General :: How To Delete Downloaded Files After Installation
May 12, 2012Whenever I download a file from the stock browser and install it, how to i delete the downloaded files? I went to my downloads app and that only clears the download history.

Whenever I download a file from the stock browser and install it, how to i delete the downloaded files? I went to my downloads app and that only clears the download history.
Sometimes I'm browsing the web and... One more download... And then oops! Another one...Then I realised that those downloads are still in my download list and there's no option to COMPLETELY remove them. Also, where do I clean browser's temporary files?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDownloaded an app twice by mistake. would like to delete the redundant one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've downloaded a couple of PDF files that will not open for whatever reason. How do I delete them?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI normally copy apk files of my needed applications to external SD in a folder, its really difficult to install all of them manually. Is there any app which can automate this process?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to automatically trigger the installation process of a just downloaded apk ?
Currently after I download the package , nothing happens unless I click the package ,in which case the packege installer is launched !
The tomcat server from where I download the package has in the web.xml file the following code...
I have downloaded several pdf ebooks and uploaded to play book via Google play book app. When I try to read them, that pdf files pages are not fully fit to the screen. But when I read the Google play auto added books, they are fitted with the screen height and width. Is it a pdf file issue? If it's my pdf issue, how do I correct them?
My ebooks screenshot.
I have a few ringtones I dowloaded through a ringtone app that I've since deleted. I no longer use these ringtones, and would like to delete them from the phone. is there anyway to do so? I can't seem to find them in a file mode. I can get to them through choosing a ringtone, but can't delete them, and only 2 of them showed up in the music category. is there anyway to find them in the phone and make them go away??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm really new to the Android world and just got the Hero a couple of days ago and it is overwhelming on what this phone can do but I'm not sure if its the phone for me.I love the Market app and have downloaded a lot of apps just to try them out and now I have so many that I would like to remove some of them but I can't figure out how to do this. I have searched the User's Guide but haven't found anything in it unless I missed it but need some help here, so how do you remove apps and games from this phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a short video clip from the Internet. I assumed it would be stored in the "photos" file so I could easily delete it. But now I can not find it. I want to get it out of the phone.
Can someone kindly tell me how I can find it and delete it?
I have Nexus One with 2.2.
Deleting audio files on my nexus 7. I recently used isyncr to download my itunes library onto my nexus 7. I put some of the songs I didnt like on there by mistake and I want to delete it but i cant find a way how to do so. I went on settings and on storage and click audio files but when i clicked on them it just played them. I really want the memory that the songs are taking up back, how to delete audio files from my nexus 7.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Within the system file /system/framework/framework-res.apk/res/drawable-xhdpi/ are about 17 little "emo_im_xxxxx.png" files that represent the little "green alien" emoticons that Android's stock SMS program inserts into text messages when certain text-based emoticons are input.
I want to delete these .png files so that the "green alien" emoticons no longer replace my standard text smilies. I don't care that others may not be able to see them. *I* don't want to see them, LOL. I've hated them since I got the HTC Droid Incredible two years ago, and I want them gone. I don't want to use a separate messaging app (Handcent, etc.). I like the stock app. I have Root Explorer, but the only option it gives me when I navigate and select these .png files is to "Extract" them.
I rooted my phone for the sole reason of being able to access/edit system files so I could get rid of these ugly little buggers, but have not had much luck after a full day of Googling, downloading, installing, uninstalling, packing, repacking, pushing, pulling and rebooting. There has got to be a simple solution to something that should honestly be built into the Android OS as a simple "auto-smilies on/off" toggle switch in settings.
I have a Samsung Galaxy ACE (GT-S5830i) which I have rooted but I am still on the stock rom/gingerbread 2.3.6
Today my phone said an update is available, so I connected to WiFi and downloaded the 30.14mb update, the update fails to install and I have now found out from searching that you cannot do a software update OTA once you are rooted, D'oh!!
So I now want to know how do I get rid of the 30mb update that I downloaded from my internal storage?! Can I simply delete it from the appropriate file, if so what is the folder/file called? or is it not as simple that?
If this 30mb update that didn't work cannot be simply deleted using my file manager app, then should I unroot my phone, and then try and update OTA again? and then root my phone once more? Would that work?!
What are these files in root / folder? Can I saftly delete them?
View 5 Replies View RelatedLets say I have a text file filed with:
How can I delete these and only these files using an rm command in a terminal?
How can I convert this to Linux format?
I want list a folder's contents, then go into android and remove those files. For example. I want to get this list:
convert it to...
then hop into the shell and delete those files. How can I do this?
I'm using root explorer and found a bunch of apk files in the /data/app folder. i never downloaded any of these, i guess android automatically made copies of the original apks? Now is it ok to delete these? will it affect functionality of any apps?i have currently?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy first smart phone! A Samsung Moment Amazing little device. I have loaded a couple of Apps I no longer want. How do I permanently delete them?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell me how to delete a downloaded ringtone from the moment that works? Help please
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow do you delete a downloaded PDF file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCouldn't find answers in the manual.
Q1: How do I open the clipboard (after copying text on it for example)?
Q2: How do I remove or delete apps that I've downloaded?
I just bought a GS4 recently.
My S4 auto delete my images, videos, music and documents once in a while like twice a month?
Basically, all files from "My Files" folder are deleted. My apps, contacts and sms-es are all unaffected. I don't have any SD card attached.
After that incidence, I decided to factory data reset my S4 as I suspected the software might be corrupted or infected by virus or something. The same thing happened again after 2weeks or so.
When you 'fastboot oem unlock', does it perform a secure delete (completely unrecoverable) of all files? Or are the files still kept until overwritten, like with normal delete?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI uploaded about 50 pictures from iPhoto (using a Mac) just to see what they looked like and then later formatted the Droid's SD card, so the pictures were no longer there.
Now, if I mount the Droid via USB and view the file structure there is a folder named /albumthumbs which contains 50 files, presumably for the 50 pictures a had on the SD card.
To me, these file, unless linking to actual photos stored on the SD card, take up extra space in the phone's memory (not worried about the SD card). I wonder if I can safely delete them (just the files...not the folder)?
I have had my Droid for about two weeks now. While searching for a new home application I accidentally downloaded the Panda home Blue Chrome theme. I have spent a couple of hours trying to delete the theme from my Droid but cannot seem to find where it was downloaded to on my phone. It is not under the application manager. Anyone had any success in deleting a theme from your home.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDo we have any application or any easy way to automatically delete files/folders created by an application after uninstalling it? I am looking for a solution like Revo Uninstaller for mac and windows.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm searching app for wiping (not just delete) files and free space for Android.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently downloaded hidenseek, amongst other apps and every time i go to install the app(s), google maps opens up and then tells me it can't open the content, or some similar message. What's all that about then? (the apps haven't installed either).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a video attachment from my gmail client and I have no way of deleting this thing now. It was 9mb of precious space and when I connect my phone to my PC I cant find it anywhere and I for sure can't find it anywhere on my phone. I also have a ton of pics on my card apparently from viewing pictures through email. How do i delete this junk. The pics don't show under gallery they just showed up when I transferred pics to my PC.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have tried a lot of custom Roms. I'm on Neat ROM Lite now. Not sure which ROM changed my file access permission settings to cause this problem but I'm not able to delete any files from my external memory card. I was able to delete when I was on stock rom. The other problem is for a few apps I get an error message which says can't install on usb/sd card. I have posted this in another thread some time back but got no response.
This is what my file permission looks like.
I am able to delete when my fone is connected to PC via USB. So I don't think it has anything to do with a faulty sd card.
As advised by the experts, I did a factory reset when my phone went wacky on me. I didn't actually have Froyo installed when this happened, but as soon as I did the reset, I received a system prompt concerning the available upgrade and took it. My phone works better now, but but battery performance is about the same.
I have also been advised that battery performance (as in better than ever), among other things works best with a clean install, not the upgrade. Since I did a factory reset before taking the upgrade, I wonder if this is equivalent to a clean install, or if the clean install would still be worth my effort. If it's the latter, there is only one resource for clean install files which I have been referred to, which cannot help me because I don't have an XP machine available (I did try it on Windows 7). If a clean install is, in any case, the best option, are there any Win7 installation files available for Froyo?