Android :: Need System - Wide Touch Event Application
Sep 5, 2010
I'd like to receive a TouchEvent in my Android application any time the screen is touched. Even if my application is not in focus.Is there an general even listener or intent filter I can write to achieve this? The goal is to write system wide gesture engine. So for example, if the user swiped up and then down, a certain application would be launched regardless of where the user is.
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May 5, 2009
How to pass the "Touch" event to the application behind the translucent view? The view is an input view (IMF, implemented by "InputMethodService.setInputView()"). Need help.
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Jun 4, 2010
I am trying to add a listener to my service that listens for volume key presses. I would like to act on presses even if my service is not in focus. Any idea how to do this? I have looked over the API, as well as performed google searches.
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May 31, 2010
If I customize all of my alerts for SMS, email, calls, etc., to sounds (no vibrate), and put the phone in vibrate mode, does it replace all of these sounds with vibration? So that there is no sound coming out of the phone? Same with if I put the phone on silent? I would hope you don't have to go in and change the notification settings for each application to vibrate if you want vibrate, right?I've read some stuff that suggested that this could happen, and it doesn't make sense, but I wanted to make sure.
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Jun 27, 2013
Is it possible to make an app which does, was WhatsApp does? - Replacing the Unicode emoji codes with pictures of Apple Color Emoji.
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Nov 30, 2013
Can we somehow get android 4.4 color emoji on Android 4.2.2? I don't mind replacing some system files. Obviously Apple emojis would be cool, but they use some proprietary stuff in the ttf file.
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Apr 6, 2013
I am using Apex now and I can change the icons in the drawer and homescreen but when i open the Recents menu or actually go into an app, the icons are still stock (or from applied theme).
Is it possible to change the icons system-wide or is there an app that can at least change the icons in the Recents menu?
My device is rooted running 4.1. .
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Feb 22, 2010
I have created several files in a res/values/styles.xml file.
Here's one of them:
I can apply the style to a single element in the xml by setting the style element like this:
So, that works, and I notice that change. But what I really want to do is use the style above to apply to my entire application. I thought I'd be able to use this line:
Before the super.onCreate of the first activity. But it doesn't work. Should it?
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Mar 7, 2010
I want to apply theme over setting application wide. So I implemented below code but there was no effect.
1. AndroidMenifest.xml
<application android:label="@string/settings_label" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher_settings" android:theme="@android:style/Widget.ListView" android:taskAffinity=""> -> added Widget.ListView style provided in android system and I changed style.xml file like below
2. FrameWork/base/core/res/res/values/styles.xml
before change : <item name="android:listSelector">@android:drawable/ list_selector_background</item>
After change: <style name="Widget.ListView" parent="Widget.AbsListView"> <item.................................
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Sep 17, 2010
So I'm struggling a bit with what is probably a fairly basic concept.. Activity Lifecycle.I have read a bunch of thread on the topic, and I feel I understand well both the functionality, and rationale behind the lifecycle model implemented for Activities, but it raises a bit of a problem for me. My app (game) has a couple of distinct Activities for various sections:
1. The TitleActivity is a very small Activity that just launches a GLSurfaceView and renders a startup logo.I use this to detect the OpenGL capabilities of the device (eg so I know if it's using a software renderer)
2. The LaunchActivity is the main menu screen where the user can access options etc and start a game
3. The GameActivity will either launches a GLSurfaceView or a standard View depending on hardware capabilties.
The issue I am having is that I want to pre-load some "slow-to-load" resources, specifically audio, in the Title Activity so when the Launch Activity renders I can play some background music.I have the concept of a "media library" which I use throughout the game.Because of memory limitations in the SoundPool, I have limited this to only absolute real-time sounds and all others are played using mulitple instances of MediaPlayer.Hence my media library has a bunch of pre-loaded MediaPlayer instances which I access regularly during game play.. so it makes sense to have a centralized access point for all audio.All fine, however the problem is that when I launch one activity from another.. for example the TitleActivity starts the LaunchActivity (via a call to startActivity(Intent...)), the former goes through the onDestroy stage of its lifecycle.Now logically I had assumed that if I allocate a bunch of resources in the onCreate of an Activity, I should clean them up in the onDestroy, however in the case of my "media library" if I load up the audio files in the onCreate of my TitleActivity they will be torn down when the LaunchActivity is started because the TitleActivity will have its onDestroy() method called.
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Jun 28, 2010
I have a theme in my app that defines a custom color for the background. This is the green you see above the tabwidget. In some of my Activities I'm using a Tabhost for my Layout. Now I get something like this as a result: My tabwidget has a black background and I'm happy with that, but the icons in the tabwidget are transparent and this leads to them showing the green background defined in my style. How can I define the tabhost as not styled and have the transparent icons show the tabwidget the resion on instead of a solid background color?
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Aug 19, 2009
I am trying to use "setClickable(false)" + "setLongClickable(false)" + "setFocusableInTouchMode(false)" to disable Touch Event for every views but failed. When mouse clicks, OnTouchEvent() of some view will still be called. What I want is only to disable Touch event because my application need not Touch and Touch event will disturb the running of app. Is there any way to disable Touch ?
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May 14, 2010
I am writing rtsp client using MediaPlayer class , i am showing menu using onCreateOptionsMenu() which popup menu on hardware menu button. Now i want menu popup on touch screen also , i can capture touch screen event but how to popup menu on that event.
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May 21, 2010
I have created ListActivity of images i want touch event just like onItemClickListner how can i do it? i'm not finding any on Item Toch Listener.
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Oct 19, 2010
I need to make a service that capture all touch events, not in a specific view or when an specific activity is open. This service is started when the boot is completed (and I have an app to stop/play this service when I want it). So it write something (in a Toast) when the user touch any place in the screen.
Can I do this? Or only in specifics things (with OnTouchListener and adding specifics views, for example)?
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Sep 1, 2010
How handle all input key an touch event incoming to my Android application?
Is any one place where I can catch all this events?
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Mar 9, 2010
Actually I'm trying to implement an ontouchlistener into my android (1.5) application. therefore i implemented the "ontouchlistener" into the class, and then i put my code into the: So isn't there a way to catch the touch event before it gets to each of those views?
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Oct 29, 2009
I have a ListView with a setOnItemClickListener. I am trying to prevent the user from pressing an item repeatedly but can't seem to get it to work. I have tried the following. Code...
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May 30, 2010
I'm new to Android, I've followed the hello world tutorial through and have a basic idea of what's going on. I'm particularly interested in the touch screen of my T-Mobile Pulse so just to get me started I want to be able to write the co-ordinates of a tocuh event on the screen, so say the user touched the co-ordinate 5,2 - a textview on the screen would display that.
At present I have a simple program that just loads an xml file which contains the textview I intend to write the co-ordinates in.
Thank you in advance, I did Google for help and searched stackoverflow but everything I found either went way over my head or wasn't suitable for this.
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Oct 12, 2010
I need your help in differentiate between touch event and drag. since I need to do action when user touch the screen and another action when it touch and drag. I wrote the code below but it only works for touch but not for drag. ret is the return value of the onTouch method. Code...
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Nov 10, 2009
Here is my problem : I have a view containing a listView. And each row of this listview is composed of a linearLayout, itself composed of three textview and a gridView. Here is a summary of my layout for one row:
I want to perform an action when the user click anywere on an item of the listview. So I try these two approaches on the listview : - myActivity.getListView().setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener () {...}) - myActivity.getListView().setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { ...}) And here is the trouble : - when I click on the textview, it nearly works : the touch listener is called, but not the clicklistener - when I click on the gridView it doesn't work....the event is just dispatched to the element of the gridView.............
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May 13, 2010
I have created a list activity where i have placed some items and i am using OnListItemClick to get the desired actions through D-pad and KeyLeft and KeyRight Buttons, In Emulator TouchEvent is not working , I want to know whether it works in real Handsets? How can i enable the TOuchEvent? also Can anyone please help me out in this.
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Jul 21, 2010
I'm working on a simple game: when you press a button on the screen, a character will run to certain direction. It's easy to support keyboard input. But, some phone doesn't go with a keyboard or even no a track ball. So I decided to draw a virtual "run" key on the screen (with opengl). When the user press the virtual key, I apply a velocity to the character. And when the user release the key, I disable the velocity to stop the character but there seems to be some touch event noisy. If my finger cannot press still, I will see millions of touch down and touch up events, instead of a single long pressing.
And occasionally, my program captured the touch down event when I touch the screen, but didn't capture touch up event. So my character will keep moving, even no finger is on the screen. I'm wondering if there is some way to reduce the touch event noisy and tell if the user is currently pressing on the screen, instead of only getting an event when touch up and down happen. It seems the system UI can detect long pressing, for example when you put a finger on one item of the list view widget, the entire item turns to orange. I just don't know how to detect pressing in my opengl game.
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Mar 16, 2010
I like to know using which version of Android SDK we can develop multi touch handling. Does Android SDK 1.6 support multi touch? If yes, can i get some sample code, where i can have multiple imagebuttons placed on screen and clicking on all the imagebuttons at a time should detect multiple touch events?
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Feb 26, 2009
Are following touch events supported by android platform or we have to implement them?
Touch event - Used to focus an item Tap - Execute action when finger is released Tap and hold - Long tap for some timeout Double tap - Tap twice without much delay Flick - Touch, hold, move and release quick Drag n drop - Touch, hold and drag Touch and move - Touch, hold, move and release in straight line
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Dec 8, 2009
I can override onTouchEvent, but there is no x and y coordinates to set in the EditText or usual View.
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Sep 3, 2010
I want to get information of how to detect device support multi touch without OnTouchListener triggers event.
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Feb 20, 2010
I have a TextView with an OnTouchListener. What I want is the character index the user is pointing to when I get the MotionEvent. Is there any way to get to the underlying font metrics of the TextView?
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Oct 20, 2009
As a work around to the issue where a list item isn't focusable if it has a focusable child item (a comment by Romain Guy was that this was intended behavior, for accessibility reasons) I simply filled the listItem with two children, each of which is focusable - There's nowhere to directly touch on the listItem anymore, just it's children.
For the most part this is a useable workaround, effectively invisible to the user, except for one thing- Although you can scroll by swiping without issue, touching to *stop* the scroll no longer works- I imagine because the child item is capturing the touch event and not passing it to the parent listitem, at least while the scroll is in effect.
Is there a known workaround for this? Perhaps someway to "pass the baton" of the touch event back up to the parent listItem, or a way to change my design?
BTW- I know there's some built-in functonality for single/multiple choice listviews (checkbox listviews) - That doesn't actually help in my case. The app is a contact list, and the row children are a relativelayout (populated with contact info) and a clickable phone icon (a one-touch dial for the contact), which needs to be visible or invisible depending on whether the stored contact has a phone number.
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Nov 9, 2010
I'm developing an Android application with OpenGL and JNI (all OpenGL stuff is in C code).
Imagine I've drawn a cube. I want that user can push his finger over the cube and can rotate the cube and move it around the screen.
Is there any way to do that?
How can assign an event listener to touch and move events only when the user touch the cube?
UPDATE I want something like this: Rotate cube with fingers.
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