HTC Droid Eris :: Get A Refurb Phone Under Warranty?
May 23, 2010How do i go about doing this over phone? i want to get the new phone under warranty not insurance. what do i call etc

How do i go about doing this over phone? i want to get the new phone under warranty not insurance. what do i call etc
if i do a nandroid back up, and then get a refurb eris, can i restore that backup to the new phone?
View 10 Replies View RelatedAfter having the phone shut off on me, scroll on its own, lockup and need a battery pull I decided to get a refurbished phone. Anyone care to share their advice on how they have made differences in thier phones setup ect that have worked, app changes
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy phone just doesn't want to consistently make calls (audio problem - either i can't hear the other party or they can't hear me) and I am pretty sure it's my phone as I don't hear about that happening much here. It's gotten twice as bad since upgrading to 2.1. I hate the idea of a refurb but I might have no choice. Just wondering if I might still have a chance of getting a new handset. For those who have definitely gotten like-new handsets, what condition was it in?
View 20 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to tell if your moto droid is a refurb?
View 9 Replies View Relatedfirst off, let me say "Hi". got my Eris about 3 months ago and been lurking ever since . i've enjoyed reading just about every single page of all the stickied threads -fascinating stuff. you all seem pretty Knowledgeable (OTD, Caddyman, etc) and look forward to reading you thoughts on this. Here's the scenario:i have an Eris and my girlfriend has an EnV2 she will soon be upgrading to the Incredible. she suggested we swap phones once she gets the Inc, since she doesn't really need all that extra fancy stuff -i reluctantly agreed so yesterday, just for kicks, i brought this up to a store tech and she said that wouldn't be a problem, but once the phone comes off the original account it was activated on, the manufacturer voids the 1-year warranty ergo i wouldn't have a warranty on the Inc, nor would she have one on the Eris post swap. does this sound crazy, or is it just me? secondly, would it really be as simple as i imagine? just swapping phones & switching ESN's on our respective accounts once her Inc is activated?
View 20 Replies View RelatedHow long is the factory warranty.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI searched this forum for an hour and couldn't find an answer. I've had my like new warranty replacement phone for two days and it seems to be perfect in every way. No dead pixels, even. The OTA went on as soon as I activated it. I have the 50% bug, of course. My first phone easily and automatically installed on Windows XP SP3 as both a storage device and something like an ''Android USB Composite Device''. This new one will not. Works fine as removable storage, but not the other. Both PDANet and Easy Tether seem to require that. My computer recognizes it only as ''ADB'' and will not install any drivers. I assume I must remove the old phone to install this one, but I can't find it in the device manager or anywhere else.
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust wondering if any of you purchased the extended warranty or the assurion plan from verizon.I personally felt that I was best not to get the $7.99 a month plus $90 to make a claim. But what did you do or how do you feel about these additions to the plan?
View 17 Replies View RelatedMy power button on my droid broke, like it is just "stuck" for some reason....will Verizon cover this under the standard one year manufacturer warranty??
View 8 Replies View RelatedI should "root" my Droid X phone, something ive not heard of before -
1) does this void the manufacturer warranty, or the $6/month im paying for verizon accidental damage warranty
2) is there a way to restore the original settings on the phone, ie make it like the root never happened if i need to? so i dont lose warranty?
So you know how when you root, you void your warranty. But then they got developers that had 2.1 root rolled back to stock 1.5. Does that mean that the voided warranty is no longer void? Or is it still void?
View 5 Replies View RelatedId charge my 6 month old moto droid overnight, it would say 100% on the battery and in 3 mins it would be at 20%, the past few times ive restarted it it would go back to 100% but it wont anymore so verizon is sending me a refurb one, id like to know if there are any fixes to my problem, and also how to basically take an "image" of my home screen to transfer to my refurb droid, so i don't have to make folders and re create widgets again.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just received my refurb droid x and its complete garbage. All stock and it lags like crazy in every aspect of the phone. I've literally shut it off three times the past hour to avoid throwing it. my swype keyboard will stop responding for twenty seconds after every word. Sometimes it stops in the middle of words. Every part of the phone behaves like this. I'm going to try a custom rom to see if it helps. It came installed with 2.2 also. Anyone else having these problems with refurb phones?
View 18 Replies View RelatedSo i just got my replacement Droid and I have to put my SD Card in. One question I have is can I just completely delete everything off of my SD Card so that I can start new? I would like to start off completely clean and not have all the other stuff on there. I don't have anything backed up so that doesn't bother me. Is there anything crucial on the SD card that absolutely needs to stay on there?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have rooted and then updated to stock HTC (unbranded) froyo so I have HBOOT-0.92.0001. My phone keeps rebooting under load and it seems to be a hardware problem so I need to return it. Is there any easy way to return to the carriers official firmware so they don't refuse a warranty return?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to get sprint to exhange my phone? Ive got the insurance. The phone tends to freeze up when the battery gets low, the screen will glitch and my battery life is no where near the amount of time you people get out of it.Anything i could do to it so like break it and get away with getting a new phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny ideas?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI am debating between the Hero and the Moment. I have a few ?'s. What is the purpose of rooting, what features do you not have IF you choose not to root and does rooting void your warranty on the phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've not found anything yet on this, so excuse me if I didn't look in the right place I have the HTC Desire branded Orange France and I want to debrand it. This will kill the warranty, so... how can I backup the Orange configuration in case I need to do a restore to make a claim under warranty?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOk so I know if you Root you phone you lose your warranty. But is there a way to unroot and would that get your warranty back? How would Verizon know that I Rooted my phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk. First things first, I am simply in love with my Droid. I learn new things everyday. For example, yesterday i took a picture on a trip, and on the ride home, went to look at the picture in my gallery, and under the picture it read Dayton, Ohio. It knew where I took the picture!
Anyways enough of my droid love, i've got some questions for you droid gurus.
1. I want to root my phone so badly. Im afraid of it bricking though. But the thing is, ive done a lot of research, and it seems bricking hardly ever happens. I want to overclock and i really want some kick ass ROMS! Should i do on pc or my pro?
2. My screen, when closed, when you tap on the screen near the lower left corner, the screen taps. Like the screen is loose. I wanna take it to verizon. But i wanna root. But i want my warranty still usable.
I'm sitting here waiting for UPS to deliver my Incredible replacement from Asurion.
I was wondering if there's a way to know if it's a referb or brand new. They told me that they would note my account stating that I requested a new phone and not a referb, but they couldn't promise anything as they just take the next availible Inc (new or refurb) and process the order.
The rep also said that there aren't alot of parts floating around to mass produce refurbs..
Once the Froyo is rolled out will they start shipping refurb and new phones with the update pre installed? I ask because supposedly the update is extremely secure and it will be quite a while before it is rooted (just what I heard). So if I brick/lose/break my phone after the update and have to get another one will I be stuck without root?
View 4 Replies View RelatedGetting a replacement today. what are my chances of getting a refurb vs. a new phone. I really don't want a refurb, they are POS usually. are they still having the pink hue on the screen??
View 17 Replies View RelatedI just got a replacement yesterday for my phone since my old one would not connect to GPS. All was fine, I rooted and installed Radioactive FroYo 1.8.9 (or what ever the newest is) plug my phone in at 11pm, wake up at 8am and my phone wasn't fully charged. I unplugged it and checked my email which only took a minute and it dropped to about 50%. WTF I thought, so I plug it into my laptop and it detected it, then I unplugged it, then I plugged it in again and nothing happened, wiggled the cord around and it would go in and out of being connected to the computer. So this phone has a bad USB or something, which would explain why a couple times last night I heard the single chime coming from my phone. So now I have to reflash my phone and have Sprint order me another phone.
View 27 Replies View RelatedA few weeks ago, my camera flash/flashlight stopped working. I didn't know the cause. Occassionally, I noticed the flash would come on very dull before going out again. Then it stopped working completely. Although I was unable to find a thread suggesting that anyone else was having this problem, I figured that my bulbs must have died. I kept meaning to go get it checked out at a Sprint store, but I just wasn't making time to go. Last week, one of the corners on my PhantomSkinz cover got beat up a little bit. I have another set here ready to go (matte instead of the clear), and I was going to put the new skin on, but I decided I should go to the Sprint store to have my flash looked at first just in case they were going to replace my device. So I went this morning.
I waited for about two hours while a tech worked on my phone. I kept being reassured that it would be done soon, so I kept waiting around. When the CS rep brought me my phone, she said that they had been unable to fix the flash. They had replaced the bulbs without success, so they replaced the entire camera and still had no success. Then they did a wipe of my phone, and still the flash wouldn't work. Replacement device should be here tomorrow..............
can't take the phantom swipes any longer. i bought the $10/month warranty through best buy when i pre-ordered, so i'm going to take it in and get a new phone. has anyone been through this process? from what i understand they take my old incredible and i will have a new one mailed to me. i have a few questions:am i safe in assuming i will have my phone in hand in 2 weeks? my plan is to back up internal and sd cards to memory and then factory wiping it, any other suggestions?will it be any use bothering them for a free pack of screen protectors? it wouldn't be a big deal but they are relatively expensive, and now i need to go buy a new pack because the phone they sold me was defective? What kind of a temporary phone can i expect from best buy? do they have guidelines, or is it just any smartphone they have available?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI updated my phone to the 2.2 through a link i found on a thread here. There was no disclaimer on the link saying this will void my warranty, so i went ahead with it. No that I am doing more research, it seems the I might have voided my warranty due to my impatience :/
Can anyone confirm or deny this? If it DOES void my warranty, how does verizon know that I did a downloaded update rather than an OTA update.
I am very interested in purchasing a Hero but am not sure if I should wait till I move to Taiwan in a few months or do it while I am in the US.How does the purchase location of HTC devices affect their warranty? Does rooting really void your warranty? Can't it be restored before returning to HTC if it's bootable? Some places (like Amazon) have the "international version with no warranty. What's that about?Can someone please explain the different "versions" that are available. How do the languages and input methods differ? What about app availability in the different regions? In Taiwan, the hero is 20000 TWD = $617 USD from the HTC store. It's about $580 shipped from Expansys.I'd prefer to buy it while in the US because of the ability to receive extended buyer protection via an AMEX or other credit card. But if it breaks, I wanna take it to HTC in Taiwan. Am I dreaming?
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