably half a second and it's in portrait orientation and then quickly switches back to landscape mode. It is quite frustrating because all of my views are jumbled around and it looks unprofessional as you can imagine. This happens in both the emulator and on my real phone.
Does anyone know how to stop the application from temporarily rotating when the phone is unlocked?
I have tried overriding onConfigurationChanged() but with no success.
I have also tried putting setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); into the onResume() but the app still shows as the incorrect orientation for a split second when the phone is unlocked.
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May 6, 2010
My wifes Incredible started shifting the home screen to the right without any touching. When its centered the screen begins swiping to the right as if a finger was there. In "all programs" it starts highlighting apps as if I was touching them but I am not. I have tried G-sensor calibration, keyboard calibration, restarts and the closing of apps but cant find where the trouble lies. Is it possible the touchscreen is now defective?
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Nov 8, 2010
So my Vibrant has been freezing on me and then consequently restarting to the state right after the Galaxy S boot screen, where it shows no signal and searching for media on the SD, etc.
Today it did some really really weird stuff!
I was using Google nav and then all of a sudden the screen froze, but it didn't reset or anything. The screen it froze was not good looking either, it looks like it's faded with scan lines.
I attached a picture, sorry for the low quality, but only had a friend's Pre to document it before I had to do a battery pull. But you can see the scan lines on the screen faintly.
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Aug 26, 2010
OK today charged battery then turned off bump charged it turned it back one. HTC splash screen, then little splash screen then verizon splash screen then its reboots. It did this even if I removed the battery. Called Tech support had to clear all my data UGH!!!! luckily i did export to sd card a while back only missing about 20 contacts out of a 100 but its fixed now. Anyone else have this happen. I have had no problems with this phone til now.
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Jun 3, 2010
Has anyone experienced their Inc going to sleep while trying to multitask during a phone call? The screen keeps going between sleep and awake when trying to navigate through menu's during calls. I have already tried a battery pull.
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a problem with the new HTC Desire HD.
When I make a call the screen goes blank, but I cannot get it back again, even if I press the button on the top of the phone. None of the other touch button function either meaning the only way to finish a call is to pull the battery out!
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Jun 12, 2010
I was wondering if anyone has this problem. When someone calls my incredible I try to swipe the screen down, but the screen is non responsive whether i swipe up or down. I tried to search the forums for this problems, but i couldn't find anything on here or on a google search. Is there an app that fixes this?
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Jul 21, 2010
can you change the incoming screen on the evo on a phone call.not that i don't think the droid is cute.
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May 19, 2012
When I make a phone call the proximity sensor turns the screen off... great, no accidental screen pressing. However, when I finish the phone call or take the phone away from my ear... I get the lock screen. Why? Why doesn't the screen just go back on to whatever screen was on before the phone call... like the dial pad. To hang up a phone call, I have to unlock the screen first.
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Jun 30, 2012
Any way to change how the phone behaves in regards to the screen waking up after ending a Bluetooth phone call? Windows Mobile handled this correctly. Android does the opposite.
For example, I am on a phone call using BT headset, I press the power button and put the phone to sleep, put the phone in my pocket, end the call and the screen wakes up with the dialer open. Guess what happens next.....pocket dialing!
WM would end the call and the screen wouldn't turn on, and even after waking it up it was locked.
BT headsets, voice dialing, but I can't just leave the phone in my pocket?
End call should equal no wake or unlock(no action)
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a widget and I want it to make a phonecall to a particular number when the user clicks on the widget. How do i do this?
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a widget, and I want it to make a phone call to a preset number when the user clicks on it. How do I do this? I havn't yet understood how widgets work, so it would be really helpful if you could provide a sample code.
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Oct 6, 2009
I've switched from the iPhone to the Hero a week ago. I really like the Hero, even though some functions are better on the iphone (like the musci player).
There is one Issue however, which is really bugging me with the HTC, which might make me switch back to the iPHone if I can't find a solution.
When I call with my headset (Not the original ones, I don't have huge ear holes....) I can't "switch off" the screen and put the phone in my pocket and call while walking... This sucks, as I have to hold the phone in my hands, which kind of kills the idea of having a headset.
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Jul 8, 2010
I've had my Moto Droid since it basically came out last Nov and I have never ever run into a problem with the phone until last night. I had a phone call and after I got off the phone, I noticed my droid reseted itself and it wasn't going back to the home screen. Meaning it would just display the word "Droid" then go right into the droid red eye screen, then right back to the word Droid and just kept repeating itself.
I took the battery out and put it back in, but it kept doing the same thing. I am really not sure what would cause my phone to do this, but the only new change I can think of was that I installed the "TMZ" application to my droid about 3 hours prior to this happening. But the application worked fine and I really hope it wasn't because of that. Is there anything I can do before going to Verizon? I would really hate giving up my phone with all my stuff in it, but I know theres probably not much I can do if I cant even get to the home screen.
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Mar 5, 2010
I've searched and have been unable to find a solution to this problem. Actually its with my wife's phone, we both have Moments, mine works great but hers frequently (not all the time) doesn't shut off during phone calls. At first I thought she was just holding it strange but I have seen it for myself and its quite frustrating. The biggest issue is that its an intermittent problem so of course it never happens when at the Sprint store asking about replacing the phone. I did the recent update to the phone and it still does it. Any way to fix this short of getting a new one?
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