HTC Droid Eris :: Looking For Good Case
Jul 18, 2010my ex Eris case broke and since then I dropped it twice and don't want to ruin the look of it...Can you guys/girls suggest me a good durable case?

my ex Eris case broke and since then I dropped it twice and don't want to ruin the look of it...Can you guys/girls suggest me a good durable case?
Speck Products - Stylish and Protective iPod, iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Blackberry, GPS and Kindle Case Solutions. My dad has a speck case for his ipod touch that i bought him, and it is exactly what i'm looking for for my X. However, they don't make products for motorola so i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I really want to protect this thing so i can resell it next year when my contract is up.
View 33 Replies View RelatedCan anyone recommend a good slim case and film?
View 23 Replies View RelatedSo I'm looking around the web for a good belt case / holster for my new Droid, but all the ones I've seen have a magnetic flap to keep them closed. While this is great, wont this confuse the Droid into thinking it's docked (and thus drain the battery)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am a new Droid user!!! I just switched from the Eris to the droid and I love it, not to say that I didn't love my eris. I switched for a couple of reasons, Flash, Keyboard, Live wallpapers and the speed of the Droid. I still have the Eris but its not in use anymore. I have a couple of questions. I'm looking for a good case to protect my droid without making it overly bulky.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnd how many people use a skin or case, or even screen protector. Personally, I won't leave the house without my otterbox commuter case on, I just feel like it would be for me to leave me house without clothes on, Dones't feel right.
View 45 Replies View RelatedThe title says it all. 25 bucks brand new comes with all original packaging.and everything never put on a phone was supposed to buy a eris off ebay guy lied and never sent it so now i selling it on here.Will use paypal only email me at i will email you back so you know you can send the money
View 11 Replies View RelatedSaw this in the store today and thought about getting it. It looks like it's made of something like aluminum or a cheap version of it. Fairly inexpensive, too. Just wondering if anyone has used this case. I like my Seidio Innocase just fine but looking for a change. My concern is how it snaps on and whether or not it would damage the case in the spots where it holds onto the phone. I am also wondering how the paint job holds up. Just curious. I'd post a pic but it's not on the verizon website and I can't find anything similar on ebay. This one doesn't have a bezel that goes all the way around the front of the phone.
View 8 Replies View RelatedLong before the EVO came out I had already been wishing my Eris had something like this.
View 11 Replies View RelatedDon't know if this has been posted yet but, Otterbox is soon releasing a case for the Eris. Looks fairly basic (thin profile) almost looks naked.HTC Droid Eris Commuter Case //
View 49 Replies View RelatedI have been looking for a case like this has anyone find one like this for the eris. They would sell like hotcakes if they ever came out with one.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was planning on buying a Seidio extended 3500mAH battery with the larger replacement door, i was wondering if there are any phone cases i could buy then?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have seen many posts on the new Otterbox case, but I don't have any knowledge of them or the company. What makes them different/better than the hard case I got off of eBay. Serious question. I have used the cheap screen protectors off of eBay and I don't like them as well. Might as well go ahead and spend the dollars each for OEM ones lol.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a protective case to cover the droid Eris with the extended 3500 mah battery on it.
View 16 Replies View RelatedJust saw this article at Brighthand. HTC Hero Getting Android OS 2.1 in Early Spring.I would assume that may mean the Eris is also going to have to wait until Spring time as well?
View 26 Replies View RelatedSince the Eris doesn't have a flash is there anyway to take good night/dark photos? All the good "kodak moments" happen at night.
View 32 Replies View RelatedI really like the swype keyboard and I am curious as to what other cool non-eris apps are out there.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI got an Otterbox (IMPACT) case for my wife's Droid Eris. I have verified that when the case is on, the proximity sensor does not operate at all. Take case off, works fine. Case is on correctly (there's not a whole lot of ways to have it on wrong). Pressing it harder onto my head (which one shouldn't have to do) or holding it farther away don't help, either. Does the other Otterbox case do this?
View 11 Replies View Relateddoes anyone else have the otterbox impact case ? wondering if mine is the only one that isn't fitting properly. the top of it is now sitting above the ear piece and sensor hole.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWas just thinking about replacing my Eris, and was wondering if the Incredible would be the logical step up from the Eris. I like the Eris a lot but there ARE a couple things that I think I'm getting tired of. First is it's slow most of the time, and second, the camera is just not living up to my expectations. Anyone have opinions on this?
View 17 Replies View RelatedWas not even thinking about otter box till i seen this was going to do full body zagg.. could not pass this up.
Commuter $24.98 Shipped - Otter Box Commuter Case Black for HTC DROID ERIS (HTC4-DROID-20) - Cell Phone Accessories Impact $12.98 Shipped - Otterbox Impact Case Black for HTC DROID ERIS (HTC1-DROID-20-C5OTR) - Cell Phone Accessories
I purchase both recently and decided to make a video review for those wondering about them. I know when I was looking to purchase the otterbox that there wasn't any videos, so heres my video review.YouTube - Otterbox impact/commuter series case review- Droid eris
View 12 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know where to get a good pouch style case for the milestone? I've looked through eBay, but they are all generic ones which are either too small or big.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know or use a good golf gps app. Looked in the market and there are alot of them. The team we played last night had one on his BB, so I knew the Android Market would have something better. Any input?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf this has already been posted i looked at the search windows to see if there where some related ones and didn't find any. i was wounding if there was any good SMS/MMS apps out there that don't make your phone laggy and is there a way to make it so like Chomp or Handcent comes up in Advanced Task Killer instead of stock messaging. in other words can i make it so my stock messaging app donesnt even start up and my Market app is there. also is there a good keyboard app that is better than the stock one and again doesn't make my phone laggy.
View 28 Replies View RelatedI opted not to pay the monthly charge for insurance, so I want to get a case. I think a rubberized/silicon molded case would be best. I don't see any after a quick search of Amazon. I'm also gonna put a Zagg Invisishield on it.
View 12 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of any good home replacements on 1.5? I've only used sense, home, and slidescreen, none of which I am super happy with. Helix Launcher looks great, but I think is only 2.1.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWould any1 be able to reccomend some good media players for the eris? Ive been playing with the stock MP3 player, and likes the way it intergrates with the lock screen, but I find that it repeats lots of songs while in shuffle mode on playlists ><. I tried a few of the Meridian and Mixzing players, and really don't like the interfaces, and Intergration into the lock screen is a major + for me which neiither of these have. I guess what i'm looking for is something to replace my ipod 30GB (4th Gen?) thats slowly showing its age. That was the most user friendly, functional music player ive ever used.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a website that has good wallpapers for the Eris?
View 30 Replies View RelatedI got a DX on the 15th and about a week ago I turned my eris on to check something, well this morning to my astonishment the phone was still on.. Pretty good standby time if you ask me, my razor didn't even last that long...
Lasted over 8 days. I can't post the pic now because I'm on my phone, but I'll upload it later.