Android :: Best Practices For Targetting A Wide Range Of Devices And Screen Sizes

Aug 31, 2010

As you know android today is many versions many constructors, many screen sizes,...

it's quite difficult for developers today to write programs that targets a big part of devices.

What would be THE developer must-know practices for this ?

Android :: Best practices for targetting a wide range of devices and screen sizes

Android :: Determining Image Sizes For Multiple Android Screen Sizes - Densities

Apr 22, 2010

I've been reviewing the Supporting Multiple Screens documentation on the Android and I just need some additional clarification...

It's my understanding that designing three unique interfaces (ldpi, mdpi, and hdpi) would be the best way to go about supporting all the potential android screens with minimal scaling/distortion.

Yes, I know there are similar questions posted, however... If I create an image for the benchmark mdpi (let's say my image is 300x210, just for example) how to I determine what size I will need to recreate that image at ldpi & hdpi? This post as well as a google search leads me to believe that ldpi is just 75% of the mdpi image, and the hdpi is 150% of the mdpi image. Is this accurate?

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Android :: How To Create 3 Equally Wide TextView Which Fill Parent Across The Screen

May 11, 2010

How can I create 3 equally wide TextView which fill parent across the screen? I tried doing this, but the width of the TextView are different: it is 149, 89, 89.


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Android :: Screen Sizes With 1.5 - 1.6 And 2.0

Nov 13, 2009

I've got a quick question about screen size support. Currently, I've got an application that is rockin' along just fine on 1.5 and 1.6. Today the client called and says they want to run on Droid. While I've downloaded the 2.0 SDK, I'm a little wary of compiling against it. Will it break 1.5 and 1.6 compatilbility? How will the "medium" phones (G1, MyTouch) know to use those layouts?

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Android :: Application For Different Screen Sizes

Oct 15, 2010

I want to develop an application for a tablet of 480*800 screen pixels. I had developed an application for normal mobiles, but now this screen size is large than normal size. what precaution should I take while developing the application? Because device is not available right now so I must have to work on the project using emulator.

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Android :: Handset Screen Sizes

Aug 25, 2009

G1, Dream, Magic, Hero, Galaxy and more to come... Does anybody have a rundown of their screen sizes (and of some of the devices to come out)?

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Android :: Different Screen Sizes - API Level

Nov 29, 2009

Hello, I would like to ask what settings are necessary for my application to be available on all screen sizes: Is it enough to compile it using SDK 1.6 (but target is set to 1.5 and API level to 3) or maybe I have to set target to 1.6 and API level to 4?

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Android :: Different Screen Sizes X Different Layouts

Apr 27, 2010

supporting multiple screens (sizes and resolutions). I´ve searched not only this forum but many different websites and the android documentation but I´m probably doing a small mistake so things are not working properly.

Well, my main layout was designed with a HVGA screen, and it works great. When I try the same app on a WVGA, FWVGA, WQVGA or FWQVGA, I always get an unused space in the end of the layout because the screen ´s "heightnes" is proportionally bigger than HVGA´s.

So I consulted the documentation and decided to give a try on resource qualifiers, so I then created a nonsense UI and placed it on layout- large, created a new AVD using the WVGA skin and launched the app. Well, all I got was my old and not well stretched layout. The same happened to a FWVGA AVD.

This is the first problem. The second is: medium high density medium size screens and medium density large screens have the same resolution: how can I create a layout that is loaded for both, but not for (for example) medium size medium density or small size medium density screens?

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Android :: Compatible Screen Sizes On Droid G1

Mar 28, 2010

I have read the documentation on "supporting multiple screens" but can't seem to figure it out. I mean, i understand that resolution effects it but it just doesn't make sense to me that the droid and the T-Mobile G1 both use the regular "layout" directory. I developed the app on a droid and got everything to work but there is one view that i need to use hard-coded pixels.....which im using dpi. Now when installing the app on the G1 things on that view are getting cut off because the G1 has a much smaller screen. If I redo it to work on the G1 then everything is all squished together on the droid and even tho everything is visible this way, it looks silly.

I tried using the different attributes in my manifest but that didn't help but since i'm using minSDK as 4, the support different screen size attributes are true by default anyway.

Am i missing something very simple and obvious or is it just the way it is?? Isn't the physical screen size of the G1 like an 1" smaller?? I'm still kinda new to Android development so forgive me if i am missing something simple.

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Android :: Multiple Screen Sizes - Layouts

Dec 16, 2009

I have created layout-large and testing against android 2.0.1 WVGA. however, its picking layout-normal. Can anybody suggest me what I am doing wrong. Even though, I have 3 layouts ( layout-normal, layout-large, layout- small), Its always picking layout-normal. why its so.

I added properties to manifest file


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Android :: Screen Sizes And Activity Rendering

Jul 1, 2010

I'm currently developing my first android app, and my first game. I've been developing on a netbook with a CliqXT (HVGA). Things are going well, it renders perfectly on the smaller screen. I knew I'd have some issues when rendering on larger screens, but the issues I'm having are not what I was expecting and I'm kind of stuck.

So basically the game consists of a main SurfaceView which I'm rendering the tiled game world on to. I followed this tutorial to get started, and my structure is still pretty similar except that it calculates the boundries based on the player location:,654.html

The game also has various buildings the player can enter. Upon entering it launches another activity for that particular building. The building activities are just normal Views with Android UI stuff defined in XML (Buttons, TextViews, etc).

What I expected to happen:

So I expected the the building UIs to render correctly on the larger screen. I specified all dimensions in "dp" and fonts in "sp" in hopes that they'd scale correctly. I expected the actual game tilemap to render generally correctly, but maybe be really tiny due to the higher resolution / dpi. I'm using a very similar function to the tutorial linked above (calculateLoopBorders(), my version is pasted below) to calculate how many tiles to render based on screen height and width (getHeight() and getWidth()).

What is actually happening:

The whole game is just being rendered as if it's HVGA. The tilemap, and the building UIs are just scaled down to the smaller screen size, leaving black borders around the left, right, and bottom (see images).

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Android :: How Many Versions Of Image Should Be Made For Different Screen Sizes?

Aug 12, 2010

With the many devices available, each with different screen density and resolution, I am wondering - how many versions of an image should I make for the different device screen sizes? Is it 3? small, medium, large or just 1.

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Android :: Moving A Graphic On Different Screen Sizes With The Right Ratio

Apr 4, 2010

I tracked the behaviour of the different screen sizes when I increased the position of a graphic by 10 pixel. Unfortunately happened what I already thought. When the display is bigger, I'm able move a graphic a lot of times more to get to the bottom of the screen. So the ratio between the graphic and its environment is not correct anymore (so not 10 pixel as on normal screen) although the change of the graphic on the different screens looks correct (On big screen it is bigger, on small screens it is smaller). When I move the graphic from the top of the screen to the bottom, I can move that on 480x800 about 65 times, on 480x854 70 times, and on the 320x480 screen only about 25 times. So the target must be to calculate the right ratio so that 10 pixels on the small screen are 17 pixel (or sth. similar) on big screens. What approaches do I have to do that? I already thought about getting the value of res.getConfiguration().screenLayout to know if I have a small, normal, or big size to be able to calculate anyhow the right ratio, but this both seems to be pretty cumbersome and moreover I get values from res.getConfiguration().screenLayout I can't explain. I launched 6 emulator instances and got the following values from res.getConfiguration().screenLayout:

240x320 QVGA low density: 17 320x480 HVGA medium density: 18 480x854 WVGA high density: 34 480x800 WVGA high density: 34 240x400 WQVGA low density: 34 240x432 WQVGA low density: 266435490 (yes, I really get this value!)

This approach seems to be useless because I cannot even distinguish between 480x854 and 480x800, much less of the last value which seems to be corrupt.

How can I solve it to move a graphic on the different screens with the right ratio? How do game developers solve this when they support all screens?

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Android :: Apps In Relation To Different Screen Sizes - Resolutions

Jun 1, 2010

I am a current iPhone 3gs user migrating over to Android this Friday and getting the Evo 4g. Now, all iPhone/iPod touch screen sizes are the same and all the hardware specs are the same for the most part, but with Android you all kinds of resolutions, screen sizes, processors, etc etc...

Are all apps made for Android stretched to accomodate bigger screen sizes? For instance, I have played with my friend's Droid on Verizon and the screen is 3.7" at a resolution of 854x480 and he has showed me games on it like Gameloft's NOVA which is a full 3D first person shooter. So his phone essentially has a bigger resolution slightly than the HTC EVO 4G but smaller screen size (3.7" vs. 4.3"). So would the same game be stretched to fit my phone?

I'm wondering with different apps, are there any conflicts in relation to different spec phones?

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Android :: Support Different Phone Version And Screen Sizes

Nov 23, 2009

Some of my application's users are on android 1.5, some on 1.6, and some 2.0. So how do I release my app for all customers? If I release a 1.5 version, then the 1.5 phone can use it - but not the newer phones with smaller screens (aka Tatoo), they require 1.6 or higher? correct?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Playing Videos In Full And Wide Screen

Jun 27, 2010

Just got an x10 I convert and move mpeg4 videos to the phone. The videos play fine however they are not full screen in landscape. Instead in landscape mode they are more square shaped videos.

How can i play videos in full wide screen?

I havent downloaded any video/media player apps, im using thr default one on the x10.

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Android :: Layout Issues For Multiple Screen Sizes / API Versions

Jan 19, 2010

I am currently trying to make my app compliant with all screen sizes / api levels. I have this mostly working, however there is 1 issue i cannot resolve: Layouts in the "layout-hdpi" folder are used by and any phone on 1.5 (API level 3). - Which i dont want, i want API level 3 phones to use the "layout" folder. So to resolve this I added "-v4" onto the folder also, this works, the folder is no longer used by 1.5 phones. However, now the folder is also not used on API Level 6 phones, for example the droid. The droid only picks up the folder if i name the folder: "layout-hdpi-v6". (Also if i put "-v3" on a folder, the layout folder is not used by API level 4 phones) My understanding is that the -v<api level> qualifer allows you to exclude phones on an API level that is too low, so -v4 should mean that the folder will be used by all phones on API level 4 and above. I am finding a folder is only used for that specific API level. Has anybody else ran into this same issue? And does anybody know of any possible solutions?

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Android :: Supporting Multiple Screen Sizes Using Image Buttons

Apr 13, 2010

I've read the Android documentation:
but still have some questions. I'm trying to design a music application which basically has images of the instrument (ImageButton) that play a sound when clicked. However, I'm confused about how to have the ImageButtons scale to fit all the different screen sizes and how to position them.

Which layout is best used for needing to position ImageButtons in specific locations on the screen? (i.e. cymbals on a drum set) FrameLayout, RelativeLayout? If I only really care about medium and large screens, do I need to create different resources (images) for both as well as a different XML layout to position them? I'm trying to find the simplest way to do this without having to create a separate layout XML file for positioning/size and separate image resources for each screen.

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Android :: Supporting Smaller Screen Sizes - Supports-screens

Oct 30, 2009

I have had several emails from people with HTC Tattoo devices who say they cannot find my app in the Market.

After reading this page ( screens_support.html) I believe I have to add the <supports-screens> tag to my manifest file. However, when I try to do this I am confronted with "Error no resource identifier found for attriute support-screens in package 'android'" messages. What does one have to do to update their manifest to tell the market an app supports all screen sizes?

Furthermore, if I need to change the android:minSdkVersion from "3" to something higher or add the android:targetSdkVersion tag, will this prevent people with older versions of Android from using my application?

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Developing App For Different Screen Sizes?

Apr 26, 2011

how you go about developing your app for different screen sizes. My first reaction was that you would have to develop a layout for each activity for each screen size/resolution you wanted to support, however i get the feeling it should be a little simpler than that.

So the layout for my app is called Main.xml and it's set up optimally for a 800x480 4.3" screen, what do i have to do to make the layout okay for different densities etc? Do you work on the same XML layout for all your sizes or what? It confused me a little.

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Android :: Drawable Changes Sizes On Screen When Reading Image From File / Avoid This?

Apr 15, 2010

I have an image on a private file.
I read the file, create the drawable, and assign it to an ImageView.
The ImageView has WRAP_CONTENT so the size is automatic.

On 320x480 screens, the image looks good
But on screens with more resolution and high density 480x800 or 480x854 (N1, droid) , when the image is for example 150x150, I see the image as 100x100.

Of course it has something to do with the density but not sure how should I resolve this.

This is my code...

if I then inspect the size of the icon, android thinks the size is 100x100, when really is 150x150.

Looks like its reducing the image by the density.
Can anybody explain this and how to avoid this.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Shouldn't Higher Resolution And Bigger Screen Sizes

Jun 26, 2010

I love my Evo and I also love the resolution and screen size but one thing I don't understand is, why don't phones with larger screen sizes and resolutions have more room to put stuff on the screen? I mean, every page of the Evo can hold up to 16 (4x4) singles icons and more space is needed for widgets... but like with a computer monitor if you get a bigger computer monitor that also has a higher native resolution, you'll be able to put more icons on the screen. I don't understand why that isn't so with the Android UI. And, if you look at the icons on the pages... the actual square needed to put the icon there is usually a lot bigger than the icon itself. The only things I have seen that let you put more stuff on the pages are the Android tablets... even the Dell Streak which has a 5" screen and is still a phone can put more stuff on the page. I also saw a awesome hack for the iPad which you can get a crap load more icons and pages. So I am hoping that there will be a hack for this in the future. I will even root the phone if I have to.

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General :: Finding Launcher That Allows For Different Grid Sizes Per Screen?

Mar 21, 2014

I have been searching for a launcher that allows me to change the grid sizes per screen but so far i have not found one.

I want one for use on a galaxy gear watch so that i can have the main screen set to 4x5 for the widget and then as the screen is so small i want the other screens to only have a 2x2 or 3x3 grid so the icons are big enough.

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Games :: Game - Critical Altitude 3D Open Large Screen Sizes

Aug 6, 2010

I've just uploaded Version 1.1 to the Android Market which adds support for large screen sizes. You can also pick it up at the Mobihand App Store: Mobihand App Store

Critical Altitude 3D is an Accelerometer based third person flight game featuring real-time 3D graphics (OpenGL ES). Race through endless levels avoiding buildings and various obstacles to earn a highscore!

- OpenGL ES for true 3D real-time graphics
- Accelerometer ( tilt the device ) for Up/Down and Left/Right steering
- 4 Planes to choose from with different speeds and point rewards
- Planes unlocked based on Highscore...

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Samsung Captivate : Fix Screen Won't Shift To "wide" View

Nov 18, 2010

Has to be a setting that has been changed.

When I switch my phone from what I'll call "portrait" view to "landscape" view (as in printing paper) the screen will not shift. Simple fix?

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Android :: How To Achieve Multiple Screen Sizes In Android 1.5

Mar 1, 2010

i am developing a game and i need to use android1.5 only.

i wrote sample application using 1.6 and kept drawable-hdpi,-ldpi ... and application is working fine in emulator of 1.6. i made apk and opened an emulator (android 1.5) from command prompt application is also working fine.

in 1.6 if i change emulator resolutions the application UI is resizing. but in 1.5 emulators not.

is that mean, the application developed in android 1.6 runs in 1.5 emulator but multi screen support is not achieved?

..."how to achieve multiple screen sizes in android 1.5". multiple screen support is available from 1.6.

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Android :: Android Multiple Screen Sizes With Same Density

Apr 14, 2010

I'm confused regarding the densities. I see that with medium density, the screen resolution could be either 320x480, 480x800, or 480x854. So if I have an image thats 300px wide in the mdpi folder, how is it going to look the same size on all 3 different screen sizes (mainly 320x480 vs the other 2)? And by look the same size, I mean scale to be bigger or smaller depending upon the screen size.

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Android :: Running Android Application On All Screen Sizes

Nov 3, 2010

My android application is running good on emulators form 1.5v to 2.2v

when i installed .apk file on SAMSUNG GALAXY-3 v2.1 screen sizes are not matching.But
the same .apk file supporting the UI on SAMSUNG v1.5

I want to run my application on any screen sizes.

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Android :: Android - Spinners For Different Screen Sizes

Jul 18, 2010

I have a question about Spinner widget in android. All works well except that when I change device with small screen Spinner widgets are overlapped. Is there good practice with managing of sizes of Spinners? In runtime or during design of layout?

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Android :: Android Screen Resolutions And Sizes

Oct 26, 2010

I am currently working on an android app that is causing me some trouble. My app is heavily dependent on images that are fitted correctly to the screen they are being displayed on. Unfortunately things like the FWVGA/WVGA resolution difference 854 vs 800 is causing me some real problems, and that's aside from the other sizes/densieites and resolutions.

I don't know if I'm just missing the point here but how do I go about having my app display correctly on both the resolutions without either "squashing" my images or cutting bits off of giving me black bars etc?

There doesn't seem an immediately present solution where I can just have it display a different image automatically from the drawable folder for the right screen.

I have tried using displaymetrics but unless i have my manifest claim that it supports all screen sizes, the android OS will in fact "lie" to my app about hte current resolution.

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