Android :: RDP Apps That Support DNS Connection Addresses
Nov 26, 2009Seems like they all want an IP only. It would need to support DNS.

Seems like they all want an IP only. It would need to support DNS.
I just got married and my old e-mail address had my old last name, so I created a new gmail e-mail address reflecting my new last name. Is there a way to use my new e-mail address on my phone as my primary account (I don't mind doing a factory reset or anything) without losing my paid apps. Like is there a way to transfer the paid apps from one e-mail address to the other?
View 5 Replies View RelatedDoes Android support APDUConnection as known from JSR 177? Simple question. More answers?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI tried getting my new HTC Magic to work with my Tom Tom Sat Nav, the basics worked fine but then I got this message. Your phone needs to support Wireless Data Connection (Dun) Capabilities to use TomTom Plus Services. Can this be done soon? I need to use those services, would it be an update type download or a separate download? or if there is already a setting please let me know asap
View 2 Replies View Related1) What Android-compatible hardware platforms (boards, like "beagle board") can you recommend for hobby robotics? Where can I see a list of Android-friendly boards with support of serial (or parallel) connections?
We are going to move our Java ME robotics project (http:// to Android platform, but what hardware to choose?
2) What can you say about support of serial connection on Android- based phones? Does it work in reality? As I remember, in the Java ME world not all cell phones manufacturers supported serial connections on their J2ME implementations. For example serial connections were supported on some models of Siemens and Sony-Ericson, but they were not supported on Nokia and Sumsung, etc.
What is going on with serial connection support in the Android World? Is this supported in reality? On which cell phones?
3) Is it possible to use on Android devices (boards) not BlueTooth/USB conection, but wired connection, like RS232 "COM" port on PC?
I see funny wordplay - Android as a Google project and Android as a human-like robot. :-)
-- - Java Robotics, Code Examples. PICkit2 tutorials, J2ME mobile phone Java as a robot's brain, KAP (Kite Aerial Photography)
I'm new to Android. I recently was an iPhone fan but thought that Android was a better alternative to iPhone. So anyway, I have a few questions about the Captivate. Does Android have support for apps that you can use to password protect certain apps on the phone? Like messages, and photos for more private stuff. Another question I have: is the Captivates reception really bad? I currently have the iPhone 4 while it doesn't have the best of signal, its not too bad either. And my last question is if the captivate has support for 32gb cards. I'm sorry if someones already gone over these but I could find anything right away. Anyways, I look forward to Android and the Captivate.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an App that will list all of the Apps that doesn't supports move to SD features so I can uninstall only them easily.
View 3 Replies View RelatedBB user here and the only thing holding me back from getting an Android is the fear of going over my 200MB limit on data.
I want to use my Android over 3G for emails and calendar sync. Everything else through WiFi because I am constantly connected to WiFi through my campus/home/work. Only need email on the go.
Is there a program that can control what type of data other apps use?
For instance:
Email: 3G (WiFi Preferred)
Calendar Sync: 3G (WiFi Preferred)
Contact Sync: 3G (WiFi Preferred)
Browser: WiFi Only
YouTube: Wifi Only
Or along these lines.
Does anyone have any app that comes to mind?
I'm wondering if we could get a list going of the apps / widgets that work in landscape orientation. All of the videos I see of the Incredible have the homescreens ignoring landscape. Can anyone confirm or disconfirm this for any apps or widgets that they notice?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need more than 3 screens (in fact, I use all 7 with Home++).I don't have 2.1 yet and one of my friends who does says Home++ doesn't support live wallpapers.Is this true?If it is, which home app supports live wallpapers (and isn't ugly)?
View 19 Replies View RelatedDoes HTC wildfire support installing applications on memory card? Because i heard that android Eclair 2.1 does not support that but Froyo 2.2 does not support.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI work for a large company who uses exchange active sync server. A co-worker bought a motorola droid which supports exchange server but not security features that windows mobile uses or the 2.0 iphone uses. The company requires a password to interact with their email system. I currently have a 6.1 mobile and can connect. I would like to get an android phone next and was wondering if there are other email apps to support android in this secure format?
View 13 Replies View RelatedThis code used to work in SDK1.1 but stopped working in 1.5 I have a class that implements LocationListener
in the onLocationChanged(Location location) method I have: Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this, Locale.US); try { List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation (location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), 1);
Does anyone notice that the streaming radio apps, such as slacker or iradio keep dropping their network connections?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have the following code through which i am able to retrieve phone numbers. Somehow , i am not able to retrieve email addresses by using android.provider.Contacts.People API. import; import; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.Contacts.People; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter; import android.widget.SimpleCursorTreeAdapter; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.ExpandableListView. OnChildClickListener;
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my work, I've to store some addresses and display them on the map. Some addresses we get are street intersections. GeoCoder does not give any addresses for street intersections. For example, the following does not work. addresses = geoCoder.getFromLocationName( "Broadway and 42nd, New York, NY", 1); Are there any alternative to use geoCoder for such lookups? Am I doing anything wrong?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use the GeoCoder to get the lat/lon for a couple of addresses. I'm running into an error where the address list comes back empty sometimes. It seems to be completely random. I have a start point and an end point to draw and route. Sometimes I can't get either one, sometimes I can get the start but not the end, sometimes I can get the end but not the start. I never seem to be able to get both. Not sure why. Yesterday it worked fine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am ready to throw this phone out the window if somebody isn't able to help me! T-Mobile Tech support suck they have no clue and told me they have no clue and sorry! Well here goes!
I set up my gmail account and I imported my contacts from aol into my gmail account now I have no idea when I am on the G1 how to bring up my email addresses if i want to email.
How does one get the USB connection to work between my Galaxy and the applications on my PC. For example, I have tried numerous times to connect my Galaxy to my Picasa program on my PC but it never seems to work. I have followed the instructions carefully but it doesn't seem to work....
Any ideas?
I have a Sprint HTC One. I recently flashed a new ROM. VENOM 5.0 which supports my PDA.
So, after installing it I downloaded all the required apps and they worked fine.
Later the next morning when I switched on my data connection, all the apps ran on data and everything went on well. Then I installed Root Firewall PRO and set all my required settings, after that none of the third party apps didn't receive any data connection. Neither Whatsapp nor Facebook Messenger received data. Even though they are only messaging apps, they also did not receive any Data Connection.
I've just realized that such feature is only Froyo supported, I really need that while driving, do you know about apps to get such feature working?
View 5 Replies View RelatedPost subject: Accessing contact' email addresses Hi! I'm developing an application in which I need to display user a list of contacts and their email addresses so that user can choose one of them. I've got some help from Internet and I'm able to display a list of contacts and their number by the following code
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the following code through which I am able to retrieve phone numbers. Somehow, I am not able to retrieve email addresses by using android.provider.Contacts.People API.
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.provider.Contacts.People;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter;
import android.widget.SimpleCursorTreeAdapter;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView.OnChildClickListener;
public class ShowContacts extends ExpandableListActivity implements OnChildClickListener { private int mGroupIdColumnIndex;
private String mPhoneNumberProjection[] = new String[] { People.Phones._ID, People.NUMBER // CHANGE HERE }; private ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter;
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
// Query for people Cursor groupCursor = managedQuery(People.CONTENT_URI,
new String[] {People._ID, People.NAME}, null, null, null);
// Cache the ID column index mGroupIdColumnIndex = groupCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(People._ID);
// Set up our adapter mAdapter = new MyExpandableListAdapter(groupCursor, this,
new String[] {People.NAME}, // Name for group layouts
new int[] {},
new String[] {People.NUMBER}, // AND CHANGE HERE
new int[] {});
setListAdapter(mAdapter); }
public class MyExpandableListAdapter extends SimpleCursorTreeAdapter {
public MyExpandableListAdapter(Cursor cursor, Context context, int groupLayout,
int childLayout, String[] groupFrom, int[] groupTo, String[] childrenFrom,
int[] childrenTo) { super(context, cursor, groupLayout, groupFrom, groupTo, childLayout, childrenFrom, childrenTo);
} @Override protected Cursor getChildrenCursor(Cursor groupCursor) {
// Given the group, we return a cursor for all the children within that group
// Return a cursor that points to this contact's phone numbers
Uri.Builder builder = People.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon();
ContentUris.appendId(builder, groupCursor.getLong(mGroupIdColumnIndex));
Uri phoneNumbersUri =;
return managedQuery(phoneNumbersUri, mPhoneNumberProjection, null, null, null);
} } @Override public boolean onChildClick(android.widget.ExpandableListView parent,
View v, int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id) {
AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(ShowContacts.this)
.setMessage(((TextView) v).getText().toString())
.setPositiveButton("OK", null).create();; return true; } }
is there any app that can disable the background apps, like fb, sync, widgets, that would use internet once i enable the data connection on my android? i don't have an unlimited data package, which is why im concerned about the data charges.
is there any such app that would disable background apps while allowing me to use the app i need to use via data connection?
Our company uses a blackberry enterprise server, and they refuse to give me our mail server addresses because they don't want to have to deal with starting a pandemic of people getting away from blackberry, one IT guy told me that if I could figure out how to get it to just sync with outlook, I'd be able to use it. any ideas? I've messed around a lot in outlook and can't find our BBES information anywhere.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an application where I try to get address of a location based on the latitude,longitude coordinates.When I try to print all the address of particular coordinates , I am getting only single address. IS there any way to get the list of all addresses for the coordinates supplied . My code snippet is as below: Where locationLatitude,locationLongitude are of type String which are converted to doubles. Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen Trying to use voice to text, for an e-mail, text, pretty much anything i get a "connection problem"
Anyone know of any apps that disable this feature? or just a setting in general that i am missing?
Some of my closed apps automatically start when internet connection is opened.How do they sence the connection is opened?Is there an app that can stop them from opening?
My app killer will kill them when I manually hit the kill bottom or when the phone is locked.But there is no settings that stop them from starting and running after I start my data or WiFi connection.
My main phone is my new HTC Sensation, and I have all my regular apps installed on there (via the Android market, using my Google account).
My old phone - Rooted HTC Hero - I keep as a spare, and use only when I am travelling overseas, to put a local SIM Card into.
My question is, can I install apps on the spare phone on an ad-hoc basis, without using my regular Google account?
Ideally, downloading .apk files for Android market apps?
As it's only a spare, and mainly used for voice not data, i don't really want all the same apps as on my main phone, just some of them -things like Go SMS, JuiceDefender, etc
Also currently, the plan I have with the local SIM card I'm currently using has no data - only voice. So apart from connecting it via my laptop, I could only install apps using free wifi.
Ive read through the docs and searched on here, but I'm not quite understanding how all the pieces fit together. Was wondering if anyone has a clear explanation of how to grab a single column of data from Contacts and have it populate an autocomplete box.
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