Android :: Fil-rate Workaround With FBOs?

Sep 12, 2010

create an FBO of resolution less than the full phone screen dimensions (user-selected quality vs speed option) do most of my scene rendering into that FBO * then the 'real' (full screen) render would either use the FBO as the starting background color buffer contents, or render it (probably orthographically) as a single quad. * then probably add UI/Text decoration on top of that, where the resolutions really benefits.And, is there some egl glue (I am a glSurfaceView kinda dood) that would automagically do something like this in the first place?Or am I being naive to think the GPU could do its work faster if it was rendering to a lower resolution target? And would the phone with the worst fill rate also be the phone that doesn't support FBOs in the first place?

Android :: Fil-rate workaround with FBOs?

Android :: AudioHardware Pcm Playback Going To Standby / Possible Workaround?

Jun 15, 2010

Occasionally when I have a lot going on in my app, and I am playing a number of sounds using SoundPool, my app just completely freezes. Looking at the logs, I see this:

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 56): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.

My app must then be force closed and restarted. Does anyone know what may be causing this, or a possible workaround? I cannot reproduce this in the emulator - only on my HTC Hero, so I am wondering if this may be a device specific bug.

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Android :: Workaround For Mapview Overlays Not Pinch-zooming Correctly

Oct 26, 2010

If a user does a "pinch zoom" on the map, my overlays don't properly size until the end. This has been noted in other posts, so i assume it is a known issue.

Problem is, my client finds it totally unacceptable, as I am tasked with making the android app look as good as the iphone version.

Is there any way to correct this, even if it is a horrible hack? For instance, can I subclass the mapview and handle drawing or override some other method?

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Android :: ImageView Scale Type Not Working In List Activity / Workaround It?

Apr 18, 2010

I have used ImageView's before and understand the different scale types that can be set... However I am having an incredibly difficult time trying to get an ImageView to scale properly in the row of a ListActivity or an ExpandableListActivity.

I have tried setting the android:scaleType property to every single value but the image never scales down. I have set the min and max sizes as well and they don't seem to have any effect. I have done both of these things in both the XMl and in code to no avail...

Does anyone have any ideas or perhaps a workaround? code...

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Android : Layout Auto CompleteTextView Null Pointer Exception Workaround

Nov 8, 2009

I'm working in with the Android SDK 2.0 / Galileo / ADT 0.9.4 (latest to date). Against Android 1.5 API layer. If I go to the layout editor and add an AutoCompleteTextView the screen immediately gives me a NullPointerException. Does anyone have a documented workaround for this problem? I can't seem to find one. This is obviously a bug in the Android SDK. (It's been filed anyway.)

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Sprint HTC Hero :: My SMS Workaround Keeps Unfixing Sleep

Oct 27, 2009

OK, I have hard reset and done the sms workaround twice.Both times it worked for about 2 days (I was averaging about 10% wake time) and then it just stopped working (the wake time percentage just started climbing and when I soft reset it was at 100% from then on).Anyone else have this problem with the workaround and does anyone have a "workaround" for the workaround,

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HTC Incredible :: Scheduled To Be Bluetooth Workaround - Fix In Froyo?

Aug 10, 2010

So I am having issues pairing my Inc with my Audi. Seems a common issue with several of the German cars and my research indicates it is because HTC loaded a crappy version of bluetooth with the phone, not the true 2.1 version that is in other phones. Has anyone found a workaround/fix for this? is it scheduled to be fixed in Froyo?

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HTC Desire :: Volume On Speakers And Headhones Low / Workaround For This?

Apr 30, 2010

Just got my Desire and impressed thus far apart from the volume! the earbuds that come with and also a set of Sony speakers I have even at full volume are very quiet (much quieter than my Ipod Touch) is anyone having the same issue or is there a workaround for this?

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HTC Hero :: T Mobile (UK) Voicemail Charge Workaround?

Feb 4, 2010

Does anyone know of a workaround to avoid TMobile (UK) voicemail charges? Someone suggested I set my own number to dial and collect voicemail and it would be free....but it still charges me Just wondering if other Tmobile UK users had found a way to avoid the charges?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Workaround For Syncing Facebook Photos Only

Apr 19, 2010

You'll have to manually connect some of your contacts if their names don't match. This syncs their photos, but NOT the rest of their info. It does NOT bring all of your Facebook contacts into your phone and SMS apps.

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Samsung Captivate : Can't Install APK Files Via ASTRO / Workaround Option To Force It To?

Jul 29, 2010

I have an ATT Captivate Galaxy S...when using Astro to install my APK tells me its not from the market and to protect me blah blah there a workaround option to force it to install? I heard ATT removed that option

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Android :: Increasing Frame Rate

Feb 15, 2010

Anyone knows how to increase the fps in android?? I am developing a 2D game using rokon engine but i am getting only 7-8 fps. How can i increase the frame rate, is there any method to set the fps ....

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Android :: Instant Heart Rate

Aug 22, 2010

Instant heart rate - Android app on AppBrain.Here is a cool heart rate monitor for android. Its uses the camera and led flash to check your heart rate.

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Android :: Fastest 2D Frame Rate Possible With NDK?

May 20, 2010

Fastest 2D frame rate possible with android NDK, my try included, better options available?

I used the NDK and OpenGL ES 2.0 to display a frame as a texture on a GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. This was done on a HTC Desire, same hardware as Nexus One. I tried to load multiple GL_RGBA textures and switch between the textures, because the normal fill rate with a single texture was disappointingly low:


I think even 30.32 fps RGBA is still too slow.

So is this the way to go to achieve the fastest 2D frame rate (with same quality)?
Any suggestions to speed it up?

Here is the relevant code, it is based on the hello-gl2 NDK example:


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Android :: Failure Rate On 32GB MicroSD

Jul 27, 2010

Hey folks HumanMachine here with a little query for those of you who were lucky enough to have picked up a 32GB MicroSD for your phones.I had, and lost mine, in the course of two days. Short story incoming. TLDR Below I was using my phone at work and decided to change my Live Wallpaper, I'd downloaded a few of them and was going through them just to see how they looked in motion. I remember specifically looking at the "Starfield" wallpaper. I then selected the "Battery - Couple the ship's energy source with phone's battery" To see what the option did. I backed out to apply the Wallpaper. And the Droid X locks. Weird I thought, maybe she's just lagged.Turned out a lot worse than that. She was just straight up frozen. Stuck on this unusable frozen starfield. I couldn't quite remember how to reboot the phone. or even if it were possible, Couldn't power her down, so I removed her battery, figured that would be enough to get her back to life.I was met with a message, once the phone loaded up. "SD Card blank or has unsupported filesystem" Not the first time I've seen this issue pop up on the android forums. I immediately popped the MicroSD card into my little USB dongle and attempted to access the MicroSD. Shows up in "My Computer" just fine. but when I tried to access it? "Please insert disc" et cetera et cetera.

I try to format. No dice, Computer won't even find the thing. Try my SD formatter, no dice.Stick the 16 GB card back into the phone, and we're sailing again. And here I am staring sadly at the card.I tried for about an hour more to breathe some life into it. I just couldn't get the computer or phone to read the card. Same error messages.TLDR For those of you who wanted to skip the story SD Card died. pathetically, didn't lose much but still. My question, do we have any idea what the failure rates are on these bad boys? I didn't mistreat or even do much with mine before this issue came up. Hopefully I just had a lemon. Unfortunately, the store I got mine at. Verizon store actually, didn't have any, nor do they know when they will get a shipment of them.I'm bummed. go figure. Time to play the waiting game.

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Android :: Variable Rate Audio Playback

Mar 14, 2010

I'm new to development on Android and thought maybe you could shed some light on my problem. I'm trying to code up a little object to take care of playing a list of songs at a constantly varying playback rate. I just spent a god chunk of time getting it going with SoundPool only to find out about the undocumented 1 mb file limit. Do you guys have any ideas? Should I be using AudioTrack? I was going to try that next. Any tips or code samples for doing this kind of thing? It's such a shame that neither JetPlayer nor MediaPlayer support rate changes.

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Android :: Varied Accelerometer Sample Rate

Jul 9, 2009

Has anyone been able to get the accelerometer on the G1 to sample consistently for long periods of time? We been doing some testing of the G1 accelerometer on Android, and wanted to see if others have gotten the same result.Our test uses a partial wake lock to keep the CPU alive.It stores the xyz values and time to local storage and then writes them to a file on the SD card once a second.The code below produces a csv file.The xyz values we're getting are within the expected range, but the sample rate of the accelerometer varies greatly.To determine that using the file produced, for each sample, we found the difference between the samples timestamp (taken from the SensorEvent) and the timestamp from the previous sample.The test results showed the time between samples ranging from 30 milliseconds up to 4.6 second spikes.We're interested to know if other people are seeing similar behavior from their phones.If you have the time and means.

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Android :: How To Increase Accelerometer Sampling Rate?

Nov 19, 2010

I am currently using Java API to get accelerometer values in 5Hz, which is below my requirements. I want to achieve at least 50Hz. Is there any way to increase the sampling rate of accelerometer?

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Android :: Pedometer / Heart Rate Monitor With Their Evo?

Aug 27, 2010

Is anybody using a pedometer app and/or heart rate monitor with their Evo? Looking for something to use while hiking. I found a bluetooth HR monitor from Zephyr but seeing mixed reviews. On the pedometer side I want something that doesn't require the use of GPS but can if needed. Trees/hard walls don't play nicely with GPS besides the additional battery drain.

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Android :: Emulator Performance - Frame Rate Is Really Low

Aug 23, 2010

So I developed a small 3d game on Android 1.6 with JPCT, the free 3d game engine Android version. It seems the frame rate is really low on emulator(5 frames per second).... Did I miss something to speed up the emulator or it is normal, I should test the game with real device?

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Android : Way To Check Charging Rate On Phone?

Jul 19, 2010

I want to install a USB charging port in my car similar to this. Before I disassemble the cig lighter adapter I have and put it inside the console, I want to make sure that it's one that can provide a full charge, not just a trickle. I'd read that the trick is to get one rated at 1000mA which I did, but I've also read that some charger with that rating still can't provide more than a trickle charge. Short of plugging in my phone to that charger and using it for a while to see how quickly it charges, is there any way to see if the phone is getting a trickle or full charge?

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Android :: Maximum Refresh Rate Of Widget

Oct 17, 2010

I know that the default is 30 minutes, however I am looking at making a game in a widget.This would require millisecond responses.... has anyone messed with the AlarmClock Timing that is described to use instead to achieve this? does it work well?I haven't finished the Software Arc for the project yet because I see a lot of complaints about this on the net, so need to know if this is feasable before I go for the adventure... but the game would consist of a large widget size of one screen... many areas to click on and interact with and multiple textured animations

Looks like I can draw to a canvas and then pop it up to the bitmap to do this... but that still confuses me a bit.but I am struggling with the concepts of this code having an ID for the canvas and how to use that so I have not been able to test this code(I am a experienced c/c++/c#/dx/opengl coder first time with android and java)

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Android :: Media Server Service Upped Bit - Rate Over 3G?

Oct 17, 2010

Downloaded this update a few days ago and have yet to run into a song that sounds horrible as it did initially (even some in version 1.5 were a little off). I also noticed I'm receiving more data according to the Media Server Service. Think they upped the bit-rate over 3g? This is strictly speaking of audio streamed over 3g. I cant find a change log for Pandora....Anyone else have any thoughts on the new version? BTW I am a subscriber to Pandora One and use this in the car during my commute through the AUX IN in my stereo.

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Android :: HTC Specific Open GLES 1 Frame Rate / Can't Get It Right

Sep 14, 2010

I am trying to get a quite simple openGL ES 1 program run a smooth solid 60fps on a couple devices out there, and I get stuck on HTC desire. The phone itself is quick, snappy, powerful, and overall a breeze to use ; however, I can't seem to display anything fullscreen at 60fps with OpenGL. After getting stuck for a long time with my app, I decided to make a test app with code right out the sample code from the documentation.Here is what I am doing. Simple initialization code with GLSurfaceView. I have three versions of onDrawFrame, all dead simple. One is empty. One contains only glClear. One contains just enough state to only draw a fullscreen quad. Trace times before, and after. There is no view other than my GLSurfaceView in my program. I can't explain the times I get.In all cases, the onDrawFrame function itself always finishes under 2ms. But very often, onDrawFrame does not get called again before 30~40ms, dropping my frame rate all the way to 30fps or less. I get around 50fps with an empty onDrawFrame, 45 with glClear and 35 with a quad.
The same code runs at 60 fps on the HTC Magic, on the Samsung Galaxy S, on the Sharp ISO1. Sony Experia X10 caps at a solid 30fps because of its screen. I have been doing much more complicated scenes at a solid 60fps on the HTC Magic which is very underpowered compared to the Desire. I don't have a Nexus One in handy to test. Sure, I except buffer swapping to block for a couple milliseconds. But it just jumps over frames all the time.

Trying to find out what the phone is doing outside of the onDrawFrame handler, I tried to use Debug.startMethodTracing. There is no way I can get the trace to reflect the actual time the phone spends out of the loop. At the end of onDrawFrame, I use startMethodTracing then save the current time (SystemClock.uptimeMillis) in a variable. At the start of the next one I Log.e the time difference since the function last exited, and stopMethodTracing. This will get called over and over so I arrange for stopping once I get a trace for an iteration with a 40+ ms pause. The time scale on the resulting trace is under 2ms time, as if the system was spending 38ms outside of my program, I tried a lot of things. Enumerating EGL configs and try them all one after the other. Just to see if it changed anything, I switched to a render when dirty scheme requesting a redraw at each frame. To no avail. Whatever I do, the expected gap of 14~16ms to swap buffers will take 30+ms around half the time, and no matter what I do it seems like the device is waiting for two screen refreshes. ps on the device shows my application at around 10% cPU, and System_server at 35%. Of course I also tried the obvious, killing other processes, rebooting the device... I always get the same exact result.

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Android :: Opengl - Unable To Get Steady Frame Rate Due To GC

Jan 29, 2009

I've been playing with OpenGL but am unable to get a steady framerate due to GC. When rendering 100 tiles each frame (in ortho mode), the GC needs to recover ~22000 objects every 3 seconds or so. Each collection is taking around 110 ms. Of course this means quite a framerate dip.

... D/dalvikvm( 9837): GC freed 21841 objects / 524272 bytes in 113ms D/dalvikvm( 9837): GC freed 21841 objects / 524272 bytes in 113ms D/dalvikvm( 9837): GC freed 21841 objects / 524272 bytes in 113ms D/dalvikvm( 9837): GC freed 21841 objects / 524272 bytes in 114ms ...

The rendering loop I tested with is not making any objects and is very simple;

while (super.running) { gl.glClear(GL10.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); gl.glBindTexture(GL10.GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex); for(x = 0 ; x < 100; x++) { gl.glVertexPointer(2, GL10.GL_FIXED, 0, tileCoords[x]); gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL10.GL_FIXED, 0, tileTexCoords[x]); gl.glDrawArrays(GL10.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); } egl.eglSwapBuffers(dpy, surface);

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Android :: Frame Rate Drops In Landscape Mode

May 24, 2010

I am trying out the (latest) Android SDK, and noticed some strange behavior.I've written a skeletal SurfaceView app: Activity, SurfaceView and a rendering thread. It doesn't actually do any painting, and only writes out the framerate to logcat once a second. When it runs in portrait mode, I get around 60 fps. However, when I flip it to landscape the framerate drops to about 30 fps.

I have also tested it on the LunarLender sample, and got similiar results. All of the testing are done on the emulator, since I don't have a physical device.What's it all about? I can't seem to find any mentioning to this on Google, have anyone else experienced that? Is it just an emulator quirk or does it apply to physical hardware too?

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Android :: Change Playback Rate Of Track In Real Time

May 1, 2010

I would like to know if somebody knows a library to changing the playback rate of a track in real time. My idea is to load a track and change its playback rate to half or double. Firstly, I tried with MusicPlayer but is was not possible at all and then I tried with SoundPool. The problem is that with SoundPool I can´t change the rate once the track is loaded. Here is the code I am using (proof of concept): Code...

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Android :: Application For Camera Use - Slow Frame Rate Video

Nov 24, 2010

I wanted to write an application that makes use of the camera taking extremely slow frame-rate video and uploading it. Right now I am reading over this:

My question was in regards to the camera's use. The above article makes use of a canvas to preview the image, if one didn't want to preview the image before taking it could that be done? Is it necessary to use a preview of the camera image or can I just call takepicture to take the picture and catch the resulting callback to save it to a file?

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Android :: How To Get Live Exchange Rate Data And Apply To Application?

Feb 2, 2010

How to get a live exchange rate data and apply it to an Android App? Currently creating a currency exchange as my project.

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Android :: Change Vertical Horizontal Rate - Circle Becomes Ellipse

Oct 31, 2010

I want horizontal-vertical rate unchanged. How can ı Do this?? my picture is rate is 320x70. for example, in my phone(samsung galaxy-s GT-I9000) it looks like 320x100. originally I have a circle but it look ellipse... ı have to fix it, but how can ı do?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout android:background="@drawable/main"
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
android:orientation="vertical" xmlns:android="">
<LinearLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_weight="5"></LinearLayout>.........................

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