HTC Desire :: Need Beeb Player / Not Showing In Market
Jun 8, 2010I reset my phone and was looking for apps I had before but I cant seem to find beeb player?

I reset my phone and was looking for apps I had before but I cant seem to find beeb player?
Now that Beeb player has been discontinued does anyone know of a good alternative?
View 8 Replies View RelatedJust updated to Froyo and tried to re-install Sling player from the market but it's not there. My wife can still find it on her 2.1 Desire so what the heck's going on?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI updated to the official (rooted) version of Froyo and tried to reinstall Sling player but it's just not on the market. My wife can find it on her 2.1 handset but I can't. Is there a reason for this that I'm not privy to? Will the backed-up copy work?
View 4 Replies View Relatedandroid 2.1 (eclair)
us cellular
not rooted
I have over 1,000 mp3 files on my sd card but they are not showing up in any of my music players..they show up in astro and i can play them through there, but id like the ease of just having them in my playlists.
I'm looking for a music player which has disc showing . Like the original music player in the Samsung Galaxy S.
I just think it's simply awesome and I really digg it, but so far I haven't found any players on market yet, I've tried Meridian and etc, and they're all good but simply don't have this function.
I installed a game from gameloft (Let's golf, great graphics btw)
Anyway I notice a bunch of sounds files were showing up in my music player I didn't want. Very annoying. I searched around here and didn't really find that much help. After some further searching around the net the easiest way I could find was as follows:
1. Open up notepad, don't type anything just go to file, save as. Change the drop down box for Save as type: select all files. Under file name simply type ".nomedia" without quotes.
2. Connect your phone to your computer, locate where the sound files you don't want are. In the same folder as where all the files are, drag the .nomedia file you made to that folder. Disconnect the phone
3. Reboot your phone, once booted open up the music player (you might still see the files there since it's cached) Go to the all songs tab, select a song. This will refresh the cache and you should no longer see any annoying files in your widget or playlist.
Before this I had to make a custom playlist and select that but everytime I rebooted I would have to select the playlist again plus if you add new songs you would have to go into the playlist.
Also if you don't know where the annoying files are, you should be able to hold down on it in the music application and go to details. This will show u where the files are located.
Having problem with my music not showing up, it only shows 4 songs out of 75. I tried using poweramp,playerpro, and the default music app but it still doesn't work
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded from a G1 to a Desire.
One feature that's bugging me on the Desire, the default application for Youtube videos seems to be the HTC Flash Player, but I don't want to use this. I would prefer it if it opened with the Youtube player so I can get high quality video when viewing Youtube clips on WIFI - the HTC Flash Player has no settings or option for video quality improvement.
On my G1, every time I opened a link for Youtube (from e.g. the browser or Seesmic), it opened up the Youtube application as the default viewer.
Am I right in thinking that the Music Player on the Desire is HTC's own?
Is there a default Android player?
I only ask as I think the current one that is default installed on the phone is poor, very poor. I use another app to play podcasts and even with the 'hide podcasts from default player' option ticked, they still show up in the music player.
I find it kinda annoying that recordings made the voice recorder application show up in the music player. I'd like to have only my music play when I set it to shuffle. I have all my music in a folder called music. Can I limit the music player to search in that folder only?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently installed Asphalt 5. Apparently, you have to download some stuff in order to play the game. Anyways, I did download it and my problem is, there are sound files that are showing up on my music player. Ex: (raw_000~raw_174) Oh and the sound files are in ".ogg" format. I did some research and I tried the ".nomedia" method, but that didn't work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm trying to download the Firehouse scheduler app but its not showing up in my market place.I have a HTC Desire and am in the UK.Anyone know why this may be? Could someone else search it on their phone and see if it comes up?I have tried the barcode reader from their website and that doesnt come up either. A link to their site is Application ScreenShots.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe just got an email from someone on an HTC Magic searching for our app and saying that it's not showing up on Android Market. Every now and then, we'll see that our app just disappears for a little while. What gives? Anyone else see that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAlright, I've looked around but haven't ever found anything concrete for this.Is there a way to keep my ringtones/notifications off of my default music player?I tried adding a text document called .nomedia as I'd read in a different post with no luck.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI installed some games (H.A.W.X and a few other from Gameloft) and all the sound files from the game show up in my Music List.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you block Android game files from adding themselves to your media players? For example, if you're using Moboplayer to view the pics and vids you've shot with your camera, and you have a game like Dragon's Lair that has hundreds of mini 3 mB vid clips on your device to play the game, when I try to view my personal videos, I have to filter through the 800 some odd game vid clips just to look at my home videos. To add insult to injury, if you use a backup like Verizon that backs up only your newest movies and pics, it also downloads these hundreds of vid clips as well as photos of the uniforms on a game like Home Run Battle.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have galaxy ace with cyanogen mod on it. The music player doesn't show id3 tags right. For example, i have changed "artist" tag of one of breaking benjamin's song to "Rock,Single", but the music player is still showing previous tag.
I have changed the tag to something different many times, but it still shows the first tag which is "breaking benjamin".
I just flashed Ic3 2.7 ROM and launcherpro and ADW are not in the marketplace.whats the deal?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just updated to Froyo(2.2).Now when I search for my apps in the marketplace they are not showing up.I had the minSDK set to 1.6(4) when I developed them.Why are the not showing with Froyo?This worries me somewhat,
View 6 Replies View RelatedAlright all of a sudden last night my installed apps have all disappeared under the downloads section of my android market. It only showed google maps. When I installed a new app it showed up right below google maps but still no sign of my missing apps.What's wrong? Is android market twitchy again? A reboot of the phone doesn't.
View 1 Replies View Relatedso looks like a problem with 2.2 is that some apps, maybe protected ones, arnt showing up in the market since update. am sure this happened when the desire came out and htc had to do an update to sort it out.does this mean we can expect to be getting an update soon or is it something they can sort out without an update.example of some that no longer show. tapatalk and close everything 2.
View 14 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know the step by step settings to put your app so it can show up in the 2.1 market? My app has been in the market for a few days, and a couple 2.1 users says that they cannot find it. It shows in the 2.2 though. Can someone help?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm running 2.1 v2 ... yes v3 is out now but I just BARELY got my phone all sorts of set up how I want it seems like v3 leaked right as I got done, Eff.Anyways, here's a quirky little issue. There are some apps that I cannot find in the market that use to be there in 1.5, whats with that?.. although there are some apps in the 2.1 market that are there that never were there in 1.5, like bluetooth file sharing app, Torque bluetooth vehicle engine diagnostics, etc.Looking for skype in the market, it's nowhere to be found from what I seen on the vzw moto - Droid commercial, it's suppose to be there. There's a few apps that I can't think of at the moment that I know are in the market but don't show up on the market of my phone since I updated it,is anyone else experiencing something like that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy is my Market not showing apps that my friends' Market is? We are both from the same country too. Example if you search "EasySMS", you should get about 6 hits. For me, when I search "EasySMS", I only get 2 hits.
View 24 Replies View RelatedFirst few days with my hero I could download paid apps, and downloaded things like copilot.I have updated my hero now last week to the newest orange rom on the HTC site.I have just noticed now that only free apps are showing up in the market.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have been running Fresh and decided to try Darchdroid v2.7.I played with it for a bit then restored my backup to Fresh.Now the market, when I go to downloads, does not show me all my installed only shows what was installed on Darchdroid v2.7.What gives? Anyone know how I can fix that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running Nextheme 1.1, Fab's release and whenever I go to the market downloads it shows nothing except Google maps. Is there a fix to this? Also whenever I do something like browse the Internet or run pandora and play a game my phone freezes and then shuts off. Is this all direct result of 2.2?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just installed Froyo on my rooted droid, and every time I try to download Flash player from the market, it doesn't come up, and when I try to download it from the Adobe website, it redirects me to the market on my phone and says "invalid location" so I'm wondering if android is doing this on purpose or am I just ******ed? or is something just wrong with my update now lol. btw my phone does say version 2.2
View 11 Replies View RelatedI even downloaded the free trial version but its already expired.How do I restore my data? I used astro to back up my apps but I can't find a way to get my data back.How do I restore my saved data?
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