HTC EVO 4G : Discovery Regarding Touchscreen Grounding Issue
Jun 14, 2010
Came across this finding tonight and wanted to post a video. sorry for the shake. dont know anything about currents but maybe this will lead to a solution. YouTube - 123_0150.MOV
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Mar 18, 2010
I wonder if ne one had an major issue with their touch screen before like I had with mine. So I decided to post this little story. Let me start off with a little background info. I got my droid november 6, 5 46am central time zone. don't ask me how but the vzw dude was letting me earlier cuz I had work. I was so happy that day leaving t mobile I did love my g1 but wen I read all about the droid I felt likt I had to leave her and move on. She did do a lot for me but time tells all and it was my time go and move on.Untill two months ago (Present time I'm talking in) I realized not everyone has the bubbly keyboard. I saw friends at my unit (I'm in the army reserves) that bought the droid a couple of months after me had flat keyboards n they were bitching bout how flat it was. I agreed with them since I was woth a g1 the keyboard was a bit flat but nothing to were its such a pain, so my friend shows me his keyboard and I looked shocked played with it was like wow and I pulled my n did a side by side side comprasion and this before I saw the bubbley keyboard thread on here. So unforunately my toucscreen starting doin its own thing like it was ghost writer and spazzing out. I had no control over it this happened monday nite and I was dreading it that I will end up replacing it. But it would not let me do nothing.I couldn't go ne where on my screen it would randomly hit different icons to the point were sum times it would call my contacts. I only had control over the physical buttons. So on Tuesday during work I fought the ghost writer to let get to setting a do a system restore. First minute of the set up was ok but right wen it finish and I was on the home screen again. I was like FUDGE I don't want to replace my rare Droid. After work I replaced it, I was real pissed I had the bubbly keyboard and (something I didn't noticed untill I got my replacement) the golden plated volume side button. I miss my precious rare droid. I was soo proud to be first non employee to have the droid in houston.
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Jun 30, 2010
I've always had the grounding issue, I checked after the update and its no longer there.
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May 19, 2010
Does the Droid Incredible Suffer from A Potential Grounding Flaw Causing Touchscreen Issues?
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Jul 28, 2010
I just realized that for the past 30 minutes or so, I had my phone sitting on my comforter while I was tweaking it after installing the leaked Froyo ROM, and it was working!
Before I installed this ROM, my phone would NEVER work while sitting on my comforter without touching a finger to the side (the whole grounding issue).
It sure seems as if this update contained a fix for the grounding issue (like the EVO had a while back IIRC).
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May 11, 2010
I remember reading that you could touch the screen to show the camera where you wished it to focus. I was trying that and in holding the focus spot on the screen after a second or so the camera snapped the shot. No push of track thingy. Replicated. Did I just miss this info? I was really surprised. For me, this makes the shot really steady and clear.
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Jan 20, 2010
Sometime yesterday Discovery Channel announced the availability of their application for Android. Has anyone been able to find it? Following the link provided in their official twitter feed led me to a 404, and Marketplace searches yield nothing for me. I'm on Droid Eris.
Discovery Channel Launches Android App - AppScout
Even the QR code I found here yields nothing:
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Aug 17, 2010
I write a sample code to discovery a Bluetooth headset(jabra BT2035). referece
But it can only discovery my notebook computer. If my notebook computer enables Bluetooth and sets Enabling discoverability.
The SDK document snippet:
public static final String ACTION_FOUND
Since: API Level 5
Broadcast Action: Remote device discovered.
Sent when a remote device is found during discovery. I think the remote device means a remote notebook computer except a Bluetooth headset. Could someone please help with this?
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Nov 16, 2013
I've forgot my password and i wanna hard reset my device, but when i reboot, i counldn't find "wipe data" or " factory reset".
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Nov 10, 2009
There has been a lot of discussion on Engadget about whether the soft keyboard has multi-touch. Engadget insists no, and Rob here insists yes.I think I discovered where the problem lies. Josh at Engadget was saying that you had to release one key before pressing another or they would not both register. Rob said in his review that you COULD press them at the same time and both would register. I think I found out that both are right.I did some experimenting and would love to see whether others come to the same conclusion. It seems that when the keys are far enough apart (more than a couple of keys away), then you can, indeed, press the second before the first is released and they both register.BUT, if the keys are close to each other, it will not do this. You have to release one key before pressing the other.I think this must be to avoid accidentally hitting two keys with one finger.So, whether you think this is a good feature or too much babysitting of our typing abilities, it does seem intentional.
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Oct 12, 2010
I would like to know about the 'service discovery' mechanisms supported by android - particularly, Printer Discovery. Does android provide such a discovery option? example: support for snmp broadcast? I tried out an application "PrinterShare" link: where Printer Discovery is achieved through ipp.
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May 1, 2010
I have successfully gotten JmDNS working on Android 2.1 testing on a Motorola Droid by using MulticastLock, but recently got an HTC Incredible as second test device, and JmDNS discovery doesn't work at all.I should mention that broadcasting a service still works and everything appears to run normally, but serviceAdded never gets called. Does anyone have thoughts on why this might be?
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Jun 8, 2010
I'm trying to write a program that can read the signal strength of a bluetooth device linked to my android 2.0 handset. Doesnt seem like android exposes anyway to get the RSSI unless it is during discovery. Is there any other way to get the signal strength of the device after the device has been detected? I read of a way to do it using NDK to access the underlying BlueZ API, but I dont know how to use that. Any help would be appreciated.
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Aug 24, 2013
Recently I bought new General mobile discovery, but I don't know how to root it because I havn't got any tutorial bout rooting general mobile discovery.
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Oct 4, 2010
I am running 1.5 r00ted and unfortunately it was last used in mass storage, not debug mode. How can I get my data off the phone using ADB? Remember, I have no touchscreen, so I guess this will have to be done in fastboot mode or something similar. I cannot navigate to the settings from the homescreen using the keyboard as I have an unlock pattern...
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Aug 22, 2010
I am having a problem with part of my screen and I was wondering if anyone knows what the deal is. On the phone screen I can't tap on the top of my screen. It doesn't register anything at all. Also, on my notifications screen I can't tap on the clear button. It started happening sometime after I updated to froyo.
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Dec 29, 2012
I bought a cheap A-13 MID of the internet and flashed a firmware for another variant common problem with these devices so i have no touchscreen and the usb has snapped of tried soldering it but was unsuccessful.
I have recovery installed but only way i can use it is through novotools but need touch screen.
So i need a way to flash firmware through sdcard on boot (Can be done, can't find guide though)
Or a script that will run on boot from sd or maybe emmc
Or that will run when the sd is mounted so that if i insert an sd card into the device with script on it it will reboot to recovery
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Sep 4, 2010
Give me reason enough to confirm my impressions of the Droid X and Droid 2's touchscreen compared to the Incredible.
Similar Threads:
From Droid X forum - "Touchscreen Lag?"
From Droid X forum - "Touchscreen unresponsive"
So I had to take my wife's EnV Touch in for a software update on Friday. I started playing with all the Android phones in the store (and yes I own an Incredible...since launch day). There were three Droid 2's and two Droid X phones on display and all 5 seemed to have crappy touchscreens compared to the Incredible. The 1 Motorola Devour actually had a better feeling touchscreen, more responsive and fluid. I felt like the Droid 2 and Droid X touchscreens were rough and had an issue picking up my touch consistently. The two Incredibles on display behaved just like mine.
The LG Ally phones on display worked ok, I hate the haptic feedback. It feels like a capacitive version of my wife's phone. Honestly, it didn't seem much better than the resistive touchsceen on her phone. If a live wallpaper was enabled, forget using the phone lol.
The Devour running 1.6...gotta say I was impressed at it's performance and responsiveness for such low-end hardware. If I had to get my wife a smartphone it'd be an Incredible, but if she HAD to have a physical keyboard I would probably suggest the Devour to her. She could care less for flash, the Android version, or getting a lot of apps.
Anyway, this was just an observation. Some people are probably fine with Motorola's touchscreen but are pissed at the Incredible's battery life. The Incredible really seems to shine with a good custom kernel and a larger battery. If Verizon does get a version of the EVO I hope they go with a minimum of 1500mAh. Then again, I'm fine with my Incredible until 4g enters my area. Given my location, it may be a couple years when they finish the 4g rollout.
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Sep 25, 2009
I'm running Android on a Beagle Board and want to add support for input from the Xenarc 706TSA touchscreen. When I plug it in it's identified as:
generic-usb 0003:0EEF:0001.0004: input: USB HID v2.10 Pointer [eGalax Inc. USB TouchController] on usb-ehci-omap.0-2.3/input0
There's also an error:
drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed
When I touch the screen there seems to be some kind of response as the focus disappears, but I cant press anything on the screen. I get touch events when using "getevent".
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Aug 11, 2010
I recently broke my G1 and I am thinking of buying the Samsung Vibrant. Since the Vibrant is touchscreen only I would have a hard time playing Nesoid, SNesoid, etc. I researched the app "Wiimote controller" but unfortunately it does not work for the Vibrant. Should I buy the Vibrant even though I use my phone to play emulators? Or should I just wait for the Samsung Epic or just buy the MyTouch Slide because both have physical keyboards?
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Aug 16, 2010
Hey D2 owners. I have a DX and my wife wants a D2. Question is - is the touchscreen on the D2 the same as a DX ie. it wont work with fingernails, stylus etc.. It actually has to be touched by a finger..
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Apr 8, 2010
Is there a way to calibrate the touch screen? it seems to be slight out on mine when i go to the right hand edge of the screen
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Jul 8, 2010
I come from the iphone scene and bought an evo. i got the emulators and while playing it i noticed that sometime it starts acting up and my character moves by itself when i hold 2 buttons together then let go of 1. is this just the way the touchscreen was designed? i know the iphone had some kind of multi touch they pattented so it took a while for other phones to come out with pinch ability on their touchscreens. iphone works perfectly for being on-screen buttons but on this phone i seriously cant even play cause the controls are so messed up. sometimes my character is like crouching repeadedly or running right , does anyone else have this problem or is it just my phone? specifically while playing snes emulator since there isnt many other apps that use more than 1 button at a time.
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Aug 15, 2009
Today at one moment i was using my HTC magic on a call to my brother, and then 5 minutes later i try to unlock it on the pattern screen and the touch is not working! all the buttons work, however when i recieve a call all the phone does is play the ringtone and not show an incoming call!
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Apr 10, 2010
I just picked up the Hero about a week ago and am having issues with Google Maps and the touchscreen. If I open Maps and leave the phone sit for a second to where the lock screen comes on, the touchscreen stops working. I am able to close the app using the buttons and trackball, but have to restart the phone to get touchscreen functionality...
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Jul 23, 2010
How many of you are experiencing touchscreen lag or unresponsiveness? (The physical buttons appear to work fine when this happens.)
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Sep 17, 2010
Just had the phone a few days The screen gets dirty easily......what do you guys use to clean the touchscreen?
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Jul 21, 2010
Has anyone noticed their touchscreen being unresponsive (in other words its like their is lag and it's sticking and you have press down harder than normal for something to register) from time to time? This has occurred while I texting or just trying to scroll through the different screens. Generally when this happens I press the power button on top and press it again and it seems to go away. I have a stock phone with no apps installed aside from Google Maps from the Market.
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Mar 4, 2010
Is anyone else having issues with the responsiveness of the touchscreen after updating to 2.1? It seems to have lost some accuracy on touch detection and I find myself having to select things twice sometimes before it registers my touch.
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Aug 4, 2010
My current phone is a Behold, KRZR before that, and a Kyocera SOHO before that. I really like the Behold, it is by far the best phone I have used to date. But it is time for a change. I'm looking for a touchscreen phone with WiFi and Android and I don't want a data plan.
1) Touchscreen (no slider)
2) Android, preferably 2.2 or confirmed update in pipeline (or ability to root & update)
3) No Data Plan (I'm not willing to pay $30/month for something I won't often use)
4) WiFi
5) Fast processor, 800mhz or faster
6) Camera w/flash Possibilities:
1) Because I don't want data, I don't need 3g, so I could run an AT&T phone.
2) I am willing to root a phone, as long as the process is reasonably well explained in a how-to.
3) I am not looking for a new contract and am willing to pay outright for the phone.
4) If there is a phone that will work, I am willing to consider a phone not sold in the US, if I can get it on eBay or elsewhere. Remember, no data, no 3g, so that might open a few doors.
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