HTC EVO 4G :: Build Quality - Screen Stick Up Above Phone Casing
Jun 8, 2010I have noticed that the bottom of my screen seems to stick up a bit above the phone casing and the hotkey lights glow through the seam as well.

I have noticed that the bottom of my screen seems to stick up a bit above the phone casing and the hotkey lights glow through the seam as well.
In the midst of this crappy day, I dropped my Hero and cracked the outer screen. Where can I buy a new casing to replace the one I just broke? I've searched around but have found virtually no places that sell a basic faceplate.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is easy. Vote and reply with how good/bad your phone's build quality is.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDose anyone have any thoughts about the build quality of this phone? I love the specs of this phone, but I am worried that it will fell to much plastic? More than the iphone 3g/s? It's nice that this phone is so light, but I personal think that that can contribute to a poor build quality. Every time I play with the HTC desire, I always is amassed how solid it feels.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am in between phones right now, and no longer have a N1 and am looking to replace it with another Android phone without switching carriers from AT&T.They currently have the HTC Aria(I have no interest in), the Samsung Captivate(Galaxy S), and will soon be getting the X10.This phone has been out for some time in EU/Asia and Canada for a bit, and I am fairly familiar with it. It seems the bad points are no multi-touch ever, Android 1.6 with a who knows for sure on Android 2.x, but the rest seems fairly solid. Most of the reviews are from when it first came out, and generally complain about the GUI being slow.My questions are basically:
1. Is the phone solid hardware wise, with build quality etc? I know it's mostly plastic, but does it feel cheap, hold up well?
2. Has Android 1.6 caused you any problems app wise? I'm fairly certain google navigation works on 1.6, which is a deal breaker for me if it doesn't.
3. How is the GUI, do you enjoy it? I can't stand Samsung's TouchWiz, Moto Blur, and prefer stock Android, but don't mind HTC Sense.
4. I keep reading something about the screen doesn't have all it's colors activated or something? Others say it is amazing. Curious if it is the Super LCD Sony is selling HTC to replace AMOLED.
I know the Galaxy S has a better CPU, GPU(Android isn't much for gaming anyways), more ram, Super AMOLED, blah, blah but their software is terrible and I don't like their form factor.
Has anyone tried or have done a casing switch with their magic? What I mean is if you have a Black magic have you changed it white or any other color? Is it hard to do? I have a Black Magic and was considering changing it to white.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it just me? or the kickstand in the video looks pretty roughed up? Because the material on the kick stand is easily scratched? I can't imagine this guy (Phil Nickinson) has had the phone for long, wonder how he manged to do that.
View 7 Replies View RelatedLight leak around front casing, dust issues. The build quality sucks, I have dust under the glass in the upper left corner. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that HTC can't place a priority on build quality. I traded my Hero with dust for an Evo with dust. Oh the joy. It's really no surprise, if light escapes from the sides, why wouldn't dust enter through the same area.
Before you reply with 'I don't have dust,' make sure you examine very very closely, with a very bright light to be sure. I was the first on this forum to call attention to the Hero's dust issue, and was greatly flamed for it at first, too. The phone's haven't even been out a week, so this issues will not be very noticeable yet (as with the Hero) but will become accepted as fact soon enough.
For everybody that has played with the Evo how is the build quality? Is it solid? Does it feel cheap? How is the hardware? What does the back feel like?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am planning on importing HTC's next phone to come to Europe (HTC Ace?) and I am a little worried about HTC's build quality on a lot of their phones. The nexus one has this issue where dust gets under the screen, the EVO has a problem with light leaking out the bottom, and I've read about the Incredible feels very plasticy. I've seen many threads where people complain about HTC's quality assurance too and this makes me a little nervous because if I am planning on shipping from abroad, I don't want to have to return it if something goes wrong and be forced to wait weeks to months for a replacement. What do u think of HTC's build quality on their phones? Is it that much worse than Moto and Apple's?
View 10 Replies View RelatedThis is a question to all the longer term users of the phone. I've had several phones before, all new and shiny in the beginning but before too long their facade starts to come off. Finishing, body, etc. How good is the desire in this respect?
- How many nicks have you got on yours? Does it get scratched easily? I mean the touchscreen as well as the body.
- Does the body colour come off easily?
- Are there any parts of the phone where dust accumulates?
- Does the battery cover show signs of becoming loose?
- Do the volume rocker keys become loose?
Can the phone take a couple of falls? I've been handling my Desire like my own baby but it's only a matter of time before it slips from my hands I feel. Also I simply love the look of the phone, and don't want to put on a silicone or a body shield but if it's really necessary I shall.
Anyone read impressions regarding build quality? I have the Incredible now and I'm thinking about the Evo and Sprint. One thing that I dislike about the Incredible is the build quality. It is not bad build quality at all but it is a little more plasticky than I would like. The glass also feels very flimsy. Are they using Gorilla Glass on the Evo?
View 8 Replies View Relatedmade out of full metal? or metal back plate with plastic body?
View 6 Replies View Relatedlike title states, post your build date and the experience you are having with it. I have had 2 10.07's and they both have had issues.
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust curious, how does every feel about the build quality of their D2? I remember with the D1 a lot of people had problems with the keyboard coming up and also a problem with the slide mechanism feeling loose when the phone was closed. Any similar problems with the D2 out there?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHas anyone noticed that the build quality of the Droid is a bit shoddy? Maybe its just me. But my power button is very loose/wiggly, and the screen tends to wiggle a bit when the keyboard is hidden. That and some of the buttons on the screen seem to be only partially lit by LEDs.
View 20 Replies View RelatedSo here I have a link to an x10 which has been run over by a 70 seater bus but the device still works. It maybe that the glass panel is smashed but at least it is still on to access your data and the touchscreen still works too. The build quality is very good and is something I would look for in a phone anyway. Here is the link
How is the Build Quality? Call Quality? I had problems with the N1 and low Call Quality. Camera/Flash Quality? How is it with 2.2? Very Fast? You think it will get above 2.3? (even by custom roms?)Music/Sound Quality? Loudness? You can change the LED light? Like on the X10 and N1 (trackball) to red, blue, purple, green, blue etc? If you have used the N1, which do you like better? And why?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if anyone else has noticed anything about the build quality of the HTC Desire. I've had the phone just over a month, and I've noticed the menu button seems to be rotated slightly to the left. Also the up volume lacks the solid click of the down volume.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm exchanging my EVO because the light leakage has gotten worse, but want i want to know is, i keep hearing about the newer EVOs have worse LCD screen quality, can anyone confirm this, because I would rather deal with the light leakage on my current EVO so i can have the better quality LCD screen
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy fingers always seem to get caught or hung up on the screen when I am scrolling or touching the Eris's screen, especially when I am using Swype. Has anyone else run into this and if so what do you do to fix this?
View 25 Replies View RelatedI've noticed that if I change the default screen time-out to, say, 1 minute, the 1 minute will stick for awhile but always eventually changes itself to 10 minutes.Does anyone have any idea why?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to connect a USB stick DIRECTLY to a android phone through an adapter?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've purchased new black casing for my hero, but not sure how to remove the old one? I've undone the 6 screws and removed the middle section. Now have the front (screen, buttons etc) with lots of chips etc stuck to the back.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi thought i am the only one to have this irritating problem of backcover in mini pro but i found out there are lots of problem with the same problem .is se going to solve this type of manufacturing problems. the sound which is produced by backcover is totally irrating and shows the quality of the materials used and this squeaking of back cover is too much out of control while you try to use hardware keyboard
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to build CWM for the HP Slate 7 Plus, but both touch and non-touch builds coming from the CWM Builder and manually built builds give a black screen with a few white lines when booted into recovery. The stock recovery.img I provided to the builder is valid because people were able to reflash the same recovery.img via Flashify with no issues, which is the same method used to flash the defunct CWM. I don't have the Slate 7 Plus, so I can't test things myself
The best I can do right now is debloat, deodex, and pre-root ROMs, as well as install more system apps.
Everyone complains about that I sound like I am in a "tunnel". is there a fix for this and will the 2.2 possibly help this? Also, my screen is very glitchy does everyone have that problem? One more thing. I will go to the call list and tap on the person I want to call and it will call someone else. I love the phone and the interface but would love to get these problems solved.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am hard to impress and this device really impresses me. No bugs or issues yet that I haven't been able to fix. Camera works great. Screen is beautiful. Everything is solid. Call quality is great. Signal is rock solid (better, in fact, than my old LG, which was itself good). GPS is crazy accurate (can tell which couch I'm sitting on within the same room).
Motorola, Google, and Verizon is a team that's hard to match if the owner is ready to invest the time in setting up the device properly.
Whenever I set a photo for my lock screen, my Eris sets it but the quality of the photo always looks horrible from the original. I have tried using super high-res as well as PNGs instead of JPGs but it looks like crap when I save it. Is there anyway to make it so it doesn't downgrade the quality of my photos when I set them for my lock screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded the Android 2.2 source code and try to build it. When I executed the make command, I got an error here like this build/core/ *** frameworks/ex/common: Invalid LOCAL_SDK_VERSION '8' Choices are: current 4 5 6 7. Stop. Then I changed the frameworks/ex/common/ to LOCAL_SDK_VERSION = 8 from LOCAL_SDK_VERSION = 7. Next place, build/core/ *** external/jsr305: Invalid LOCAL_SDK_VERSION '8' Choices are: current 4 5 6 7. Stop. I changed the external/jsr305/ to LOCAL_SDK_VERSION = 8 from LOCAL_SDK_VERSION = 7
Last one, build/core/ *** external/guava: Invalid LOCAL_SDK_VERSION '8' Choices are: current 4 5 6 7. Stop. I changed the external/guava/ to LOCAL_SDK_VERSION = 8 from LOCAL_SDK_VERSION = 7
By these changes the code started the compilation.
1. Why the error occured?
2. Changes which I did is correct or not?