General :: Swipe Off Unwanted HALO Notifications
Jun 25, 2013Is it possible to swipe off the unwanted HALO notifications or do I have to open every notification in order to close it?

Is it possible to swipe off the unwanted HALO notifications or do I have to open every notification in order to close it?
Is there a way to add swipe to remove notifications feature on froyo based roms?I know froyo is totally outdated now but there might be very few who may be still using it like me..
View 3 Replies View Related"swipe to archive/delete in notifications" function in Gmail 4.3? Specifically, not being able to?
After upgrading to Gmail 4.3 on both of my devices (TF101 running Team EOS 4, and One S running LiquidSmooth 2.1), I had the ability to archive/delete from notifications. However, I noticed that this function was missing yesterday; it's gone back simply to "swipe to dismiss".
I've tried reinstalling, to no avail.
I work 24 hours shifts, and on my calendar I have those shifts set up as all day events. I made them in Outlook, it syncs with Google Calendar. I use Jorte as my calendar app. Every night where I am scheduled to work later that day, at midnight, I get a chime for that all day event. How do I turn this off, but not ALL of the notifications? Just for the all day ones.
View 6 Replies View Relatedthe latest nightlies gives you the ability to swipe your notifications in the notification bar to the left or right whenever you highlight them. it's pretty cool considering when you click clear everything goes away but now you can actually choose to keep which notifications you want to get rid of.
View 9 Replies View RelatedKeep getting a voice mail notification but I don't have a new voice mail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooking for something where when i swipe down, i see notifications and a horizontal row of assigned apps.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI know that lots of roms come with Halo now, but I've been wanting to stick with stock cm10.1 which unfortunately doesn't have it. Now I know that installing Halo is much more than just installing an apk, but How is Halo implemented into Roms, and if possible, some instruction on doing it myself.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am currently building AOKP and I want to add HALO to this. I have just downloaded all AOKP sources. I know that link to HALO repos is this:[URL] but what shall I do now?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI successfully built the cm 10.2 source the other night and flashed it to my devices. I've also seen that the Paranoid Android team made Halo open source and can add it to their ROM using Git. I have found the two commits that I need to merge with my source code but how, I've tried google and searching through guides but nothing is working.
View 9 Replies View RelatedUpdate: According to posters below it doesn't work on their fascinate. You can control the screen brightness, by swiping right or left, up where the notification bar is. if it doesn't work, try turning off power saving mode. settings>sound and display>power saving mode uncheck
View 20 Replies View RelatedNew to Android. I always used a app called Magicall on my WM device. I want to be able to block specific contacts, unknown number or anonymous numbers and also specific contacts for SMS. I can see I have the option to send a contact direct to voicemail but don't have the same facility for unknown/anonymous callers and nothing to block SMS. Any recommendations for an app that works with 2.1? (I'm using a HTC Desire)
View 6 Replies View RelatedI found an interesting tip over on the Tmobile forum that helped me out. I seam to get a real strong halo effect in my pictures from any light source, that blows out large parts of the photo. Most likely you have touched the camera lens while changing the battery or fooling about with the phone. Solution clean the camera lens and the inside and outside of the back cover. It is still far from great camera but, man, made it a whole lot better. All this time I thought it was just the crappy camera.
View 1 Replies View RelatedA friend and I are working on putting together a Reach weapon spawn timer for the as yet unannounced MLG game settings. The app should be released as soon as they are made public.
We just threw together a website showing some of the work we have done on the project so far, so if you are interested check it out at :
I am just wondering if swipe keyboard uses battery? My phone came with it already. I am running android 2.3.6
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have these ads. They show up as a white star with a red dot as the notification symbol....not sure what appis putting them there.....they can be jobs, singles sites...ect.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo, a few weeks ago, after having continuous problems with my phone (it kept giving me a storage capacity full warning, even though I had deleted most of my apps and all my text messages and the phone storage info on the phone said I had plenty of storage) I figured maybe I had too many pictures in my phone. I had about 375. I had never downloaded them to my computer before. So we went ahead and downloaded my photos. Too my suprise there were numerous images that came up on my computer, presumably from my phone, that were not in my pictures. Some were obviously from websites (pics of yahoo mail and such) but pics from what I would assume were from a website that I had never seen, ie. a resturant I had never been to, and a few questionable websites if you know what I mean. Nobody else has access to my phone. Where did these images come from? Was it a virus, or something attached to another website, or what??
View 4 Replies View RelatedA random app just appeared in My Apps in the Android Market app.
There is no uninstall button, nor can I find it in /system/app or /data/app. It does not appear in Titanium Backup either.
It is called karoges, by cloudnine.
I am worried if this is some kind of malware.
Running 2.3.6 Gingerbread on Samsung Galaxy S 4G. Valhalla Final ROM.
When I set my new phone up, it automatically asked what functions I wanted associated with certain swipes.. ie... swipe from right to left to delete, left to right to mark unread, etc... well, I accidentally set it backwards to what I'm used to and can't figure out how to change it back! I've been accidentally deleting things I don't want to delete... how can I change what the swipes do?
View 1 Replies View Relatedim obviously new here because im asking this question but I want to how to flash darkside swipe and what is the process the same for ROM too?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been looking up everywhere as to how to make apps, but everything i see is too complicated and i don't understand it. What i want to do is create a simple app that has a bunch of pages that you swipe to get to the next page, each page will just be a picture with a single button on it that links to some text. How would i go about doing this? (i have no programming experience)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just purchased a Galaxy S3 though Telus (Canada). I'm trying to figure out how to either: block emails or automatically delete emails at the phone level, NOT the server level.
My wife gets a lot of emails that I'm not interested in, I still want these messages to come through to her phone or
on the home computer, I just don't want them clogging my phone.Any apps I've seen can block either phone calls or sms texts, but not emails.
At some point in the past (in a moment of foolishness), I installed some piece of software on my Samsung S4 that sounds an audible alarm whenever any notification appears on the bar. It starts beeping and will not stop until I swipe down. As my employer has insisted on a password, this is now often a minute-long process and very annoying and occasionally embarrassing.
Note, I like notifications; I just want to stop this alarm going off every time I get one from any application.
I cannot find anything intuitive in any list of applications or any other system list. How do I get rid of it?
So I am wondering if there is an app for blocking calls/sms from unwanted people. Me and my family are fed up with advertising messages or calls from people and we seek a way to block them.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy wife recently upgraded from Droid RAZR Maxx to a Galaxy S5. one of the things she misses is the old contact manager on the RAZR - because it has a feature that allows her to look at contact details and then swipe left or right to the previous or next contact.
I looked through a few of the more popular contact managers out there and couldn't find one that had this feature.
I was wondering if I can add icons to the display that comes up when I swipe up from the home button on the Moto G.
Currently on the display is the Google icon which takes me to Google Now. Is there a method of adding more icons to the display?
e.g. Swipe up for Google Now
Swipe right for Chrome
Swipe left for Whatsapp
There looks to be plenty of room on the display which got me thinking.
Ok, so recently (out of the blue) I went into the gallery on my Android and all the thumbnails were a plain image with a padlock. When I open images, I can view them individually but I cannot swipe to different images. I have no third party applications installed..
View 4 Replies View RelatedI turned on my samsung galaxy s3 and I swiped to go to my lock screen and then my phone turned off. I couldnt turn it back on but like the next 5 sec. it automatically turned on. now, I cant turn it off or swipe to unlock. my screen isn't broken because I can easily go to my notification screen and tap anything on there and it will still work. the clock is frozen but it will still show when it is charging or not. (I got this phone only a few months ago)
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny apps out there that mimic the swipe features in windows 8 for Android? Like left edge cycles active apps, bottom edge menu, top edge to bottom kills app, etc?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat app can let me Swipe from left (bottom) to go homescreen. I've use swipeback from Xposed but i want to go home (like press home buttom) not just go back.
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