HTC Droid Eris :: IPhone Like Battery Case
Feb 26, 2010I have been looking for a case like this has anyone find one like this for the eris. They would sell like hotcakes if they ever came out with one.

I have been looking for a case like this has anyone find one like this for the eris. They would sell like hotcakes if they ever came out with one.
I was planning on buying a Seidio extended 3500mAH battery with the larger replacement door, i was wondering if there are any phone cases i could buy then?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a protective case to cover the droid Eris with the extended 3500 mah battery on it.
View 16 Replies View RelatedFirst of all, I am not saying that I prefer the iPhone over the Droid X at all. HOWEVER, I am terribly jealous over their cases!! I haven't seen the iPhone 4 cases, but for iPhone 3G and 3GS, their cases are just sweet.
an example of the case I'm talking about is:
Incase Slider Case for iPhone 3G (White) - Apple Store (U.S.)
Everyone that I know has an iPhone has a case similar to the one i put above.
I really love the design, simplicity, smoothness and the color of the cases.
Does anyone know where I can find a case for Droid X similar to the iPhone's?
As above, I am tired of waiting for an Otterbox case. I need a GREAT case for my EVO now. Is anyone familiar with the Otterbox Commuter Case for the iPhone 3GS? It was DEFINITELY the best case that I ever owned back in my iPhone days. I know that Otterbox will be releasing an EVO version "soon" but I am tired of waiting. Does anyone know of a GREAT alternative that is available NOW? The Otterbox Commuter Series offers a silicone skin followed by a tough ABS plastic cover. The link to visualize the iPhone 3GS version follows. Besides waiting for an EVO version, is there something comparable available NOW?
hey, i think i might get the extended battery on thursday. does anyone know how much it is and if i can still fit the phone in the bodyglove case with it on?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnd how many people use a skin or case, or even screen protector. Personally, I won't leave the house without my otterbox commuter case on, I just feel like it would be for me to leave me house without clothes on, Dones't feel right.
View 45 Replies View RelatedThe title says it all. 25 bucks brand new comes with all original packaging.and everything never put on a phone was supposed to buy a eris off ebay guy lied and never sent it so now i selling it on here.Will use paypal only email me at i will email you back so you know you can send the money
View 11 Replies View RelatedSaw this in the store today and thought about getting it. It looks like it's made of something like aluminum or a cheap version of it. Fairly inexpensive, too. Just wondering if anyone has used this case. I like my Seidio Innocase just fine but looking for a change. My concern is how it snaps on and whether or not it would damage the case in the spots where it holds onto the phone. I am also wondering how the paint job holds up. Just curious. I'd post a pic but it's not on the verizon website and I can't find anything similar on ebay. This one doesn't have a bezel that goes all the way around the front of the phone.
View 8 Replies View Relatedmy ex Eris case broke and since then I dropped it twice and don't want to ruin the look of it...Can you guys/girls suggest me a good durable case?
View 16 Replies View RelatedLong before the EVO came out I had already been wishing my Eris had something like this.
View 11 Replies View RelatedDon't know if this has been posted yet but, Otterbox is soon releasing a case for the Eris. Looks fairly basic (thin profile) almost looks naked.HTC Droid Eris Commuter Case //
View 49 Replies View RelatedI have seen many posts on the new Otterbox case, but I don't have any knowledge of them or the company. What makes them different/better than the hard case I got off of eBay. Serious question. I have used the cheap screen protectors off of eBay and I don't like them as well. Might as well go ahead and spend the dollars each for OEM ones lol.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got an Otterbox (IMPACT) case for my wife's Droid Eris. I have verified that when the case is on, the proximity sensor does not operate at all. Take case off, works fine. Case is on correctly (there's not a whole lot of ways to have it on wrong). Pressing it harder onto my head (which one shouldn't have to do) or holding it farther away don't help, either. Does the other Otterbox case do this?
View 11 Replies View Relateddoes anyone else have the otterbox impact case ? wondering if mine is the only one that isn't fitting properly. the top of it is now sitting above the ear piece and sensor hole.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWas not even thinking about otter box till i seen this was going to do full body zagg.. could not pass this up.
Commuter $24.98 Shipped - Otter Box Commuter Case Black for HTC DROID ERIS (HTC4-DROID-20) - Cell Phone Accessories Impact $12.98 Shipped - Otterbox Impact Case Black for HTC DROID ERIS (HTC1-DROID-20-C5OTR) - Cell Phone Accessories
I purchase both recently and decided to make a video review for those wondering about them. I know when I was looking to purchase the otterbox that there wasn't any videos, so heres my video review.YouTube - Otterbox impact/commuter series case review- Droid eris
View 12 Replies View RelatedVote from the following link below if you want a HTC EVO 4G Fuel Lite - Battery Extender Case! make a fuel lite case for the new htc evo 4g. If you don't know what the Fuel Lite - Battery Extender is, follow the link below. iPhone 3G / 3GS Fuel Lite - iPhone Battery Case, iPhone Battery Extender UPDATE: I was told by there technical support team, when they receive enough requests and votes, they would consider putting this into production!
View 10 Replies View RelatedThe Google Voice webapp for the iPhone looks pretty good from the screen shots I've seen. I guess that's one way to get apps on the iPhone without approval. I'm just wondering why my Google Voice doesn't look as polished on my Android based Droid Eris. Will they be retooling the GV app for our phones?
View 4 Replies View RelatedNew Member here! Simple question.
How do I view video sent to my phone, from an Iphone?
Just curious, found a couple that I would like to have (sports related) that Android Market doesn't have anything close to.
View 3 Replies View RelatedGot my DInc yesterday, ordered in store 5/14, shipped 5/28, arrived 6/1 (thank you, holiday weekend.) Charged it to 100% and started exploring. Went to bed last night with the battery around 40%, left it ON intentionally to run down, was at 14% when I got up, now down to 5%. Will let it die then charge while turned off. Overall I am impressed. Love the feel of the phone (except the plastic back doesn't seem to be very durable.) It's VERY fast (I came from a Razr2 V9m) and the apps are great. Went crazy trying to set up Yahoo! Mail until I realized I needed to TURN OFF WIFI so it would authenticate. Soon as I did that, I was good to go. Used a few Twitter apps, love Hootsuite (I use that on the web) but it's unstable, so I'm using Twitter for Android and am happy with that. Have not used Friendstream yet. Created a Google Account just for my contacts, cleaned them up and had them ready when I activated the phone, everything came in clean. Call quality is excellent even with 1-2 bars, speaker sounds great. Controls are well placed. Overall it's clearly the best phone I've ever owned. Still have a lot to learn. Wish I'd had it over the weekend, I'd be a pro by now. :/
Boxwave screen protector: great item (got the non-glare one). Didn't know I needed a Clean Room to install it. Literally went from the factory plastic to the Boxwave and still managed to get dust underneath. Removed & cleaned it per the instructions, reinstalled, and now have EVEN MORE dust bubbles. I'll try again. The protector itself is awesome, love the matte finish it gives the phone, no fingerprints. Just a royal PITA to install (I guess they all are.) Using the black rubberish VZW combo holster/case. The holster is okay but as others have reported the phone doesn't snap in very securely. Anyone with an active lifestyle had better keep it vertical or it's probably gonna slide out. The case has a really nice feel and offers some but not complete protection (exposed top & bottom edges), but it's fine for me for now. Pretty sure I'm going to get a Seido Innocase and see how it fits with the VZW holster, or, just bite the damn bullet and get the Seido holster as well. That is, unless Accessory One gets their act together and eventually sends me the CORRECT leather pouch I ordered. :/ At that point, I might have to go commando (just a screen protector) but we'll see. I do like how the VZW case makes it so the camera lens isn't touching anything when you lay the phone on its back. Decisions, decisions....................
Is there a media player that will allow you to view video clips from the Iphone on the Eris? My son has the Iphone . He can view my videos sent by email but I cannot view his sent to me.
View 13 Replies View RelatedSo yesterday I flashed XTRSense4.0.6.1 to both mine and my wife's Eris. My phone has been running great with no problems whatsoever. This afternoon my wife calls me freaking out because her contacts have disappeared... all of them. She said they were all there this morning and all of a sudden they're just gone. I told her to go to Settings, Accounts/Sync, and to Sync Google but that didn't help. She rebooted her phone, synced again and still nothing. Finally I walked her through the process of rebooting into recovery mode, wiping cache, doing a factory reset, and finally a NAND restore which got her back to pre-XTRSense and all her contacts came back without issue. What could have caused this issue and what can I do to prevent future occurrences? I'd really like to flash XTRSense back to her phone because it seemed to fix her other issues but not if its going to cause more problems than it fixes.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI posted this at another forum as well. I am not spamming, I just want to sell this because I no longer need it. I'm not sure if this is in the correct area, I am sorry if it is in the wrong area, but I am selling an Eris battery that I bought as an extra. I swapped out to a Droid and forgot about the battery. It was put on our bill, so it's paid for and I would like to pass some savings on to a member here. I only used this battery twice, two days. Asking $25.00 with shipping included to US addresses only. Paypal only on this as well.
View 3 Replies View RelatedForgive me if this has been addressed somewhere but there's a ton of threads that say 3g and battery so I couldn't find what I was looking for.Anyway, WHY does 3G use so much battery? I can see why if I'm on the internet or downloading files etc but when it's simply on in the background not doing a thing, why does that drain the battery so much??
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm new here and a new Eris owner had it now for about a week and love it so far.I've read through several of the threads here about the battery and best ways to conserve, and I've tried to apply them (and I appreciate the info I've been able to find here).I'm conditioning the battery now (fully drained/charged it a few times), have set the brightness down lower, turned off bluetooth & wifi, set email checking to 2 hrs rather than 15 minutes.My question is about the effect on the battery of using facebook and peep/twitter as apps running on their own home screen.I have each of these two on their own screen so I can see updates but is this more draining on the battery than instead just having the apps as icons and then opening them up (meaning does this mean they are open all the time and draining battery)? Also, I have 3 email accounts setup but set to check every 2 hrs. Would this be more draining than just 1 email that checks every 30 minutes?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhich of these batteries do you suggest for my Eris? I am still in the 30 day period (and plan to upgrade if a newer phone is released within the period), but after that I am pretty sure I am going to get an upgraded battery.
The current options are:
2x BATTERY+DESKTOP CHARGER FOR VERIZON HTC DROID ERIS - eBay (item 280468408194 end time Mar-22-10 19:05:38 PDT)
Innocell 1750mAh Slim Extended Life Battery
The Seido one is larger and has a reputation, whereas the ebay one is slightly larger, but comes with the charger so that I can carry two. With the Seido, I would probably just do a complete replacement and not carry the extra. The ebay on is also vastly cheaper. <--not too big a factor, as if I keep the phone I will not cheap out on arguably one of the most important parts. However, as a colege student, the cheaper price is nice.
i searched and found nothing helpful...but i keep GPS off. i only check google maps (latitude) every now and then, but i always close it when i'm dunzo by backing out, and then task killing. however, under battery usage, my maps is at 87%, and has been for 2 days. what?!?! i don't even use it! wtfs it doing?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was having major issues with battery drain on 2.1 (second leak) and after reading some threads here I removed the HTC battery widget. This appears to have solved the problem. Apparently the phone was not going to sleep when I had the HTC widget running. The awake time was nearly what the up time was. Without the HTC widget I do not have this issue.
Has anyone ran the Android Battery Widget on 2.1 and does it create the same problem?