General :: Transparent Lock Screen Mods For ICS?
Sep 22, 2012Are there any transparent lock screen mods for ics??

Are there any transparent lock screen mods for ics??
Okay, been searching for the past 4 hours though countless threads....I know I've seen a way to change the background and the Verizon logo on the lock screen but don't remember where I saw it.
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to make transparent status bar which is transparent only for lockscreen and homescreen?
How we can know from Miui, TouchWiz UX (Galaxy tab 3 7.0 only) UX 2.0,
I mean status bar is transparent on Homescreen, Lockscreen and back in all apps. [white background issue]. I think it needs some small modifications, but I don't know where... system ui smali, framework-res or android policy.jar...
some screenshots [URL] ......
I'd really like to be able to read my most recent text BEFORE I unlock my pattern lock screen. Preferably in the form of a popup. I really don't care if it's over it or on top I just want to be able to read it before I unlock. I've done a good deal of searching, on xda and elsewhere, and I really can't find any information on how I might be able to do this. I tried playing with the popup settings in handcent and I have got the pop up to show up over the lockscreen, but if the screen turns back off then I have to unlock the phone to see the text again. Is there anything I can do about that?
I even tried playing around with Sms Popup with no luck either. Could I perhaps somehow remove the background on my pattern lockscreen so that I can see the popup behind it? I'd also like to add that I'd really rather not use any third party lockscreen apps like WidgetLocker or Lock 2.0 because I really don't like them. I know it's kind of a specific question but it's just kind of an aesthetics thing I guess.
I never really liked the look of the original HTC Sense UI Lock Screen. The arc across the screen never appealed to me. So recently i switched the Nexus style one. But i kind of missed the Sense UI Lock Screen because of the additional information and capabilities it provided. So i decided to see what it would look like without the arc and just transparent. Doesn't look too bad...
Default wallpaper and "new" lock screen
Default wallpaper and "new" lock screen displaying missed call information
Black wallpaper and "new" lock screen
Incoming call and "new" lock screen (I also changed the green android image)
I would like to know if anyone out there has a link to a transparent lock screen. I'm currently running cm with 1.5.1 glass-esque theme with a transparent notification bar. I think it would compliment the overall look on my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to call screen of cm10 or 10.1 can appear more like miui call screen? I mean transparent. The default caller screen of cm10 is not good. Caller photo almost covered by black screen. You can't see the photo. In miui the caller screen is fully transparent it looks damn nice. So is there any modified apk or any way to make it transparent? Other than using third party app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there was a transparent lock pattern for the evo. I found this : Invisible Lockscreen Pattern for Android but have no idea what to do with it or how to use it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust wondering if there is a way to modify the main status bar at the top of the screen. I don't see the point of having a widget clock and a status bar clock, personally I don't want the one on the status bar. Any help is much appreciated. Any modifications are welcome in this thread.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am plan B and AVG security installed, both don't always work, I have pattern lock on the phone but even in pattern lock mode when i press and hold power button the phone gives me option to shutdown.
If someone steals my phone they will be able to shut it off without unlocking it since holding down power button still works. So is there a way to lock the power button from shutting off phone when the phone is in pattern unlock mode?
Is it possible to lock widgets so that changes cannot be made to the 4.2.2 lock screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAt certain angles under strong lighting (basically when light is shining onto, but not reflected back off the screen) I can see a line that looks like it might be the edge of a circuit board behind my screen (when the display is off). Initially I thought it was a scratch, but on closer inspection, it's too thick a line, and much too precise and engineered looking to be one.
It's sorta this shape and runs across behind the screen, about 2/3 of the way up:
Has anyone else noticed this? Tis rather odd.
I want to port mod to my Tipo stock rom, i port Pure Performance X and Pure Audio..
When i flash it via CWM, i got
status (0)
installation aborted.
how to successfully port rom..?
Xperia Tipo
After messing with the 3.5 Dash D170 for a while, I've figured out a few fixes that you can do to get the most out of it. Below are the links with pertinent stuff..Root the device - URL.....
I ported cwm recovery with video enabled.URL.....
I also ported one custom rom for Dash 3.5 .URL....
Install Calendar Google Sync (in system/app) -URL.....
Install GoogleVoice -URL.....
Replacement Batteries - Authorized dealer is: URL.....
I just got a Blu Dash 3.5, and for some reason Google Play thinks it's incompatible with my phone (same with Calendar, but I can live without that for now.) I tried searching for a Google Voice APK on the forums and was able to side load install it and run it, but it kept running into mysterious connection errors when logging in.
Is there any way I can get Google Voice running on this thing? The phone is running 2.3.5. URL.....
I have a rooted tablet running 4.0.4 Android and would like to know if there's anything I can do to speed up a bit?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to add tweaks and mods while porting a rom
View 7 Replies View Relatedim using sony xperia U i installed many tweaks and mods on to stock ics ROM...when we back up this ROM with custom recovery does it also backup's tweaks and mods so that i can restore them..?
View 3 Replies View RelatedA Tasker task that when I'm on the lockscreen, I can tap or double tap to turn the screen off. I've looked in the Tasker tasks and I'm unable to find anything for this. I already use the Nova gesture+ScreenOff app to turn the screen off when I'm unlocked and at the homescreen, which works perfectly. The only thing Nova can't do it turn the screen off from the lockscreen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere i can found some roms or mods for Lg Optimus Sol (e730)?
View 2 Replies View Relatedseems pretty straightforward.
But doesn't work!
It scrunches the layout background as the background to each button, I want it to span all three buttons...
Is there an app or other way to see how many times you have flashed different roms, mods, themes etc?
I tried triangle away by chainfire but it didnt show exactly how many times device have been flashed.. (exellent app otherwise)
If it matters device is GT-I9300, GT-I9250, GT-I9000 (Galaxy S3, Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S)
I was wondering if there was any mods for Google maps that will show red light cameras
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I use android's camera, the buttons are transparent. Does anyone knows how to do that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have already found how can I do an ImageButton with Transparent background, but I would like to ask, how can I set the effective of it ?
How can I do it more transparent ?
My way as I do it: <gradient android:startColor="#aaffffff" android:endColor="#aaffffff" ...>
What should I write in to the color to be more transparent ?
Is there anyway to disable the initial swipe lock screen and replace with the pattern lock? Seems silly to have a double lock.....the pattern seems much better to me.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have a samsung vibrant. Every time i plug it in its charger, the lock screen will not lock amd if m doing something, the sensitivity of the screen will be thrown of. It doesn't do that if i plug,it,in a computer usb, it doesn't,do that and charges normally. Is that a wide spread issue.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have the slider Lock screen come up before the pattern lock?
I would like to slide unlock then enter pattern.
I'm using 2.1 dd10 rooted
For those of you who would like to spice up their lock screen, I have created an image of a master lock, that stretches as you slide across the screen!I have included a screen shot of this in action, as well as a link to the .9.png - which needs to be installed using NinjaMorph.I'm loving it, let me know what you think!MultiUpload Download Master Lock .9.PNG
View 45 Replies View RelatedWhy i get a Black screen with a translucent transparent background on my HTC Hero ? I used the code sample.It is OK with the emulators 1.5 and 2.1.Is there a way to have it on my Hero ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to create a transparent textview on click at the bottom of the running screen.
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