Android :: Want Best Wide Keyboard Apps

Jul 11, 2010

I've been using the HTC IME keyboard for a while
but i want to try something different
does anyone know of a keyboard application with wide keyboards?

Android :: Want best wide keyboard apps

Android :: Setting Application - Wide Themes

Feb 22, 2010

I have created several files in a res/values/styles.xml file.

Here's one of them:


I can apply the style to a single element in the xml by setting the style element like this:


So, that works, and I notice that change. But what I really want to do is use the style above to apply to my entire application. I thought I'd be able to use this line:


Before the super.onCreate of the first activity. But it doesn't work. Should it?

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Android :: Applying Theme Over Application Wide

Mar 7, 2010

I want to apply theme over setting application wide. So I implemented below code but there was no effect.

1. AndroidMenifest.xml
<application android:label="@string/settings_label" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher_settings" android:theme="@android:style/Widget.ListView" android:taskAffinity=""> -> added Widget.ListView style provided in android system and I changed style.xml file like below

2. FrameWork/base/core/res/res/values/styles.xml
before change : <item name="android:listSelector">@android:drawable/ list_selector_background</item>
After change: <style name="Widget.ListView" parent="Widget.AbsListView"> <item.................................

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Android :: Scroll Infinitely Wide View?

Oct 17, 2009

I am pondering the alternatives on how to scroll an "infinite", scale-like, control in android. The simple idea is to redraw the entire view on each scroll movement, but somehow it doesn't seem like the proper way. It is possible to draw the contents before-hand, but I have no clue how wide I should make the view in the first place, and what happens when the user scrolls to the end of the view? I guess I need to extend the view towards that direction. Should I go towards programatically adding (and removing) chunks of view to a linear layout? It would be great to hear what experiences are out there regarding drawing this kind of long-scrolling custom control.

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Android :: How To Listen For System Wide Key Presses?

Jun 4, 2010

I am trying to add a listener to my service that listens for volume key presses. I would like to act on presses even if my service is not in focus. Any idea how to do this? I have looked over the API, as well as performed google searches.

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Android :: Application-wide Resources / How To Achieve?

Sep 17, 2010

So I'm struggling a bit with what is probably a fairly basic concept.. Activity Lifecycle.I have read a bunch of thread on the topic, and I feel I understand well both the functionality, and rationale behind the lifecycle model implemented for Activities, but it raises a bit of a problem for me. My app (game) has a couple of distinct Activities for various sections:

1. The TitleActivity is a very small Activity that just launches a GLSurfaceView and renders a startup logo.I use this to detect the OpenGL capabilities of the device (eg so I know if it's using a software renderer)

2. The LaunchActivity is the main menu screen where the user can access options etc and start a game

3. The GameActivity will either launches a GLSurfaceView or a standard View depending on hardware capabilties.

The issue I am having is that I want to pre-load some "slow-to-load" resources, specifically audio, in the Title Activity so when the Launch Activity renders I can play some background music.I have the concept of a "media library" which I use throughout the game.Because of memory limitations in the SoundPool, I have limited this to only absolute real-time sounds and all others are played using mulitple instances of MediaPlayer.Hence my media library has a bunch of pre-loaded MediaPlayer instances which I access regularly during game play.. so it makes sense to have a centralized access point for all audio.All fine, however the problem is that when I launch one activity from another.. for example the TitleActivity starts the LaunchActivity (via a call to startActivity(Intent...)), the former goes through the onDestroy stage of its lifecycle.Now logically I had assumed that if I allocate a bunch of resources in the onCreate of an Activity, I should clean them up in the onDestroy, however in the case of my "media library" if I load up the audio files in the onCreate of my TitleActivity they will be torn down when the LaunchActivity is started because the TitleActivity will have its onDestroy() method called.

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Android :: Webview Displaying 100% Wide Pages

Mar 25, 2010

I am working on an app that uses webview for a help section.The help section is loaded from an external site, that is specifically designed for mobile phones.There are a series of 5 pages, with a simple next/ back navigation.When the first page loads, it loads perfectly, filling the entire area of the screen.When you click next, the page is now smaller with a large white gap around it (right and bottom), when I click back to the first page, this page now is displaying the same way (gap around it).I have tried setting body/table/container divs to 100% wide, and this continues to happen.However it works perfectly on any desktop browser.

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Android :: How To Exclude Some Parts Of UI From An Application Wide Theme?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a theme in my app that defines a custom color for the background. This is the green you see above the tabwidget. In some of my Activities I'm using a Tabhost for my Layout. Now I get something like this as a result: My tabwidget has a black background and I'm happy with that, but the icons in the tabwidget are transparent and this leads to them showing the green background defined in my style. How can I define the tabhost as not styled and have the transparent icons show the tabwidget the resion on instead of a solid background color?

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Android :: Need System - Wide Touch Event Application

Sep 5, 2010

I'd like to receive a TouchEvent in my Android application any time the screen is touched. Even if my application is not in focus.Is there an general even listener or intent filter I can write to achieve this? The goal is to write system wide gesture engine. So for example, if the user swiped up and then down, a certain application would be launched regardless of where the user is.

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Android :: High Quality Wide Band VOIP Client

Jul 24, 2010

For a new radio project i am looking for a voip client that supports high quality audio transfer. So not the "normal" narrow band voip sound but just like a normal conversation/radio etc. Is there something free on the market?

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Android :: Best Practices For Targetting A Wide Range Of Devices And Screen Sizes

Aug 31, 2010

As you know android today is many versions many constructors, many screen sizes,...

it's quite difficult for developers today to write programs that targets a big part of devices.

What would be THE developer must-know practices for this ?

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Android :: How To Create 3 Equally Wide TextView Which Fill Parent Across The Screen

May 11, 2010

How can I create 3 equally wide TextView which fill parent across the screen? I tried doing this, but the width of the TextView are different: it is 149, 89, 89.


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HTC EVO 4G :: Some Macro / Wide Angle Lens Shots

Jun 23, 2010

I just got the Macro/Wide Angle lens I ordered online for my Evo last night, so here are some shots from today.

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HTC Incredible :: Notifications Changing System-Wide

May 31, 2010

If I customize all of my alerts for SMS, email, calls, etc., to sounds (no vibrate), and put the phone in vibrate mode, does it replace all of these sounds with vibration? So that there is no sound coming out of the phone? Same with if I put the phone on silent? I would hope you don't have to go in and change the notification settings for each application to vibrate if you want vibrate, right?I've read some stuff that suggested that this could happen, and it doesn't make sense, but I wanted to make sure.

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Motorola Droid X :: Wide Spread SMS App Slowdown

Aug 12, 2010

I noticed lately that my stock text message application, is going very slow. On entering the application, screen goes black for 5-10 seconds, loads up each contact, picture, name, 20 seconds later, no lag. In this post, a Droid X user actually contacts Motorolla and Verizon about the issue:Text Lag is Back - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum.

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Android :: Names Of Apps With A Better Keyboard?

Jul 1, 2010

Please tell me the names of apps with a better keyboard!

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General :: Apple Color Emoji System-wide

Jun 27, 2013

Is it possible to make an app which does, was WhatsApp does? - Replacing the Unicode emoji codes with pictures of Apple Color Emoji.

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General :: How To Get Full Color Emoji System Wide

Nov 30, 2013

Can we somehow get android 4.4 color emoji on Android 4.2.2? I don't mind replacing some system files. Obviously Apple emojis would be cool, but they use some proprietary stuff in the ttf file.


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General :: Apex - Changing App Icons System Wide?

Apr 6, 2013

I am using Apex now and I can change the icons in the drawer and homescreen but when i open the Recents menu or actually go into an app, the icons are still stock (or from applied theme).

Is it possible to change the icons system-wide or is there an app that can at least change the icons in the Recents menu?

My device is rooted running 4.1. .

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Samsung Vibrant :: Macro And Wide Angle Lens Attachment

Aug 20, 2010

Has anyone tried using the EVO 4G lens on their Galaxy S?
Macro Lens Attachment

It was mentioned that the diameter of the lens is 13 mm, which is about the diagonal length of the little square on our Galaxy S/Vibrant. (Captivate has a round lens, so you guys should be able to glue on the metal ring easily) So we might have a bit of problem attaching the metal ring that comes with the macro lens. I really do want a wide angle lens for my phone though. I can think of plenty of use for it. (I know about the DVD lens DIY, but I don't happen to have a old DVD-rom lying around at the moment.)

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Android :: Want Keyboards Apps To Improve Standard X10 Keyboard

Aug 3, 2010

Does anybody know any keyboards apps which are an improvement to the standard X10 keyboard. I used to have a great one, which showed the voice input on every single text input screen, but since i had to restore my phone, Ive lost it.

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Open Native Android Soft Keyboard On NDK Apps

Jul 27, 2012

I have an android NDK application.In this application coding in c++ language.There some resource file .C++ aceess this file and show in Mobile.Now I want to open android soft keyboard and write something.How I open Native android on NDK Application.

How can I open Native android soft keyboard on NDK apps.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Playing Videos In Full And Wide Screen

Jun 27, 2010

Just got an x10 I convert and move mpeg4 videos to the phone. The videos play fine however they are not full screen in landscape. Instead in landscape mode they are more square shaped videos.

How can i play videos in full wide screen?

I havent downloaded any video/media player apps, im using thr default one on the x10.

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Android :: Missing Smiley Face - ChompSMS - Better Keyboard Apps

Jan 19, 2010

I just installed ChompSMS and I have already been using Better Keyboard. I type in vertical mode using t9 and the smiley face has always been there in the bottom right corner (while using default messaging application)

Now I installed ChompSMS and can't get the smiley face back, right now it is an Enter arrow. I have a Droid if that matters.

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Samsung Captivate :: Charging Port Not Plug In / Sliding Door Doesn't Open Wide Enough

Jul 30, 2010

My charging cable doesn't seem to plug all the way in when pressed. The phone charges fine, but I am wondering if that is the normal fit or not. It is almost like the sliding door doesn't open wide enough.

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Android :: Better Keyboard - Switch From T9 Keyboard To Regular Qwerty Keyboard

Apr 18, 2010

For those of you that are familiar with better keyboard. I was wondering about an easy way to switch from the t9 keyboard to the regular qwerty keyboard. I was under the impression that swiping left would toggle between the 2 but all that does is bring me to the numbers and symbols keyboard. I've been changing back and forth to the android keyboard because its faster than going into the better keyboard settings.

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Motorola Droid X :: APP - ROOT - Keyboard - Keyboard Manager - Dual Keyboard - Portrait - Landscape Switch

Nov 10, 2010

I tried it and it works so far.

Dev = ne0fhyk from XDA.

From the XDA forum: Link to app page = [APP][ROOT/Keyboard] Keyboard Manager - Dual keyboard: Portrait/landscape switch - xda-developers


Keyboard Manager allows you to customize what keyboard (input method) appear on input based on your phone orientation.
It displays the keyboards you have enabled on your android device, and let you select one per orientation (landscape/portrait).
As your phone switch orientation, the app automatically switch the keyboard.

- Rooted android device (app was tested on Samsung captivate 2.1)
- Root Explorer app, or similar app that allows you to edit the permissions of a file.

To install:
1- Download the app (KeyboardManager.apk) on your device sdcard.
2- Using Root Explorer, move the apk file to /system/app
3- Using Root Explorer, edit the file permissions like below:
-- User: 'Read/Write' checked
--Group: 'Read' checked
--Others: 'Read' checked
4- Exit Root Explorer

The app should be visible in your launcher as 'Keyboard Manager'

- Added option to disable notification icon
-' start on boot' feature is disabled because it's not yet complete and tested... Sorry for the confusion

-On certain applications (i.e: Messaging on Samsung Captivate), the input window occasionally freeze on orientation switch. Exiting the app, and resuming should fix it.

The app is still in development.

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HTC Tattoo :: Better Keyboard For Phone / Apps To Get A Qwerty One?

Nov 13, 2009

Does someone know if Better Keyboard is available for Tattoo, or if there are other apps to get a qwerty keyboard, instead of an qwertz..

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Motorola Droid : Way To Use Different Virtual Keyboard For Apps?

Jan 21, 2010

Is it possible to use a different virtual keyboard for the search function vs other apps? Right now swype is my default virtual keyboard, but it is not good for searching names and stuff. Can I change to use different keyboard just for when I hit the search button on droid? How do I do it.

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Samsung Moment :: Virtual Keyboard - Available Apps - Video Recorder

Nov 12, 2009

So despite the GPS glitches I experienced with my first Moment, this second unit is really impressing me. Everyday I grow to like it even more and I can't believe I almost traded it for a Hero!

I love the solid build and the ability to customize the phone.

I love the physical keyboard but also having the option of a virtual keyboard.

I love the thousands of available apps.

I love having a video recorder and camera in one.

I love the AMOLED screen.

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