Android :: ImageView Scale Type Not Working In List Activity / Workaround It?

Apr 18, 2010

I have used ImageView's before and understand the different scale types that can be set... However I am having an incredibly difficult time trying to get an ImageView to scale properly in the row of a ListActivity or an ExpandableListActivity.

I have tried setting the android:scaleType property to every single value but the image never scales down. I have set the min and max sizes as well and they don't seem to have any effect. I have done both of these things in both the XMl and in code to no avail...

Does anyone have any ideas or perhaps a workaround? code...

Android :: ImageView scale type not working in list activity / workaround it?

Android :: How To Scale An Image In ImageView To Keep Aspect Ratio?

Mar 26, 2010

In android, I defined an ImageView's layoutWidth to be 'fill_parent' (which takes up the full width of the phone). My question is if the Image i put to ImageView is bigger than the layoutWidth, android will scale it, right? But what about the height? when android scale it, will it keeps the aspect ratio? What I find out is, there is some 'white space' at the top/bottom of the ImageView when android scales an image which is bigger than the ImageView. Is that true? If yes, how can I eliminate that white spaces?

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Android :: ImageView Pinch Zoom Scale Limits / Pan Bounds

Oct 7, 2010

I wanted to create an gallery with images.The images within the gallery should be zoomable and pannable. I could able to pinch-zoom an image but could not able to set zoom limitand prevent the image from being panned off the screen. I used the following code to zoom an image: browser/source/browse/src/se/robertfoss/MultiTouch/TouchImageView.javaspec=svnd3e623ddeb6f9e97d9eba2c7aaa7c4567a3822b5&r=d3e623ddeb6f9e97d9eba2c7aaa7c4567a3822b5 First approach : I used TouchImageView to supply images to gallery, this allows me to pinch zoom but can't scroll the gallery. i.e I cant differentiate between 'single tab event' and 'tab to scroll event'

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Android : Preventing Scale On Bitmap Created In Execution Time For ImageView

Sep 23, 2010

I have a ImageView acting as a top banner on top of a webview. The image of this banner is created in execution time dependending on the resolution of the device. The height of the banner is always the same for each resolution. The only thing that changes is the width, which changes according to the orientation. But, since the width changes and the height doesn't, I end up having sort of 2 images with different proportion. And this is way the scale down/up won't work out for me.

Another problem is that everytime the user rotates the screen, the banner image is created again but Android seems not to update the image and thus I have a banner missing part of it.

I thought about having a real big image that will fit for both landscape and portrait orientation. But this seems not to be a good idea since Android keeps resizing the image everytime so it will fit on the space of the ImageView.

I'm running out of ideas here. Can someone suggest something?

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Android :: Scale Image To Maximum Size In Dialog-style Activity

Nov 24, 2010

I have an activity which uses android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog". The activity contains an ImageView which can show images of different dimensions. The ImageView should scale the Image so that it entirely fits into the window, at least on axes fits entirely and maintains the original aspect ratio. The size of the dialog should only be as large as the ImageView (plus its border width).

I tried the following but the dialog window always uses the whole available space:


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Android : Can I Add Imageview To Child Elements In A Expandable List Query

Apr 22, 2010

I am looking to find out how to assign an image to a imageview in each child of an expandable list.

If anyone has any information or links to find out how to do this. code...

is what my adapter looks like at the moment, I have very little experience in customising adapters so I do not know where to start.

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Android :: Way To Present List To User Where Each Item On List Starts An Activity When Selected

Nov 4, 2010

I am on my first Android application and I am on a timeline so details and examples will be useful since my knowledge is still minimal. I want my first screen to present the user with a list of activities to choose from. In my situation it is a recipe app where the user first chooses the type of food, such as, Beef, Chicken, or Pork. I want the application to launch an activity depending on the list item that the user clicked on. I am not sure if I should use a list view, a text view, a scroll view, a list activity, an activity group...

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General :: Always Scale To Max Frequency Or Scale It Based On CPU

Jun 30, 2012

the cpu scaling of Android.. First, do the system use the lowest frequency when not in use? Aka screem off..After i unlock the phone do it always scale to max frequency or scale it based on the cpu needed? For example write a text makes the phone use thr same freq as playing a game?

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Android :: List Contact Type SIM Phone / Google

Dec 14, 2009

I'm aiming to develop an application on Android 1.5 that is required at one point to list all contacts and display the type of contact ie SIM, Phone or Google. I can easily list all the contacts by using Cursor curAllContacts = getContentResolver().query(People.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null); And looping through the cursor and I can use code like the sample below to get fields of data.My question is, is there any field in the people table or a related table that holds a value to define where the contact came from (SIM, Phone or Google)?

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Android :: Retrieving List Type From Remote Service

Aug 15, 2009

I am having trouble passing a List type from a remote service to the UI activity. Here is a modified version of RemoteService example from the APIDemo. (only included where its modified)

PROBLEM: The call back function (for List) is called successfully, but the List returned is empty...

It works fine when the service does not run in a remote process. (w/o android:process=":remote" in the manifest file)

Why is this happening...?

Also, when I tried Map type, it didn't even successfully generate a file.... it tries to do new Map().... and complains that its an abstract class.. (FYI, List instantiates by new ArrayList())

1. in oneway interface IRemoteServiceCallback { /*** Called when the service has a new value for you. */void valueChanged(int value); void valueChangedList(out List values); void valueString(String value);}

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Android :: Orientation Change Crash In Tab Activity With List Activity

Jan 21, 2010

When views with different type have same id and screen orientation changes,

either java.lang.ClassCastException: android.view.AbsSavedState$1 or java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong state class -- expecting View State will occur. (depends on the view's order)

Because View.dispatchRestoreInstanceState() checks id only.

You may wonder why anyone would make views with different type to have same id.

But it can happen when you use tab activity.

Imagine you have tab activity with two children activity.

Tab1 is ListActivity and Tab2 is ExpandableListActivity.

Both activity have id of "@android:id/list" but the type of view is different.

This means we cannot use ListActivity & ExpandableListActivit at the same in one tab activity.

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Android : Type Of List To Store Multiple Data Types

Dec 15, 2009

So my problem is that I've written a function that takes two Doubles, two Int, and a Calendar object on Android (Java). I believe the class provided to allow it to run in a separate thread, AsyncTask, accepts only one type of Object (but allows multiple) as an argument so I figured I might be able to put it in a List or a Linked List or something. Is there such a type that allows multiple data types like that (Double, Double, Int, Int, Calendar), or would I have to create my own object class? I'm a novice programmer so less complicated is probably better, but I'm interested in the best solution as well. What the function does is take a location (double latitude, double longitude), a couple options as integers, and a Calendar Object. It takes the location, options, and date then returns a Time object of the sunrise (or sunset, depending on the options) for that location. and I understand it would probably be best to create a special object class and just pass that, or override the background thread class, but I'm pretty new to object-oriented programming so the less overhead the better (for now). (Update) After a lot of work, it ended up being easier making a data-type class and just using that. The right way turned out to be easier in the end. Who'd a thought.

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Android :: Can Update A List View In One Activity While Im In Another Activity

Oct 4, 2010

I currently have a tab layout with 2 tabs, one tab with a list view and one with the option make strings so I can add them in the list view. Both tabs have their own activity because this made the code much more structured, and I dont have to repeat my self later.

Lets say im in the tab that offer me to create an string, and i press the update list button, how do I update the list view without startActivity()? If i use startActivity(), it starts, and instead of displaying the list in the list view tab, it takes full screen, which defies the purpose of the tab view. In other words, the startActivity() steals the focus from the tab view of the list, and sends it fulscreen.

I want to update the activity in my list view tab, without starting a new activity that goes to fullscreen, and doesnt update the one in the tab.

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Android : Map Activity Cannot Be Resolved To A Type

Oct 21, 2009

I have tried using MapActivity as it is suggested by this tutorial: However I get this error message in Eclipse: "MapActivity cannot be resolved to a type". Yes, I have checked Google APIs 4 and even verified that in Code...

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Android :: Create A Single Class Which Can Be Parent For Every Type Of Activity?

Oct 7, 2010

I wish to have a single class which all of my Activity classes extend. I have ListActivities, Activities, MapActivities, TabActivities, etc in my App.

I have many of these different activities in my app, ~12 activities. I want each of them to have the methods which are in the parent class.

Right now, i have created 4 parent activity classes which are extended from a certain activity depending on their type(ListActivity, Activity, MapActivity, TabActivity)

I am creating a lot of redundant code - each of the 4 parent activities has almost identical code, in exception for what class activity it extends.

Here is an example that may clarify what my problem is:

I have an Activity: MenuScreen which extends BaseListActivity BaseListActivity extends ListActivity BaseListActivity contains methods and fields which i want all my activities to have access to I have another Activity: HomeScreen which extends BaseActivity BaseActivity extends Activity BaseActivity contains the same methods and fields which are in my other Base[<type>]Activity classes(such as BaseListActivity)

These methods/fields are copy-pasted to all my Base[<type>]Activity, and seems awfully redundant to me.

Can i create a master activity class which all types of Activity classes can use as its parent? if not, am i stuck with copy and pasting this code and feeling gross/dirty about it?

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Android :: Register Data Type For An Activity Dynamically And Programatically?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a use case in my application, where after certain point, I need to associate an data with an activity. So whenever an intent with an action and the data type is fired, my activity can be opened. I know that it is possible to associate a data type with an activity statically via AndroidManifest.xml.

Is it possible to register the data type for an activity dynamically and programatically?

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Android : Design - Launch An Activity Based On Type Of A View

Nov 4, 2010

Should I create a Listener within a BaseAdapter or should I pass it in? I have 4 classes that inherit from a base class. I pass the Adapter a list objects.

The Adapter is eventually used with a ListActivity I want to create a View based on the derived class and I want them to launch an Activity based on the type of a View. Currently I create the intent and Listener in the BaseAdapter. Is what I'm doing a good pratice?

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Android :: Clean Up OnCreate DataString And Type Not Working

Jan 20, 2010

I currently make my activity support few different MIME types and I receive the request at onCreate() than I do the following to actually get the request:


Once I get the request, I remove the request from the intent so that every time the onCreate get's called I don't process that request again:


Currently this works but if the activity goes to the background and eventually get's terminated and I return the activity to the foreground the request returns data from the previous request... Why? How can I remove a request completely? On screen rotation I don't get the request any longer... so what's up with activity being restarted request shows up again?

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Android :: FinishFromChild And OnActivityResult Not Firing When Child Starts Activity Of Same Type As Parent

Jun 8, 2010

I have an application, which (for the sake of simplicity) has two types of activities - Overview and DetailView. The Overview activity shows a list of steps and allows the user to start a DetailView activity corresponding to the step chosen.

In the DetailView activity, the user can start another Overview, which shows different steps than the ones in the parent of the current DetailView.

In the Overview, DetailView is started by using startActivityForResult (). In the DetailView, when the user decides to start a second Overview, I call setResult () and finish () and then start the new Overview. In this scenario, onActivityResult () and finishFromChild () do not fire. Instead, they fire when the parent finishes (?).

Code from Overview:


Code from DetailView:


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Android :: Design Clarification In Android List Activity Vs Activity

Mar 25, 2010

I have a simple question. I am trying to design a simple Android app, which based on keywords searches something and shows a listing view of results. Currently it merely searches SMSes in the cellphone.Here are some of the things I am faced with: I have a simple first page with a textbox and a submit button. It's rendered by "Activity" inherited class call SMS Finder.once I have the results present with me, I want them to be binded to a list view. Showing preview text to limited characters, say 20 chars. Clicking on the same should "ideally" open the inbox (or outbox or whatever) and open the SMS, however that meant I cannot come back to my app easily. So I would rather open the whole SMS in my own app. So clicking on the app should open the SMS in a new screen with complete message, sender info etc. Few questions here, For generic Android phone apps, what are the best practices to make UI as compliant to as many phones? Like what kind of views should I use?

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Android :: Fil-rate Workaround With FBOs?

Sep 12, 2010

create an FBO of resolution less than the full phone screen dimensions (user-selected quality vs speed option) do most of my scene rendering into that FBO * then the 'real' (full screen) render would either use the FBO as the starting background color buffer contents, or render it (probably orthographically) as a single quad. * then probably add UI/Text decoration on top of that, where the resolutions really benefits.And, is there some egl glue (I am a glSurfaceView kinda dood) that would automagically do something like this in the first place?Or am I being naive to think the GPU could do its work faster if it was rendering to a lower resolution target? And would the phone with the worst fill rate also be the phone that doesn't support FBOs in the first place?

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Android :: AudioHardware Pcm Playback Going To Standby / Possible Workaround?

Jun 15, 2010

Occasionally when I have a lot going on in my app, and I am playing a number of sounds using SoundPool, my app just completely freezes. Looking at the logs, I see this:

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 56): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.

My app must then be force closed and restarted. Does anyone know what may be causing this, or a possible workaround? I cannot reproduce this in the emulator - only on my HTC Hero, so I am wondering if this may be a device specific bug.

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Android :: Workaround For Mapview Overlays Not Pinch-zooming Correctly

Oct 26, 2010

If a user does a "pinch zoom" on the map, my overlays don't properly size until the end. This has been noted in other posts, so i assume it is a known issue.

Problem is, my client finds it totally unacceptable, as I am tasked with making the android app look as good as the iphone version.

Is there any way to correct this, even if it is a horrible hack? For instance, can I subclass the mapview and handle drawing or override some other method?

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Android :: Maps In List In Map Activity

Oct 4, 2010

Map activity allows one map in a activity, i have a scenario and hard time implementing it, i have a list of records and for each record i show google map now this is not becoming possible in lmap activity with list having earch row a seperate map?

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Android :: Preloading List Activity ?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a realtively complicated listview in my application, with data fetched from the internet and so on. What is the best practice to do to preload as much as possible of the ListView, such that it appears immediately on the screen?

For example, the standard SMS/MMS app of android shows a white screen with a spinning loader and "Loading..." before a conversation is shown. I can't really find this in the Android source code, but I guess this is an extra loading Activity doing some caching and handing over to the conversation Activity using finish(), so that no screen change animation is shown.

How can I preload or cache ListView items? Is it even possible to do that?

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Android :: List Activity In Application?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a list activity in my application. i have tried to make it so that when a list item is selected to show the selection the background of the view should change. but now when i select one item, the item does get selected but the back ground of random listitems changes at the same time, but the selection is still correct

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Android : How To Get Recent Activity List?

Jul 15, 2010

When I run my app, it works fine but if I switch back to home or another application, I want to go back to my app quickly by using the recent activity list (on my phone this is done by holding down the home button). For whatever reason, I never see my application in this list of apps. All other apps when they are running or have just recently been closed show up ( the menu shows 6 icons for the recent apps). Why doesn't my app show up on this list? Is this something you need to do programmatically?

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Android : Layout Auto CompleteTextView Null Pointer Exception Workaround

Nov 8, 2009

I'm working in with the Android SDK 2.0 / Galileo / ADT 0.9.4 (latest to date). Against Android 1.5 API layer. If I go to the layout editor and add an AutoCompleteTextView the screen immediately gives me a NullPointerException. Does anyone have a documented workaround for this problem? I can't seem to find one. This is obviously a bug in the Android SDK. (It's been filed anyway.)

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Android :: Access Rows In List Activity

Jan 21, 2009

I want to include one button inside each row in a List Activity. When pressing one of these buttons it will be disabled and will perform a heavy task in the background (in a different thread to avoid screen blocking). After the action is completed the button will be enabled again and the row updated with some results obtained from that "heavy operation". Im filling my List with a custom SimpleCursorAdapter, its getView method calls super.getView and in the view (row) returned I access its button through findViewById and set my click listener (to disable it, and launch the heavy task in the background). Once this heavy task is finished I need a reference to this row view to find the button and re- enable it. SimpleCursorAdapterīs super.getView() reuses row views shown on screen to avoid creating many different rows instances, so when my "heavy task" is finished the row view reference i need to reenable its button may have been reused in a different row, so in the end I am modifying a button in a different row! I have tried different solutions, for example giving different ID to each row view (useless because it gets overwritten when the row view is reused) Obviously creating a different row instance for each row whether its shown on screen or not isnt the best solution.

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Android :: Not Getting Touch Event For List Activity

May 21, 2010

I have created ListActivity of images i want touch event just like onItemClickListner how can i do it? i'm not finding any on Item Toch Listener.

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