HTC EVO 4G :: Hotspot Timing Out When Trying To Connect / Stop It?

Jun 8, 2010

Is anyone else having issues with connections to the hotspot timing out when trying to connect or when already connected? I have tried to search around before posting but even most of my friends haven't come across this issue yet.

Trying to connect with a winxp laptop and a mac laptop. Tried open, WPA and WPA2.

HTC EVO 4G :: Hotspot timing out when trying to connect / Stop it?

HTC EVO 4G :: Stop Screen From Timing Out During A Phone Call

Jul 6, 2010

New EVO user here as of last Friday. I've done a ton of searching, watching and reading and I have a couple questions to the experts out there.

Please let me know if there is a way to stop the screen from timing out (going dark) during a phone call. I find it annoying to have to hit the power button to get the screen back..

I'm using earbuds so the phone isn't near my face and it recognizes the phones as I can see the headset icon. I keep the phone on my desk and the screen times out almost immediately after I make a call and accept an incoming call. It's extremely annoying since I make a ton of work calls and I need to either navigate through an auto attendant and / or leave a message. All of which I have to hit the power button every single time I want the screen to turn back on. I have noticed that the volume buttons turn the screen back on as well.

The screen timeout is set at 2 minutes under the "Sound & Display" category but that doesn't effect the screen time out during a call. Anyone out there have a solution?

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Motorola Droid :: Stop Youtube Shutdown / Timing Out?

Nov 12, 2009

My Droid goes to sleep in the middle of my Youtube videos. Is there a way to stop it from shutting down/timing out without setting the Droids timeout to a longer time setting? I have it set for 1 min.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Cannot Connect To Phone Hotspot / Fix It?

Jul 1, 2010

I tried to connect to my EVO but it doesn't work. I used all the security settings
WPA & WEP; Can someone guide me through this..

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HTC EVO 4G :: Connect To WiFi Hotspot - Not In Range

Jun 13, 2010

Quick background, I am still on a $30/month SERO plan with my Touch Pro 2 and waiting to get a $10/24 month discount but Sprint has put a halt to all discounts for the time being, so I'm going to try when the iPhone 4 comes out and when Verizon gets their Droid X. I was going to sell my EVO but it seems I might as well keep it since I'm going to eventually use it.

So in the meantime, I'm going to hold onto the TP2/SERO and use the EVO when I am within a WiFi network. Thing is sometimes I want to bring the EVO out, so I thought maybe I could open up a WiFi hotspot with HTC's Wifi-Router software and connect to it with the EVO. But the EVO isn't recognizing the WiFi hotspot. My laptop can recognize it though. I tried to add the WiFi network but it'll say "Not in range, remembered".

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HTC EVO 4G :: Devices Can Connect To Hotspot Feature On Phone?

Jun 2, 2010

All laptops should work, but what about other devices?

iPad - ok
PSP Go - It works I messed up. This is good news to me since it didn't work with my old iPhone and Palm Pre.
PS3- Works great too!

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Jelly Bean :: 4.3 - Can't Connect To Mobile Hotspot

Jan 26, 2014

I installed the 4.3 Jelly Bean update and now my connection is giving me trouble.

Most web pages crash without loading all the way. I can't connect to my mobile hotspot. When I look at my RAM, it seems the phne is using 70-80% of max all the time.

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HTC Desire :: Switch Off WiFi In Hotspot Area - Can Then Connect To Net Through 3G

Jul 26, 2010

I go out into cities alot, and I usualy grab a coffee in either a Costa, or a Nero. These both have BTFON WiFi hotspots. At the moment I can connect to these as I have BT Openworld at home. However, my BT contract is being cancelled tomorrow, they're bloody expensive, and as a result, my access to these hotspots will stop unless I subscribe to thier BTFON service.

If I stop my Desire connecting to these by switching off WIFI, will the phone then automatically switch to 3G for internet access?

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HTC Desire :: Wifi Hotspot Settings To Connect To Other Sites

Aug 24, 2010

Just got 2.2 installed on my vodafone desire, and decided to test out the wifi hotspot since my girlfriend doesnt have internet in her flat.

We got the desire setup ok, and we got her laptop connected, but the only site that would load was facebook, and even then it had a few errors and took a few refreshes before it loaded correctly

Is there any settings that would allow it to connect to other sites? I tried google, bbc, hotmail, tvshack and facebook.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Hotspot Service Running / Stop It From Starting?

Sep 18, 2010

Ok, so i go to check running services and i see that sprint hotspot is running. i have not started it since the day i bought the phone. i have no intention of using it, for now. why is it running and how can i stop it from starting? is it supposed to be running?

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General :: Mobile Hotspot On Unlocked DROID RAZR M Won't Connect

Jul 8, 2013

I unlocked my DROID RAZR M and switched from Verizon to tmobile, now when I attempt to start the noble hotspot i get a subscription error abs it tells me to call Verizon, is there a way around this? I've tried this party apps none will work, the all call up the stock hotspot from Verizon, can it be configured for tmobile?

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General :: Galaxy Tab - WiFi Hotspot / Tethering Suddenly Not Connect To Internet

Jan 10, 2013

I've had a Galaxy Tab for 2 years, and used it, very successfully, as a wifi hotspot from May until July this year, when my laptop was suddenly not able to connect to the internet via the hotspot. It connected just fine to the Tab, and has no problems on my home wifi. The Tab was still able to connect to the internet normally, with no apparent problems.

I fiddled about a bit and thought perhaps it was a hardware problem, so bought a seconhand Nexus S. That has been working fine until yesterday, when the exact same thing has happened - the laptop can connect fine to the Nexus, but says there is no internet connection. The Nexus itself is connecting just fine.

I'm in the UK - my carrier is Three (Hutchinson).

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General :: How To Auto-Connect To SSH Server Upon Connection To Open WiFi Hotspot

Jan 6, 2012

I am looking for a way to automate my Android phone connecting to an SSH server when the phone connects to an unsecured wifi network. My understanding is that this is adequate to keep my traffic from being sniffed by DroidSheep (Android), FireSheep (Windows), or other packet sniffers.

I'm using this guide to connect my Android phone to the SSH server: link HERE

Is the Tasker app the best way to do this?

- if yes: how do I trigger the launch of the SSHTunnel when the trigger event (connection to unsecured wifi network) occurs?

- if no: what is a better way?

Note: I did a search for SSH (link HERE) and did not see anything covering this.

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General :: Acer Iconia Tablet A100 Won't Connect With Mobile WiFi Hotspot?

Feb 24, 2012

I rooted my Samsung Conquer 4g on the Sprint network. I downloaded Wifi tether App (had to go to a website on my computer, then use the QR scanner app on my phone to download the app since Sprint won't allow it on the Android market place.) So my problem is now that my laptop and Ipod touch can see the wifi hot spot and connect to it just fine BUT my Honeycomb Acer Iconia Tablet A100 can't find the SSID wifi connection. It shows all other connections except for my wifi hotspot. why it won't show up on my tablet?

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General :: HTC Wildfire - Start Music On Charger Connect / Stop On Disconnect (For A Car)

Dec 12, 2012

I'm setting up an old HTC Wildfire as a 'car stereo', I'm looking for a way to make the music player 'play' when it detects charging (ignition turned on) and then 'pause' when the charge connecton stops (car turned off). how I would achieve this?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Sprint's - Hotspot Vs Froyo 2.2 Native Hotspot

May 20, 2010

How is Sprint going to deal with the hotspot charge once it becomes native to the OS?

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Android :: Timing Out An AsyncTask?

Apr 9, 2010

I know how to use AsyncTask in a standard manner to manage operations that are in the background in relation to a UI thread.However,I want to run a task in the background which might run for a very long time under certain circumstances. In these cases, I would like to force the background task to fail if it runs for an excessive amount of time.I know that I can invoke the "get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)" method of AsyncTask in my UI thread in order to terminate my background task if it runs too long. However, in that case, my UI will block while this "get()" command is waiting.There are probably other drawbacks to directly calling "get()" in this manner, not the least of which being an evil interaction with the "done()" method of AsyncTask's contained FutureTask object, which itself is calling "get()" at least this is what I see when I look at the source code for AsyncTask.

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Android :: Timing An ASyncTask

Sep 20, 2010

I'm running a network service within an ASyncTask. I want to be able to time the task, and after a certain period of time interrupt it.Is there a simple way to do this? Basically, when the doInBackground() methods starts, I want to say "If it hasn't completed in 30 seconds, do something else".

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Android :: Using AlarmManager As Timing Service

Jan 19, 2010

I wanted to ask a question regarding the Alarm Manager. I have a requirements of setting long running timers in my application. The minimum duration for my timer is 1 hour...and the maximum may be for 4-5 days. This timer is supposed to run in the background, and when it fires/expires, i have to show something on the GUI. The timer can be re-scheduled once it fires based on user action.

What is the best approach for scheduling such long running timers ?

Should i make use of the Alarm Manager ? Or will it be an overkill ? As far as i know, alarms are retained even if the device goes to sleep and they wake up the device when the alarm goes off.

I am thinking of using a simple Java TimerTask as an alternative to setting an alarm:

But i am not sure what will happen to the timer task if the device went to sleep while the task was running.

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Android : Get Timing Information About Key Events?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm doing my thesis work on resource management on android and I want to be able to measure the "responsiveness" of an application to figure out if the application get enough resources and is scheduled often enough.

So what I want is a way to insert timestamps on events, e.g. button clicks, when they are created and when they are consumed. This way I can get the "responsiveness" of the application. But I have a hard time of finding exactly where the events are created and also consumed.

In there is the handleCallback(Message message) method which I can insert the end time stamp. I tried to add a long variable in the Message class and that worked well (had to rebuild the api though). So my problem is to find the place where the button click is generated and where the message that corresponds to that event is being created so I can add a time stamp.

I also welcome other suggestions on how to measure the "responsiveness" of an application or other way to measure how well an application performs.

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Motorola Droid :: How To Get Droid To Stop Trying To Connect To Distant Verizon Tower?

Dec 29, 2009

I got the Droid about a month ago and love it. I do have a problem though: My house is in the same town as a non-verizon CDMA tower (US Cellular) and very far away from the nearest Verizon tower. With my other Verizon phones (older handsets), they just connect to the close tower and have full signal all the time without any issues. My Droid, on the other hand, will always try to stay connected to the distant Verizon tower - it can be very difficult and frustrating to make calls with the Droid because there is often no signal and the phone is unable to place a call. I don't need the 3G at home, as the Droid can use my wireless for browsing, etc. How can I get the Droid to stop trying to connect to the distant Verizon tower and connect to the nearby partner tower instead (so that I have high-quality phone signal at home)? I have called Verizon and Motorola and nothing seems to help.

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HTC Incredible :: New Root Method / No More SD - Card Timing

Jul 14, 2010

Closed, starting a new thread for development. Doesnt work as it stands, check out the other thread for more info

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HTC Desire :: Giving 8 To 9 Hour Battery Timing

Sep 21, 2010

Managing just 8-9 hrs with ny battery, and believe me I barely use the phone! Just a few calls, few texts, 5 min Internet, 5 min face book - thats it. I have everything turned off that I can turn off. Come on HTC sort it out - this is obviously by far the worst criticism you have.

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HTC Droid Eris :: How To Increase Bettery Timing?

May 30, 2010

I am new to the droid family. I bought the Eris Droid about 2 months ago. I wanted to be able to chat with my family, get on facebook, have directions to places my husband refuses to get directions for. A little bit of everything and the droid fits me perfectly. EXCEPT I'm really not liking the battery life. I fully charged in late yesterday, didn't use it much since and this am the battery is almost depleted. I changed some settings on my incoming mail and cleared cache. What else am I missing? I hope a stronger longer lasting battery will be forthcoming.

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Motorola Droid X :: Battery Timing About 14 Hours Only

Jul 16, 2010

I purchased my DX yesterday, used it for about 20 minutes then let it charge until about an hour after or more after it said it was done charging. Did I do this incorrectly? Because I only got about 14 hours worth of battery time. I was very data intensive last night.

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General :: Android Battery Graph Timing

Feb 29, 2012

Why the time above the adroid bat graph and the one below are different. At this moment is says on my device 1h 28 minutes on battery. Below the graph 50m 22s is shown. What is the difference between those timers ?

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Android :: Droid APIs That Allow App To Retrieve GSM Timing Advance?

Dec 4, 2009

Are there any Android APIs that allow the application to retrieve the GSM Timing Advance?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Synch Setting To Set Refresh Timing?

Sep 13, 2010

One of the supposed fixes for the lousy battery life on the Incredible was to set the Sync to every hour or two.

I thought I saw this setting on the Fascinate but can't seem to find it again. Anyone know where it is?

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Android :: Handler Class And The Timing Of When Its Message Queue Is Emptied

Sep 6, 2010

I was curious about the nature of the handleMessage() and sendMessage() behavior of the Handler class. I want to be able to send message to another thread in such a way that the destination thread can process the message queue when it wants to. It seems, however, that the message is processed by handleMessage() practically as soon as it's sent.

I'm trying to design a game loop thread that does something like this:


However, I as soon as sendMessage() is called (from the parent/calling thread), the Handler.handleMessage() is processed (in the child/receiving thread), even if the child/receiving thread is blocking in a while loop.

I've seen this problem solved in other games by using a thread-safe list (ConcurrentLinkedQueue). The UI thread just posts events to this queue, and the game loop can remove the events as it seems fit. I just assumed the Handler class was designed for this purpose. It seems it's more intended for asynchronous callbacks to the parent thread.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Change Timing Of Lights On Capacitive Keys?

Jul 18, 2010

Has anyone figured out how to keep the lights from going out on the capacitive keys? I can't see what I am doing at night. They go out so fast.

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