Android :: Emulator Is Very Slow And Consuming CPU Time?

Oct 10, 2009

few weeks ago I encountered a problem. My Android SDK 1.5 emulator became very slow and CPU consuming. This happened earlier, but was irregular just removing AVDs usually helped. Few weeks ago I installed Android SDK 1.6, tried to move my dev environment there and noticed that emulator runs very slowly. I rolled back to 1.5 and noticed that the same problem is there. What's going on: - emulator startup is pretty slow; - sometimes emulator hangs on startup; - sometimes after startup is complete I see Force close/Wait dialog for some Android applications/services (Alarm clock, messaging) - applications inside the emulator run MUCH slower than they ran before, I see delays in response even in launcher, when I just switching between icons with arrow keys (at this time CPU usage according to the task manager is from 35 to 50%, i.e. one core is completely busy). - now, when I'm typing this message, emulator (clean, newly created AVD, I haven't installed nothing there, just out of the box) occupied 50% of my CPU (and 140MB of RAM). Hardware: Intel Core2Duo T7500 (2.2GHz) + 2GB RAM. OS: Vista I don't have any problems with 1.6 on Linux (Kubuntu 7.10), emulator starts quickly, responds in a flash, and seldom consumes more than 20% of CPU time (usually in case my application is working with DB).

Android :: Emulator is very slow and Consuming CPU time?

Android :: Consuming WCF REST Service Is Very Slow

Aug 31, 2010

I have a WCF REST service built with C# and it returns an image as part of a CPU intensive operation. The client is running on Android (Java) By default, it will return a text JSON object that looks something like this:{"d",[9,0,77,12,11,...]}Those are they bytes of the image. Fine. However, all the solutions for decoding this JSON are intolerably slow. I've tried Gson, Jackson, and the built-in Android JSONObject class. I have no idea why they are so slow.As an alternative solution, I have my REST service return a GUID, and then that GUID can be used by the Android client to go to a regular URL that serves up the image as a regular binary stream, via an MVC controller. This works well, and it fast, and is pretty easy to handle on the Android side. However, it does feel like a bit of kludge and kind of a violation of the REST design principles.

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Android :: How To Arrange Long (time Consuming) Actions?

Feb 10, 2010

For instance, we are in SomeActivity and the activity has a button that invokes moving files from one dir to another (let's call it job).On Android things change. I know there's the AsyncTask that is probably provided to solve my case. There's even a good example of how it should be used. But since there's no guarantee of how long an Activity instance will live the AsyncTask should be cancelled on onSaveInstanceState (and restarted on onRestoreInstanceState). This means using AsyncTask there's no guarantee we are able to fully fulfill the job once started. In some cases as sending an http post request for creating a user I would not want to get in "user already exists for this login" trouble on reruning the AsyncTask. This is possible since the AsyncTask can be interrupted while the request is already sent (and the server actually is doing its job - creating a new user), but the AsyncTask is canceled before we got the response.

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Android :: How To Implement JNI Which Calls A Time Consuming Native Method

May 9, 2009

I need to implement a JNI which render image with 3-party native function. This function call is time consuming, it cost about 1s to return. I found during that time, even if I call the JNI within another Java thread, the whole Dalvik VM is blocked. UI is frozen. I guess that's because Dalvik doesn't implement Java thread with a native thread, so any time consuming native function call will block the whole VM. I wonder how to solve this problem. My best guess is I should create a pthread in JNI to call that 3-party native function. But I don't know how to implement this kind of JNI.

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Android :: Network Access Is Slow In Emulator

Aug 5, 2010

I've noticed very poor performance in the emulator (1.6 and 2.1) when trying to complete the forth statement below. It will take 5+ minutes running in the emulator. Interestingly, when I debug on my phone it's not nearly as bad at maybe a minute or so, but still not great. Running the app on my phone without debugging yields great performance (seconds). URL url = new URL(CommonProperties.BASE_SERVICE_URL + "param=1"); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document dom = builder.parse(url.openConnection(). getInputStream()); is there something I can do to speed up network access while using the emulator? Has anyone noticed anything similar?

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Android :: Emulator Performance - Apps Running Slow?

Sep 29, 2010

A while back I mentioned that running the imported p2p codebase I have on the emulator (on a fairly powerful laptop with plenty of mem and a fast processor) was pretty slow. I blamed all that on the codebase and in fact I was able to profile it and make it much lighter. Well still the overall app performance is slow --- and I am finding that most apps I run on the emulator are fairly slow. Is this a common trend? I do expect emulators, who are by no means a real device, to have such processing delays but are they in general this slow? Any metrics or any other feedback from anyone that depict the factor of slowdowns you would expect on an emulator vs the real device? I know a lot of this are machine dependent as well but consider an idle powerful machine. And regarding memory - I am loading Eclipse with close to 1G to be able to run the emulator and its basic services - is that normal?

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General :: X86 Emulator (QEMU / BOCHS) Slow On X86 Based Android

May 3, 2014

I was experimenting with QEMU, x86 emulator on Android on my Asus Memo FHD tab which is already based on an x86 Atom architecture.

I see way slower speeds (unusable) than I read about arm based counterparts. I assume this is because QEMU assumes ARM architecture and the x86 atom is also emulating ARM.

-Is there an other way to emulate a complete x86 system faster on this architecture?

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Android :: File Operations Extremely Slow On Emulator - Totally Stuck

Jul 19, 2010

I am finding that file operations are extremely slow on emulator. The same operation which takes less than a few seconds in a real device, takes minutes on an emulator. I am using a ubuntu linux machine with 2.4Ghz CPU, 2 GB Ram. I would really appreciate any help in resolving this. I am totally stuck due to this.

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General :: Slow Connection Speed In Emulator

May 6, 2012

So I've been developing some stuff here and there for Android, and I noticed my device emulator has a RIDICULOUSLY low connection speed. I'm not talking about performance which is fine, I'm talking just about 'network speed'. What it means is that transferring files to and from the AVD using ADB (which as you may know relies on networking protocols) is EXTREMELY slow, and what's worse, internet transfers are VERY very slow. Therefore, when I'm working with online content (which my app, and let's face it - most apps are about) it's EXTREMELY slow.

It's worth mentioning that those same apps work great and about ten times faster on an actual android device.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Phone Running Slow / Everything Has Loading Time

Oct 22, 2010

Ive had my evo since day one.Absolutely love it.It's just that within the last month it's been taking awhile to open anything.If I click on mail it seems as though it stalls for awhile, then "loading" screen then it opens.Same thing with the messenger to check my text.Again with the loading screen which stays open longer than it use to. Ive tried to reboot here and there but it doesn't seem to make any difference.I just miss the way my phone use to run and open everything up so quickly.Im not complaining, if this is normal than o.k.I can wait a few more seconds.Is it that I have too many apps.Ive used up most of my space on my sd card, is that it?I have my phone stock.Is it time to root and will this solve my problem?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Slow Phone Done - Freeze All Time

Jul 8, 2010

I am just wondering if it is possible to put live wall papers without custom rom? I am rooted, I have tried the new fresh and older versions, they slow my phone done, and it freezes all the time. I am on a rooted/stock version on 2.1 and would like to use live wall papers still? Do I have a chance? I don't want to just flash one of the lwp updates from the rom section without asking here.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Time Widget Too Fast / Slow By 1 Hr / How To Fix?

Dec 10, 2009

I live in Glendale, Arizona. My clock widget is too fast or too slow by 1 hr. I went ot the VZW Store and they told me it is a glitch with the Eris software. It is registering as Glendale, California making it 1 hour behind and when it is an hour ahead it registering the next town over which is Peoria, but the phone thinks it is Peoria, Illinois. I am a little turned off because if the GPS is turned on this problem should not occur. When I try an set the time to my home location instead of current location, it does not allow me to click it.

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General :: Very Slow Charging Time For New Hero H9500

Dec 26, 2012

i just bought Hero h9500 two days ago , and the charging time is very very slow , it could take 8 hours to charge completely if i am using the phone while charging. the battery has "3000mA" written on it

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Android :: How To Change Time In Emulator?

Apr 12, 2010

Ive noticed that the time in my emulator for android projects is wrong. Its one hour behind. How do I go about changing the time and can I do it in eclipse?

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Android :: Time Zone Example Not Working In Emulator

Sep 1, 2010

package com.broadcastreceiver; import java.util.ArrayList;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.util.Log;
public class ExampleBroadCastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
@Override public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.d("ExmampleBroadcastReceiver", "intent=" + intent);
Intent intent1 = new Intent(context,Login.class); context.startActivity(intent1);
} }
I run this above code change the time zone in settings not calling other activity.

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Android :: Time To Load A Application In Emulator?

Jan 4, 2010

I opened my android emulator & now i like to execute my application. How much time it will take to install that application in emulator?

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Android :: Location Can't Send To Two Emulator In Computer At Same Time?

Aug 29, 2009

I am dealing with a application which associate with GPS mock locations and XMPP communication,and need to send the mock location to two emulator by ADT at the same time. However I've got a problem .It seems that the location can't be send to two emulator in my computer at the same time. So, may any master-hand can tell me if it is possible for us to send mock location to two emulator in the same computer at the same time?

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Android :: Emulator Application Load / Start Time

Oct 6, 2010

I'm working with Eclipse and writing an Android application. I've noticed that the load times to the Android emulator can vary significantly. Recently, I found that manually going back to the main menu of the emulator helps my application load much faster.Is there a quicker way (read: automatic way) to exit out of my application rather than hitting the Back button multiple times until I get to the main app menu? Secondly, is there something I am doing wrong that factors into the longer load time?

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Android :: In Eclipse - Way To Start Application In More Than One Emulator At The Same Time?

Oct 19, 2010

When testing Android layouts, I'm constantly building for three different emulators from Eclipse (with ADT), so I have to run three times and then select each one. Is there any configuration or plugin that allows me to press Run once and the application is started in all three?

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Android :: Screen Ever Time Out With Droid Emulator / Accomplish This?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm new to the Emulator and trying to test some code. In the system settings of the phone device, I set the screen timeout to 15 seconds. However, I never see the screen go dim and lock. How do I accomplish this?

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Jelly Bean :: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - Headphone Button Has Slow Response Time?

Mar 14, 2014

So I've recently transferred from iPhone to the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, and one of the first things that I noticed was the fact that whenever I press the button on my headphones to either change tracks or just pause the song, the time taken for it to do so is at least 5 seconds, once it took 20 seconds just to pause! I've been using spotify to listen to my music by the way.

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Android :: Emulator Taking More Time To Open Main Page / Fix It?

Jul 24, 2009

My emulator is taking more time to open main page what may be the Problem.

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Android :: Android Emulator Is Slow On Vmware

Sep 17, 2010

I am using windows XP, and my android development environment is on ubuntu installed inside vmware. all java applications I write on eclipse are running just fine, when it comes to an android app, the simulator is just killing me, it takes about 5 minutes to start my app.

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Android :: Unbearably Slow Android Emulator - Is There A Fix?

Jul 9, 2010

I know that the topic was discussed here last year, but I am hoping that someone has since found a fix. The emulator is simply not working for me anymore. It took 15 minutes or so to load hello world a few days ago, and now i cant get it to load a simple MapsDemo from the api samples no matter how long I wait. Im using eclipse with the android plugin (sdk and avd manager). my pc is 2.31ghz quadcore with 8gb ram and windows 7 x64. Nothing is being logged in LogCat apparently. Are there any alternatives or certain fixes I can try before buying a phone? Id just upgrade my phone to an htc incredible and debug from the phone, but verizon wont have any for at least a month and id really like to have my app out by then.

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Android :: Consuming / Calling ASP.NET Web Service

Dec 17, 2009

I am trying to develop an application which calls the web service from android. I tried a lot but i got an exception while calling the SOAP_ACTION. I have tried with the localhost, local IP Address and also i have taken URL from the internet but it throws an exception.

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Android :: Consuming WCF Restful Service

Oct 30, 2010

I am trying to comsume a self-hosted WCF service which simply returns a String in JSON format. It takes a very long time around 2-3 minutes to get the response on Android Device, where as on any other computer it works fine. Could anyone help me on this?

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General :: Nexus 7 Running Very Slow - Pages Taking Long Time To Load / Apps Crashing

Aug 21, 2012

Within the last week my tablet stating running very slow.

Pages take a long time to load Apps take forever to load Apps crash every other time I open them.

I thought it was my router (netgear n600) but my iPad and cell phone.

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Android :: Getting JSON To Jersey Web Service And Consuming It

Jul 30, 2010

I've just recently started out with Android development, and have progressed to the point where I have written a very basic Hello World Jersey RESTful web service, and successfully called it from within my Android App.What I want to do now though, is send a new user record (just name and password for now) to a web service in JSON format.I can create my JSON in the Android app just fine, but I don't know how to get it into the HTTP Request in such a way that the corresponding web service that @Consumes JSON can get at it.

1) Create Android App User object

2) Turn that into JSON

3) Put it on the HTTP request

4) Call the web service

5) Web service retrieve JSON from request

6) Parse the JSON into server side User object and deal with as I see fit(Don't worry people, I'll be fine with this bit,

7) Profit! ;)

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Android :: Need To Develop Application Consuming Ksoap2 Web Services

Jul 21, 2009

I need to develop the application consuming the ksoap2 web services .i have written php script in server i need to call that from server using ksoap2 in the xml form and should parse that response in the form of list . how can i do it i tried some example on ksoap i am not getting the response in xml form can any bode give me some help regarding this.

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Android :: Slow Android Emulator

Oct 12, 2009

I have a 2.67GHz Celeron Processor, 1.21GBs of RAM on a x86 Windows XP Pro machine. My understanding is that the emulator should start fairly quickly on such a machine, but for me it does not. I have followed all instructions in setting up the IDE, SDKs, JDKs and such and have had some success in staring the emulator quickly but is very particulary. How can I if possible fix this problem. Even if it starts and loads home screen it is very sluggish. Any help would be appreciated guys thanks. I have tried the Eclipse IDE in Galileos, and Ganymede.

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