General :: How To Compile ROM With HALO
Jul 29, 2013I am currently building AOKP and I want to add HALO to this. I have just downloaded all AOKP sources. I know that link to HALO repos is this:[URL] but what shall I do now?

I am currently building AOKP and I want to add HALO to this. I have just downloaded all AOKP sources. I know that link to HALO repos is this:[URL] but what shall I do now?
I know that lots of roms come with Halo now, but I've been wanting to stick with stock cm10.1 which unfortunately doesn't have it. Now I know that installing Halo is much more than just installing an apk, but How is Halo implemented into Roms, and if possible, some instruction on doing it myself.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI successfully built the cm 10.2 source the other night and flashed it to my devices. I've also seen that the Paranoid Android team made Halo open source and can add it to their ROM using Git. I have found the two commits that I need to merge with my source code but how, I've tried google and searching through guides but nothing is working.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to swipe off the unwanted HALO notifications or do I have to open every notification in order to close it?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhen I compile android ( it does not compile some source files. For example there is external/bluetooth/bluez/sbc/sbc.c which is not compiled. There are also other such files.
It's possible those files need not to be compiled. Or it might be that I need some special configuration to compile them.
Either way, if it is possible, I'd like to compile them. Is there some way to do it? Maybe some "compile_all" make target? (I believe the reason why I want to compile all source files is not important)
I found an interesting tip over on the Tmobile forum that helped me out. I seam to get a real strong halo effect in my pictures from any light source, that blows out large parts of the photo. Most likely you have touched the camera lens while changing the battery or fooling about with the phone. Solution clean the camera lens and the inside and outside of the back cover. It is still far from great camera but, man, made it a whole lot better. All this time I thought it was just the crappy camera.
View 1 Replies View RelatedA friend and I are working on putting together a Reach weapon spawn timer for the as yet unannounced MLG game settings. The app should be released as soon as they are made public.
We just threw together a website showing some of the work we have done on the project so far, so if you are interested check it out at :
compiling PHP 5.4.17 CLI for android on Ubuntu 13.04. I just have installed Ubuntu on my pc. What are the next steps ? How to setup it for cross compiling php ?
Which tools do I need and where/how to get this ?
I need to edit my phone "service.jar' file. So i need to know how to compile and decompile ".jar" files. I think before the edit ".jar" files i need to decompile it like android apps. Are there any too for it like apktool? I try to do it with apktool but not success.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use my phone Huawei Y210 and found the kernel source provided by Huawei. compile the kernel source.This is the link kernel: URL....
View 1 Replies View Relatedi want to compile a rom for lg p690 from source which guide will be best for it
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe samsung galaxy s wifi/player 3.6 haven't cwm because we have a verry small comunity (3.6 thread : [URL] ...)
I tried to compile cwm 5 from cm7 source while ago and I didn't succeed : a error with a too big size out image.
Today I re-download the cm7 source but too many file are missing.
I have made a CM7 theme and I'm unable to compile it. I have investigated it a little and found out that if I decompile a theme and then compile it back without ANY change, it gives the following error:
chris@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ apktool b xres
W: Could not find sources
I: Checking whether resources has changed..[code]....
how to compile FFMpeg with support for the Mali GPU or Generic Android HW acceleration?A good number of video players on the Android Market are able to playback HD video without issue, where some not optimized for GPU decoding are not.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have built many kernels on the wildfire s for cm7 but I noticed that ksgl was not getting compiled so I added it to the build and it compiles but at the end of compiling. URL...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want compile this apk from github source steps:
1)git clone URL....
2)So I have the folder with files on my pc
Now next step to compile apk? I have both windows and ubuntu...
I've attempted to build two different sources, one modified ICS AOSP and another from straight up JB AOSP. Both err on me.
JB spits out the following:
make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/devicetest/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/lib_driver_cmd_wext_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/devicetest/obj/EXECUTABLES/wpa_supplicant_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
target thumb C: wpa_cli <= external/wpa_supplicant_8/wpa_supplicant/src/utils/edit.c
I'd prefer to get JB working, but would be satisfied with ICS for now.
getting a dev board for use as a mini pc. Wondering can you compile android on arm hardware or only on x86 hardware. If you can compile android on arm I will get a high end quad core dev board, if not will just go for a mid range dual core board. Thought it would be a fun project to have an auto android builder along with file and print server. Yes I know it will be slow to compile.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am on CM "jellybean" branch and want compile iw from source in order to get a p2p0 interface. My goal is use precompiled provided by my vendor (Sony). I add iw sorces in external/iw directory and modified of external/libnl-header in order to create the module "libnl" necessary for compile iw. All changes are in this commit.
When I compile I obtain this
external/iw/iw.h:5:29: fatal error: netlink/netlink.h: No such file or directory
It look like the libnl module is not imported by iw.
how to compile a rom from source on windows 7 tried virtual machine but dont work
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am needing to make a kernel for a certain device. There aren't any source codes available for that device but there are for multiple clones out there. I am running Linux Mint Debian edition and i cant find a guide for compiling a kernel on debian.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi tried to decompile systemui.apk it decompiled successfully using apktool but whenever i tries to recompile it it shows dis error
it is of cyanogen mod 9.1
C:UsersyoDownloadsCompressedNew folder (2)>apktool b SystemUI
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
invalid resource directory name: C:UsersyoDownloadsCompressedNew folder (2)
what is the most simple way to get the latest version of TextSecure installed on my Android Phone?
My solution was creating something using the sourcecode found here: [URL] But the question is, how can I get it working. I've tried multiple things, but it seems like it isn't as easy as I thought. Currently I am on Windows 8. My phone is an Xperia S without GAPPS flashed, so no Play Store. Only F-Droid with FOSS.
I want to compile TWRP recovery for an unsupported device. I compile with Linuxmint 17, java 6 and Omni 4.4 sources. I compile without erros but it doesn't work.Here are and recovery.fstab i have used, and the log.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to compile cm7 from source under ubuntu 12.04.
I compiled successfully on ubuntu 10.04 before, but my notebook got broken So on my new notebook I installed 12.04 (64bit).
Repo remained the same.I tried to setup build enviroment as described here.Had to additionally install packages schedtool ,zlib1g-dev and pngcrush.Now in the end of the compile process I get the following error:
frameworks/base/core/java/com/google/android/mms/pdu/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class PduCache
location: package
Googled for it, but didn't find anything useful.
I was being decompiling my settings.apk And after compiling i was edit XML Files there And after editing i compile it And theres a error that it said go to option 21 to take a log but its only a compression level for apks i think its should 24. I was only creating a rom but this only compiling made the day long to post it here
GT-S5300 Rooted with Remix v2 Rom
I am looking for compile AOSP Gingerbread for Galaxy ACE 2.
- I am a software programmer
- I have experience with linux
- I know how to compile a basic AOSP rom
but i am struggling with specific device drivers and configuration files.
I'm trying to compile kernel for A10 Aurora i have a couple of questions.I'm using this guide for make a custom kernel.Compiled allwinner-v3.0-android-v2.Btw my laptop is running ubuntu 32 bit 2 cores 30gb hdd on VMware workstation.
I made zImage, uImage and modules without getting any errors but how to flash them to the device?Using adb? making boot.img making cwm zip how to pack them?
OBJCOPY arch/arm/boot/Image
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/Image is ready[code]....
Last week, I played around with getting a custom recovery built for INQ Cloud Touch..
After compiling - flashing recompiling re-flashing for almost a week and on the verge of giving up ...
I realized, searched and found flash_image ... come to find out custom compile of recovery was fine, fastboot did not like my device and wasn't flashing it properly.
So flash_image got the custom recovery working as suppose to, able to backup/restore ... Flash roms.. however there are no roms.. best i could do was try roms from devices close to this one, with no luck!
So i decided i would try my hand at making a 2.3.7 gingerbread rom. Of course stock is froyo 2.2.1 and before i can make the rom.. i need a kernel for gingerbread. So I got the cm-kernel source using this guide:
[URL] .....
pulled my .config file using both
and the included script to pull it from the boot.img
Now, i been trying to get kernel compiled for the last 5 days.. and like i said, no lack of searching and reading... Had first error, forgot what it was now, but i got it fixed and compile went on.
LD .tmp_vmlinux1
arm-eabi-ld: no machine record defined
arm-eabi-ld: no machine record defined
arch/arm/mach-msm/built-in.o: In function `parse_tag_msm_partition':
[Code] ......
I have a notepad full of things i have enabled/disabled and restored to original trying to find what is missing or shouldn't be there!
I am trying to compile a kernel for LGE-P690 from CM ICS source but i don't have the device in my hand i searched all over the net for vendor files but i was unsuccessful in finding vendor files for ics but i found one for gingerbread so is there anyway i could perform ./ without device or can i convert gingerbread vendor files to ics if so how elaborate.
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