HTC EVO 4G :: Removing Bloat Ware From Evo?
Jun 5, 2010Is it possible to remove all that bloat ware from the EVO. Like that nascent stuff.

Is it possible to remove all that bloat ware from the EVO. Like that nascent stuff.
How do I get rid of the damned Sprint bloat-ware? I tried deleting it out of Settings>Applications, but it didn't let me.
View 15 Replies View RelatedHow do you get rid of the stock apps when you are rooted but are still running the stock ROM 2.2.1? I have tried using Titanium Backup but I when I load it it comes up with a error message "can't gain root access". Check you're rooted (which I am) and are running a ROM with Busy Box (which I'm probably not)" Is Busy Box something that can be added onto the stock ROM or is their another option to remove these apps?
View 3 Replies View RelatedVerizon was bad enough but at least I knew going in that I would have My Verizon. I am getting real sick of UNREMOVEABLE crap ware or features, some just showing up on my phone. One day it's Kindle, now it's Places. I keep waking up to new junk or built in ahem...features that I don't want and can't remove. Let see - this is what I can't remove so far: Amazon MP3 - Don't play music on phone, don't need it Yeah I know I can root but I don't want to be an Android guru. I just want to use the phone to make calls and use the Apps that I want vs what Google or Verizon thinks is the greatest thing since milk. Jeez - people complain about Jobs having to much control with Apple, this isn't that much different. I feel better but I hope Google and Verizon can YOU HEAR ME NOW. Let us remove this useless junk.
View 6 Replies View RelatedGood Morning can someone please tell me what browser to play mafia ware on my new Samsung Vibrant Galaxy S.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI added google-collect-1.0.jar to my Android project and it made a 50K .apk into a 250k .apk (both Release). This was all through using a single method Lists.newArrayList(). Is there any way to reduce the overhead?
View 1 Replies View Relatedok, since im one of the rare few that actually dredge the sidekick forums, and found there is no rom for it thats stock without the bloatware. how do you remove the useless APK's and get it to work on a phone?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I've been running rubiX focused and I've wanted to restore some blur apps, but pasting .apk files to system/app and changing permissions to and rebooting doesn't seem to work for most apps. Trying to install them via root explorer gives an error too.Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a guaranteed ways to re-install these apps?
View 2 Replies View RelatedLINK:
In case anyone is just lazy and hasn't done it yet or your a newb and don't really know what to do or wanna learn (slacker), here is the bloat free version of 2.2 de-odexed (you need to be running 2.2 to use it. I been working on/with it for a few hours now and it seems pretty stable. If nothing else, you'll have a good back up (we know you forgot to make one). Good starting point to, for trying new things.
I know you advanced guys are prolly way ahead of this, but I struggled to get to this point so if I can help someone out, well, why not also, if anyone wants to tweak it some more, we'll make it a project. The lock screen needs some help, its a lot faster but still a lil janky (not so bad after the first one though). Quadrant score on my X (non overclock) was 1477 with false stagefright; 2017 with true stage fright
So can I factory reset to go to stock after I installed bootstrapper and removed bloat after rooting? The issue is that the wall charger is not working while the usb charging works. I think it may have something to do with something I removed.
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust found the stock /System dump, which includes all the apps/APKs that come with a stock Samsung Fascinate.
*This is useful for those who accidently deleted bloatware, but still want a backup for future use (i.e. for updates).
Fascinate system dump - Android Forums
Direct Download to the /System dump (Copy and paste the links):
Anyone have any luck with this app actually removing ads? I followed the instructions on Jonamerica's page with no luck actually removing ads.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI partitioned my SD for app2sd and now that im having some problems (may or may not be related to the app2sd) i want to remove it. I booted in to recovery and did partition. set the ext and swap to 0 and the remaining for fat and it chewed for a min and then smiled and carried on. yet it was still there. i went in to ADB shell and ran parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 and printed a list (saw all 3) and did rm 1 rm 2 rm 3, printed again, all still there. i found the log that the recovery wipe made and it did the same thing i did and it showed an error saying it cant create overlapping partitions (because they were never deleted)
so, from recovery i mounted the SD to windows, went in to diskpart and removed them there, which seemed to work, but again, its still the same... disk manager as well.. no luck is there some sort of lock im missing? why on earth cant i delete and recreate my partitions? these are the steps i took to get the app2sd working
How to manually partition your SD card for Android Apps2SD - Android and Me
Does it bother anybody else that you can't delete the pre-loaded apps? I don't tweet, will never tweet lol. But damned if I can remove the tweet apps from my list of apps to keep down on clutter. There are several others that can go by the wayside as well, if I could figure out how.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDumb-ass question from do I remove a bookmark from my Desire?Tried pressing down and waiting for the bin to appear, but it just wants to ditch the whole-lot of 'em.There are one or two in there from T-mobile and at least one I've done wrong, but can't seem to shift them.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am looking for the name of an App that I read about a while back. From my understanding it would remove the names of the apps when you put them on the screen. Just make it all a little less cluttered. I also recall reading that the extra space from not having names would allow you to put another row of apps on each page.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just removed a couple apps I decided I didn't like and they removed fine and all but I noticed my memory space did not increase after the uninstall. Do these apps really go away or are they still on the phone somewhere hiding? My memory never came back.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to with remove Phonefusion? I uninstalled it but I keep getting text alerts with a bunch of numbers and my regular sprint vm don't work. I heard before that the moble network settings need to be on EVDO for it to work but i'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my hands on a new S3 its an amazing phone and I love it. However, I cant stand Samsung's UI "Touchwiz" I tried looking here on how I can remove it but couldn't find anything. is it possible for me to run vanilla Android and remove Samsung's UI?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem in removing bloatwares from my HTC One S, i have an HTC One S "S4 Ville Model" with Stock 4.1.1 and ROOTED with TWRP as a Custom Recovery, i have installed Titanium Backup and i ended up removing some bloatwres like : 7Digital, Lookout ... ,it's OK they had gone away, but when i Reboot my Device they came back.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I am wondering if we remove a certain permission from an app, does the app still have the ability to use that permissions?
Example: Pandora can read contacts list, I remove that permission from the APK, Can Pandora still read my contact list?
First - let me know if this is not the correct discussion group.
How do you remove a bluetooth device?
Path I'm taking:
- Settings
- Wireless & Networks
- Bluetooth Settings
- Menu
The only option I receive via menu is 'Scan for Devices'
Phone: HTC Hero w/ version 2.1
is there anyway of removing pre installed apps like the weather of google talk?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have download a couple of pdf files and have finished viewing them now but I can't work out how to remove them . When I go into Adobe reader there is no option delete if you press the menu button .
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo, in the past, with 2.1 or 2.2 when I would rename the blurhome.apk to .bak the phone would then run extremely slow and shutter a lot, basically running like crap, with consistently low quadrant scores (800s). Since installing the 2.3.13 leak I tried renaming the blurhome.apk to .bak and have found that it no longer causes the phone to run lousy. Quadrant scores are the same and everything survives a reboot. I figured others might want to know this also.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have just recently rooted and installed 2.1 sense custom firmware on my HTC Hero but i do not like it - drains battery, bit buggy etc. i was wondering how easy it is to go back to an official rom. anyone got any procedures?
View 9 Replies View RelatedShould the screen vibrate when you touch it? or does it only vibrate on the keypad?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the back of my phone off without damaging, or scratching it up?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have finally figured out how to root and flash new roms. I have the xtrSense and love it. But my question is this. How do I remove some of the apps at were included on the rom (ie.- amazon mp3, original calculator, footprints)? These are apps that I don't and/or won't use and can't see wasting the disk space.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to remove the titles beneath the app icon?
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