Android :: Message - Saying Loading Data Please Wait - Taking Long Time
Nov 25, 2009I have a message -- saying Loading Data, please wait -- but it's been a long time. What does this mean? How can I make it stop?

I have a message -- saying Loading Data, please wait -- but it's been a long time. What does this mean? How can I make it stop?
I just received a warranty exchange Samsung Vibrant, & I am currently in the process of putting all my apps onto it. I have the widget on my home screen. The widget seems to be working, but the "loading data please wait" message is still displayed in my notification drawer & the little circle of dots is still in the task bar up top.
I just purchased my Driod on Wednesday. I took it back today because it kept on freezing. They gave me a new one, but for the last 6 hours it has been "loading data, Please wait...". The Verizon store had no clue what was going on. It is in the task bar.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm following the guide at the following link.
I'm using the offline installer by using the guide at the following link.
I'm using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 3.5 (Galileo) on Windows XP. The installation was stuck at 5% install phase.
i try and shut down my htc desire it takes hours anybody any ideas i end up taking the battery out
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy sdcard has been taking awfully long to mount to USB. It used to be almost instantaneous like your average USB thumbdrive or external hard disk. Im on a non-rooted nexus one running froyo. Any suggestions?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a used, but in good condition Optimus V. Not a great phone, but it does what I need. However, in the past couple days I've found that when the phone does its auto-timeout, it takes up to ten seconds for it to switch back on. By that I mean that when I press the power button just to get to the passcode screen (not to turn the whole thing on), it takes much longer than it did when I first got it.
I've uninstalled recent apps, but it's done nothing. What to do?
I am working on building an android app but I'm nothing that my SQL operations are taking forever to complete
I have profiled the app to narrow it down to the act of moving the Cursor to the first row of the result set for a simple select query (only returning 1 row where I'm testing it to eliminate the size of the result set as a problem.
Are there any better options for moving to the start of the result set?
some code...
this runs 3 times and i have time it to approximately 2 secs for all the rest of the code or over a minute with this in.
i have also run just the rawQuery statement with out the move to first and its takes bout 18 secs so im looking at the worst part of the code first.
Before I updated to android 2.2 and updated to latest Googlemaps the navigation was perfect. It calculated the route in seconds and was a joy to use. Since the updates, it is taking ages to calculate route, so long in fact that I exit the programme and start again, and then I just give up and dig out my atlas.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo all of a sudden my Handsent is acting up, long time to open, wont send pics, but will send pics if I use stock messeges. Do I need to reset the entire phone again and start from scratch or is there an easier way to fix the problem with Handsent?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have rooted my Samsung Galaxy y duos lite[GT-S5302] , and installed jellybean 4.2 , i could not connect my device to computer and even Samsung kies displays : device is taking long time fo responding , how to reinstall 2.3.6 gingerbread ? or any other options?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWithin the last week my tablet stating running very slow.
Pages take a long time to load Apps take forever to load Apps crash every other time I open them.
I thought it was my router (netgear n600) but my iPad and cell phone.
I am supposed to receive my Droid Incredible after a month long wait...the only problem is...I don't think I will be at home at all. What should I do? Do I call and tell them to set it aside? Or tell them to come later? Or try for Tuesday?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe speaker on my Incredible is blew out.. How long will I have to wait to get a replacement?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem handling messages in a Thread. My run-method looks like this The problem is that the run-method logs "id from message: null" though "message ID" has a value in the Log-statement. Why does the message "lose" it's data when being send to the thread? Has it something to do with the notify?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFinally after many days of getting StackOverflowError, I've tracked down the issue and fixed it, only to find that my game's serialization takes about 5 -10 seconds on the emulator and most likely around that in the target. So far my the lifecycle of my game is as follows
onCreate - check if serialization file exists, if it does, de- serializes it. (~ 5-10 seconds) onPause - if the game is not complete, then serialize it (~ 5-10 seconds) I remember reading somewhere that another activity's onResume will NOT get called UNTIL the previous activity's onPause has ended. So I am worried that my game is delaying another activity that wants to start from doing so i.e like a phone call etc. I think speeding up the serialization is not going to be feasible, so any ideas on what I can do? Can I serialize in the onDestroy instead of the onPause? I read that the onPause is the only safest place to store the state.
I know a lot of people have been experiencing 4-5 hour time periods for charging the phone. If you want to cut that down to 2 hours or possibly less, just follow my fix steps!
1. Plug phone in
2. Turn Phone Off
3. Wait 5 seconds
4. Turn Phone On
Voila! But i still do the turning the phone off to get the full charge thing. Hope this helps you all!
Is there a recommended wait time to put the battery back in after a battery pull?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone else having with Pandora not loading at all or taking minuets to get a song to play? If so what was the solution to repair it.
View 16 Replies View RelatedJust got the phone and loving it so far but im having major issue's with You Tube, Most video's take about 5 mins to load in low quality and in high quality it can take upto 30 mins or more which of course by that time the phone locks and the video has to restart again.
Any suggestions as to why it takes so long? Also is there a setting for video's to automatically start in high quality? And for the phone not to lock?
I would like to know how many times I must wait to post an update for my application.I want to be sure that the update will appears in the "news" section of the Android Market.
View 4 Replies View RelatedTwo issues that are bugging me...
1) Is there a way to avoid notification sounds to take place during media playback, mainly music player, without having to change my sounds profile to silent, or vibrate?
2) All of a sudden my phone is taking a little long to load SMS conversations. Is there a way to fix that? I feel as though my Snapdragon shouldn't lag when I open a text.
For my CS bachelors I am doing a Senior project using android and google maps.My vision was to do a (relatively) simple Dijkstra shortest path using google maps road data. I was going to add elevation change along with 2D distance. I am doing well playing with maps in android but I am completely stumped trying to access google maps data in any sort of searchable form.How would I go about accessing the data for say intersections of roads (lat/long) in a particular area?There has to be a way to pull that data in some sort of tree form. It seems like it may be possible with kml?Any pointers would be awesome.I want my paths to follow roads but If i cant this is going to turn into an orienteering application fairly fast.
View 2 Replies View Relatedto start with I've gone through the entire notepad tutorial, I'm a professional game programmer who has some extra time. (though most of my time has been in C++, I did take a year or two of Java classes in college, and remember some of it). I'm not sure the site is a good site to ask questions like this.. If someone has a Forum that might be a good place to ask these newbie questions, please feel free to point me in the direction. I've examined a few of the samples, and think I've a grasp of what I want to do. I've a three to four project plan for some Android releases to sharpen my skills, but since this is my first project and I have never really developed for a mobile phone or the android before, I'd like to make sure I have a solid plan.The first project is an example of the license plate game, however I want to do a few things to change it. Heck maybe when I'm done it'll become a bingo style game, with bluetooth connectivity, you never know. The base idea is I want to offer a list of states, with checkboxes next to them. so to do this, I'll be starting with a Linear List layout similar to the note pad example, and then have a row that is only a Checkbox. I can use text and call strike through if it's been checked off. Perhaps offer an option to not show them if they are checked.
But I want the list to be generated from a set of lists. Maybe all of America's states, maybe reasonable American states (no Hawaii, no Alaska) maybe a North American list, (add in Mexico and some Canadian provinces), a European list, who knows. I'd probably have to have a pop up window that lists all of the lists I suppose using a radiogroup of some sort. So then as far as the data, after weighing options I think best solution is to make a database with two fields, "checked" and "name".I figure I can use the menu for most of the user interaction (aside from clicking on stuff we want to check off) with maybe a few context menu items, I understand how to make all of those already so I should be good. The question I have is what is the best way to populate the lists? Should I create raw data, and have different files for all the lists? Or is there some other way to do this? I've seen this done on the searchable dictionary, but I'd like to hear what people who have actually generated the data like this before. In addition is there an easy way to look at the sql database these applications create, or do you have to run searches on them and output the data? Finally any other suggestion or advice? I definitely want to try to get something like this on the market so I can see the full life cycle and see if anyone actually likes it. (luckily there's not a plethora of them already) but I also want a few people to look over my code if they're willing when I'm done to make sure I've done this right or at least not missing any basic mistakes.
My emulator is taking more time to open main page what may be the Problem.
View 4 Replies View Relatedis there any way to debug live running apps to see what processes are taking alot of cpu time? I see the options in DDMS but they are not really live. I would just like to see what processes took alot of time so I can dig into the code to optimize it
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Epic Has been charging for hours now and still hasn't hit full charge. I was charging it at work all day and now when I got home. Horrible battery life and worst of all it takes insane amounts of time for it too charge. Yes I have reset my phone many times and even did a factory reset. Is this happening to anyone else?
View 21 Replies View RelatedI go to the trash icon on the email app and go to delete the emails from 2 weeks. It takes FOREVER to delete them all. And I still havent deleted all of them. I go to delete like 4 of them and it takes at least 10 seconds just to delete 4 of them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor instance, we are in SomeActivity and the activity has a button that invokes moving files from one dir to another (let's call it job).On Android things change. I know there's the AsyncTask that is probably provided to solve my case. There's even a good example of how it should be used. But since there's no guarantee of how long an Activity instance will live the AsyncTask should be cancelled on onSaveInstanceState (and restarted on onRestoreInstanceState). This means using AsyncTask there's no guarantee we are able to fully fulfill the job once started. In some cases as sending an http post request for creating a user I would not want to get in "user already exists for this login" trouble on reruning the AsyncTask. This is possible since the AsyncTask can be interrupted while the request is already sent (and the server actually is doing its job - creating a new user), but the AsyncTask is canceled before we got the response.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to set an long-term alert/reminder from an Android application? I'd like to display notification in a few weeks after current date. I believe there is no need to write a service for such task. Will AlarmManager do the trick? Or should application be started daily and performing check? After countdown was started, upcoming alert should survive upgrading application from Android Market.
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